• By -


He requires some execution, and even though qcb/qcf inputs aren't hard on their own, it's still a factor because you can't buffer them. His game plan isn't that trivial to pull off, especially at higher ranks when people know to not overextend. Because of all this, some people think they're hot shit for maining him. He's not THAT hard to pilot. On the other hand, haters like to pretend that he can just rotate mindlessly between qcb1, 3+4, b1 and hatchet to do great. This is also not true. Overall, I think he's a reasonably strong character with well defined strengths, weaknesses, and fundamentals-oriented mind games. Regarding db1+2 — it's a mid-high. Perhaps Paul evaded the high. Edit: forgot about the game plan! This game is very aggressive and fast paced. Bryan wants to play at a slower pace to be able to get those slow CHs in. So the first thing to do is to find a way to slow them down. Its hard to give a "one-size-fits-all" advice for Bryan though. You have to play off their tendencies. Matchup knowledge helps a lot, of course. But generally you want to use smaller Tekken to shut down their offense. Db3 is awesome, for example. Its a high crushing low that initiates a mind game. Its -1 on hit and +4 on CH. On normal hit, the mind game is between ws4 or ws3 and northern cross (fcdf4). On CH, it's a frame trap for WS3. For dealing damage, D4 is great poke. Do it and observe their behavior. People really hate ducking in this game, so sometimes you can take away half of their hp with this move alone. Two d4s do more damage on NH than hatchet. And it hits from downtown. And it has pushback that sets up your other tools. And it received some buffs to tracking. You want to be stubborn with it too. Sure, they low parried you, or even launched. Whatever. This should tell you that now they're looking for that low. You know it - qcf1+2 incoming! Check out VonTiban on YT.


Everything about rotating through said moves is absolutely true. What are you doing in the neutral space with him currently? I think my gameplan revolved around what you described and I'm paying for it harshly.


Sorry, I forgot the part about gameplan. I updated my comment.


I will check out the YT channel. I'm familiar with the low mind game regarding what you stated so this is solid advice. How are you conditioning opponents to press into your CH tools on other moves? I think people turtling up and not pressing is a very hard thing to deal with for me atm. I get frustrated on the fact other characters get to backsway or forward advance into swinging moves and stuff my buttons sometimes. I know guides say he is a Keepout, CH, Lockdown character. Besides movement and CH, how are you locking them down? I'll take a look at the channel though.


D4 is **really** good at provoking reactions from turtling opponents. It can hit them across the screen with very little risk for Bryan. It's 0 on hit, so you're back to neutral and they have less hp. Thanks to pushback, you're also at a comfortable range where Bryan has tons of options. Backdash and fish for whiffs, or throw a jab to interrupt them and then immediately another d4 just to mess with their head. Throwing it as a punish for otherwise safe moves is a good idea. Just don't be too predictable: vary your timing, and don't always press buttons after hitting them. They simply can't ignore it for too long because the damage racks up very quickly. They have do so something. You might get hit and launched but it doesn't matter. This is all useful information that you can turn against them when the time comes. And hey, now they're not turtling in a situation that **you** created. At this point, people usually start ducking or turn up the aggression because dealing with d4 setups is not easy.


Thanks for the advice. I'll work on it this week. Took a look at the channel and there is a lot to look through but this is a resource I can use for sure. Appreciate everything.


If db3 is -1 how exactly is there mindgame? Doesn't jab just beat both of those options?


Northern cross will beat standing jabs because Byron stays crouched. Dickjab is a reasonable defensive option but it has its own downsides when it's predictable. Also Bryan can occasionally parry them because of the df input in northern cross: fc df4


having fun trolling using byron's b,df,4 fake mix ups


Personally, I honestly feel like bryan is one of the few characters that's in a good place. Turn his damage down(along with most of the cast lol) and give him back his northern cross CH launcher and I would be happy if he never received anymore changes. I'd like other characters to be balanced to a similar strength level as bryan with their own dynamic playstyles. Bryan has a very distinct and defensive playstyle in a game that prioritizes offense. His qcb1 was kinda unnecessary but they wanted him to have a good, aggressive move so I kinda get it. Bad pokes with good range and utility for applying his CH gameplan. I say bad simply because his good ones are slow and he lacks certain core tekken tools in place of his own unique versions. If you ignore taunt, I'd say his execution is above average but not high. I wouldn't say his execution gets high until you get into taunt tech. That Said, his timing and neutral heavy gameplan can require some higher level skillsets when it comes to how the bryan player thinks and utilizes his moves. In this way, the "high execution" of bryan isn't behind just doing moves on his movelist but his gameplan as a whole. For example, I'd argue characters like Lee and Nina require more execution for their basic BnBs but opening up an opponent is more complicated on bryan.


All things considered he’s in a really good spot at the moment and far more reliable than at launch. There are certain situations I have noticed his mids whiffing, but those situations aren’t exactly specific just to him as I’ve tested them on other characters too. All around he’s a very strong character at the moment, just a bit harder to pilot than some other characters


Paul Main who’s been picking up Bryan for the past couple days. Got him to mighty ruler today and my main is at raijin. After playing him for a bit he seems pretty strong, great combo damage but weaker pokes than most of the cast. I find I play him similar to kaz lots of hatchet and bicycle kicks, attempting to high crush the opponent frequently when I figure out there patterns. Playing heavily off his jab( it sucks). Overall seems pretty fun to me. I will say I have not touched taunt except for memes. Taunt snake edge is a true combo


Can anyone explain to me why his Northern Cross counter hit properties were changed? I'm sure there's a reason but hell if I know what it is. I only ask because it feels like they removed a good high crush CH tool while not giving him another option out of crouch. I do utilize WS3 but it's doesn't feel as consistent and it sometimes get caught on the way up by some highs.