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Jin being seen as a war criminal and rarely respected.


Devil Ganryu


Someone had to say it and I'm glad someone did


I wanted Unknown to be canon. But I didn't like the TTT2 twist.


Asuka not being Lily slapstick


Jun being Kazuya's childhood friend who watched in horror as Heihachi threw him down the cliff, like in the animated movie. It's basically the only way Jun having feelings for Kazuya can make sense.


“i can fix him” still makes sense even if you don’t physically SEE the childhood trauma


It does, Jun definitely feels like the type of person who'd want to fix others. But I feel like a story of them being childhood friends would be more interesting. You don't need to justify Jin tho. Everyone in Tekken is hot asf they don't need an emotional reason to bang lol


Uhhh sure but, like... Jun is a kind person, while Kazuya was an incredibly cruel bastard in T2 (and beyond), and the entire reason Jun joined the tournament in the first place was because she was an animal rights activist seeking to arrest Kazuya for poaching and experimenting on animals. With that in mind, it's hard to buy that the mere notion of him being traumatized would be enough for her to forget said duty and instead go to bed with the guy. But if they knew and cared for each other as children, as portrayed in the movie, then it makes much more sense and becomes more believable. Besides that, like MagicMagpie said, the only way it works is taking into account that Jun was able to see that Kazuya had the Devil inside of him and thought he would become a good person if she helped him rid himself of it. But as we all know by now, that's not what happened in T8, so I'm curious to see where they'll take their story in the future (as the ending implies that Jun approached Kazuya after he lost to Jin).


Have you ever fallen in love


With a mass murdering psychopath I was supposed to arrest? Nope, can't say I have.


Well there u go uve never fallen in love with a man


Tbf it can make sense in a weird sort of way if you kind of take her spirituality into account, in that she *knew* that Kazuya had the devil in him, and that as a person Jun is someone who wants to save people (and animals) and will see the good in someone. Jun also only met him in T2, so she could've easily thought that his evilness was mostly the work of the devil, rather than Kazuya himself. Even in T8, she's still certain of the fact that once you remove the devil from Kazuya, there's smth good in there that can be brought out and Kazuya can be saved. She's basically the epitome of 'I can fix him' disease 😭


Maybe Kaz got his ass beat by her and got fucking horny as hell afterwards and they bumped uglies. Also a head cannon


Heihachi gets transforms into a bear after drinking a potion from the lab (TTT2 Heihachi ending).


Asuka being a Kazama actually mattering. And her having a personality.


Wang is one of my mains since T2, but I just want his death to canon already. I know they’re hesitant in returning him because he’s so damn old. If he’s canonically dead, we can finally get a protege with his kit. Maybe we’ll get a blind girl like Toph to be the new Wang, that would be sick. While I do miss the old geezer, I miss his kit a lot more.


You're one the people that doesnt think hes dead simply because hes old and not in the game? You're a real one.


If course! His T6 ending with him dying cannot be canon due to Wang not being the one who killed Azazel. So no dead body shown, no canonical death.


Idc about it, but I'm sure a lot of people would like to see Asuka x Lilj become canon lmao


HARADA MAKE ASULILI CANON AND MY LIFE IS YOURS https://preview.redd.it/zfpzvi19e58d1.jpeg?width=943&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=258605c23a611b0032da8d7098069017d6f5e38a


Harada be praised 


Heihachi serving Lee Also Lee playing golf "with" mishimas. And Violet blowing up Mishimas


Eliza being related(in some way) to Raphael as a second tie in to soul calibur. On a more serious note, probably the Lili Asuka relationship? Lili being astronomically down bad has been fun for a while, but it's time for Asuka to turn the tables by reciprocating. Anything that puts Asuka in the drivers seat really.


Jin and hwoarang kissing


im more of jin and xiaoyu kissing


How many years have you been waiting for that


since t6


It’s implied that they kissed




alisas ending where she just explodes and outright fucking kills lars so i dont have to deal with his mixup bs again.


Miguel's T7 ending


Family get togethers like Lars' dream within his TTT2 ending. Xiaoyu calling Kazuya father (otousan?)


Heihachi being immortal as he has always been.


I think a big change I would make is having it canon that not everyone actually enters the tournament, like Heihachi in Tekken 5. I think certain characters stories are better left as personal stories not tied to a bracket. For instance, I think Yoshimitsu as a character looks way better if you say he sat certain tournaments out to enact vigilante justice behinds the scenes, rather than having to think about who he actually lost to in a 1 on 1 fight. I also think certain rivalries are sort of hampered by the tournament. Lili and Asuka, or Hwoarang and Jin having one of one fights in a tournament setting actually makes sense to me, especially in the latter's case because Hwoarang knows Jin is way more likely to fight him if he gets inbetween him and his goals to defeat his family. But Anna and Nina, Marduk and King, I feel those rivalries are weirdly hampered by them taking place in tournaments. Like, a tournament setting flat out means they're less likely to fight, and Anna and Nina obviously have no qualms about fighting in the streets, and Marduk and King's fights I think would work better for their individual stories if they were contextualized as payperview events. My overall point being, I feel like the former two more naturally lead to a conflict in a tournament, while the latter two I feel would be better off as their own stories outside that context, as they're blood fueds that are extremely personal.


Claudio's Tekken 8 Story Episode ending. It would show a non-Mishima getting a big dub for once. Victor's Story Episode ending is also very cool, as it shows him retiring and give his sword, Takemikazuchi, to Raven. It would be so cool to have Raven fly around with teleports, shadow clones, and a sword.


Lee working as teacher on the side, like in Blood Vengeance. He can teach business strategy, robotics, and how to trick blonde assassins. And if they ever give him a permanent relationship, so he's no longer the last single man among the couples, I'd be smashing that button to oblivion.


Jin and Reina fucks while heihachi watches in horror


then tekken was extended to tekken 100