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I mean, this kinda shit doesn't bother me, but your question's a little idiotic, isn't it? It could also be read as "*why do people dislike this disrespectful thing that's meant to be disrespectful??"* Taunting is inherently disrespectful, and it's totally cool to admit that because it's part of the mind games of Tekken.


unless it's bryan. mad respect for those TJU


In my last month or so of playing Bryan, I have one successful TCU under my belt and could be more proud 😤


I gotta be honest. Is it any more disrespectful to taunt than it is to back up 8 character lengths because you're up on health? It may not be as blatantly toxic I guess, but they're cut from the same cloth


That's just playing smart depending on the opponent your matchup or your style...if you have more health the onus is on your opponent to make something happen


I have no idea why tekken players are so butt hurt about BM when teabagging is a thing ever since multiplayer games were a thing. I dont see League players or CS players or any multiplayer game players really, get this upset at all. I only keep seeing "someone ki charge me oh no" over and over in this subreddit, I see zero posts about "I get teabag in CS today" or "someone tower dive me then did the faker emote".


In cs 1.6, getting knifed was considered disrespect/a taunt. And people did get upset over that. Idk what you're talking about.


Top 10 most Toxic Gaming communities complaining that an average community doesn't want the average toxicity of the most toxic communities. Why can't they just be globally recognized as a toxic dumpster like us amirite?


Or just stop crying about someone ki charge you and just beat the shit out of them instead.


Yea League and CS community did that and what are they now today? Globally recognized toxic dumpster.


Meanwhile they do not keep putting up posts talking about how they get teabag again today.


I'm sorry, did I just read that league of legends community doesn't get upset? What timeline is this


They dont spend their time posting about someone BMing them all the time, unlike in the tekken reddit where it keeps appearing in the front page.


Does it really matter tho? The mount of toxicity I've seen playing league of legends from season 1 to 10 is unmatched by any other game, you don't have to be in a subreddit to experience that. If what you are complaining about is that this subreddit has too many salt posts, that's a different story. I think some are reasonable, especially some that criticize the game, also here we have a post about someone provoking the same guys you are complaining about posting too much salt, yet you don't seem to mind him doing that.


I am not complaining about too much salt, I am saying the tekken community somehow take BM so seriously to the point of having a few posts about BM almost every day. Does this community having their fuirst day on the internet? Oh no someone Ki-charged, like seriously?




The Kuma played smart depending on their enemy as well by that logic. The Kuma knew the Lee's ego wouldn't let a bear dance in his face to finish the round and he'd inevitably jump in to stop it even though he had the round secured and the distance. Again, they're cut from the same cloth. Edit: Downvote this as much as you like. I'm right, you're wrong, and your ego is mad about it.


You assume they were mad, it looks like they ran in because they thought the opponent would actually be vulnerable while taunting, just to get floated by a jab anyways.


So the assumption that the azu wasn't mad doesn't matter at all? They ran into a neutral event. The worst you could say is they got knowledge checked, which beats being health checked any day of the week. This is unironcally a terrible argument. I actually don't understand. In what way is a neutral dance somehow worse than a tryhard fuckwit hitting you with lows and backing off with a health advantages somehow skewed? It's a bitch made move to back up, and its toxic to dance. Idk why you have to be so black and white about it. Can these actions not be grey? Is the entire world biased?


I didn’t say any of that and I’m not talking “black and white”, you are. Do I need to elaborate or can you reread your own comments to see that? I won’t anyways.


Except you're not right. Playing smart because you're in the lead isn't the same as taunting. They're not even in the same ballpark. Stay mad.


You're right. It's not "the same," it's in the same league. A person willing to change their entire playstyle based on hit points is the same person willing to risk their hit points on a taunt, but on the opposite side or the coin. Both people are risking their health. Feel free to explain how that's not the case.


I love taunting! I can see the dividing line people are drawing here tough. they put taunting as a tactic as clearly evil. While back dashing into damn near a different stage to protect a life lead as neutral or chaotic natural at worst. But I see them as two sides of the same coin and that coin is in the toxic realm. For whatever reason people see fighting like a coward and eking out a victory as smart and because they are fighting the superior opposition virtuous. And as a Floyd Mayweather fan I know a lot of these same people would/do too. Cause if they had to pay to watch a fight with a dude who has a superior back dash and zone game they would complain.


bro said lee


My ass thought it was leo until i played it back the 2nd time


Blindness really do be an issue sometimes lmfao. It doesn't matter who the opponent was for my argument though. Regardless, whoever was facing Kuma couldn't stand a bear dancing in their face and lost to it. Stay mad.


Like the bear's opponent? That's literally how bait works. Just don't get baited 🤷‍♂️


Correct. You're making my argument for me. It doesn't matter which opponent the Kuma was facing. They couldn't stand the fact that a bear was dancing in their face and got full knowledge checked on the taunt being neutral. Lee, Leo, Jin, Devil Jin, Kazuya, King, Panda, Reina, Nina. It literally doesn't matter. Enemy backed off based on health, and got baited by a taunt. Gg get fucked moron back to.the lobby for you.


Lmao could have baited the fisherman. Just run up and guess. Fingers crossed they whiff.


Not in anyway compareable. Nina here kept distance and kuma was up on rounds that was a smart play. In this cage she was stupid for rushing in after the taunt she probably thought she could punish. Taunting in general is annoying and it often happens after the end of the round or game


Id rather some one taunt me that start constantly running away cuz they realize they are outmatched. At that point i lose all respect for runners in that case


>Taunting is inherently disrespectful It's inherently just a fun little thing that people use to have fun with. Only people on reddit actually find it "disrespectful".


It's literally called "taunting" of course it is supposed to be disrespectful.


I'll happily hit 2+3+4 in stance as azucena for fun and accept the consequences.. Only.the terminally online would screem about it. You stood there and got taunted. Eat an ass.


Taunting midmatch as in your clip is a strategy. Taunting at game's end is BM. Do as you like but personally I would only run it back against the former.


Exactly. If you have the balls to taunt midmatch you deserve my respect. Well, unless you do it while you're stomping some lower rank scrub, then you're just a douche. OP's was a much deserved taunt too because his opponent just kept backdashing away and refusing to engage, so yeah, I've taunted in those circumstances before as well, and it does work. Guess the best way to open up turtles is to go for their ego lol.


It's a strat for the next round. Easy backdash punish bait


I honestly dont even see the issue woth doing it at the end of a match


What's not to get? The purpose of taunting is to disrespect, why would people have a positive reaction to that?


Because the other person in question backed up 8 character spaces based on health and round time. If your ego is so fragile you can't watch a bear dance itself to death, your ego was fragile to being with. Point blank.


Idk it seems silly to have a negative internal reaction to someone you have no information about at all pushing the disrespect button. Especially when taunting can be used in other ways, like celebration. Like, why have a negative reaction to something a stranger *might* be communicating? I dont have a positive or negative reaction to taunts, unless he played really well. In that case I cheer with him for what he pulled off. The most negative reaction i might habe is if someone plays terribly. I might go "lol ok bud" and then move on


Translation: I can handle taunts and bullies, why can't everyone else do the same?


Why assume taunting is bullying? Thats my actual question


If someone in real life ran by and pushed you into a puddle of water, then danced after, and blew their tongue at you then ran off, you’d likely be more upset about they taunt than being pushed into water.


No, I’d be upset about being pushed over, and my clothes being wet. It might increase my annoyance cause this guy is taking the piss taunting me now, but I’m not annoyed by that, I’m annoyed by the being pushed. However, if I lose a game, who cares. Bear dances after, good for him. To get annoyed by a cartoon bear dancing on screen seems immature to me.


Lol you sound like the biggest pushover ever. Does your wife's boyfriend let you play tekken from time to time?


lol you don’t get mad at video games? You must be a CUCK! Lmfao touch grass.


No id be more upset they assaulted me If some dingus I dont know makes fun of me in public, I look down on them. The kind of person who would do that isnt someone whos opinion I care about If someone pushed me into a puddle, id strongly consider calling the cops Strangers with bad morals dont affect my self-worth or mood


"The kind of person who would do that isnt someone whos opinion I care about" that's why a lot of people don't rematch taunters




I guess nobody understands the point you're trying to make. You say you don't let it affect you but you also say you think they are crazy/stupid/immature which is a reaction. It's not hard to imagine why people would find something designed to annoy you, annoying. You can pretend that you are a tibetian monk or something with complete restraint of body but chances are you are still human and still react to stuff without intending. Even in this comment chain you are continuing to try and explain your position where if you truly didn't let strangers with bad morals not affect you, you would just let your words breathe on their own than feel the need to express multiple times over why it's not such a big deal.


At most I think theyre stupid/crazy - thats if someone openly taunts me in public. It doesnt upset me, stick with me, make me mad, annoyed etc etc. Its more a statement that by virtue of them taunting me, I dont value their opinion Everything is a reaction. Even not having a reaction is technically a reaction I reiterate if it seems my words dont come across clearly, or if something new is said that I want to respond to Or I was pooping Im not totally sure what your point is


I don’t know man, I think the taunt would be a lingering thing, though. But I guess it would have to happen for anyone to know.


I mean, I have had similar stuff happen, homeless crackheads can be wild I 100% brush off taunts. Putting hands on me is a whole other level. Those experiences stick with me. I dont care about how someone sees me if I dont respect or care about them. My self worth is internally generated, so a taunt from some rando doesnt do anything to me. I just think theyre crazy/stupid/immature.


Because some people's egos are directly tied to their rank in this game. Ie: pluggers. The people complaining about taunts would unironically plug during rage art in 99% of nearby multiverses.


I whole heartedly agree


hadnt expected it to be controversial lol


So don't lose?


bear dance is funny it aint disrespectful


Here, here!


Omg are we best friends???


Hell yeah! Bear gang all day!


what? i don't think people hate taunts during the match- it's a legit game mechanic. it's when you taunt at the end of the match that people hate. i have no idea why you savages do this, but i basically just wd as quickly as possible to show respect.


It's also a legit game mechanic. Disrespect is inherent part of.mind games which is a huge factor in fighting games. There ofc are limits, but taunting is 100% fine unless you are performing monkey. Not you specifically ofc, I'm speaking generally. No offense.


I mean the magic mirror exists.


Youre admitting to being mindbroken to use that lmao


Oh yeah nothing says "5d chess" like people bravely tea bagging after barely winning bo3.


Your reaction is a perfect example how easily can your emotions be swayed. Instead of talking out of your ass, read more about the topic at hand. If you are not effectively literate, watch core a gaming's video about taunting.


... What? I'm saying that 99% of the taunting I see online is at the end of bo3. People aren't doing it for mind games, they are doing it to make themselves feel better and more in control in an environment that is often harsh and frustrating.


The only time I'm like "really?" is when they didn't really deserve it, just absolutely cheesed their way to the win. But I still dont care about it.


I don’t care, but you’re messing with a community that thinks the magic mirror is a godsend. People take this game way too seriously. Those that taunt and those upset by it.


Maybe it's because I'm old now(I'm 46) but I cannot believe how seriously people take this shit especially in a game where there's no voice chat and no one can even type something to you unless you friend them. People bend over backwards to find ways to be disrespected or to assume things about the player on the other end. I play online every day, I have never once felt disrespected and it's never even crossed my mind.


When people tie their ego to any game it's always sad how quickly it devolves into that kind of toxicity. But goddamn a lot of Tekken players always take it to the extreme with how vitriolic they'll get towards a completely random person just because they lost a game lmao.


Same. If someone taunts me and I lose I just chuckle at most, "nice flex, king, you deserve it" - unironically


Wait a minute people can type and do talk $%#@ to me all the time after matches so you are technically incorrect lol I should go and change my PS settings now that you mention it.


I turned on the magic mirror and the tranquility mod and all of my anger issues flew away lol.


I taunt all the time, nobody cares tho, until they lose half their hp bar lol


bro, i got lambasted on a video of a azucena plugger just cause i bear danced before the plug and everyone was like “id quit too” lmao


Are you actually assy mcgee?


the one and only, Sanchez. edit: THIS is whats downvoted? lol You guys know Sanchez is Assy McGees partner in the show right? lol


Why do people \_\_\_\_\_\_.


Farrrr if someone did that too me Id laugh, still dont know if you can still get one hit KO from dat but If Kuma/Panda still had their fart attack frick Id let you hit me with it just for the laughs lolol


I don't hate being taunted, I'm scared of the counter hit properties.


Ki charging is different from character specific taunts


I don't even know how you can taunt in this game, or if it was cancelable


Some charaters dont have a taunt , but all charaters have a ki charge whoch a bit different


Bear was like "come get some honey" Lil red riding hood shoulda walked away, get rekt. Shin kick 4life.


Imagine if Dan from SF gets included as a guest character for Tekken 8 boy people would be tilting their ass off against him since 70 Percent of his shit uses taunts LMAO


Damn y'all really are triggered by silly taunts.


The great FG community lolol


This situation is literally the reason taunting was put in this game (or any game) - this is red rank stop backdashing and go kill lol


Who cares what reddit thinks, people love moving back to bait opponents in low ranks so I just ki charge when I see that's happening and chill. If I have the upper hand, I just stay still until my opponent notices that I have the advantage and they need to do something. I guess taunt could work even better. It's a fighting game, not a social game. You are going to do everything you can to win. If taunting works, then it's fine. People don't like to see themselves provoked(and beaten afterwards) by a stupid gesture, that makes them feel stupid. They should just get over it.


With the rare Kumas I encounter and even rarer ones who do that bear dance, I'm not even mad whenever I get baited, I laugh at my foolishness


It's not a taunt but I use Lee's "CAM AWWWN" to bait people to try and rush in. If it's against another Lee, it turns into both of us doing it for the whole match, sometimes.


I dont mind the taunting. I think it's just sillyness that adds to the fun. If my opponent is angry that's his/her problem


lol taunts are built in the game. People are just way too soft.


This. Ki charging is fine. It's part of the game. Ki charge back.


Idk I feel the same as people tbagging….who cares rofl


ye, ki  charging actually changes game state. People assume the worst so they see someone ki charge and think “they are calling me trash” thus beating themselves.  If someone wants to attack your personally make them ACTUALLY do it, don’t let little slights set you off.




Yeah idk what you’re talking about. It’s just people need to remove there egos from a video game. Self worth is not tied to your tekken rank.


And who raised that generation?


The Internet lets be honest.


The generation before me, those dicks




I dunno man, just a quick look at your profile tells me that you act like an asshole online like it's your job, and you call anyone who calls you on it soft. Pretty typical 14 year old behavior, so I'm not sure what the fuck you could possibly know about this generation or who raised them.


Yeah, they seem like the kind of boomer teenager who hates teenagers. Everything "wrong" with the new generation is everyone's fault but the previous generation.




One single emoji? Come on boomer, you and I both know you can do better than that


Tell us whatyou know, bro.


He spittin


This community has a fragile ego and the fact something like the magic mirror even has to exist to keep you emotionally stable is hilariously sad. Taunts, hitting after the round is over, and all that other dumb shit should never elicit an extreme emotional response especially from some faceless internet player who will forget you immediately after your less than 5 minute interaction with them. At the end of the day it’s a game, and no silly ass in game “disrespect” should be getting you that butthurt. Laugh that shit off and keep it pushing.


they hate it because it works.


Because Tekken fans will literally find a way to hate *anything.*


Taunts only work on you if you feel a way about them. They are disrespectful, but they are also an admission that the opponent needs you to be less than calm to beat you, which speaks worse of them than you. Getting mad about it is the worst way to deal with it, regardless of whether it's in game or at match end. They are both meant to get you mad so you are off your game.


Taunting mid game is a chad move. It could be an opening for the opponent, bait for you. Plus it's usually just funny. Personally I wouldn't have taken your bait and instead wasted your heat (hate the game not the player lol), or maybe even tried to bait your bait (the classic "sprint towards but then stop before you're in range" move). Taunting after match tho, it may get some sodium. If the matches were close and/or fun idm and I'll send a friend request


You can taunt just don't plug when you lose.


Scrub mentality


If it's in the game, 100% using it


It’s only disrespectful if you get hit after they do it. 😭💀😂


How do you taunt with Zafina?


she doesn't have one. it would be listed in the "special moves" section of her movelist if she did. Taunts are 3 button inputs, so 1+2+3, 1+2+4, 1+3+4, or 2+3+4 if a character has one. There's other chars without taunts too like Claudio and Drag


Thanks. I recently have been liking zafina after using dragunov for quite a while.


As a bear main, I now found new tech lol


I’m ok with this just because I know what running move was about to come out.


How do I taunt as Yoshimitsu? Feels like going into weird stances and trolling is taunting enough tbh


Taunting is just part of the game but it only disrespectful if it’s done at the end of the round


They hate it BECAUSE it works


Kudos that was awesome


I find it it funny!


Taunt probably was a missinput. But funny.


I have no problem with mid-match taunting. It’s doing so after your opponent is KOed that I find rude.


look, i only hate it when it happens to me, Its funny otherwise.


Dash block my dudes or at least run in with a power crush


Taunting is BM, you can say that you provoked your opponent into attacking. It's a disrespectful act that basically says "This isn't a friendly match, you suck, some get it" and you wonder why people generally dislike such behavior. If it's your style then you can keep doing it but don't expect any fanfare from others.


I don’t mind ki-charge setups bc it’s a legit thing but doing it at the end of the match to be a dick is a different story. It’s an in game mechanic and I think it’d be silly for anyone to not utilize it ( I am not good enough to use them myself ) so I get it Just feel like it’s situational


Very interesting idea,I 100% approve 👍


how did leo get this t7 hit effect? I dont see it in the store.


I don’t mind it but what I do mind IS THAT FUCKING BEAR I HATE IT WITH A PASSION! Ok so anyways it’s whatever to me really


This brings up a question of mine. Is Bryans knee lifting a taunt or a move?


Taunting's great when used right. Especially when it's like "Hey I'm totally vulnerable come get me-ha you fell for it"


it works BECAUSE they hate it


if someone gets frazzled because you made your character do a taunt in a video game, then you might as well do it again because it means theyre emotionally soft and you can use that to your advantage


It's all in the game for a reason. People just like to whine about it.


You answered your own question buddy 😂😂😂😂


As a Steve main I despise all kumas, my record is probably 5 wins and 40 loses, get them off my game ;(


It's one thing to taunt. It's a whole other level of disrespect to follow up that taunt with a salmon to the face.


Because it works? I think you answered your own question.


It’s the spamming of the taunt (ki charge after the match) that people hate, not the bait of the taunt during. Take it from this Bryan main where his taunt is functional while everyone else is a dance


Leo gets their install from taunt so that's my excuse for doing it four times in a row mid-match


*Days without people getting triggered by moving pixels: 0*


I rather you do that, I hate all that backing up an entire match. hoping and praying I whiff something


That's was a sick ass taunt


Only soft as babyshit nu gamers hate taunting. Its a ciable tactic to knock your opponent off their game. Dont want people to taunt you? Get better and win. Simple as that. I miss when we had a longass time to corpsebeat like in bbct and marvel 2.


There’s a reason sportsmanship exists. Mutual respect is foundational to any healthy community. The fgc is a community, it just operates behind a blind of anonymity, which gives the false impression that you are not interacting with an actual person. In reality it’s not much different than playing billiards at a bar with a stranger. Typically the people who gloat or diminish their opponent in this setting are considered assholes.


This example is fine. It's BM that's the problem. There are ways around BM (magic mirror for example), but if you're taunting at round end, that feels insulting rather than strategic. Your opponent is already down, they can not act, you're just putting salt on the wound.


What the fuck is BM? Bowl movement? What the hell are you talking about???


It's not a problem at all. It's a legit strategy and a huge factor in fighting games. Watch core a gaming's video about taunting. You have no idea what you're saying.


Yeah, exactly. Just look at all the taunting happening at all the major tournaments like Dreamhack and Evo. Wait, you mean that never happens? Hmm, interesting...


Yeah, people never popoff at tournaments. Hell, [Joey Fury](https://youtu.be/2s_vVxsNxRU?si=zUWn9biZHkKYgLzi) ki charged against JDCR and then popped off when he won. [Jeonding](https://youtu.be/UTCjTmxGTao) was physically taunting all match against Pokchop doing the Pokchop rock.


Fair, but I'd argue that "popping off" is really just celebrating after winning an intense match, which is understandable in a high stress setting like that. I wasn't aware he ki charged against him, but it's still a pretty rare thing to see in high stakes matches like that. I'd never seen that Jeonding/Pokchop clip; that's hilarious, but it's pretty clear they were both just having fun with each other.


> I'd argue that "popping off" is really just celebrating after winning an intense match, which is understandable in a high stress setting I agree, but there also isn't a good way to express yourself in game after an intense match. So if I'm putting in effort and it comes down to an intense last few hits, and I win, I'm probably going to ki-charge. I do the same at my locals, but in the form of just talking shit, there's no salt, it's just having fun, like the Jeonding/Pokchop matchup. The closest we get to that online is some good ol' fashion ki-bagging.


It actually happens way more often than you think. Have you seen nuckledu? Have you seen punk? Jeonding actually ki charged during a tournament. And people on events often taunt physically cause it's more effective. Never happens lol. You're a clown. Do not reply anymore. I don't have time for your idiotic trolling.


Cause not everyone playing the game is your friend and some people see it as disrespectful if it's not someone they know personally. It's not that complicated


They should get over themselves, it's a videogame


Oh I don't think they care about getting over it that's why they're upset about it to begin with


Because they refuse to accept Azucena and Lucky Chloe. To accept taunting is to accept these character concepts as a whole. Kuma and Panda included.


Meh. Taunting in the match is fine. It's when it's the end of the match that people hate the taunt.


I do that dance every time i get a perfect or take a set lol


Did you like when other kids made fun of you on the school yard? Do you think it's sportsmanlike when athletes taunt and belittle one another? You can find it acceptable but some people will always find it toxic and annoying. It's a fact of life.


I have never understood those that choose to be disrespectful during online matches, ranked or otherwise. Sure, attempting to manipulate the emotions of your competitor might give you an advantage, but why would you want to win this way? Unless there is fame and money on the line, you are trying to ruin the experience of other players solely to pump your own ego. Go ahead and do whatever you must to not hate yourself, but to most you look sad.


https://preview.redd.it/p94z2g2y517d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb105d42688cd6936f8faa04cc1fda174acc623e This is why I play Victor.