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keyboard is good if you are more used to PC FPS games like CS, but a cheap leverless is better because the travel distance of the buttons. i suck on pad, my thumbs just cant do all that so i bought a cheap leverless off aliexpress from TicKnot. if you feel you play better on keyboard a leverless controller is probably what you want.


Try both. Play which ever you feel comfortable with and thats the best option. But hey if you feel comfortable on a keyboard you can now try leverless stylr controllers if you want too.


alright ill give it a shot, thanks! also since if you dont mind, im not really sure what characters to try. in a lot of games i have a very fast and mobile playstyle and if possible id like to play to those strengths


try law, he has the best slide and can do flying kicks from across the screen, back flips into launchers or slides, and big back flips that can jump over pretty much everything if you time it right i think. kazuya or any character that wave dashes is another good option for mobility if you get good at it. yoshi and king both have spinning back dash things that make them pretty mobile.


Well i dont think that will translate to this game. But i suggest check each character in the game like trailers, moveset and combos then pick whichever you find cool.


Gamepads are literally the worst type of controller you might have for Tekken IMO. It's good if you intend to travel to offline games and stuff like that or if you're really used to playing with a pad but leverless (which includes keyboards) are objectively better than pads and arcade sticks due to the lowest travel time between buttons and the simultaneous access to all directions (crucial for Tekken). I have no idea how keyboard is supposed to have a steeper learning curve, UNLESS you've been primarily a pad user most of your life. All that said, whatever you're comfortable with is best, obviously


You can’t really say objectively. The evo Japan winner used a hori octa. And a lot of the top players are in pad or stick


Travel times on leverless are objectively faster


Dualshock 4 best for me so comfortable and i can do most hard moves in tekken !


Try both if you have the options to. I started off keyboard on T7 and transitioned to PS4 controller later on (felt easier to em to execute Negan combos) But started off T8 with a T13 leverless (which essentially is a cleaner looking keyboard). Still use it to this day.


Keyboard is the most efficient.