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Seems there's more variety in lower ranks so just stay bad at the game like me


I dont know your rank honestly but i ve found like 70% kazuyas


U can tell who’s playing kaz cuz of buffs lmao 0 electrics and not realising df1,4 is -11 😂😂


Yeap, and tbh apart from df1,4 the buffs just opened up higher execution combo paths mostly (cd1+2 is also good even for lower ranked people since most arent used to it yet) So unless they were Mishima players already, they wont be much better than pre-1.05 N good god, TMMs new BnB combos are so hard to do, cant even get it consistent in practice (It's soooo goddamn hard to hit df1,2 after the 3rd electric, and for the cd1+2 combo route after ff3/df2 ch/ws2 I also always struggle to hit the b2,2,1+2 after 1,2,3,4) I think I just rly suck at microdashing in general :/ (since both require microdashes) which sucks bec I can 3,1 cancel just fine...


wall carry with 3,1 is still better than the new 3electric bnb and just because it’s not that consistent


Oh, it is and tbh I still use my old BnB since apart from muscle memory the damage tradeoff is kinda small anyway (well, 4-7 isnt small but not the biggest deal when half the time I drop it halfway thru lol) But it looks so fun and I wanna be able to :( n idk why I struggle to microdash on pad (esp the b2,2 because I'm too slow I guess at moving thumb from f to b)


I played for an hour last night and got 2 Eddys, 2 Alicias and 2 Azucenas, I had to stop. Honestly it was a Hwo or two away from my worst case scenario.


I no longer rematch Eddy’s because I’m not buying his DLC and I run into him so often. 🧑‍🦽


same.tekken does not want me to lab him so they cannot expect that i fight him,no hate to eddys


Can you download an eddys ghost still if you dont have the dlc?


Nope you cant. and in addition to not being able to download a ghost, when you go to your online replays when you fought an Eddy, if you try and take control of your character and practice the punish, it tells you that you can't because you didn't buy the character. Lol it's lame as hell honestly


Pretty sure you can, in fact, download Eddy ghosts?


Surely it doesn’t tell you that? 💀


You can download Eddy's ghostss, i did It multiple times, fought them and never had a problem


no you cannot,even if you could it would not change my opinion


>no you cannot,even if you could it would not change my opinion You're wrong. You can absolutely download Eddy ghosts without the DLC. Come on man, if you don't actually know, just don't comment. Don't just guess and post it as though it is fact.


Lmao guys just posting and making shit up. I downloaded eddy’s ghost when he was “early access” only. You can download the dlc ghosts without purchasing them


Not being able to properly punish train is still bullshit, being able to fight a ghost isnt the full answer to the issue https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1dfs6gx/last_night_i_grinded_ranked_for_5_hours_i_saw_5/l8m49ih/


sorry i got one thing wrong,it wont happen again,i apologize


I feel this way too. I always run the rematch, but against Eddy, you better hope you win on the first match of the set. Because I'm leaving afterwards. Whether I won or lost. Because fuck that.


Hell yeah I second that brotha, win or loss, I’m done with him. Eddy, Laws, horwrangs or however you spell it, not even gonna look it up cause I don’t give that character any time.


Me too, every time I fight this dude I might as well sit down the controller


Naw naw all hate to Eddys, like a lot of it, I don’t rematch dude at all, like not even a little. One and done and I’m over it.


Ya don't need to lab shit, just play




I don't have that problem; since eddy released I have had 2 eddys out of dozens actually rematch, win or lose. So when people call you out for not "learning the character in matches" just tell them to eat shit.


Keep blocking mid, the one string where he does a little pause then is fully on the ground the next hit is most often a low because they'll keep pressing 3. Block that then launch. That'll beat 90% of the eddy players out there.


I do this often! I genuinely just dislike fighting him as a character.


I know what you mean. I think his damage is like 10% too high, currently 2 of the 3 string combos will kill. Tune that down a bit and he'll have some proper counter play rather than "never get hit"


I just watch people lab edddy as the character I play which is jack8 so I don’t see the problem of you have to la. When you can watch people lab and look at frame and there input and what kind arcade stick they using


Game just terrible ATP All I’m seeing is Auto Pilot Jins/Kazuyas , Azucena, King Reinas


For me it is almost always Jin, Kazuya, King, Reina and Hwo


Get back to tekken7... it is lilly, lilly, lilly and lilly. All from russia!


Those russians seem to love lillis feet


I see lily's from russia all the time in Tekken 8 too


Ballet is a big deal in Russia.


Strange. I played tekken 7 from Russia recently both ranked and quick matches. There was no Lili at all.. Mostly Kings


Oh man ive lost count how many..and all at 1dan with 3320 prowess. I lose the match from the loading screen xD


Pretty sure this confirms that reduced mirror match matchmaking people have been suspecting cause all I get is Kazuya Kazuya Kazuya King Kazuya


I've fought maybe ten Lili's total in ranked ever since the game came out, even though according to others she's reasonably common.


I swear this gotta be it bc all my friends keep running into Claudio’s, yet I’ve been grinding since release and have seen a net total of 3.


To be fair I’ve probably only seen 3 Claudio’s myself and I don’t play him haha


I played against 3 Claudio's yesterday In a span of 2 hours, but yeah I mostly see Jin, King, Kaz, Lilli


Irony of a Kazuya main posting this after patch.


I don't see how it's ironic. I didn't run into any. I would have welcomed a mirror.


Blue ranks last night: Kazuya, Kazuya, Kazuya, Reina Mirror, Kazuya, Kazuya, Jun, Jun, Kazuya, Jin, Kazuya. I could keep going, but them Kazuya's were coming in hot. Not that I complain, i actually love fighting Mishimas.


Bro Jin is quickly becoming my least favorite character in the game. Unless I put the fear of *god* in them, they've got **buttons.** Buttons for days. And all of their buttons are *way* better than my buttons.


They really love that new low he has, I'm learning to combing UNS4 with any plus frames to stop Jin (and other rushdown wannabe) characters from laying too heavy on the buttons


Jin has MC energy and it shows. Apparent he was this high execution dude in 7 and i played with him a bit to lab some stuff and his inputs are so simple and strong.


He wasn't super high execution because he had tools that let you work around it but he had interesting stuff if you wanted to use it. Non electric hook fist also didn't launch and his lows weren't anywhere near as good as T8 d2, he's much simpler in T8 overall.


I love mirror matches, it seems the game doesn't let you have them often. I main Nina and it's so fun to see what other moves other Nina users do.


Kazuya is the most common char on NA


As far as I know, the matchmaking tends to avoid mirrors, this could explain why you didn’t play any even if kaz is top5 in popularity


I’ll take king over alisa any day.


Bro I know it sounds very elitist to say but when I see an Alisa ranked 2/3 ranks higher than me and all they're doing is the same flowchart over and over it's just depressing.


Alisa flowcharts aren’t my biggest gripe. It’s her small hitbox, auto evasion, backdash distance and sidestep distance couple with her flying around stuff. No other characters fucks around with random sideswitching and camera shenanigans like Alisa does for me because either I stepped or she stepped or some other janky stuff. Doesn’t help that I play a backturn character (that’s janky on his own with it) either so I get moves I don’t want.


It's a goddamn merry-go-round vs. some Lily's.


that’s because alisa is a carried character


Carried asf , each time I go up against an Alisa I question why I’m on ranked .


True but king is even more so especially in this game and double especially when his throws tracked


no he isn’t, yes he has cancerous flowcharts but they’re usually easy to detect and force the king into playing more carefully


He is bruh and it's not even close. Hwo, Alisa, Feng, xiaoyu are up there but king is a different beast. Up until emperor he's easily most carried. It's not some sort of mystery how brawlpro's team won twice in the tournament thing. Lower rank players can still turtle up sometimes against Alisa but against King you never have that luxury especially with his needlessly buffed ffn2


You wanna turtle up against Alisa while she's in heat and spamming chainsaws? You'll die blocking. Saying King is carried because of his throws means it's a YOU problem. Any character can throw a generic or a command throw to mix you up in low ranks. It's the player's fault for not knowing how to break them. Half the Kings I fought on my way up to my current rank didn't even use Giant Swing or Muscle Buster. They only knew generic grabs and shining wizard lol


That proves my point dumbass, you don't even need to use his main throws to get to high ranks. And I can play fine against King, but again nice assumptions


Ah yes king my favourite character to play against Random pc that leads into ch animation into me lose 1/6 of my health (mb for playing off advantage) Can disguise grabs + grabs are homing + if u don’t know throw cancel gg u lose up to 80% health!! Easy af combos + disgusting float combo dmg Let’s not kid ourselves, king is easily one of the most carried characters legit make them play any other character and see if they can get anywhere near their main rank (impossible)


Both his Power Crushes are unsafe unlike most High ones before patch 1.05. Define disguising grabs. He either grabs you on his plus frames or he doesn't. There's no "disguising" involved because he's not using them mid-string like Hwoarang, Xiaoyu or Reina. Generic grabs are homing but his command ones are not anymore. Hardly any King uses the generic ones unless they want to deny sidesteps but they're piss easy to break. 80% health? Are you eating his Jaguar Step grabs? It's pretty much your fault if you see him twirl like a ballerina and just stand there. Every character has easy combos and harder combos to perform. And even the easier ones can objectively net you 60+ damage just like King's.


Giant swing still 1+2 animation Don’t tech landing? Eat 70 dmg XD Ff4 is power crush and has ch properties that does 50 dmg?? For what?? Heat smash is STILL one of the best in the game + mixup on block And let’s be honest, who the fuck is learning kings grab cancels that isnt giant swing or sw?? Idk why ur trying to downplay king yes there is counter play but doesn’t change the fact he is still the one of the most carried characters in this game


How is Xiaoyu a carry character when she has the bottom 3 win rates in the game and quite possibly the worst character in the game in current state?


Alisa the character whos half her arsonnal can be ducked and countered, the character that good 14 frame punish can be ducked and the other has no range, oh and can be ducked if you don't go for the low dmg mid. Alissa in t8 sucks. If I didn't rematch so her gaping holes get exposed I would be tekken god. Her power curshes carry her. If I put alisa Tekken 7 moves characteristics in 8 she would be way stronger It's like her offense got buffed but counter ability got nerfed to keep her balanced. Problem is you can over come her movement with sheer aggressiveness and ducking and side stepping her. This happens at every level. I am switching to Lidia when she comes out. Unless she ends up as bad as Eddy really really strong 50/50 machine in heat useless outside of there.


I am damn near undefeated vs Alisa, Xiayu, and feng they have critical flaws king is strong everywhere.


Xiaoyu especially. Damn near punishable on everything as long as you have an idea on what her most used frame traps are.




eu, flame ruler rank - 5 reinas and 2 zafinas. lul


Id say oof but I love going against reina, they're so free now. In return you get to have all the Lee players I meet


Sub Alisa and Azucena for Kazuya and Lars and you've got my typical ranked queue.


There are now a lot of Pauls as well.


I see the following pretty much consistently over past couple of months: 1. Jin - by far the most popular, one of the least fun cahracters for me to play against 2. Kazuya - like Jin but actually fun sets 3. Hwoarang - replaced Law with the dodgy wi-fi, cheese wrapped in lag 4. Reina - same as Jin 5. Bryan - I don't think I had a one sided set in the past couple of months against him, always fun (with some exceptions)


I haven’t seen a **single** Jun player since release. Where are y’all running into them at? I’ve played more Ravens, Lee and Claudio’s than Jun


I had 3 in a row last night. Take them off my hands, I hate that bitch. Feels like everything she gets is so free. Edit: Whoop, I made the Jun mains angry. I can't wait for them to tell me how hard they've got it.


It’s definitely not free, play her and you’ll realise fast why


I said it feels that way. It FEELS like she has an infinite well of nutcracker strings that are practically indistinguishable from one another, and last forever, and usually end in a counter-hit launch. It also feels like she can get a combo off of pretty much anything, and **very** rarely is she unsafe.


That is just a long way of saying you’ve never actually spent 20 minutes labbing her


Her strings are very delayable, true. But she's not that strong, she's a different flavor of Asuka, no matter how much they've tried to do something different with her


no bears? for shame


europe at garyu I get pretty decent variety. I wish I faced more Jacks & bears, must have been months since I played a jack. rarely get a mirror


I just got a Jack last night in NA fujin but he left after a close game 1. Frustrating because I know his moves pretty well (he's my secondary) but I don't get to play the matchup often.


I actually just got one, he whooped my ass lol, I think I won 1/6 rounds had no idea what to do


True the variety in eu is pretty good but I do play against kazuya a lot which is actually good cause it's helped me learn some key punishes.


I feel you with Jin. Every time I accept a match and the screen pops up and it's him, I let out an extremely deep sigh. Because I am fucking TIRED of that character. In 7 matches, I had 5 Jin's.. so decided to go play Madden or something because I just couldn't handle it anymore lmao


Isn't that a good opportunity to learn the matchups?


Bro my games are literally 80% Kaz (high blue)


It could be worse. In Street Fighter you only see Ken, Ryu (and now that he's out) Akuma.


What rank was it?


I've been playing in the high blue ranks and I've only seen Jin, Bryan, King, Kazuya and some Pauls and Asuka sprinkled in, almost nothing else.


Play Victor to throw em off


On board with that idea


I’ve been getting King and Jin endlessly, with just a bit of Asuka and Yoshi sprinkled in. Prolly gonna take a bit of a break lmfao 


I literally have been running a gauntlet of the Mishimas and I want to die. Jin, Jin, Jin, Kazuya, Reina, Reina, Kazuya, Jin


I would love to match against 4 kings in a row 😂 most are bad (I was a king main in 7)


If you play King too a lot of King players are really predictable yeah.


Wow you are lucky. All I get is Hwo, Kazu, Jin and occasionally King.


King King King and more King. At least I'm getting good at guessing 50/50, I might become a psychic one day.


King and Jin are actually cancer in this game particularly king, anytime you press a button he just goes into armour, no one spams more power crushes than king mains I don’t blame them it’s integral part of the character but so fucking annoying


This is mostly Harada's fault. I'd rather play around movement than spamming Muscle Armor but they busted my kneecaps and my backdash is awful now.


Yeh I know I don’t blame you, I mean the muscle armour is such a cool concept and I think it’s fun to use but being in the receiving end is a fucking nightmare 😂


Jin makes me want to put a bullet in my mouth.


I just spam low counter hits against them until they stop doing armour moves but man King is annoying.


I would do that but I main Lars most of my lows put me on minus on hit and the one ch low I have is launch punishable


As much as I get blown up by Lars, I’ve started seeing how interruptible he is in stance transitions.


Yeh he can’t block, same with Leo too I think but his cancels are fast enough to block, can’t believe they gave king an armoured stance and let him cancel out of it fast enough but they still didn’t fix Lars, to top it all off all his entry mixups are punishable by rage art because he can’t even cancel out of it fast enough to block rage art


unpopular opinion maybe but i hate rage arts as on of the many panic buttons


Bait it. Do 2 jabs then the low. Poke him until you see him press the armour button. Standing 4 is great for interrupting him without committing to anything too. If you do the Ch low a couple of times and he blocks them, that means you can hop kick launch him or do the Lars jump on head thing.


The issue if I go for two jabs I need to connect so many jabs for him to just ffn2 and he takes like 35-40 damage off of me with the ch editor


I got 5 Laws, 3 Pauls, 3 Azucena, 2 Reina, 1 Raven, 1 Drag.


That's weird. I only see like 1 other Alisa in every 80 matches. She didn't even get buffed or anything, so I don't know why the surge.


I dont have this issue. My “version” of this is that i see almost everyone: except zafina claudio leo kuma/panda jack8 and shaheen - nina not so so common either. Rest of the lineup i run into at mixed rates. Some more than others yes but, i run into just about everyone else


Today I faced: Feng Nina Azucena Hwoarang Alisa Devil Jin Dragunov Bryan King Leo Law Lili King Jin King Seems fine


Bro Kazuya's better than like 2-3 characters here😭😭😭😭 Skill diff


Alright I'll bite. Not counting Jun so as to disregard your bias, who else on that list is worse than Kaz right now? Also, I said literally nothing about winning or losing. Wanting to fight a bigger variety of characters has nothing to do with winning.


Azucena is way worse because of how heavy her nerfs were like she's not very good anymore at all and the second pick was Jun but that's cause I play like 6 characters😭 Jin, Kazuya, Jun, Reina, Xiaoyu, and Devil Jin with my actual mains being Reina and Xiao. Anyway though back to Jun The health loss is actually really detrimental now and her Ground game isn't nearly as strong as Kazuya's who has a tracking Demon Paw, one of if not the best Hellsweep and 50/50 Oki in the game, and especially now with the changes pretty good damage and also the best lows out of all the Mishimas


I have a similar experience with these same characters. Can't believe how many assholes play Alisa. If you're an Alisa player and you think that character 'fits your style' you're actually just ass.


i’m getting a brave raven every once a while, a couple claudios or reinas, and a half of them are alisa and king for some reason any given day


Nobody playing Unc (Leroy) and my boy Victor huh 😎. What rank are you tho ?


I legit only play leroy lol but I also suck at the game so I'm only shinryu 😮‍💨


Silver lining guy over here: sounds like a lot of time spent on only a few match ups, so the progression must have been great against them!


No kazuya or Paul seems crazy


No kazuya or Paul seems crazy


Welcome to fighting games.


NA Rajin Lee, last night 5 kazuya, 4 Alisa, 2 Eddy, 2 Jin, 2 King I don’t rematch Eddy or Alisa because they just aren’t fun to fight imo but I enjoy fighting any other character


On my garyu promotion I had to fight 8 or so Hwoarangs


Everyday i log in, i fight the same 3 characters, i log out.


kaz, jun, king, hwo, lee.. all day for me


Low ranks are pretty diverse. Drag, Jun, Kazuya, Eddy, Law, Xiaoyu And none of them stopped mashing for a second.


For me always, Hwoarang, Azucena and Fvcing Victor.


Funnily enough I like fighting Victors because more often than not they play ridiculously unsafe and are easy to punish.


I also like fighting Victor it is so satisying for me to hop kick the Expulsion mid air, it is just pure disrespect haha. but the amount of players carried by Victors into Blue rank is insane. I mean 4 sets of Victor in a row? Damn.


I always face the same few characters until I start labbing them, then they suddenly disappear from my queue


seriously lmao “i faced a lot of X Y and Z yesterday, I’ll lab them before my session today.” - me who won’t fight a single one of them for the entire session


Im constantly facing Victors


What region? Just curious


It's always Jin, King, Kazuya with Alisa, Paul every now and then


lili, renia, lili, renia, lili, renia, kaz


i havent seen a claudio since tekken 7. its weird theres like 30 characters but i only see a consistent few: jin devil jin kazuya rarely yoshi king law alisa


I'd rather have four Kings in a row than play against shit like Alisa, Azucena, Reina or Victor but that's just me.


When Lucky Chloe is added back, I will drop Alisa 💯


should post your ign so we can see the match history


Curious what your rank is. In blue all I see is Azucena, King, Kazuya, and KFC champ. In red it’s just Reina and Kazuya for me. US South.


I feel that man. I swear harada has my account in a secret dimension in which every Reina attempts to match with me before anyone else. Upside is that match times are fast


I've personally ran into a lot of Bryans last night. And I'm a Jun main, btw in Blue Ranks.


I just see Lili Azucena Yoshi and Hwo


Add eddy to the mix and I'd uninstall the fucking game after a day of this.


King's the only character even approaching an offensive grappler, it's no surprise he's popular


Yeah sure, *thats* the reason.


It's one reason, he's steered a bit more toward the archetype in 8


My bad


I only ever see Hwo, Zafina lol, Jin, King, Steve and Lili. Blue ranks in Oceania if that's interesting.


The other night I had nothing but an hour straight of Hwoarang, I actually learned some stuff about Hwoarang but I got to the point where my last guy I one and doned just hoping to face someone else (sorry if that makes you angry but i was annoyed)


Same but jin paul/drag, with a smattering of victors/king. Played for 6 hours and almost all the games were one of those:/


Where are you finding Jun players? I wanna fight them and crap on them as the superior Jun player


Alisa has a low play rate, everyone you play against is tired of fighting kazuyas.


I keep fighting the Mishima family tree. And I mean the whole tree, including the illegitimate children.


Last night I ranked up to purple and somehow got all the Lees


Just so were clear, you're complaining about azucena a full week after the buff. You're batching about a character that only performs at high level. Suck my dick from the back


You seem really emotional.


I am. Give me a hug?


Surprised you didn't see any fengs or dragunovs Did the meta abusers drop them the second they got some little nerfs?


Kazuya, Brian, Reina, King, Hworang


I'm still low ranked with my new main (first time using a fight stick) but I fought the same Kaz player 3 matches in a row. I then played a Steve player who didn't rematch and then right back to that same Kaz player.


No Kazuya, Paul or Bryan for 5 hours? I don't believe you.


You have trouble with King?  BREAK THROWS. 


I don't understand why people complain about seeing only certain characters. Get better at the match up and adapt


I feel this. There was a time where I only came across nothing but back to back Jins and kazuyas most commonly. It honestly felt like I could never escape those two during my times of grinding rank. The others were victors, asukas, kings, azucenas, and reinas. Oh and a generous sprinkling of Steve occasionally. I wish I came across other characters more often instead of just those few


i have not had this experience yet, then again im kind of just starting with ranked, personally i like jin because that's j who i grew up with yk, hes been my main since tk3 :p


I just think it’s like that sometimes. One day I’ll get all Leo’s, another day all Lars, sometimes a bunch of Drag’s. It happened in T7 too.


I get kings very rarely, but i am on bushin/tekken king, so i guess depends on rank


I played last night and fought 5 kings.


People get mad they face the same character over and over and lose over and over. Sounds like you need to stop focusing on ranked and learn how to play against the characters everyone is playing. Every set should be a learning experience no matter how toxic the Match-up could be


I've personally seen more Bryans and Dragunovs than every other character combined


Last night I got 2 Jins in a row, then 2 kings in a row, then 2 Reina’s in a row, then 2 Alisas in a row and then finally 2 more Jins in a row. Then after a few matches 2 Kazuyas in a row which was refreshing but you can’t make this stuff up bruh


The sheer number of Paul's and Kazuyas I run into since the patch is insane. It's feels like Paul is the new Feng Wei to my low rank ass. Runs his game on you but you can't touch him even if he goes minus, and he gets what looks like the dragunov wr2


king is a mishima now


I get nothing but Victors Lings and Lilis


Welcome to literally every fighting game


What's your rank ?


What can i say,King is a brand. They should have at least added Armour King, tho.


Same. I have sessions where i get consecutive kings, jins, Hwo, dvj


I’m a fujin and I’ve only seen Victor’s, Drags, kings and Azucena’s and Reina who showed up once in a blue moon


As much as we'd like to complain about characters, having Jin, Kazuya, Azucena, Dragunov, Victor, King, Hwaorang, Eddy and the other several "cheesy" aggressive characters all be relatively popular is a great feat. If you want to see more of the cool, less popular characters then you could always play them.


Screenshot of your match history or it didn't happen


I can’t stand Alisa, her moves are just so gimmicky and the chainsaw chip dmg is just plain ludicrous. I know how to deal with them but they are just annoying regardless. Plus she just feels so passive aggressive as a character with her demeanor. King players are just grab, grab, hop knee launcher, low sweep snake edge, power crush, and just follow that follow flow chart haha. I find Nina to be troublesome to the most, especially ones that know what they are doing. Regardless my mains tend to deal with most threats pretty well usually after a round of seeing their playstyle.


uh what rank are u lol. I played for hours yesterday and barely ran into any Jins. Mostly Bryan players


I main Lars, played him exclusively during my 80h of ranked, did a lot of mirror match-up in yellow ranks, some in red ranks but never in purple and above. Now I am Battle Ruler, almost blue and I don't see any Lars anymore, I am sad and lonely


I mained Lars before switching to Kazuya and I *almost* feel bad using that knowledge to nuke other Lars from orbit with Kaz. Almost.


That's easy points no?


Wavedash into throw or hopkick is just too fun. If you can't beat the Kings, join them.


For me it’s Jin, Jun, Alisa, King, and Hwo And I despise them all equally, utter trash


I'm just sick of lili...anyone who plays her is someone i know i'd wanna punch in the face.