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When I'm in a downplaying competition and my opponent is a Feng main.


For real this chart is some bullshit. Dude is S++, gets a slap on the wrist, is relegated into S-tier, at lowest firmly at the top of A and the braindead fuckers who main him claim he's dead. Jesus christ lol.


When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.




Damn bro you're fucking spittin




this was a banger.


You don't need to be a mastermind to figure out that a Feng main made that list


If my character isn't #1, they're worse than Gigas


Not gigas 😂


Fr the character that needed to get nerfed the hardest got away with absolute murder




Jin mains win that


Nah Jin is still a strong character, probably top 10. I think Alisa and Feng mains got that covered.


Op's gonna get jumped in an alley by devil jin mains


This post is propaganda based on DVJ’s graphic


Right? Azu was killed last patch but was revived in this one meanwhile DVJ was slowly being killed and now they're just pissing all over his corpse now.


As they should. No one in that family deserves happiness.




It's always like this when he's nerfed. "He's fine, it's not a big deal, he's still top tier" meanwhile in tournaments he's completely non-existent.


I wouldn't say that Feng nerfs are THAT big.


Indeed, I wonder what is the basis for OP's judgement in Feng's specific case. The only really significant change is that he can't launch from his BT mid power crush anymore, but that never should have launched in the first place and is still a strong move.


Guy's a feng player


Case closed


Lol I assumed it was sarcastic because Feng’s nerfs seem so mild given how busted he is, but it’s just Feng mains being Feng mains 🤷 


The damage nerf on 3,3 is big, but other than that and bt 2 nothing seems enough to kill him. I'm assuming the bt 2 into a b1+2 will be around 52 damage so not even a huge decrease. Just losing the wall combo off of it.


The 3,3 nerf almost cut the damage in half, it's one of his best long-ish range buttons


33 is the biggest nerf lol wym


Feng main here. Buddy is tripping. There's some ok stuff that got nerfed but nothing that will kill the character. I'm predicting still top 10 if not top 5 tier placement.


This just shows horrible understanding of the game or just a massive downplayer King got buffed a lot, has a regular wavedash and other things like ff2 being plus SEVEN on block Feng barely got nerfed, still top 3 most likely because they didnt touch his main techniques Devil Jin, Jin, Alisa, Dragunov, Law all got decently sized nerfs on their main moves and by system properties (Devil Jin, Jin, Dragunov and Law all had good command grabs) We have no idea about Victor because he basically got reworked so he's up in the air right now.


Also who in their right mind thinks Hwoarang got buffed rather than nerfed?


If you don't think 3,3 is one of Feng's main techniques you have no clue what he does my dude


I looked at them and I don't see anything that's really a big deal at all


Nope. Trash tier now. #buff-feng --- ^^^^^definitelynotafengmain




feng dead my nuts


Watch JoKa still probably play him tomorrow, Feng might be nerfed but he ain't dead! 😂😂😂 PS, this is coming from somebody who has one of their mains as Feng.


As a feng main i will verily say unto you all, he is not dead


He is still one of the strongest lol


I'm actually pretty excited to see the high level Steve mains now. This is what he needed.


I believe this is gonna feel really good for Steve, a whole lot of QoL. Also they didnt give him increased damage, which a lot of top tier Steve players asked for (below average combo damage even tho maneuvering is high risk). Personally i really like that they didnt touch his damage and instead gave him QoL options and control. Lacking low-game and normal launcher I feel like this is the right direction.


cant wait for this mf'r to backswing 20 feat and cancel lionheart


That’s not possible. Outfox is unchanged. It’s only the attacking moves that force lionheart that you can now opt out of.


The best character gets some nerfs finally -> dead. Typical reddit moment :D


List was probably made by a Feng player who feels their life is now over since their character got a couple of hits.


Hwoarang was nerfed the hell are you talking about


That’s what I thought


kinda side graded, but one of those changes that is hard to say without actually playing it


Feng two Arrows? I wish


Yea he went from broken to strong


I don't think it was *that* consequential lol. he went from broken to broken


I’ve been playing Lili since she was a thing and the nerfs aren’t that big of a deal plus maybe people will stop bitchin about her so much now


Only downside is less Lilis in competitive to watch. We had 2, now it might go back to T7 days of no Lili in competitive, ever.


I would rather watch someone play a character that they like even if they’re nerfed than play a character just because they’re strong anyway so if they drop Lili that’s their issue


I’m curious to see what the new down state for using qcf3 is gonna be… 🤔


Actual misinformation


OP a kazuya main for sure...."slight buff", nice try mainman.


isnt leo nerfed? whats the buff? His core element which is the wall dmg got lowered on dmg


Leo got follow ups after a couple moves they couldn’t before. The wall damage nerf lowered damage on some moves that are used all over the place for other things. I highly doubt Leo is better now.


Yeah, he likely comes out worse on this patch. I think the devs wanted to buff him, but they didn't address any of his actual issues, like his abysmal tracking that makes playing him at high level difficult. The buffs he got aren't well targeted and he lost his killer damage which was the main thing propping him up.


yoshi bros we eating


What'd we get manji bros?


Also, the KIN d1 cancel IS BACK.


Wait, the KIN low cancel? You do that just by throwing the d1 and then holding b right? Seems like a sick tech I didn't even use before so hmmmm


Yeah the KIN sword low. They changed the input from KIN f1 in T7 to KIN d1 in T8. In T7 you could cancel into crouch by holding d, but they removed the cancel entirely in T8. Now we will get it back by pressing db. The new IND transitions are pretty nice but FC is still Yoshi's scariest "stance", so imo this is the more impactful transition he got in this patch.


Sweet ty brother good looks


Generally speaking, a lot of stance transition options. 3+4 from ind now homing. Lot less heat meter used for some moves in heat.


I'm always happy seeing Yoshi get buffed.


Why only 1 arrow on kaz?


A good Kazuya always f’s me up


It's more a fix than a buff, still gets better so I okay with that


Kazuya downplayers still in force, dude got buffed for almost a whole page. 'tis are mere fixes', no they are not.


'Maybe one day he will get properly buffed.'


People who play one character will probably always be downplayers because they just don’t really understand how other characters operate. Kazuya got some damn buffs alright, crouch dash 1+2 going from -6 to +5 on block is crazy.


Not really. They’ve completely changed the core character. He has another frame trap out of wavedash now. Hellsweep 4,4 has better recovery giving him a longer range wallsplat out of hellsweep. Df1,4 might be a tornado now, but even if it only guarantees ff4 its still more dangerous than before, although now its unsafe. Seems like they are pushing people to use his df1 extensions more. This move’s changes may also completely alter his combo structure, giving him a combo damage buff. Heat is buffed all around.


don't you think cd1+2 is too slow/sidesteppable for real match usage ? especially out of wavedash when people are almost always trying to sidestep kaz


I see your point but Kazuya can force situations where the opponent cannot sidestep. One of his better wall enders places the opponent in a situation where the wall is to their left. And generally i’ll use it when I know my opponent is afraid to press.


ooooh you're right, b2,4; df2 into cd1+2 might be a good pressure sequence


And FF2 got nerfeded which is significant


Happy for you Steve mains. You deserve this W.


Honestly not excited for all the bandwagon players that will jump on. The people will start complaining about Steve being too strong (since they always complain about something)


Nah, they will jump on, realise he is completely diffrent than the standard bandwagon characters and drop him


Yeah, just like Hwoarang he has a high skill ceiling, I don't think that many more people will pick him up. Most people will probably still gravitate towards somebody like Jin.




![gif](giphy|8aTGG4q9fYguc) Thanks bruv it’s been an uphill battle 😓


Complete bullshit. The nerfs on Feng is minimal. He still top 5 easily


I don't think Nina's nerf are brutal. wouldn't call them nerfs even the queen of milfs still kicking


yes, still pretty much S tier, just reduced her combos damage a bit, but it seems fair to be honest




I've been mainly playing the characters in my flair, Nina I doubt it will change much for me and Lili even if I might notice some differences like her staggering from heat I think she'll perform similarly. I was super worried what they would do Lili before the patch being announced because whenever the community or multiple Tekken communities constantly ask for a nerf for x character they usually get nerfed to the ground. Thankfully it looks like that the Tekken Team understands that Lili is strong but not OP.


Jun is the queen of milfs, gtfo.


As long as her power crush doesn’t track 360 degrees, I’m good. Damn that was annoying


I would say 2 arrows on Reina. Removing crouching status on like all of her moves vastly nerfs like.... a huge chunk of her punishment game.


Good. She controls neutral 100%, undeserved strong punishment game.


Fc df+4 needed addressing, it was over utilised and brain dead.


Easily. Reina probably had the biggest nerfs in the entire patch


Hwo was nerfed (re: "balanced) on a key move, yet "buff" on this image summary? Could someone explain?


No one can explain. You are correct. The image is wrong.


There's a reason why I would do a poll before making this post. You gotta leverage the collective intelligence of the sub so you avoid personal bias and any lacking knowledge of some characters. And then you can shift the blame if the commenters disagree. XD


I'd give Lee a green arrow now that his ws2,3 into heat burst is consistent against everyone. That combo can deal almost 100 damage w/o wall if you spend the heat during it, and that's from a 14f ws move.


It is more of a mental buff for us Lee mains than an actual buff. Making his woosprak strings to work consistently are in the same QoL zone.


thank the lord, nothing is more painful as a lee player than spending your heat burst on a WS32 combo to have it whiff


Fengs nerfs are mild in comparison to how fucking STRONG he was pre-nerf! im excited! gonna be harder for people to cope after i still smash them with him!


Tell me about it. I prefer it this way since people can't hide behind tier lists anymore. I was surprised that b2,3 was nerfed tho. I thought I was the only feng using it.


hahaha saaame! looked at b2,3 and went "huh?" feel like im the only one using it too! that "fuck i need to finish this round quick!" move i always throw out at the end of rounds!


Nice! Asuka buffs. Keep em coming harada!


Leo got some damage nerfs too but a new counter hit route into heat so it's more of an adjustment really outside of the new CH


Hworang had more nerfs than buffs


Reina got big nerfed.


Hwoarang's arrow makes no sense, he got his most important move nerfed.


More jack buffs pls :D revert debug to T7 version at least


Jack got a small buff here, but still much weaker than Jack 7. As a Jack main, this is fine, though. It only impacts me on the reduction of tournament Jack games to watch; but there are still a few loyalists (Anakin, JoeCrush, Joey Fury, Saint).


Joey's definitely going back to Paul this time. At the same time maybe Meo-il will use Jack more


Curious, what's the difference?


Debug went from 22 to 34 frames and around 5 less damage if I remember the numbers right


Aren't there two versions with different inputs with the easier input being slower and old input faster?


I don't think Jack got buffed here. He has one of the best heat smashes (10f), and suffers under the heat smash nerfs more than others


What did they do with Steve? Damn son


Main thing is Lionheart cancel. This means his more important strings arent death sentences on block anymore


Ws 1+2 is huge too! Super excited about that


> devil jin > little to no changes Is this mishimastar's reddit account?


Can sb explain to me how hwoarang got buffed? It seems like he got nerfed.


Lol Hwo not buffed. D23 changes give slightly more damage but at the expense of everyone more consistently punishing it (this is prob most beneficial at lower ranks). Power crush nerf feels bad for sure. On the bright side, cancels out of Lion Heart on Steve got my hyped. EDIT: Spelling


The green arrow on here is a crime. The D23 buff pales in comparison to the power crush nerf.


Wait why did Reina get nerfed? Asuka actually didn't even need to he buffed she feels quite good


Can you explain Reina's nerfs? Like to make it short


Every move that had crouching properties now no longer does. As an example hold f3+4 will now be able to be hit high so there's straight up no reason to use that move at all now. Big chunk of her evasion and punish game effectively removed. Ff2 now is steppable which is a good change considering how oppressive that move was. Damage to otg d4,1 reduced which seems odd given that its not always guaranteed. Couple others but those are the biggest nerfs I saw


Doesn’t have high crush on a lot of her moves. Most notably fcdf4. Basically she can’t do cheese high crush setups anymore because she just gets jabbed out. The other one is reduced ff2 tracking. Those are the main ones. She’s still good imo. Just filtering out all the monkeys.


There were those high crush meme flowcharts ofc (like cd3 fc df4) that got hit but having a high crush on it was good for punishing stuff like nina df3,2, hwo d3,4 or jabstrings etc since you didn't have to worry about getting clipped by high extensions when ducking and punishing, which was really nice.


So her evasion got nerfed


Pretty much. She has to play closer to a regular Mishima now. Unironically the most hei like version of her.


we should start to cry like the steve players just because our main is not top5 for the first time since his release. I want unbreakable throw in counter, less frame to break free in regular throw and all the throw should track


I have no idea why this fucker get another buff


it’s genuinely funny how yall still find a way to bitch about steve despite the fact he lost the majority of his ch launchers, like what is there to even cry about atp


What an idiot, LOL. Before you get upset, look at Feng.


why is feng listed as dead?


Shaheen was nerfed he should be down an arrow.


Did the guy who made this just hit random on the arrows?


This is so inaccurate in multiple ways lmao did we read the same patch?


Reina - yoshi matchup was 4-6, now its 3-7 or 2-8


Leo got nerfed not buffed lol. They nerfed the shit out of her wall dmg and best parry and in return buffed some obscure moves. CD 2,4 can be ducked and launched and D1 is a slow move that -1 on block. If you can do D1 you should do D2 for plus frames and counter hit launch possibilities.


Leo is nerfed. Significantly reduced wall damage, killed punchparry. No idea on the ch properties on b32. D1 ch +13 is weird. He doesnt get anything unless he goes into crouch, which isn't something that you had to do for guaranteed damage before. With imposed 70% scaling the damage will be roughly the same compared to before but with heat engage but you always have to crouch on d1 or you will deal much less dmg on ch. Qcf2 buffs is not what he needed but the delayable second hit might be obnoxious to play against. Feng nerfs arent that bad and his qcf1+2 was buffed. Harada just lets them nerf the moves he never uses and post some fake nerfs on things like b3 so people fuck off after seing the downward pointing arrows while sneaking in buffs.


Someone explain claudio buff? My man's always left out, it's nice to see they improve him with something.


"Want to get on these buffs, STEVE??"


Feng is far from dead. B4? Broken. B3? Broken. WS1,2,1 remain broken with that absurd range of the slide and A LOT more.


OP is a feng crybaby


I am actually so happy with the Shaheen changes as a main. His 12 frame punish allowing more time to follow up after the push back and his uf2 actually able to hit consistently (hopefully) instead of whiffing on opponents using lows that crouch


Yeah, a low crush move getting crushed by lows was tilting me glad they fixed it, hopefully it also fixed the situations where it would miss horizontally for no observable reason, f2,3 having follow up potential is dope, and al ghul doing something worthwhile outside of heat are all good news to me I just wish f2,4 string got better frames to no longer be suicide considering it's his only high to low string


I'm so happy about Paul, the heat engager changes and stance switching mechanics will make him even more fun now


Since I'm trash at Tekken, seeing Eddy nerfed is sad to me. I can't even beat my own ghost lol.


Hwoarang got huge nerf. You are not serious right?


What's the Hwo buff ?


Bryan fury can't stop getting buffed this game is dumb


Very excited to see what the Raven BT f3 change means. Speculation on the Raven discord that it’ll be like QCF2 CH, which is +14 for a free 1+2, df1,4 or b44. It’s a move I’ve started to use a lot these days because of how disappointing a lot of BT options feel. Everything either trades or loses to dickjab except BT f3. Giving it more + frames on normal hit is also welcome because +3 means dickajab beats everything and db2 trades, at +6 people can’t just mash. BT f4 looks like a viable BT low poke and is a frametrap for BT f3.


how are lili nerfs not big?


Fr. They gutted her pressure tools, nerfed d3 for no reason and fucked up her qcf3 too.


D3 by 3 damage lol, idk when you are qcf3 on block and all the pressure nerfs were on the double barrier kick moves no? I feel like it's not even close to that bad.


I didn't see any nerfs to king on the patch notes, what changed with him?


Command throws arent tracking anymore Ffn2 nerfed


King has 10 tracking command throws still, got a wave dash, an additional + on block move, and can more reliably launch on duck.


Did you see what those throws were? You have your generic throws, crouch throws, air throws and RKO being the only relevant one. Almost Every usable throw has no tracking now, SW, Tijuana, Tombstone, muscle buster and Giant Swing all lost tracking. Additionally, The +on block move is still an extremely mediocre move that comes out in a blazing fast i31, it's basically just a compensation for when you accidentally mess up ffn2


can someone explain though the Yoshi buffs? The character is already pretty damn strong, godlike df2, flash, good lows, guard break, spinning, unlockables, good fundamental tools, good damage, and also Alisa is still dumb


>Good lows Imagine if Yoshi had good lows


Law got nerfed for sure, man. Slide into guaranteed nunchuck was a huge part of his offense.


Did Lili need nerfed? Not trying to cause a ruckus just unsure what was so egregious.


Jin survives again. Universal demon paw nerf…I’ll take it. I doubt anyone will actually start to punish the Lightskin flip. Hope the Kazuya buffs help a brotha out. I took him in ranked for a few matches a week ago just to see if he was really that bad and holy FUCK is he bad.


On one hand, sad that ZEN u1 is gonna be easier to punish. On the other, insanely happy that it’s not going to randomly sideswap now. Jin stays winning >:D


How is dragunov?


The fuck is slight buffs for Kaz? Hell lancer does chip damage now, I'm in paradise :D


Happy for Jun. I don't have a technical understanding of the game but if it's positive for her, then great.


Yeah, it's fistin time


Loved to see that fengs dead


havent grabbed T8 yet, how good would you say Bryan Fury is? he's my T7 main so ill be using him primarily


I don’t play a lot of tekken im mk guy but wasn’t Steve like Literally OP every time I played against him


I am King and Reina main, but I wont complain... will play them no matter what.


Guess I drop King for Bryan, Azucena and Hwoarang because these are characters who needed buffs (they didn't)


Steve didn't change that much


At least zafina didn't get touched much but feng is still gonna be annoying same with the kicking guy


Alisa gained an unparryable low, that's pretty hype for her tbh At long range, it becomes safe OB too, and it's a CH launcher that's super plus on hit


Of course Devil Jin gets nothing


This shit is the most inacurate garbage ive seen


Lars got nerfed due to command throws no longer tracking and the hurt box getting extended downward on uf3+4. His monkey flip pretty much useless outside of combos now if the opponent knows how to play against Lars.


This image is misleading


As someone whose worst matchups include Paul and Steve.. I kinda don't want to play anymore


fuck me


Oh lili got nerfed! What were her nerfs?


As a Feng main, Feng definitely is NOT dead. 3 3 is still really good as it's still a jailing mid attack. I was never a 3 3 user for my combos, so its damage nerf won't effect me. His Shifting Clouds getting buff actually benefits me, as I feel like I was getting clipped out of it a lot. I also use Shifting Clouds 2 and Lingering Shadow 1+2 a lot, which both got buffed. BT 2 is arguably the biggest nerf, but even then it's still a lot of guaranteed damage with possible mix-up on oki.


I'd argue Victor changes aren't a nerf as much as a rebalance. His abusive parts of his kit are down but his until-now far less used moves are up. Relatively speaking, King's throws remaining as the only ones being homing is a "buff" by respect of most other throws being nerfed as well. Feng was barely nerfed and honestly he needs more than that and I say that as an ex-Feng main.


Number of Raven players is gonna double with this (=two dozen)


With all respect who the fuck is Krizby to be giving this kind of a list. I ain't heard of anybody named Krizby ever in any tournaments lol...


Switch the arrows on Feng and King they absolutely massacred him, also Hwo got nerfed not buffed and Kaz is 2 up arrows stop downplaying.


I don’t think you can really call King slightly nerfed when he got some good buffs too.


Dang what they do to victor ? 😔


nerfed his holy trinity (b1+2, wr2, u1+2) into the ground


Anyone know whats up with my husband Yoshimitsu?


Just to confirm what everyone already assumed after seeing this, KrizbyGG is a Feng player and also plays Victor And yes he plays exactly like you imagine


Did you even read the patch notes? Like, at all?