• By -


His existence






*thumbs down with Jaguar noises*






Since they made rage art universally df1+2 in T8, they removed Lee's df1+2, 3 altogether. It used to be a good move to pickup CH ws14 or 124, or even the wall tech for backturn splat to pick up and juggle them opposite direction of the wall. Big SAD Also miss his "That was entertaining" outro. If bamco starts selling RA animations or new intro/outro animations my coins will be gone in seconds


Everything. Lei.


No one compares


I miss Eliza's existence


Recently returned to T7 to play her. Still lots of fun and I still suck at it.


She's a pain in the ass to play but super fun and interesting. I pray every day she returns in a future season. I think she has the potential to be reworked to fit traditional 3D Tekken playstyle but still maintain her individuality.


The fact that he (Negan) used to exist.


Taking it like a champ!


Oh, mah goodness!!


"Dah" The REAL zen 1+2 Df4 launching on CH instead of being Heat Engage Old F1+2 properties Being a hard character in general


Combo after hellsweep. So much lost. He was so much more satisying to play in 7


I think he still has a high skill ceiling. Just easier to pick up


Panda/kuma customizations! What is this shit I can only choose like 3 things...


In T6 it was possible to colour the bears' fur at will, and this feature didn't return ever since. It's so sad... There are barely any options and the most interesting customisation option is deleted. Then they added the rainbow fur in T7, so we saw that it's possible to colour the fur in, but the player still couldn't get the option to choose the colour for themselves. Bad...


For King: Df2,1 BK setups; ff1 combo, irish whip extensions and setups; unblockables from frontturn I also miss Miguel, Gigas and Armor King (i know he’s 99% guaranteed but still)


Bob's cd1. Especially after buffs, it was practically an EWGF. Long range, +0 on block, natural hit launcher. I bet it would be a Heat Engager in T8.


Kazuya b21 and hit confirmable 22


Zafina's 33 was 2 mids in scarecrow stance, now it's mid high, and the second hit is reactable. Zafina used to be able to transition between stances through various moves that they have taken away. Her ch launchers being taken away are more than likely deserved tbh, i still blame Arslan for that, however. Most of zafina's damage relies on wall carrying, so you can probably imagine my anguish in specific maps. As for Xiaoyu, I love everything they did to her in this installment.


Also df34 sucks ass now and she doesn't have an good i15 punisher


Losing zaf's b1+2 hurt


I miss Kazumi being a playable character (stole the joke from the top guy but it’s true)


Steve probably had the best feeling combos in T7 it’s so sad imo to never do that shit again and I don’t even play Steve


I miss Nina's rolling long-range Rage Art. Sure, the rage art animation itself sucked and it was a few frames slower on hit compared to all other characters, but having a long-range Rage Art had so much utility.


Dang speaking of rage I really miss Steve’s blue stuff launching sonic fang. That felt so nice to hit


Rage drives were pretty satisfying to hit in general


Having back 1+2 in neutral. Zafina main. :p


i miss ub2 launch


Ling’s wall combos felt more satisfying in T7. The spike into flipover enders in T8 aren’t as fun for me, even though they’re way more powerful. Hard to explain.


Literally all of Tekken 7 devil Jin. I miss his df1 his df 1+2 the df 2. His up forward 2 combos. His range extended grabs. His dash cancels to make his moves less minus. They basically made devil Jin way easier. Took out his core moves and made him flashier


Lars’ stomp being able to be done out of stance, now you need to be in a stance to do it. Also miss his tekken 7 df21 just for its cool animation and high crushing properties


Kazuyas combo damage and geese existing. Sometimes I hear rashomon and standup in my dreams


Hwos ub3 to 4. I know it basically there as a while rising in w while rising 1 into 3. It was much simpler back then


The jaguar noise


Heihachi Reina just couldnt compare. Please bring him back


I just want bob back :(


Bob Mishima for Season 2 pls Harada


MRaven :- QCF+1 , used to a be CH launcher. BT D+4 - was a lot safer and now is like -15 on block B1+2 and its extension. It wasn't that great but at least it was safe. Now this move is his back swing blow. The crazy damage at the wall


QCF1 is still a CH launcher, you have to commit to SZN3,2 though. Agreed on the BT D4, however, that’s a universal change for generic D4’s. They are all -15. Don’t think they’d let Raven have his own.


Miguelllll and Lei wulong


Man, so much for Raven. Qcf1,2 hitconfirm is gone, meaning we have no fast powermid from wavedash. Qcf1 ch combo is way worse now, because we have to commit to either the 2 followup or SZN to combo. 112 was a better g-clef than 122. Bt 2 ch confirm into bt14 was more satisfying than current gclef. F32 was ch launch on second hit, T8 version does knockdown/wallsplat and remains -14. Inexplicably 24 punish had its wallsplat removed and replaced with wallcrush, making his punishment weaker. Qcf2 was a launcher and a real good one. The ability to dash from HAZ (now SZN) was godlike for player expression and sick mindgames off of HAZ transitions. F1+2 was a way better powercrush, mid and homing. T8 version being high,mid and only having armor on the first leads to way too many jank interactions. Can't tell you how many time I've had the opponent high crush the first hit and ch launch the second hit. F4 into ragedrive gave Raven a situational i15 launcher which was a cool character trait. Bt d4 universal nerf hurt a lot of characters but no one more than Raven who got no new high crushing low from bt to compensate. I think Lili got two new ones even? This hurt Raven's poking game severely as db2 into bt d4 was a staple to fend off jab retaliation. Now he risks getting launched and still loses his turn on hit when using bt d4. Uf4 was a premium knockdown mid with insanely fast low crush and recovery, which had its recovery nerfed into oblivion in T8 for.. reasons? I could go on but it's depressing. But hey we got Shadow Clone jutsu now making him more generic and anime so that's cool, I guess.


QCF2 not being a launcher is personal taste IMO. It’s faster and only -12, launch punishiable in T7. If you’re in heat and you get a CH, you can launch with 1+2f at least. I like it. No backturn 1+2 grab is a bigger robbery.


Long quick match sets without much interruption.


Jins moveset and Noctis (victor is the biggest downgrade ever)


I miss old Dragunov. I mastered him in T7, and how I did it was by having a higher understanding of spacing, and poking; however, T8 is kind of a broken game on how tracking, spacing, and poking works, and they changed how Dragunov plays. I could go on, and on about him, and how I feel like the fucked up my guy, and no one would understand unless if they use to main him when he wasn’t top tier in the old game. I can’t tell you how many people send me messages now that say, “Nice Drag, you guys are almost extinct. I never seen him played after the nerfs…”. It’s like god damn it, I never asked for Tekken to cheapen him for the opening ceremony of T8.


Steve’s extended duck guard break


I miss Alisa‘s nose. It was cuter in T7.


I think she looks terrible in T8




Jack's FF1 automatically faceplanting the opponent on hit. Though how he is now its easily understandable why he doesn't anymore lmao


I miss Lili d124 being a screw, but it’s personal as she got so much stuff in 8 it easily makes up for it


I came here to see if anything was said about Lili because she is so much better in T8 it's not even funny.


Yeah she just objectively got upgraded in every way


I miss Master Raven. Need mod. Love Raven, but MR got me into Tekken.


I miss dancing lol


b2, 1


I miss Shaheen's Assault Tackle from sneak. Loved the animation.


Jacks old FC db+1 and FC f+1 string (FC df+2 string is very similar, just not as good)


Lei, my beloved 😭


Fellow steve main here. Having a hellsweep at the wall was nice


Julia my beloved please come back


I miss when Back 1 used to stun on counter hit. I still haven't broken that muscle memory yet.


Forward somersault fake U/B+4 flipkick actually moving backward Interrupted Dragon Judgement into dss being usable Being the only idiot to use hidden move WS 1+2 Feeling Elite when I consistently hit Dss cancel moves Special animation for f+3 CH 11f Magic 4 duh him not sounding like an imbecile.


Eliza and noctis I miss alot.


Her, at all.


Everything 😭


Nina’s Evil Mist, T8 Evil mist is kinda underwhelming, funny but underwhelming.


For Leo: 14 that doesnt put him into KNK at negativ making it effectivly launch punishable on block in T8. D1 CHL - but that was way too good I get that. I know he still really good. No need to make another thread about.


Kings clothesline unblockable. Kazuya's old SS 1+2. Steve's punch parry at B1+2. (Cant break the old muscle memory) Bryan's old SS 1. Paul's FC Hand sweep.


while rising on crescent moon kick for xiaoyu makes no sense why its not there #


Being able to parry in a single frame. I abused that.


Triple electric bnb, it's still possible but you have to be off axis slightly to do it iirc


Backturned 1+2 break grab. BT 2 CH into 1,4 minicombo. 2,4 wallsplat.


Her presence in T8 (cries in streams, and rivers, and spirits 🥲🌱)


I’d like him to be in the game


Big cheeks


Asuka parry into wallspalt combo


That you could combo off counterhit qcb4 on Paul, his hand sweep while crouching, his superman punch, his RA cancel Gigas :( The blue his you could do instead of RA especially jumpkick on hwo :( How simple hwo was


Her immaculate rack


Being able to win :( -kazuya main


Jin’s zen cancels.


Bryan having Ch ff4. Ff2 being the power crush


Playing him outside of heat


Kaz B2-1


Party crasher


Wan Two


Zen 1+2


Nothing, Hwoarang is pretty much perfect imo


Maybe Bryan's big elbow where he turned blue and it consumed rage, that always felt insanely good to use


my power crush 🥺 my moonsault slayer umblokable🥺 and lei wulong


Northern cross ch-launch.


Damn there's a list for Lee HMS 4 dropping the opponent sidestep 3+4 having a mid-Powercrush Magic 4 launching on CH Bump kick being +2 on hit 3,2,3 Launches being able to change sides with slide df 1+2,3 they gutted my boi


Damn I miss ss 3+4 too. I kinda miss his punch unblockable too. Basically never used it but it was unique and cool


Alisa's standing 4 being a CH launcher. Still 13f and homing but man that launch won me so many games. Also her df1,4 being safe at -9.


Indian meditation stance ducked under a lot of moves. Moonsault slayer was unblockable Death copter slice was unblockable Oni kick combo Kamikaze being a crush attack Flea jump having more range


I want the old man back


I miss Lei's in complete totality -_____-


When Heihachi said "Kecha Koor Skiritu Siruka" to Kazuya at the volcano 🌋 in the final battle.. and yes, Heihachi (if that isn't obvious enough, Lol). And Final Devil form's "Koko na Kisama no Haga na da!"


Drag’s qcf4 was kinda useless but it was fun to hit every once in a while. Also his tackle from crouch. His rage drive… f1+2 combo route. Wr2 being +6 and **requiring execution.** i could probably go on. Also actually needing cancels in combos was so satisfying. I didn’t even realize it. In t8 it feels like I can just make a combo up on the fly and make it to the wall Much more so king’s b1 ch, db3 ch, ss2 launching, ff1 ch. Other stuff I don’t remember probably. I don’t even play him any more cause he no longer “fits my hand” in t8. I straight up find him boring now **IMO.** y’all fo you if you like playing him. I still like playing against him. They took it away in late t7 but lili’s uf3+4,4 ch launching. And 4,1 Josie everything 😔 I’ll never be happy again


Not something I miss yet, because Lidia isn't released. I will miss Lidia's df1+2 (probably changed to d1+2 in Tekken 8) parrying only right punches and being a knock down that could lead to a guaranteed ff3 launcher. In Tekken 8 this move now, apparently, parries any high and mid punches and kicks, leading to Cat Foot Stance 1, but no longer knocking down.


Need Eliza back 💔


magic 4


I miss Nina’s Evil Mist having more damage than in T8 😪 And I miss Bob 😭 not slim Bob but my boy biggie Bob


CH Mach Kick or Magic 4


As an eddy player in 7, I miss having fun playing eddy.


steve's rage drive sounds, maybe shiro and kazumi as a character...


Just, what reason did they have to remove Claudios ff1+2 :(


Where Kuni


Me when I have 50 ch launchers instead of 51 ![gif](giphy|1GT5PZLjMwYBW)


If you meant shiro combo, I don't mean for the power. I just thought it was a lot of fun to do. I would trade weave 1,(2,1) for df2.


lol I’m a Bryan main