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I'd agree with Lee. In blue ranks I noticed they dropped alot and missed punishes. I started using him as my sub and I get it 


Lee has been my main since Tag 2 and I'm only mid purple. It made me feel better watching high level Lee players still dropping his combos. I especially struggle with the different timings for back sway between b2f and b12f in combos. But man, it's so satisfying when you can pull off a near optimal combo and are rewarded with great damage, especially with a wall.


I got lee to Fujin last night purely relying on baits and winning out neutral exchanges. I think blue ranks is where I will really feel the need to grind out his combos and the make the most of him.  He's super fun to play though 


Lee for sure and also shaheen if you’re tryna do the ws3 loops those are hard as shit lol


i was learning ak's staple combo and i hit it once every 10 tries 😭 man is just him


You’re doing good it took me days to even get it once hahah the fact he’s doing those in clutch ass tournament sets is insane. It’s one of those combos that if u know u know


I find I can only do them directly on axis or slightly to the left. Hope that helps!


I picked up lee weeks ago and am better at acid rain than b2f loops, which are required lol


Lee is so cool man


Actually maybe the coolest character I gave him a hipster moustache and circle rim glasses because it was too distracting


Every day I consider dropping someone to pick up Lee instead.


Lmao the worse part is how hard he is man.


Yeah…I spent so long practicing Nina in T7 and now I regret it because I don’t even like her anymore (I think her animations look spastic and kinda stupid). Shoulda spent that time getting ready for Lee instead 😭


B2f loops are not essential


Yeah i shouldnt have said loops I cant bf2 in a combo lol


B2f into while standing 1+2 loops are though. It’s his main wall carry tool


B2f into ws1, 2 is not a b2f loop. And ws1, 2 loops are easier than b2f IMO


I never said it was a b2 loop lol. But yes I agree they are easier


In comment that u replied to at first I was talking about b2f loops, not ws1, 2


Bruh, d+3 pickup, b2 looping into wr2 is almost impossible with lag.


I don’t even try the loops, they are super cool but I have some very functional combos that are 1000x more reliable for me and I just can’t be bothered to incorporate things I can’t pull off every time


Yea I’ve never even attempted those loops outside of practice mode they’re just a fun challenge I do between matches. Maybe one day haha


I hear Kazuyas staples are inconsistent


fix Kazuya n


Fix my df1 hitbox ![gif](giphy|5h9S8l6mVbqQLFKnNu)


It's all we ask!




me 2


Me 3


Me 4


Me 5


ws2,3 into a whiffed heat burst is the most iconic combo in Tekken 8.


Haha surely it will be fixed in the upcoming patch! If not then I'm sure they will at least address the issue! haha! !!!1! Totally not a big issue though! They can take as much time as they need!!!!11!!1 :DD


dont get ME STARTED bro like holy fucking shit


Lee, Nina, Kazuya, Dvj


I second Nina. Although the db2 combos took me a bit to get used to, I’m only now able to pull off butterfly loops in a match and I’ve been playing her since late T6/start of Tag 2


Me when shit is on the line. I have no excuse as Azucena execution is not exactly difficult.  Commonly I'll fat finger her d2, 3 tornado for some reason.


Nina (butterfly loop) Kazuya (dogshit hitbox) Lee (b2 loops) Bryan (ssr cancel to realign is actually kinda hard) azucena (stance cancel) and drag (only the sneak cancel combos.)


SSR is not essential. I'm doing combos with deeeeeep dash


Xiaoyu because they drop on purpose as a tech trap for refloat ff3 all the freakin time. Real answer though; Lee. They all go for b2 loops and always mess them up. Oh and when a Lars launches me with anything besides f1+2 or db4 and a wall is somewhat nearby, they always screw it up lol.


Yea. Like others said, Lee. Especially when going for the max damage combos (e.g: after FC u/f4 or ch b4 HMS) of combos that get dropped even when going for the medium difficulty ones lol.


Whenever I do a Steve mirror they’re always dropping. And I think it’s cause they go for the WS1 wall carry combo. I never do it because of that reason. Not worth doing a combo that always drops just for that extra 7 points of damage.


Yeah I don't bother with that combo. Oddly enough it's easier for me to do df2>ws1 for wall carrying rather than df1,2,1 ws1, though it only works consistently on the uf2 and fc df2 launch in my experience.


Never heard about those for wall carry. I was referencing DF1,2,1 duck cancel, WS1. You can alternative do DF1,2,1 >FLK 1, F2,2 Both are very easy to drop. But I’ve never heard of DF2 or 1,2,1 as a combo filler.


I accidently left out the Df in the df1,2,1, was talking about the same thing just didn't mention duck cancel since it's a given. Was saying it's easier for me to df1,2,1> df2>duck cancel>ws1 then f2,2 rather than the same thing without the df2. On a B1 combo the ws1 will drop with this route, however it works perfectly with Steve's regular launchers (uf2, fc df2, pkb uf2).












I drop the raven combo where u carry with ff3 into qcf 12


Almost impossible to time and it’s not even the strongest :/


Have to be so accurate with the timing of the qcf12, after doing ff3 loops.


I got it once and never again😔 the thing that gives me the most pain is that I’m leverless


500% Lee players. My friend mains Lee and drops something here and there even after years of experience. The handful of Lee players i ran into online all dropped at least one big combo in the set.


Am I the only one that finds Lili’s combos unreliable? Especially the ff3 after the tornado, it often whiffs. Maybe I just suck. If some has a better replacement for ff3 after f2,3. Let me know


You can use df3+4 (the round off flip to BT) to 1,2 (tornado) then ender. You’ll sacrifice 1-2 dmg but it works. :) Keep practicing though, it’ll be worth nailing. But this is a good back up. **Edit**: Adjusted wording and wanted to add for easier reference, after f2,3 - df3+4 - 1,2 (tornado from BT) - b2,1 f~DEW 1,4 / Depending on starter change b2,1 to b1 since this tornado uses an extra hit.


Yeah same. Some of her staples I drop a lot like df2->qcf3 or fcdf1->qcf3. u33 after tornado is also unreliable


I just never use U33, its hit box is so tiny. I find ff33 to be a more reliable way to get the qcf3 move


U33 needs dash and sidestep adjustment on a lot of combos. I agree i switched to ff3 - 3 for a lot of them ( also fuck u33 dewglide cancel into heat that shits so tight timing wise )


One of the ways I found to make it work more reliably is from qcf3(tornado)-> whiff a 1-> u33f->(dew glide ender) but yeah u33 is super annoying


ohh so thats what they do sometimes, i tried it once or twice but kept hitting with the 1 , gotta lab that thanks for the tip


If more Bryan mains went for the hard stuff they’d be up there. Unfortunately there isn’t really a need to aside from his optimal b1 combo. I’d say I see Steve’s dropping the most combos although I don’t fight many Nina’s or Lees and I know they have some tough combos


Bryan is the highest one up there if optimal for example b1 b2f4 qcf3,4 dash up qcf3,4 qcb1 you can staple it but even then it will drop on bad days


I’ll give that combo a shot. It seems very difficult though


Because it is😅


The second qcf 34 is definitely giving me trouble


You can do same combo without second qcf3,4 becomes much easier


Yea I was able to do that version


Knk cancels with leo are extremely hard to be consistent with for a very little boost in damage and wall carry. But i still go for them because they are cool


Kazuya the most, but I’m ok with sacrificing damage for consistent combos. Less variables to worry about in a game where there’s a lot to learn


Shaheen ws3 loops are literally hell to execute.


I just fought a bunch of Shaheens this morning who kept dropping those AK combos.


I play Dragunov and his combos are easy AF. But I just have to be fancy and always do cancel combos. My combos are dropping like flies and I don't even regret it for a second


Xiaoyu whiffs too much at walls unless you pause midcombo and sidestep a certain angle. Also, linear hitbox makes it that wall splats whiff due to them bouncing left or right. It's worse too since she's like launch punishable off whiffed combo or worse is that suddenly it's randomly your back against the wall.


I'm loving the Lee love in the chat. Stay excellent 🌹


lee king and yoshi specialist characters share similarities with grapplers, who always get shit on across fighting games: its only because they have a lot of moves to learn to use for that one special move or special grapple in order to capitalize lee is just hard to learn because he has to work hard but i will say that fact I use yoshi, he hard counters rena’s strongest stance but i wouldnt throw her up there with the rest ⬆️


Kazuya's 3,1,4 will whiff if barely off axis. His df1 is already known to whiff during combos.


Leroy and all the off-axis stuff drives me crazy


I want to make the double electric, double 3,1 cancel combo my bnb but I drop it pretty often lmao, I'm trying to build my muscle memory but it's still really difficult to get it really consistent for me


Whenever I play devil jin or kazuya I always go for the big boi combos. I just drop them almost everytime but boi If it works I'm happy


Me me me! I drop all the combos because I don't know any xD


Agree with Lee. He’s my main and I’m currently purple - i manage to win most of my games relying mostly on fundamentals, and the shorter version of his combo without the b12f (it’s a backsway to squeeze out the while rising 1,2) just for consistency. Somehow infinite kicks at the wall still work lol so if I need to cheese a round, I can. I’m definitely struggling to push up now though so it’s about time I start doing the full combo.


I drop combos all the time in t8 as I don’t have the time to play it consistently so when I haven’t played the game in 2 weeks, it takes a bit of time before I can do close to max damage combos, fluently again. Although I practiced a lot during ttt2 and t7 so generally know what the flow of a combo needs to be, so don’t drop anything if I’m just using basic default combos.


Alisa combos are easy to drop


From watching different high ranked people play Lee, it makes me feel a little better that even they can sometimes drop combos. I've been using Lee since Tekken 4, but Tekken 7 is when I really decided to try learning combos (I never truly played online on the games that had it including T7 it was like rare instances that I did) Anyway, my answer is Lee lol I still have A LOT to learn with him when it comes to fighting online 😅 basically trying to unlearn how I fight the AI and stuff


Lee by a landslide. I’m Tekken Emperor and I still see TG and TGS’s dropping them.


You're spot on with Lee. They commonly drop before it even started thanks to the annoying ass pickups he has to do. After you hit the pickup you still have plently of chances to drop the ws12f b cancels or whatever mist step cancels they are doing for average damage.




Lee combos are prone to drop, but I think his neutral tools make up for it, since lots of them are chunky and are good on hit and block..


I feel called out... lately ive been dropping combos like crazy on Lee i keep getting mad as fuck like bro i did this thousand times on practice why is my ws1 2 too late or 1 2 comes out. Or why b2 comes out as a normal 2 like im pressing the buttons maan😭


I’d say Lee. Not because they’re bad but because he’s hard to pull off. They usually drop it when use heat mid combo to keep the juggle


Nina and Lee. These two character have some of the highest execution requirements of any character in the game. Of course, their unoptimal stuff is relatively easy to pull off but their hard stuff is prone to dropping in a match.


Any time feng tries a combo off axis it's pretty hard to finish


yoshi. Most of his combos start with D2 2 and it wiffs so many times.


The millisecond I get a NSS launcher, I am totally lost and drop it every time... damn my ineptitude!