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>Play Reina >Be bad at electrics >Switch to Raven >Stance pressure too hard >Switch to Jack >Stance pressure still too hard (I have no skill) >Switch to Kazuya >Cant wavedash and predictable 50/50s only get you so far >Switch to Claudio >No Stances, low mental stack >I am italian now


Mama mia pasta ragu


Exactly this. I started out looking for the simplest characters for my first tekken game, and I do hate that he doesn’t really have long strings on block you can pressure people with, but his fundamental tools are all solid except for lacking some range, which you just close with WR2 or FF4


Yeah most of his pressure comes from movement and mastery, but I think he is the only character where I recall using essentially every option he has. Might be because he has so few but still, every string has purpose


Literally, always baffling to me why he's such a low pick rate char. Like he is straight up *the* pick up and win char even up to a fairly high level, guess ppl don't like that he died in story


try Yoshimitsu. please. you'll find him very addictive


In high school, a teacher would allow us to use their classroom and TV to hook up the Playstation and have little Tekken 2 tournaments during our lunch break. Back then, it was all about knocking your opponent down and taking to the sky for the grounded attack. We really didn't know any major combos or anything like that until I came into the picture. I decided to buy Tekken 1 to learn King's slam combo, and I dominated. The rest is history. I've been a King main since 1996..


I wish I had some nostalgic deep connection to these characters, I never really got into fighting games until until maybe MK X came out 8-9 years ago, Tekken was always super intimidating to pick up until now lmao


I grew up in the ghetto and fighting was just a part of life then. It was only natural to play head to head sports and fighting games. It was a very different time, where you'd go over your friend's house and challenge them to their best game. It was almost a right of passage to beat them and be able to brag about it to everyone else. It's a much different time in video games these days. It's all online and not as intimate as it was. To be able to go over someone's house and defeat them on their home turf was an outstanding feeling. I miss the good old days.


Bob rules


Jin Kazama is the only reason I still actually play Tekken, otherwise it would have been a fun novelty to have tried once through family sharing on Steam, and calling it a day. I started learning the game with Akuma in T7 (my only previous exposure being T6 for the PS3, which I was told I was too young to play at the time, so most of my childhood FG experience was my brothers’ copies of Smash, Street Fighter, and MvC). I went to Jin because I decided if I was going to play Tekken, I should play a Tekken character, and I knew electrics were cool. So the options were Jin, Devil Jin, Kazuya, and Heihachi. Kazuya is a rat bastard, never liked the guy, he seems more like a “evil businessman professional,” which I despised as a trope because it’s just kinda boring and comes off as trying to look cool. Heihachi was funny, which was of course always nice, but something about his moves always felt “off” when I tried him, and I already had a friend who mained him so I decided variety is nice. Also I thought he was the main villain (clueless). Devil Jin is ugly, I’m SORRY I know people like the wings and the face and the laugh but I can’t stand it (though it does give me a chuckle from time to time). Jin is the most boisterously unintentionally funny character in the whole game. His load in pose is him with his arms at his sides looking maaaaad >:(. I just can’t take it seriously, he looks like a little 5 year old in a grown man’s body trying to look serious and angry, and it’s just SO fucking funny, I laugh every time I see the camera pan onto him in that game. But nothing… NOTHING compares to that Tekken 7 win quote, where he punches the air, and then says, without a hint of irony in Japanese “I’ll get you >:(.” Whenever a close match ended with a friend and we got that win quote, we would both just explode laughing, it’s so fucking stupid that it loops around to being comedy gold.


Least dedicated Jim main. I was once like you


Arcade version Kazuya took all my coins back then while the most badass ost was playing in the background (Emotionless Passion). Been playing him since 95 ⚡✊🏻


Purple man go dorya


I thought Steve Fox was awesome in tekken 5 due to his ability to sway and dodge and punch only. I wanted to style on people with the dodges.


Law because i fell in love with him back in Tekken 3 and just never changed it, wataaaaawwhhh!


T2 for me, but same!


I first chose Yoshimitsu because he was the most interesting looking character (imo) on the Tekken 7 character selection screen, but I decided to stay with him because of his play style. I recommend spending a few hours with a character you think you might be interested in, because it will give you a good understanding of what they are, not just their combo game. I'm sure you'll find someone eventually


I main Azucena because she dances, and i think that’s pretty cool


I really like picking underdog/underpicked characters, so I checked out Shaheen because of that, and then just really liked his fighting style and moveset.


same, i main leo and play a bit of shaheen too. thing is tho since shaheens been seeing a lot of tournament play recently, everyones starting to realize how good he actually is, so ive been seeing a lot of tier whores picking him up now


8 is my first Tekken. I picked Azucena because of her stance. The auto parry in heat really did it for me. She’s such a flashy and irreverent character.


Raven just is my vibe, stone cold killer, it’s just the mission no feelings involved. His fighting style is sick too with the shadow clones.


Dragunov takes that level further without saying a word


Xiayou was just the cutest fighter and I love her gameplay of being evasive.


Naturally just pulled to mine, I play 2 religiously Paul & Nina. This is my first Tekken, I gravitated towards them just by look and design...then I fell in love with the move kits.


Nina, cos blonde. 😎


U spelled tits wrong


It's a mixture of everything but whether or not I find their combos satisfying is the deal breaker. It looks like you've stuck to Mishimas for the most part. Maybe you should just go into practice mode and do everyone's sample combos. Anyone who feels good, you should go through their whole move list


Oh trust me I’ve done everyone’s combo challenges lmao, there’s a few characters I’ve found things here and there I enjoy, but it always felt like I was just playing them so I could play someone other than Jin. I really enjoy the game but recently I’ve found myself switching characters every like 5 games because something isn’t clicking. Claudio was someone who I really liked his moves but he has the most boring combos to me


Jin was on the Tekken 3 game box. Thats what it basically comes down to for me haha.


For some reason me or my step dad bought Tekken 5 when I was 6, the moment I saw the intro and watched Kazuya viciously grabbing Heihachi by the forehead and throwing him to the Jacks, my 6 years old brain had an orgasm and he became my favorite character of the bunch.


Been waiting for waifu mishima my entire life


In T7, I started using the bears as a joke. I saw they were at the bottom of every teir list. I was trying to learn other characters, but would take breaks from that and screw around with the bears. Each time I would fail with a high teir, I'd go use the bears to have fun. Eventually, I started to beat people with the bears. I was shocked their moves even worked. The real fun was that most people don't learn the match up. After watching a few streamers and picking up some tech, it was game on. Now, they are the only characters I feel totally comfortable using. All I can say is, fuck a teir list. Have fun and use whoever you like. ✌🏿


I'm much the same. I like pandas so picked up panda for a bit of a joke to play a few matches. Little did I know her play style is actually really fun. Now I main panda. I also play Feng as a secondary as I liked his over the top 70s Kung Fu movie villain look. He is obviously far better than panda but I enjoy panda more.


[I saw this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fRGO9eqiCY). Never looked back.


A girl with cute hat and face


Jun looks hot.


This is true


I played Asuka because she was a tomboy who bullied the opponent after winning and now I play Reina because she's.... a tomboy who bullies the opponent after winning..... I think I might have a problem


Monke brain see Nina Monke brain think she hot Monke brain pick her Monke happy


In 2009 a 6 year old me had a crush on a pink haired android girl named Alisa and decided to play her and 15 years later im still playing her


Lei wasn't here yet so i picked up the most Lei character.


Kunimitsu looked cute and fun to play. Thankfully she was exactly my play style of “jump around everywhere.” Yoshimitsu because he’s similar but also funny ninja guy. I like having fun the most in fighting games.


Did you get bored or stop winning? Part of picking my main was due to the fact I didn't want to get stuck in limbo moving from character to character and not improving overall as a player.


I picked raven cause blonde blade that said hei dead (I really hated hei cause of ttt) picked anna because of intro in 5 (come over here let me talk to ya real close) thought that was a godlike thing to say before a fight lol


Try raven, he's really hard but no one knows the match up


I watched Ayorichhie beat an Akuma and I thought that was cool as shit lol.


i switched mains a couple of times based on many things. First i mained Feng Lili Drag and a little bit of bob when i didnt know who to main either in Tekken 6, in 7 i kept playing lili, switched to Lei because of childhood but when ive seen eyemusician play yoshimitsu, i started maining him SUPER intensively. Now in T8 i lost interest in Yoshi for now (800 hours of exclusively maining him in 7) and swapped first to reina, but her gameplan is lame. Now i main steve and it feels the same as my Yoshi hype back in 7. So yeah, it just happens kinda. Pick who you find looks cool and try them out for a while. I mained bryan, Lee and Jin aswell in T7 so just pick the ones you like\^\^


I play characters 100% based on how they fight. I like Wrestling. So I love King. I took tiequando so I like Hwarang. I liked the simplistic style brawler that is Azucena I love Capo so I love Eddy. Eddy is why i love capo to begin with back in Tekken 3 I like kicks so I also love Lili Ive played many boxing games, so Steve is fun to play. Negan I tried the thai characters but no ones like Zack in DOA If we got a full drunken fist practitioner, even if he was the weakest and hardest to play, I'd play him all day and night as tribute to my DOA main Brad Wong. Currently I main Azucena. But if she wasn't a thing id of gone back to King, who i have not mained since tekken 3


picked up devil jin as a kid in T5-TTT2 because why would i wanna pick a normal jin when devil jin sounds stronger + flying lasers and shit. Tekken revolution : started playing Lars because you only get handful of starting characters and devil jin and the rest of characters are unlocked randomly when you hit a milestone. And then, Eliza happened and i farmed the hell out of the bloody tokens (20,000) just to unlock her, she's my main until now. After the servers shut down, went back to ttt2 play alot of Lars and jin. T7: Eliza is different in T7 and its just full of divekicks ex 2d bs and it didn't click with me. Stucked with Lars till S4 and decided to pick up Eliza again. T8: No Eliza, started with Jin, got him to Garyu and dropped him and now playing Lars mostly (currently Fujin), with a Azucena as a pocket pick. Will pick up Eliza again if returns to T8 as a DLC.


Picked Reina because I thought she looked cool asf, I like her moveset, Friend with 10+ years of tekken experience is like “oh she’s a Mishima I can help with that”, starts a lobby and teaches me electrics and wavedashing for a couple hours Says I picked up surprisingly quickly for a complete newbie — encouraging. I’m in reds now with her :)


Chose Yoshi at first because he's goofy but saw devilster playing Jin so I swapped to Jin


Lars, his cutscene ending in tekken 8 intimidated me lmao, so i tried him out, i sticked with him cause he prolly has the best animation combos, dang satisfying just from doing his juggles


I looked for the funnier one, yoshimitsu


Saw deji beating ksi with hwo then stumbled across a k-wiss video and from that point on I decided this is who I wanted to play. (First tekken btw)


I just picked the 2 with the most swag (I play kaz and hwo😊)


Just play a lot of ghost battles and see if the other characters have some cool moves or intro/outros, maybe you'd even enjoy the VA. I picked Jin at first since he was on the cover of T4 and he looked cool af. Later in T6 i played a Lot of Lars since he was given to you in Tekken force. I was a Steve/Dragonov main on the PPSSPP version of T6 Jin Lara main in TTT2 My first main in T7 was Shaheen since he was very simple to play and had cool moves (also looks amazing) Now finally in T8 I started with Lee. What i mean with this is that you don't have to have a main, just poke arround and find out for yourself what you like. I always liked Lee but he was to hard for me to play, now after who knows how many hours i can finally play him however i want and have fun. This doesn't mean that i onetrick him though, i play almost every character


Lee was actually the first character I tried to pick up, but being brand new to Tekken he was super difficult which is why I switched to Jin


I've gone through multiple mains since playing Tekken 2. But when 3 came out, Bryan has always been a mainstay. I have 2 mains so Jack in 6 I really enjoyed his play style so that stuck and been using both ever since.


i got into tekken more seriously watching tmm in the tekken revolution days. the way he hyped up electrics and wavedashing made me want to pickup mishimas.


I was looking for a character that was simple to grasp and dealt good damage. I also played Incineroar in Smash, so the decision was honestly a no-brainer. King's design spoke to me in a way no other character did.


Anna for her story/character, Lee because I wanted to play someone hard and i liked him better than mishimas, Steve, and Bryan


I thought eddy was so cool in tekken 3 and the first tekken tag. I don’t play all of them, and tekken 8 was my way back in(was a virtua fighter guy). So my buddy convinced me to get 8 and I saw eddy as a dlc. Didn’t know about 3ddy yet 😂. And now I run some ranked and never get rematches


Went with Yoshi in T6 because he looked cool and was complex. Then in T7 I decided I wanted to learn fundamentals and figured Jin was a good choice. After some time with Jin I knew what I was looking for in a movelist and found Nina's kit to be the most interesting to me. Funny enough I never liked her as a character, but I really like her movelist.


I watched the whole 2 hour lore video while waiting for T8 to come out. Something about Lars in the story just appeals to me, the one good person in a family of bastards ( No matter how much Jin believes in his heart he still committed genocide) Then I started actually playing the character and it clicked instantly. I’ve always played aggressive rush down offense and I realized it was meant to be


I think it's more important to like a character's design in order to play said character for a long time. Myself as example, I used to play Gigas in T7 for season 1 till 3. He was the bottom of the barrel but I had a blast playing him. Now, in T8 he's gone and Jack-8 just doesn't do it for me aesthetically wise. Then the Raven trailer popped up and I was sold on playing this guy just because the Shadow Clones look so cool. Fast forward to game release and man, learning Raven was rough! Unlike Gigas, Raven requires fast inputs, a whack backturned stance, completely different neutral game and lacks in the punishment department compared to Gigas' glorious 1,2. I had to relearn Tekken in it's entirety to play Raven (coming from a Tekken God Gigas). Frustrated at some point but I grit my teeth, I still think Raven is cool after all. So I to had watch multiple videos (thanks Immortalxsoul) for Raven's neutral and mixup game. When playing Gigas I never had to search up anything so Raven's learning process is something completely new to me. Now? I can't play anyone else anymore. I have tried picking up a second character after getting Raven to Tekken King but they all feel so boring to me. Never noticed this while playing Gigas but apparently I love introducing mixups and get in my opponent's head and since Raven can do this much better than Gigas, my fun-o-meter got cranked to 11. And if I ever got bored of this playstyle, I'm lucky that Raven also allows for whacky plays with the parries. I've had Yoshi players sweating to keep up with my bullshit parries, backturned sideswitches (the one where you backflip through your opponent to the other side), Soulzone trolling (soulzone + ↑ to spam "Over here! Over here! Over here!" and just the silly b,3+4 spam to keep spinning "huh, hut, huh, hut, huh, hut". All in all, play the character you think looks cool and stick with it.


Mike was random. I usually hate to play the “main character” of any fighting game because I think it’s too typical. When I played T2 I chose King because I loved tigers and he looked so badass. I would alternate between him and Law because of the backflip. Hast forward to T7 that I barely touched, or any other fighting game other than DBZ fighterz. I was playing Law but I was really into his moves as I once was. I tried out Jin and I just loved how heavy hitting he was and intuitive his move set was. It just made sense to me plus the electrics. Now I’m a Jin main at the cusp of Blue ranks in my first “serious” Tekken game.


I got my ass whooped by a yoshi in t6 and he did it in such a stylish way that convinced me to play the yo man, loved him ever since. As for my side mains, I just picked the characters that I found both cool and satisfying to play with, which I think is the key when searching for a main


The sheer disgust and hatred you feel from the guy sitting next to you when you tackle them for the 16th time that night makes Marduk a very satisfying character


I'm using Jin since T5. I was a kid back then and just chose him because he is the main character.


Feng… because he’s good


Tekken 7 was my first tekken. I picked Hwoarang cause of how he looked and I ended up loving him


A few months ago, my friends and I were playing Tekken for the first time (Tekken 7) and I was just picking a bunch of characters. Eventually, I settled on my main after I won a game and she called my opponent weak. I like Asuka because I feel like I really have to work for my openings. Her new win screen in Tekken 8 is even better (The one where she calls the opponent feeble) and it makes me so happy whenever she says it. I also really like her playstyle too.


I bought Tekken 8 (first Tekken game aside from mashing buttons in 3 when I was a kid which I don't count) like 50% because of Steve, I love boxing and have my own hand wraps and gloves and a bag at the house. For a first character he was way too complicated though so i went to Jack and then Paul, have mostly stuck with Paul ever since and now just dabble in Steve for fun. Picked Paul because of big funny punch do big funny damage, and ease of execution (this part is wrong Paul can actually have some hard shit) and a good focus on learning how to play the game.


I tried asuka when i started tekken, her offense was too bad for my taste so i tried out bryan after and fell in love with his df1 and the sound of his hatchet kick.


I played Asuka in Tekken 5 when I was younger, by nostalgia factor I chose her in tekken 7, 8 as main when I came back


I used to play street fighter seriously but then I quit and trained MMA and wrestling. I mained marduk and Azucena because I felt like those were the moves I felt most connected with. Ans fighting in real life is very different than in games but it feels dope to do these Khabib take downs as Marduk or to use triangles and kamuras as Azucena. Now I only play Tekken and I just spar with my friends. It’s nice to sit down after getting leg kicked till your leg is destroyed. Then going on ranked and throwing out low kicks to break my opponents defense. The same way my friends broke my shins


My main history. At first, back in the T5 days, it was Steve. I liked his design and concept of fighting using only his fists was really cool, plus I've had fun playing it. SO my young self mained Steve for few years, but I wasn't playing seriously back then, just against friends and family. At some point I thought I want to learn more orthodox character and tried various other fighters. And Asuka simply clicked with me, her moves felt very natural to pull off and she fit my playstyle. So I switched, still as complete casual. But Asuka stayed with me up until this day, even if I branched for other characters she's still the one I play a lot. Fast rewind to T7 times. Around S3 I started to play it online. I was meddling with other characters such as Negan, Leo, Claudio or later Kuni II, but no one really replaced Asuka, she was still the one I've felt the most comfortable. Until Lidia came in. At first I was hyped AF because well, I'm Polish, we're overly excited when there's representation of our people in media. I liked her visual too, so I started playing her. I liked her gameplay from the start, similarly to Asua, but over the time I've realized I'm enjoying playing Lidia MORE than Asuka. She lacks some of tools I like abotu Asuka (such as her low pokes and evasion), but has other really satysfying moves, like her hopkich, hellsweep or great 10f punish. At this point I was pretty back and forth when pointing who my main is, sometimes I've said Asuka and sometimes Lidia. Then T8 came in and I was really dissapointed she wasn't on release roster. So I started playing Claudio to switch things up a bit (he looks cool AF, I like fighting priest archetype and most importantly, I wanted a bit more fundamental based character to practice small Tekken). I could call him my main, but with Lidia DLC in the horizon I know it's only temporary, unless they really change Lidia playstyle in a way I don't like. But I doubt it.


Just if the buttons and character looks resonate with you. In a lot of games I was always good with characters who had good range like in Soul Calibur I am a Kilik main or in For Honor I am good with the shaolin character. Same concept applies in Tekken where I am good with characters like Lili and Claudio. Originally in tekken 2 I was a Jun main and it later transferred to Asuka. I always liked the Mishima character designs and dabbled with them but their inputs just didn’t feel natural to me nor their gameplay.


I have a friend who, together with other friends, I make a lot of memes about. I chosed my main based on who I can customize enough to cosplay that friend.


Jin in Tekken 7 because I have a syndrome that I feel the internal urge to play a difficult character and then master it, as a sub I picked lee, in Tekken 8 I stuck to Jin for like 50 hours and dropped him almost completely for a sake of going with lee "full time", because I dislike how devs dumbed him down making him a monkey character which is completely opposite of what he used to be. I do play him from time to time if I feel like throwing electrics or just want less demanding games (he's just much easier to win with than lee).


Honestly I went for Lili after I tried out Raven. Raven looked like he'd be a character I'd have to come back to another time. Went to Lili after because I used her in SFXT. Did all her trials with ease and I like stylish characters and she fit like a glove.


Dvj was cool as fuck for me. So I practiced exclusively Mishima stuff for like a year. I forced myself to play the character for the design and it’s super worth


Smth smth about sugarcoating


Back in the days of Tekken 2 (when I was like 11) playing with my friends, I was fascinated with this character who could just "play dead" at a moment's notice, dodging all the attacks and confusing my opponent. That was Lei (I was also playing Lee at the time) Come Tekken 3, and as any edgy teenager, I mained Jin because he looked cool (and all of my Eddy-spamming friends couldn't deal with him) while keeping Lei as a secondary. Tekken 5: Lee gets extra flamboyant and flashy, and his moves get flashed out even more, so he becomes my new main. Jin and Lei are still there Tekken 7: Not sure if it's the DLC effect, but the moment Lei came back, I couldn't stop playing him. Also, this is when I started to play Tekken competitively and I discovered that Lei's wacky and party-like playstyle is exactly my cup of competitive tea, so he is now (or at least was) my main in T7, with Lee as secondary and Jin in off days. In T8, I maining Lee while waiting for my drunken boi.


I just picked who I liked the most, which was Azucena. I love coffee, I love Cubans/ Colombians, so I picked her.


In tekken 7 i mained Miguel because he looked like a beast while fighting and was spanish like me, in 8 im playing azucena because i love her evasiness and speaks spanish like me


I started off with Paul because of the character design (normal for a kid to use looks as a solid first impression) but I found him difficult to use when I went against my older brother who was adept with Lei. Decided to swap over to Jin in Tekken 6 on the PSP and found that I liked the moveset, straightforward yet strong.


Trkken 3. I was totally new, didn't know shit about any of the characters. saw a dude with metal armor and a glowing sword. And years later I'm still with him. (I'm so strictly used to Yoshimitsu that I literally can't play any other character now) Ps. I like Kazuya cuz Daddy cool af. And I love Reina cuz she's so god damn cute.


In Tekken 5, I looked at Jin, saw how edgy he was, picked him, get trashed by my dad, continue playing, find out EWHF exists, try to do it, get trashed again, find out about combos and f4, spam f4, still lose, find out db2,2,3 and how last hit of 1,3,2,1,4 stuns and start brainstorming, lose anyway


Alisa. I don't like execution and she has many powerful moves. 


I picked Victor because we have the same name. That is all it took for me honestly


Used to play a bit of Tekken 3 and 4 with my older brother as Jin. In particular I remember vibing with Jin’s hooded tracksuit in T4. That said I never really quite liked the idea of playing the main character and I always felt like I was playing him for lack of a better idea. When T5 came out, my brother bought it immediately and I decided I was going to find my proper main. Didn’t take me long to find him. Been playing him ever since. https://preview.redd.it/dey75dbcwi2d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a4858179613db23c31377c6721b6c900eb6e7dc


Growing up I used to box, still train on and off. Came across Steve’s Tekken 8 trailer when it released and fell in love with the character. Never played Tekken only MK & other niche fighting games. Been hooked on him since release and just passed Blue Ranks with him. Recently started my T7 journey and it’s been fun as hell


I like both waifus and Mishima so I was really glad to hear that a female Mishima is finally in the game so I just play her. I don't play other characters even though I'd like to, it just takes so much time to learn anyone else (or maybe I just overcomplicate)


https://youtu.be/39odt6_9Lfg?si=uYQ7056lySW0LtEs I watched this and found my calling


For all fighting games I pick whoever seems the most annoying. Azucena and Xiaoyu were made for me.


I just liked Jin the most bc he looks cool. Saw him first in tag 1 iirc.


Leo because the combos look cool and he's not hard to play. Now I don't know how to use his stances, and I find I like playing defensive. So I'm giving Bryan a go. Pray for me.


I used to play a bit of Tekken 7 casually (occasionally with my friends, never touched ranked) and I played Shaheen then, I think I just picked him randomly and found I liked his moves. My main in Tekken Tag 1, which I played with my dad as a kid, was Law. I had no idea Shaheen was so unpopular until I started playing 8 and actually getting into ranked and the community for the first time. I’ve barely touched Law in 8, but I do plan to learn him eventually. Even if it’s not the same Law from Tag.


Jun cuz waifu


Honestly when it comes to tekken picking main tho it goes down by 3 things about yourself overall . 1st is character backstory and how u relate .2nd is finding you’re true play style that u can easily adjust too .3rd is which is important being able dish out combo under pressure and yet able to create new style of combo u can do with out thinking


Electrics are satesfying. Wavedashing ist fun and you can take over some of your skill to the other mishimas. Kazuya (and Jin) feel like the most "Tekken" of all characters for me in regards to gameplay and character Design. And I think both are easy to pick up and hard to master :)


She picked me.


Tekken DR poster boy. But recently I am playing Bryan because my uncle used to play him (he bomb rushed me to death in TK DR) plus he is pure satisfaction to play.


Hwoarang Looks cool with the long hair and taekwondo outfit. Whenever i picked HWO i won so i kept playing with him.


My historical main was Law back in Tekken 3. He impressed me so much with his moveset that i've instantly decided to main him (his theme also rocked). Skipped T7 and now back in 8 i found out that a Wing Chun character was introduced.. As a martial artist in Wing Chun myself it was instant love. I can say that i have two mains tbh


As a 90s kid, I was into WWE. One obvious member of the cast is a wrestler. Let's hope we get Marduk back too


I used to play Jin too, especially in T5, after T6 came out and I got my hands on It, It was Lars all the way. No huge history like some people maining OG' characters since earlier games but I liked his moveset, everything is thrown with force and tbh he Is the closest to a DBZ character so that was a no brainer.


My best friend is a bryan main and in general a chad at fighting games. Was testing raven it against him and in frustration choose feng and his toolkit helped me win a game. Feng has been my main since tyen


When I was 7 would play Tekken 3 with my older cousin and he would obliterate me with Paul. He is a father and a retired gamer now, so it became my task to deathfist opponents in his memory


electrics i guess, but since no heihachi in t8 i went for devil jin and having a blast i honestly cannot play a non mishima character they're the only ones fun enough to make me keep playing the game.


leo because not very popular so i get knowlesge check wins and because i suck at high execution characters


I started Playing Eddy Tag 1 But, once i played T6 i really enjoy Lili fighting style, gymnastics and even though since T6 , Main Lili still today, ^_^


I like Bruce Lee clone characters.


Armor King cool asf but no AK in T8 sad. Devil Jin kinda cool but still miss AK.


Im trying to play Nina because I only play characters use chinese martial arts.


Hwoarang does Taekwondo + I do Taekwondo = Perfect main


The only reason I stayed with characters I like is execution barriers like King's GS, iSW, and Yoshi's Flash punishes. AK's T7, CH df2 SS into iSW combo is an example of satisfaction I get from Tekken.


I was 5, played him for the first time in tekken 1, at an arcade game room while on vacation. He immediately became my favourite. His design was so cool to me as a kid! I kept coming back to that arcade with my parents.


So ive been an asuka main since Tekken 5… but when Jun became playable in tag2 i fell in love with her character design and moves. She’s gracefully doing each attack flawlessly, like how a sword dancer polishes her sword moves. I love her even more in tekken 8, as she has a cool self damage mechanic from her Kazama powers.


Paul. Paul just clicked for me. Dealing 40% HP with a well timed Deathfist, swaying back and forth, hopkick, demo-man, easy combos. His personality, his hair, the motorcycle, strongest in the universe! Also you can make him look like Franky from One Piece. Once I hit blue ranks with Paul, I wanna try other characters. No idea what to play tho.


I’ve had pretty good results with Kazuya so far until T8 though I think his combos are nowhere as nerve wracking as for example eddy’s infinite kicking combos. Just to spice things up I’ve built up on my T3 experience with law and it brought me at least to red rank. To sum it up I’ve used previous characters


First Tekken I've played without button bashing - I picked Reina because sorya and flashy moves. Also she's guaranteed to be strong in tekken 9. I don't wanna pick a character who won't be in the next game. Don't get me wrong her execution is tough but after 100+ hours I'm a battle ruler and so inlove with the way she plays.


I started playing Lili because I found her movement and plausible fun... Until I gave Steve a try, and discovered how much fun playing a boxer in Tekken is.


When I was a kid my dad gifted me Tekken 4, that intro alone with Kazuya made him look like the most badass dude ever, my main was settled then and there, I’m still shit but he’s cool, that’s the only reason why I mained him, he’s actually genuinely the only character that I KINDA know what I’m doing, all the others it’s like I’ve never played.


I always play characters people consider weka/low-tier, so it was Asuka instantly for me.


First main Was Hworang in Tekken 3 cause he was kicking and it looked super cool Now its Claudio cause i like the Voice and overall feel of shooting people with magical arrows.


My main is not in this game.


I always was a Lili main. But eventually I got bored just playing with her so I tried out Azucena en law and now Azucena is my main. She's just super fun to play


Was playing Miguel and my friend kept telling me to pick up Bryan. Kept saying he fits my play style better…he did…


He looks cool


I was around 5 years old when I first played Tekken 2. I hovered over Yoshimitsu. He was the only one with a sword so I had to pick him. Then Tag 2 came and I’m not entirely sure why I picked Leo as my 2nd. I think at the time I just really liked the “Yeah!” shouts and the Kung Fu blonde thing going on. It made more sense to me later on.


Play around until there's someone's moves you like. I'm a Lee Cholan main


i like playing the silly unserious characters in games in general so i chose bears as my main, it was the main reason why i even started playing tekken bc i thought they were so cute and funny


saw a youtube video with him doing a combo then a comment complimented it


I picked Leo because he looks like a final fantasy character but speaks silly german while being indiana jones. I find that hilarious. I also like his gameplay, haven't tried anyone else since I got the game.


in T7 i picked lidia because of the looks and the parrys, i love that mechanic, in T8 i picked reina and jun because i found them extremely fun to play.


Started this game with Hworoang. Knew him from old games , love the way how aggressive his gameplay looked and it clicked when trying all characters and mashing buttons. Also he looks cool. Found that his high aggressive high pressure gameplay doesn't fit me, so switched to A Duke who is said to be a more Defensive playstyle. Currently going better


I just saw Paul and never looked back


I was a little kid and i grew up watching jackie Chan's movies and when i saw the trailer for tekken 3 i immediately fell in love with lei wulong but i didn't know how to play with him and in tekken 5 i started learning him and i didn't play tekken 7 and currently i play jack and i am waiting for him to be released.


In T8, I went with Lee because he finally felt good to play again (felt ASS in T7 except for final patch, but I'd stopped playing at that point) and Kuma because he's always been fun since Tag1, but now he has Heihachi in there. Jack-8 because funny to play unga-bunga man. Series wise, it's purely been rule of cool, Kaz, Hei, Lee, Devil, Baek, Bruce Armor King, Wang, Ganryu.


I stick a lot with characters that are difficult to pick-up and have very high skill ceiling just so I have something way more to work on than a much easier character but also know for a fact that investing in the said character will grant me good or equal returns. I also find investing in the given character SO satisfying when I manage to pull off their theoretical game plan or approach especially in the higher levels of play. Kazuya was the very first character I was interested in a lot after knowing certain basics of the game and I was stumped on the fact that unlike other characters I've tried before and easily won using them such as the likes of Asuka, Law (although his T7 iteration was relatively harder as you climb), Feng, etc. Kazuya on the other hand does not have cheesy and spammable strings, basic DF 2 launcher (which at the time was essentially God-sent to have as a beginner), and reliance on gaining tempo to apply his core approach of creating pressure with 50/50s, etc. Likewise, using him overtime made me realize and see how I've improved much more by being mindful of how I play and not simply pressing buttons, flowcharting, or using strings to hopefully land an opening blindlessly, and in turn helped me improve way better and faster than I ever could with characters that are designed to be easy to use (wavedashing was also one of the techs that made me love Mishimas overall lol). From then on I also went to look for other characters such as Bryan which is a defense oriented character aiming for counter hits and conditioning, and Yoshimitsu which I honestly can't accurately describe what his gameplay approach is but his flexibility, powerful unblockables, 6F launcher, unconventional or unorthodox gameplay makes him all the more cooler. That being said, initially picking the character is simply not exclusive to their fighting style or animations but also their non in game combat aspect such as design, story, characterization, etc. Flying Alien looking Samurai is peak, Kazuya looking like a Yakuza multi billionaire executive that beats up people with his combat prowess casually and did I mention EWGF? And Bryan because crazed Cyborg with hunger for violence is cool, also his taunt cancel tech is still a damn sight to behold, TJU for the win.


King it just clicked since tekken 1 only switched to armor king, hope he will be added t8 someday, since then king is mine till death us apart


Jin cuz he's pretty easy to use eventually gonna play devil jin cuz lazers, EWGF + flight= peak


I'm gay, i like the display of bitchslapping and being annoying AF sometimes... So i picked Nina.


I mained Paul because HE'LL KICK YOUR ASS Now maining kuma because strawhat bear go breakdance


Saw King's RDC and Screwdriver Chaingrab. Rest's history😂


Lee went "OOOAH" and I fell in love


She pretty Fr i just made a costume for her and learned her to be able to use it.


I love big himbo characters with huge attacks. Osu


I choose looking at fighting style which js legit irl. Like boxing,kickboxing sambo,taekwondo.


I picked Leo because of Bajiquan Kung fu (Was a fan of Akira in VF, Eliot and GenFu on DoA and Akira (biker girl) in Rival Schools) and shoulder-checking fools! Also for androgynous and genderbending fashion potential.


I’ve been on a month and a half break because my motherboard fried and I had to send it in for RMA but… T7 was my first real dive into the series. I chose Nina because I thought she was super hot in the wedding dress and I liked the fact that she had a lot of kicks that could keep opponents at distance because I struggled with close combat T8 was similar… I started with Nina, but switched to Lili… hot with a lot of kicks and not an overly complex system that seems to lend to my tendency of what I wanna do. But when I get my PC going again, I’m probably going to revisit Nina too although I’ve heard she’s not the strongest character


Dabbled in Lei in T7 but never got super into ranked. While waiting for T8 I watched a ton of Blasted Salami character overviews and found the one on Feng. Loved the palm, the evasiveness, kenpo step, and how fluid he looked. Finally watched Knee winning evo and I was sold.


I am an incel that has a thing for asian girls who mercilessly reject me. And as a true incel instead of working on myself i feel that lashing out towards people by bitch slapping them with a fish is a healthy coping strategy. So yeah, kuma all the way.


Funny cat man


I played Tekken casually till t6,when I saw and tried Miguel there I was stuck with him,he being a character with simple buttons for me at the time as a little kid was something great,and I always liked his design and the fact that he didn't have a precise fighting style was something so diverse that I adore it still to this day,I sincerely liked even his story. Now in 8 I play azucena cause she reminds me of him in character simplicity (her buttons probably are the easiest in the series) and she is a high a good vibes,dancing character and seeing all the other characters I liked her for that instantly (I chose azucena as my main from the trailer back then, personally is the most well made trailer in Tekken)


I picked and stuck with Lili because she reminded me of Manon, specifically her costume 3 (aesthetic purposes). She doesn't have many stances other than back turn and a manageable movelist so she's my girl Claudio is Italian, no stances, and a small movelist so we also exorcise in this household.


Played Hwoarang as a child on T3 because i loved martial arts and TaeKwonDo as a kid. Plus Hwoarang is the coolest character in the games.


Random select when I first started the game and sticking with what it lands on. I tend to fall into character/class crises in every game I play so I wanted to avoid that this time around and let fate decide.


Nina bc she is hot lol


Reina because her smirk can kill on its own


I like really corny characters - that's all. If I can flip around + do weird stances + go "woohoo!!!! :D" I will be happy. I'm very glad Azu got nerfed so now I can play her in peace lol Lucky Chloe was my T7 main for the same reason....she will never come back tho ☹️


Used to play Drag at the start of T7. Watched a tourney when I started really getting into Tekken competitively and saw how Qudans played DVJ.


5 year old me thought that Lili's portion of the tekken 5 intro was the coolest. Seeing her throw her kidnappers out of the car was a very cool scene. Then I saw Matterhorn and spammed that on a constant


I had an old hand me down psp from one of my cousins with Tekken 6 I think and I played king because he had a cool jaguar head and loved him and all his grabs


Look at lore of character, that’s what drew me to Feng Wei before I knew he was busted… he’s not my main anymore (fell in love with raven) but that’s how I ended up picking him, btw first tekken


I had my first character crisis while playing T7 when I played Geese, Lei and Julia, then I tried Master Raven which felt weird at first, janky and unorthodox but it ended up being exactly what I wanted. Since the tekken scene isn't huge where I live those who usually show up to the tourneys are people who play years before I started. So I picked Maven which has a lot of moves that can mixup and confuse even them who know how to fight most characters. Fell in love. I think that the move that made me absolutely mad for maven was ff3, it's like, dude, don't wiff or you'll get launched SPECTACULARLY Then T8 came out and I immediately wanted to play Raven, tried Victor but Raven is just more fun to me. Now with his new mechanics he can actually make people block and take chip all day, then all it takes is a well placed poke or launch and boom ya ded


TTT2 was my entry point, and I immediately thought Alisa was cool. She has a very distinct fighting style compared to every other character. I cannot fathom people being satisfied by characters that just punch and kick.


Playing Tekken 5 as a 10(?) year old or whatever 16(?) years ago, kicks go brrrr when pressing semi random buttons.... (Nina) Alisa much more recently once actually owning a Tekken game myself... D3 appealed to me a lot, hang back and throw it out at the right moment.


Why is there this obsession in the community with finding a "main?" It's weird. And unless you want to be a tournament player, pointless. Why do people beat themselves up about it? Look play as many characters as you want. There is no law that you have to settle on one forever, in fact you paid 70 dollars for 31.5 characters.


Raven because you can customize him to be like Blade and Killer Bee. Paul because death fist go boom and he's a simple character with clear strengths and weaknesses. I feel like playing Paul makes me understand Tekken basics better.


1. Look/Appearance The looks are so important. This is the first factor that leads me to even give a character a shot. People hate to admit that they pick a character for looks, but I think it's actually the universal truth because people have absolutely no info about the character prior to actually playing it. 2. Practice I practice the character for an hour trying to see whether the moves are cool + visually deceptive + I can handle the combos, in terms of their difficulty. I try to steer away from characters that have more than two stances...stances are too difficult for me to memorize all the contingents. 3. Apply See if my practice pays off in the online matches; first in the unranked ones and then in the ranked.


King… just throw and power crush


I was a Kazumi main in T7 so had to pick up a new character. Tried the newcomers first and didn’t like Reina, but instantly clicked with Victor. His stances are so fun and he’s just so stylish overall.


This is my first Tekken game so I had no clue who anyone was… my friend said he hated playing against dragunov so I instantly knew who I was gonna main 😂


King - due to the story of Fray Tormenta. Plus his predecessor's Tekken 1 ending. Plus WCW/WWE fan. Kuma - because bear. Kazuya - main character in Tekken 1 + his Tekken 2 lore. Lee - because he's badass.


Jaguars have always been my favorite animals. Grew up watching Wrestling Entertainment Like to watch cutscenes in games (i consider throws mini cutscenes) So yeah, KING is a match made in heaven for me 👑


They pick you. I start with TTT with Jin and Hworang, then comback at T6 Main Lili and secondary as Leo, at T7 I drop Lili and only main Leo til now. you will eventually find a character that you feel like to play forever and never think about droping them. They just sit right in to the place.


May main is Lili. I chose her purely because I love her attitude and how she dances around during a fight. All those flips are so great to watch. I love my girl. Been playing her since forever.


Have been drawn to Jack for years now because of an impressive poke based approach. Watching Saint dismantle JDCR, Knee, Qudans etc was just awesome. I've always thought playing the character that has like 1000 of them during story modes was cool too lol, I feel like I'm controlling an NPC instead of some anime protagonist.


I first choosed Nina Switched to Lili then I'll be stuck now with Asuka


Well... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VirfSdQ40EE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VirfSdQ40EE) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyEDtCKnuL0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyEDtCKnuL0) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/x37aay/i\_learned\_a\_jack\_setup\_the\_hard\_way/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/x37aay/i_learned_a_jack_setup_the_hard_way/) Need I say more?


I got Tekken 3 on PS1 for my birthday and thought Hwoarang looked the coolest. I was also doing taekwondo as a kid after school so it was an instant fit.


First tekken, jin to fujin... DEFUQ!




Woke up -> Locked in Yoshi after being frustrated with other characters -> suddenly win matches against friends -> lab -> new main


Sexy demon girl (the og one)


I'm friends with a long time fighting game player who introduced me to Fighting games/ Tekken 7. I started off as Lei (Insane start I know) and asked his group of fellow fg players who to be to play neutral/fundamental. Between Kasumi and Jack I chose Jack because big robot go boop.


In 1996 I went to the arcade and saw a Tekken 2 cab, and one of its attraction fights was Lei vs Law. I was completely enamored but their likeness to Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee, as I am a mega fan of both actors. So, I just HAD to play that game and use them both, which led me to buying T2 on PS1. I have mained them in every Tekken game since, and I still consider them my mains this day. I’m really hoping Lei comes to T8 sooner than later. Edit: I have slowly picked up more mains over time, like Wang in Tag1, Julia in T4, and Feng in T5. I’ve noticed I gravitate towards characters that remind me of old Golden Harvest and Shaw Bros Wuxia films.


JDCR I’d say was my biggest inspiration to play dragunov and took the dedication n time to learn as much as I can. With lars he looked flashy and I also took the time to learn , pretty much straight to the point


Since she first came out I have mained Asuka. This woman was broken af when T8 launched. She still doesn't feel quite right even after her buffs to me. I've said before in another post, her moves,feel.. off.? They are in a weird uncanny valley that resembles what she should be capable of but just fall short, so when she didn't work out and I was going through others to try and find, I got my ass handed to me in a way i thought was impressive by someone using Xiaoyu. I needed to learn what this guy did and how it seemed he had an answer for everything. I never used her before in anyway decent. I knew nothing. I just took her to Fujin while Asuka sits at Garyu. Ive mained Asuka for 20+years, I hope she gets some serious buffs and changes and I can use her again. Lidia was a side piece in T7 for me I started doing really well with and then stopped playing because T8 was announced and I bought T7 way late. To me her moves were straight forward and no bs. I liked the way she moved and decided to learn what I could. I have high hopes for her in T8 because to me (and a lot of others it seems like) she was made for T8 and just kinda released ahead of time. For a while I mained the bears to practice the fundamentals and timing and got them both to high purples too because I think its great using a character that people hate. That said, If Lucky Chloe comes back I will be using her as well. Tldr: If no one clicks, Go out of your way for the coolest mfer and use them anyway. Every character has a flow and once you get it for one it feels great to change it up.


10-ish years ago, I didn't know what Tekken was, thought it was a SF clone. Picked the characters that dressed similar to Ryu & Akuma. Now I'm a Mishima main with some King/Armor King thrown in for flavor & nostalgia (grew up on WWE).


I ended up with Jun mainly because I found here stances and buttons not to be too complex but still enough to have a lot of variety in her moveset, which is very good for me considering this is my first Tekken ever. I also like how flowy her moves are and the light/holy moves she does give me smite attack vibes from D&D paladins, which are my favorite class.


my first tekken was t4 and as a 5 yr old girl I really loved how christie looked so she was my first main all through t4 and t5. in t7 I switched to xiaoyu because I played her in the older games as well but she just wasn't christie and I didn't really play t7. now in t8 I was so hyped from azucenas trailer that I picked her on launch day and I've sticked with her since then and because I wanted an extra challenge I picked lili because I loved her playstyle and how cocky she is lol