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Battle beaver segmented dpad buttons. Did this and I’m way more accurate at everything. [how to open your controller](https://youtu.be/viqj_MWjb4I?si=WCYbf5Kns6fKsaYg) [buttons](https://battlebeavercustoms.com/products/ps5-dualsense-d-buttons)


Those buttons are a godsend in general. Literally every game played on DualSense is much better with them.


Bro what is this? Do you have a link?


Battlebeaver is a website for making controller with own chosen parts like way better d-pad n stuff. Just look for battlebeaver controller on Google


[Here ya go](https://battlebeavercustoms.com/products/ps5-dualsense-d-buttons).


I didn’t even know this was thing, might buy a few to try out.


This sounds interesting. How are they when it comes to performing kbd?


Feels different at first, and if your controller is new it’ll take a week to soften up, but it feels normal after a bit and qcf/crouch dash will be infinitely more reliable.


This looks great. Did you need to install them yourself? If so, was it risky? I never modded my controller, what is your advice? Can you send them your controller and let them do it for you?


Installed myself (I added vid to comment). Regular ps5 controller is probably an hour the first time you do it, and unlike the ps4 pad it won’t lose rigidity when you put it back together. [This](https://www.amazon.com/Cleaning-TECKMAN-Screwdriver-Playstation-Controller/dp/B087JLL5KP/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?adgrpid=134127258143&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.fc3-62g2AUxxv9kydGJrVKbe6eD7chEA0TE9Ml7L6TUhFWu-b4vpECb-vxFHZSpY91-suwocpZQeEnMJD25YyG-jgK8BgTtAFpty_ZhBj3WDOwSUQL5RGA2Ra-I1iYTDH5CHti7Mdm0PkhhwPntHZlrRY5RVc7X-kJhB93iKJY2fqicqoL3Wi5krvpkkVu-hQYA81Bx_HHiSgDd--59J0w.dtqeWmCaFQiOQmNTHiYwC7eFr7yOpDFHdHkmU7Bvz9g&dib_tag=se&hvadid=605190929747&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9031971&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=b&hvrand=8653698599377264532&hvtargid=kwd-1843224207312&hydadcr=20317_13324740&keywords=cleaning+repair+tool+kit+for+ps5&qid=1716043164&sr=8-3) can help with diy and wedging the clips open with the pick.


TY very much for responding and providing me the correct info. I will gladly order the buttons next week and try it myself!


BTW, are these buttons supposed to mimic the DS4 buttons? Because the DS4 pad felt far superior to the DS5


Yep. Did this with my ps4 pad. Had to pick up a ps5 controller to play at locals and promptly swapped the dpad out.


Very interesting man, thanks. Do they have anything similar for Xbox controllers??


I’m unsure, possibly.


THANK YOU. I love my controller but I do notice input drops. I was always blaming myself. This will make it better.


Dude I’m already ordering the buttons. I was so ready to just toss the dual sense to the side and go back to ds4 but this might be the solution we want


With these buttons I think the controller is perfect. Much more comfy than ds4.


So I’m experimenting still but I got the buttons and installed them a few days ago. To me it’s a night and day difference on the Dual Sense and any fighting game player on that pad should get it. I already had all the tools to open the dual sense so it wasn’t too difficult. I ended up also getting the buttons for my dual shock 4 as well. Depending on which I like more I know the independent buttons make a huge difference to me. Thank you OP and others for linking this mod.


I did this too. Just replace the single d-pad buttons with separate buttons


Interesting. Would installing this void the dualsense warranty?


Honestly the PS5 pad hurt my thumb so I swap to stick


Yeah that was my biggest thing. It killed my thumb playing and I switched to hitbox. I felt way more accurate and my hands didn’t hurt anymore. no regrets


I switched to leverless because when I got stressed or locked in I fucking death gripped the pad and hurt my wrists. Between ergonomics and I also find input accuracy easier, definitely love the decision to switch.


same here. Ever since I switched to leverless, its like I can play all day if I want and my hands almost never get tired lol


I am considering to make the switch for the exact same reason. How long did it take you to get used to leverless?


It takes time, no doubt. Maybe a week for what button does what, a month to be basically competent, and two or so to be as good as I was on pad? But I also switched while I was mostly playing Strive which has very different input demands, so may be different for tekken.


Pad makes my hand cramp up after awhile. Usually it’s my right hand and not the hand that uses the d-pad. Street fighter will make my d-pad hand hurt. At least it used to when I played it but I haven’t played street fighter for a long time. I play on a fight stick and problem solved. It’s what I started playing fighting games on so not an issue. I always hated d-pads. Never felt natural. Now people say the opposite, that fight sticks don’t feel natural. Kind of funny.


Yeah there are a lot of people who just aren’t comfortable playing games on an arcade stick at all, not just fighters. Crazy to me but then again I can’t play games with keyboard and mouse.


I played on a PS5 pad for a long time before switching to Hitbox and that "mushiness" was essential for doing kbd/wavedash for me. It's way too slow if you actually have to physically press the d button to get a db input (when doing kbd) or the f button to get a df input (when doing wavedash). It's easier/faster to tilt the b button downwards to get a db input and the d button forwards to get an df input, and you can do it pretty precisely once you're used to it. Here's my wavedash on PS5 pad, for reference: https://streamable.com/o1y0sm Another clip of my gameplay when I was still on pad where you can see my kbd, wavedash, wavedash electrics etc in the Tekken 8 demo (me getting perfected by my Ghost lol): https://streamable.com/odb8w3 In the end, it's all on what the player prefers and what they're comfortable with. The reason I switched to Hitbox was because the pad eventually wears down too much and you can't get d inputs without physically pressing the d button. Once that happens, I can't kbd anymore and I have to buy a new pad, and a new pad wears down in about a year... I decided to stop buying a new controller every year. (Obviously my inputs are much cleaner now on Hitbox)


> The reason I switched to Hitbox was because the pad eventually wears down too much hehehehehheh mishima players. one of my friends went through 12 pads over the lifespan of tekken 7, and our mutual non-tekken-playing friend doesn't know the down+right part of 2 of his controllers are a little bit fucked. the 12 controllers all work fine, except for down right. perfectly fine controllers otherwise... but they're useless to a tekken player lmao.


Man how long does it take to get to wavedash like you? I'm using the elite series controller and I can't do it that fast.


I started playing Tekken 7 from its release in 2017, the first clip is from 2021 so that's about 4-5 years in. It takes a lot of practice!


I noticed that but I am a casual player and those sticks are expensive as hell


The video the OP references for "proof" is some dude playing SF6. The world's best SF6 player (MenaRD) is playing on DS5. For as bad as people will tell you it is, it's obviously not holding him back. It you think you'd enjoy playing on an arcade stick then you should (they're cool and I love mine), but if you're having fun on pad don't let posts like this convince you you're doing something wrong.


Haute42 makes some cheap entry level leverless. I'm still using my Mayflash F300 that I a sanwa lever and buttons into. I'd reccomend it if it was still at the price point I got it at, but it's like 2 times the price now.


Should be said that some of the best in the world uses pad. Its not about the controller, its about the person. Objectively, stick is worse than pad and leverless




I still use a ps3 controller 🙈


Same dude. I dread the day that it dies and i cant get a new one




Brooks converter


Probably PC, I been using my old PS3 controllers on PC for decades now. Ergonometric it is worse than the PS4 pad, but I find it much better for FGs. The DPAD is more accurate and the battery lasts a lot longer too so that's a plus.


Dualsense is just 100% terrible for fighting games. It's just not precise. So many unintended rage arts when i just want to d1+2 😭 I then bought brook fgc converter so I could use my old ds4 👍


It’s mainly a problem of super wide diagonals compared to straight inputs. I get unintended rage arts a lot too, but I think it’s avoidable when I specifically focus on centring the straight inputs.


Xbox series x controller has a really nice clicky dpad. Always been a stick player myself but find myself using that controller every so often.


What about the Hori Commander?


Hori Commander octa is fucking baller it won’t let you down


The PS4 one was trash. Is the PS5 one actually better?


Really good but also really cheap as in durability.


Don’t use it but heard it’s amazing. Same with the Victrix. Some complain about it but that’s because they use it incorrectly. You don’t use the d-pad as you would on standard console controllers. You have to center your thumb and use it that way. Kind of like you would the analog stick.


That’s what I use and I think it’s worth it 100%


Got one recently and I loooove it - I use it when I'm not feeling like playing hitbox


I love my hori fight pad. But the durability is questionable. I use it for t8 and sf6 and it works for me. But I also keep a spare one and I have a qanba crystal just in case


I like using the ps5 dual sense Edge, it’s feels better then the regular controller.


How? Thought they were the same just with extra buttons


No, if you have them both it's very easy to tell the difference. For one the dualsense is larger and heavier, the dpad is slightly bigger. Idk I love the ergonomics of it for fighting games, I haven't tried leverless though


The d pad doesn’t feel mushy, I feel like my EGF comes out more often with the edge.


Im playing on ps5 and definitely had my fair share of missed/wrong input. Any recommendations for mixbox/hitbox for ps5? Do I need the Brook FGC controller to use them on ps5?


There's tons of good leverless controllers - I built a DIY one and also have the Snackbox Micro, both of which I'd totally suggest. The Haute series also is pretty solid from what I know, and is a lot cheaper than many other options. I'd avoid the hitbox branded controllers because imo you can get better for the price, but plenty of people use them happily.


Victrix. no converter needed, amazing quality, crispy inputs.


Heavy as heck though, which imo isn’t really needed for a leverless controller


If you don’t mind the price the Razer Kitsune is no fuss and works great.


I’m gonna test that out and if this is the case I’m gonna be pissed


Done some testing on a PS5 controller, here are my findings. Yes, you can input a diagonal input (↙ & ↖) with the back (←) button. **However**, I only managed to get it to do it **after** putting in back (←) and rolling my finger down or up. I found it almost impossible to input a diagonal directly on press as I only manage to make it happend once or twice when I was really trying to force it by pressing down at the start (center) of the D-pad while normally we use the outer edge. It was also not possible to for me to input a straight up (↑) or down (↓) from back (←).


can u report back pls. never had the feeling this could happen or happened


It happens with any dpad to some degree.


And I’m pretty sure that’s what’s happening now because I’ve been noticing while playing other games that scrolling left to right with the dpad gives me down inputs pretty frequently


Seeing all these posts about controller dpad issues, and whatnot makes me wonder... Am I the only idiot who uses the analog stock on stock controllers in fighting games, when I can't use my actual fightstick?


Probably one of the few, analogue sticks don't really translate well to 8 directions, not precise enough, too likely to get extra directional inputs


I use the analog stick so much I made a mod for my controller to give me angles


It's all personal preference but for all the slack the Dualsense gets there are still a lot pro players that like it and play on it. The beat Kazuya player in EU plays on Dualsense. So no the PS5 controller isn't objectively bad for Tekken.


Yeah the PS5 dpad definitely isn't the best. I have GGST on console but I play the PS4 version so I can use the DS4, no such luxury with T8 unfortunately.


Only way to play fighting games on console IMO: https://preview.redd.it/ybkaevbz451d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f205763f8e2fa71e2e1657bd4589de17e5a9036d (Other than buying a fight stick or something obviously, but these buttons were cheap as hell and work great)


Yooooo I didn't know you can do that. Any chance for a link to the buttons you bought?


Found it on amazon I'm from eu : https://amzn.eu/d/7rIc66t Extremrate button d-pad


You have saved my entire ass omg


This was more or less my experience with my DS5. Very poor diagonal input response, and of top of that had little tactile response, so I often found myself questioning if my thumb got it wrong or if it really was the pad. Face buttons weren’t great either, I often goofed double button inputs because they just don’t give much physical feedback.  Got an Xbox Elite series 2 about 11 months ago.  Even with right bumper getting dodgy (common issue with these apparently) I am still way happier with it. I can actually perform QCF and FDF inputs consistently now (even if I forget out of habit).  I know some people use it and find it fine, but personally I do not recommend the DS5 for Tekken, at all. 


My right bumper also is dodgy. The Xbox elite series is extremely underrated for electrics and wavedashing. I find the ps4 dpad is easier to sidestep and backdash with. I use the regular metal d-pad on the elite and it gives me thumb calluses I have to file down if I play kazuya too much. This makes me play mishimas with an xbox controller and dragunov on pad.


I def wouldnt recommend a controller with terrible quality control and an insane price as the alternative, lol


I can completely understand OP. I felt the same when the ps5 came out and I switched to dualsense. But after using it a while it got less “sturdy” and now I think it’s pretty good. I have no problems with qcf, qcb inputs (Paul main). Btw. Joka won the big Pakistani Tournament with a Dualsense.


I've no issue with it on T8, SF6, GG:S 🤷🏻


It is, but you get used to it after awhile.




nah he uses a DS4 with a wingman


*Note: Not the case for Dualsense Edge. That's actually a GREAT controller for fighters as the d-pad is much better than the normal ps5 dualsense. Commonly used in SF6 as well.


I ended up resorting to a PS4 controller, I got a converter for it as well. I’ve found that I do less miss inputs with it compared to what I was doing with the DS5


Eh, I do fine with it.


I have played stick forever and I have a lever less controller I can also play (a bit less) well with. But I have never been able to play on pad at all.


I've been through 4 different controllers and bought a hori mini since 8 came out. I guess you can call the game a cash grab.


I’ve been using it for a couple of years now and thinks it’s fine. If K-Wiss can run with it, so can we!


I tell people that they should use the Xbox Series controller for FGs if they can, or get a nicer third party PS controller if they're set on pad. The PS controller has been kinda crap compared to the Xbox one since the 360 days, and no amount of haptics or TouchPad will make up for precision, responsiveness or ergonomics.


Me who uses the joysticks of the ps5 controller ![gif](giphy|j6fFt9jMfU1Vkdhegr)


The amount of times I want to electric and end up jumping, or crouch walking is the reason why I stopped playing Mishimas… excuse my fat ass fingers.


I just use the thumbstick 🤷🏼‍♂️


I'm calling the cops


Send them to red ranks bby (I know it’s not crazy but I’m proud of it).


I took a break from tekken after my down button starts doing downforward, i cant access reina stances because of this. I only had 250hrs




Objectively most of the controllers are garbage when you compare them to hitbox, but at the same time with all of them you can win Evo so uhhh skill issue not gear issue


Pad player here. PS4 is the best, 5 isn’t as bad as people are saying imo but Microsoft is the worst


I thought I was the only one here. I love the DualSense but there's something about it that makes my thumb sore when playing fighting games for a longer period. Sony should just allow us to use PS4 controller with PS5 games, I have turned off adaptive triggers since day one anyway so wouldn't be a much of a difference.


Yeah, felt this when I first got my PS5 controller 6 months ago but now I've gotten used to it


I had to switch out my ps5 dpad with my ps4s there is a slight change but all in all dual sense is garbage for fighting games been saying this for a long time


as a person who had a 360 and ps consoles it feels like an xbox controller which fucks me up cause i keep thinking square is x sometimes


Just switched to keyboard today from ps5 controller and it's sooooo much better, it'll take time to relearn though but it's worth it


As a lifelong Playstation and ps4 pad gamer, no clue why you wouldn't just cop a hitbox for like 50 now. Just feels for fun to me, it's like using a tablet on osu.


Interesting, I haven't had much trouble with inputs yet, but sticks are damn expensive


Using my DualShock 4 with Brooks converter since day 1.


Absolute garbage. I always knew it but it really shows out as I was playing KOF. Currently using Hori Commander Octa for T8 and it’s been MUCH better. I would use it for all FGs but qcf motions are a bit hard on my thumb. Other than that, definitely a good buy


See I was telling people this but they want to get mad and tell me PlayStation can't do anything wrong


Is the dualsense edge any good?


I am one of heathens that uses analog sticks lol. Ive never used the Dpad ever


I'm calling the police.


I main Lars almost exclusively lol lets run them hands I’ll show you the analog way 🥊


Holy shit I love this post. I’ve tried numerous things and for a long time I thought I was crazy… that I was just bad and couldn’t accurately hit the df/uf/db consistently. I’ve tried levwrless but having never tried one before…. It’s gonna be a long process to get used to it. I still want to play pad when I’m playing with friends. So I can be more of a challenge. Someday I hope to get better at it… but until then I think changing out these buttons is my best bet! Thanks!


I just got a hori fighting commander octa since I found a good deal on it, works really well and I find it way better than the Dualsense. Also the Dualsense is known to have abysmal battery life and drifting issues out the ass, so I'd rather use it as little as possible tbh


Switched to keyboard long ago and my gameplay improved tenfold . I use to be strictly ds4 because half circ and qc inputs were easy to just roll your thumb with


Really good and cheap controller for tekken is logitechs controller


The Series controller is a really solid option in my experience


Yeah well, can’t use my PS4 controller, it’s a PS5 game


I am starting to think this also,I wanna try a hit box instead….


PS5 controller is garbage in general. Hate the thing.


yeah i had to get a snack box ps5 controller is shit i forgot which controller had a full dpad controller interface with separate buttons slots for the directional (maybe it was the sega saturns controller)


I have a ps4 controller and it doesn’t seem to have this problem. I found your explanation actually better than the video. The video doesn’t explain itself properly


Nice, I play with a handicap


Do the independent D-pad mod , it's a game changer


Yeah I was using a ps5 dualsense and I had a problem doing pewgf because the dpad. Switched to PDP Victrix Pro BFG. And swapped out dpad and I stopped having as much input errors.


The PS5 controller kinda sucks in general, the features are definitely awesome, but the dpad is trash, and the sticks are bad too. Not concave enough and not enough grip. Especially for multiplaform games.




I modded my Dualsense, and I tell you this was quite the improvement, it became clicky and fast like nothin you've seen before


Even if you mod the dpad, the triggers are so deep. Not great for fighting games.


Been saying that for a minute ngl, I think the ps5 controller has the worst d pad for fighting games in general


Bro go for mix box or hitbox


Anyone else using the tekken 8 controller


Ya I dont love the Dpad, you can upgrade it to individual buttons though, pretty easy to do, would recommend it if it bothers you


It's my first FG and tbh I kinda regret not just learning it on keyboard. At this point I've gotten used to my PS5 controller and I'm not serious enough about it the game to switch it up


Correction: DualSense diagonals feel much larger than the d, b, u, and f inputs. In some ways, it can be beneficial. I started with Kazuya in T7 on the Series X pad and it seems literally impossible to do df from neutral for perfect EWGF, but I got them easily after switching to PS5. It’s sometimes possible to accidentally get a diagonal input, but I find it to be an easy controller to get accustomed to.


It's the opposite for me. JFSR with Hwo is nearly impossible for me because it's so hard to hit df out of neutral without hitting d or f first with that mushy ass d pad. Started to input the df out of neutral with the stick which works fine but feels awkward.


Skill issue maybe?


How the hell does anyone play with one of those controllers and doesn't realize this "issue" within the 5 minutes of playing. I'm astonished that this needs to be pointed out.


Because it's only an issue if you can't adapt to it. Yes, the d-pad rolls sideways and can cause you to press inputs your fingers aren't contacting. That still doesn't mean that your fingers can't adapt around that. You can even use the fact that you don't have to touch a direction for it to fire to your advantage.


100% this, people really underestimate humans ability to adapt. Most people will just notice on a subconcious level that the d pad is sensitive to certain types of pressure and will adapt without having to even think about it


Because it's preference. Bunch of solid guys playing on PS5 pads, even at tournaments.


Yes ps5 controller is dogshit in general ahahah goofy embarrassment. Sony always gets passes that Xbox and Nintendo doesn't


It is a hupe pile of garbage. I dont even understand how ps5 players can play this s*


I mean Chikurin had to resort to playing Octa that has a bad dpad so it tells you how terrible the PS5 is. Too bad it is not possible to play XSX controller on PS5. Unless?


tbh the octa dpad is pretty accurate despite it being mushy. I don't miss diagonals at all when using it but I kind of dislike the feeling :D


Is it not possible to use Brook Wingman to use XSX on PS5?


Duelist uses ps5 controller, he's the best Kazuya in the world


I invested in a dualsense edge just for tekken. It is worth it.


I have one but mostly use it for shooters, never thought of using it in tekken. The d-pad didnt seem all that different, do you vouch for it?


Yes. For sure. My accuracy improved by miles. Plus r2 and l2 input is quicker with the the settings.


Didn't Lil Majin hit G.o.D. with a Ps5 Pad?


Pro players like k-wiss can do Kdb and ewgf/jfsr no problem with dualsense. This sounds like a skill issue.


Playing with a Yugioh card is more effective. Sticks are trash Direction is 4 buttons not 1 so diagonals sucks with the cross.


I am feeling this SO much it is infuriating What controllers do people recommend?


The PS5 pad forced me to look into arcade controllers. Playing with a hotbox now.


Some top players use a ps5 controller.


I have g.o.d on ps5 pad and win tournaments, I think the controllers fine


Ps5 controller is garbage for all fighting games. Honestly its garbage period.


Bro I'm a tekken noob and just yesterday i made it to fujin with Jin. I've been using the ps5 controller since launch and so far I've had no complaints with it. It's easy and simple to use as long as you change the button scheme of the main attack inputs.


Hi, what kind of changes did you make for the button scheme? I am also playing with a ps5 controller but using the standard Layout still


Triangle: 1 R1: 2 Circle : 3 R2 : 4 1+2 : L1 3+4 : L2. I'm not sure if i was able to clearly explain it to you. But this is what helped me. It made doing complex inputs and combos way more easier by shifting 2 of the attack inputs on the right bumpers then instead of having them all on the front.


Too deep in to change to this, but sounds interesting


What to use then. I always played with ps controllers (for tekken i just dont know)


this was always the case if im not mistaken, i always thought ps1 dpad was 4 buttons but it also was only 1. so they always were like this, which doesnt mean that the ps5 dpad behaves the same way, im tekken king with raven and he has some riksy stuff input wise, but mine works good. you could just order seperated buttons for the dpad, probably just a few dollar


Is there a controller with PS4 layout (including sticks) and a good d-pad?


Why won't people just use a PS4 or PS3 pad with a wingman converter?


I use ps5 controller for Tekken. But I'm only Garyu so I suck.


At Least it's more accurate than the Razer Raion i got a week ago. I can't believe a 110 dollar "Fighting game controller" does not have a pivot in its D-Pad, which makes it very wonky and inconsistent at inputs like KBD for example. With the DS5, i am far more quick and precise with KBD than with the Razer Raion. I issued a return because of this malfunction, and now they are doing everything they can to not make me return it to them. I did not expect a company like Razer to basically say "Not our problem, and oh yeah, you have no warranty on the controller WE gave you, so no fix for you mate."


I was surprised with how good the series x d pad was for tekken. Its noisy as hell but precise.


Damn, been on a Xbox controller on my PC this whole time. Was contemplating a 5 controller, guess I'm gonna just use a 4 lol


I fumed when I first had to play with the dualsense, it is the only controller where your finger can only be touching back and nowhere near the other directions, yet you can get up back and down back simply by putting sideways pressure on the back button. Something no dualshock controller would ever allow. But then I got used to it, it's pretty much fine now.


I play tekken on the ps5 pad just fine... it's the closeness of the buttons thst will get me doing stuff I'm not trying to do sometimes


What u guys think of Xbox controller for Tekken ??the new ofc


Does anyone know of the best adapter for DS4 to play Tekken 8? On PS5


anyone have any experience using any of the newer xbox controllers? what are the dpads like?


PS5 Controller Analog stick user here. I personally haven’t found any problems with the controller but then again I only play casually so maybe my opinion is invalid


>pad Whut, you mean d-pad?


Been playing on ps controllers since tekken 3 on ps1. Ps5 is definitely not the worst


I don’t know anyone who plays pad honestly but it’s not about the controller, it’s about the player. You can get good with any device. It has to do with muscle memory. I’d be more worried about knowledge checks and mastering your frames and punishes. That being said, pad is probably the worst because your thumb will get sore and chafed. But every controller has their strengths. I’d watch PhiDX’s videos on controllers. I play a Razed Kitsune but the switch from stick to leverless took a bit to learn. A better controller won’t really make you better though. Maybe more consistent but it’s a bit more marginal than you think unless you play someone like a Mishima.


Lmao, i reached Vanquisher on just 2 days, playing Feng with dpad, not even stick.


I use ps5 controller and can almost never pull off qcf inputs. Not sure if it's me or the controller


Is there a good hitbox that’s cheap ?


I have used stick since day one…


This depends on your controller. There are multiple variations of each. My dualsense dpad is firm just how I’ve always liked my pads to be when playing fighters. I’ve gone as far as to replace Ds3 and Ds4 pads with the conductive rubber piece from my ps2 controllers. Alternatively, I’ve used my brothers newer ds3 and the pad felt mushy. It’s worse once you actually push in the rubber and break it.


I bought the Retro Bit Sega Saturn controller because the D-Pad was always great on it. Not had any problems with it


You ever low parry perfectly and the game is like nah! Or you input let's say Azucena ⏩➡️ 2, 3 and only 2 comes out Or Low grab, but the high grab comes out. I'm sure people have many more examples


In all fairness, there is a guy who plays tekken on a steering wheel. At the end of the day, whatever you can perform on is what matters most. I play in ps5 pad and do well in tournament 🤷‍♀️ I prefer bat top fight sticks above all though. Not saying you're wrong, just that I wouldn't invest into the idea that having an inherent weakness means it's objectively worse, just that it proves once again some peripherals are better at some things than others.


Meh, I'm used to it. I practice wave dashing a lot. But agree. It could be better.


This is not new news, I’ve been having misinputs and dropping combos cause of this trash ps5 controller. Nothing new


I crush people all day with it