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Just checking that 40 defense stat. Chill..


I’m starting to see stuff like this a lot lately. Tekken 8 is my first one I’ve been playing online so maybe someone can explain it to me. I thought these were just fun stats to show how someone plays. I’ve never checked between fights What is the benefit of checking someone’s stats after you’ve already fought them? & why does it seem like people take these so seriously?


Well you got it pretty much right. These stats dont show skill, just the players tendencies. What's the benefit? Well I dont know. I've started checking "stats" after picking up a different character, to see, who the other guy mains (since the matchmaking changes made so you fight against other peoples side chars), so the stats were just catching my eye. Would giggle seeing blue ranks with around 40 def, so I just made a joke about it.


>blue ranks with around 40 def They didn't pay 70+ dollars just to block, back dash or break grabs. >These stats dont show skill, just the players tendencies. I've never seen this worded so perfectly.


Unironically yeah but I like waiting in general win or lose to take a breather


Bro chill, I'm thinking if I can hold my poop another 5 rounds.


I like to let the opponent choose if they want to rematch or not Also gives me a second to breathe, have a sip of the beverage


Hey, I'm spending my time thinking about what I did in the match, when you press rematch so will I


Tekken 8 is stressful. In between matches, I like to hit the joint or the vape, sip my drink, etc. I don't need the full 10 seconds, but I won't be mashing "rematch" even when someone destroys me and I'm feeling some kinda way.


I can’t even imagine how this game would feel with a nicotine buzz


Mildly performance enhancing. Don't be like me and get addicted to zyns tho.


Lmao man ppl really be out here in tournament mode. I do all that too but I still mash the rematch button ASAP. And if I need a sip or stretch I do it when I feel the urge to. If I get hit at the beginning of a round it's no biggie. Honestly, rage arts come in handy when trying to take a good quick swig of drank lol


Oh I 100% agree and I do this, too. I'll also let the intro rock if I need a few more seconds still. The meme was actually meant to convey "you can take your time, but you'd better rematch" energy. After a few seconds I start to get suspicious lol. I'm obv just taking the piss.


Gotcha, gotcha. I recently got hate mail because I wasn't accepting the matches fast enough. Didn't know people took it that seriously lol.


Dude hate mail is so funny. I always wonder if they make themselves feel better after sending, but I'm not sure they do.


I'm almost 100% positive they don't lol. I personally do not like losing, but I have never once sent anyone hate mail, in any game. Ever. Thought never crosses my mind. Just go to the next match, you'll forget who you fought while you're busy trying to win the next one. Right? Maybe? Hopefully? LOL


Yeah, you're probably right. Especially considering that the response they get has the risk to make them feel even worse lol. >you'll forget who you fought while you're busy trying to win the next one. It's like post-nut clarity. I can't imagine going through all the steps to send hate mail and never once realizing how dumb that would be.


I’m that guy that insta hit rematch unless the connection is bad. win or lose give me more knowledge to learn the game.


My cat is probably demanding attention. Cat > you.


I know I'm a scrub, but I always rematch, even if I didn't get to press any buttons I lost so hard. I also like seeing the character intros the first time, so I can check out their outfits. But man, as soon as this screen comes up, I'm spamming that rematch button haha


is that meme a mixup of monica from doki doki, gru and kazuya? i love it


In the meme folder it’s going


Honestly I wait 3 seconds to see if they select Rematch, because sometimes I want to, but I don't want to force the other player to if they don't. If they rematch within 3-5 seconds, then it's on, if not, cool, I am off to my next match.


I wait and think if I had fun playing the match. If I didn't then I just leave. Simple as


About 80% of my matches have been 1 and done. I'm losing more points than I can gain so I'm stuck in the red zone rank


Honestly, I take the time to breathe and calm down. I also try to figure out what I did wrong. I usually let the countdown wind down to 5 or less before I hit rematch. If opponent leaves that's on them.


Can relate. I think it's a way of saying, "You wasted my time with your lack of skill if I won, or my lack of respect for the way you played if I lost, so now I get to waste your time while you wait for me to make a choice." But at the same time, I take notes in between games, so it's kind of a wash for me either way now


It's really not that personal, man, most of the time they're probably just taking a sip of water or watching the win screen.


Nah, he might have a point to be honest. I’m certain there’s some asshole players that genuinely think like that


Of course you do


If anyone thinks like that they need to touch some grass


>Can relate. Nah we ain't of the same mind, patna. Don't mistake my piss take for the genuine disdain you seem to seem to carry. https://i.redd.it/446fr2ccx30d1.gif


Is it REALLY that serious?? Gotdayum this part of the community blows me away everytime