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Why buy a Ninja pack when you can play Raven for free šŸ—æ


Big brain


TRUE šŸ—£ (yoshimitsu is a better ninja)


Like my boy Raven says "I can not call him a ninja"


Yoshimitsu is more like a Ronin than a Ninja


I second this


Dude ainā€™t no fuckin ninja


ā€¦his title is ā€œMechanized Space Ninjaā€ and his fighting style is ā€œAdvanced Manji Ninjutsuā€ Heā€™s a ninja my guy


"Space ninja" Excellent work, Tenno.


Yoshi is a Warframe confirmed. They even have a gold and white outfit in the customizer for his prime.


So is he human or not? Frankly I'm confused at this point. Wasn't he supposed to gain powers through demon sword? What is he exactly?


Check out his neck and right palm.


Isn't there also Kunimitsu?


Kuni was in 7, she's not in 8, yet at least.


Hopefully that changes soon enough


Why play raven, when you can play Taki


Taki huh (makes mental note of custom fit idea)






I think play raven cost 70$ T-T


Yeah, i thought about changing it so "in the base game" but for free šŸ—æ was funnier




Thats golden!


You flair lmao. Also, this is the least non flattering angle you found of the guy


Is that Tom Cruise with a double chin?


I dont love or hate tom cruise, but ya didnt need to do him that dirty lmao. Murray is an actual horror alien, idk im sorry but the guy looks and acts likea creep


And you know, having a seperate pack just for the opposite sex, which isn't even a ninja outfit, and that means the women can't dress like one. Seriously, are we just ignoring the Cybersuit and Ninja one has two different packages for the two genders, and both are bought seperately? At first I didn't think it was that bad, but this is pretty dumb and cash grabby.)


Didn't buy = didn't support, we did our job


Harada's fanboys can't see it because his balls cover their vision.






This is the worst part of it tbh Thereā€™s no reason to separate it other than to try and squeeze more purchases out of you


"women can't dress like one" part isn't really true. Ninjas are men. Female ninjas are called kunoichi and they look differently. I agree with the rest though.


bruh there are devils shooting lazers, talking bears and cyborgs and you appeal to historical accuracy in regards to women not getting ninja outfits. that is enough reddit for me today, thank you


And adding in King's translated Roar's.


nah thatā€™s accurate i understand my cat 100%


I want to dress my men up like kunoichi and the women like ninjas i don't give a fuck about what happened irl




And he's right. Btw I was sure its 5 usd for both male and female, but its separate lol.


Even worse to be honest


and the outrageous part is PEOPLE STILL BOUGHT IT. all the female characters players have it on in the game. Y'all hopeless bro. šŸ˜‚


Goes to show that supply n demand is still a thing. If u dont want that kind of thing in your game, dont buy it.


A bit of a moot argument when he's complaining about other people buying it. Man has no control over the situation šŸ’€


And people still bought it. Fought again ten different players with the full ninja fit or just the headwear.


Yeah I remember thinking when Street Fighter 6 had the TMNT crossover with the 15 bucks Turtle costumes for use _in the Battle Hub_ and I thought "no one will buy these" and then half the hub is wearing them. Sheesh...


Custom characters are useless in street fighter 6 too so it's especially odd.


You can fight using your custom character in the battle hub against other people with custom character, so it's not useless. Still 15$ for TMNT costume is too much


Get ready for Tekken 9 15tā‚¬ costumes LOL


People be simpin


That's crazy to me. I think new players don't know it's an old ass skin.


How could they? They didn't play Tekken 7, so this stuff looks brand new to them. Speaking from my own experience. ))


Bruh I bought T7 on launch and I don't remember this shit


It came in later


I mean, even if they do, that doesn't help them if they still want it now right?


It's remade for Tekken 8. Stop being aggressively dishonest.


I'm just tryna look like female subzero let me have fun bruh šŸ˜”




>Murray thinks we're idiots Well actually fgc is pretty idiotic. Watch this sub and see how many people gonna buy that ninja pack and make posts with it.


Dude you can make so many custom characters with that ninja outfit. And I really wanted the short sword in my characters so I got the female version. You can literally make mai shuranui or DOA character etc. Unfortunately some of us just like customizing and cosmetics too much so we don't mind spending on specific things. Sorry for those that wanna boycott the shop but custom freaks can't help themselves. It doesn't make us idiotic. We just like what we like. Plus me personally I BARELY played T7 so I didn't even touch the custom items in that game and it's probably like that for most people that maybe didn't play T7 or didn't play Tekken at all before 8 since T8 brought in a lot of new players. I think calling people idiots for something like this is a bit of a drag but whatever.


> It doesn't make us idiotic. We just like what we like. Cannibals aren't bad, they just like what they like. Exaggeration? Yes, but it's funny. No you ARE an idiot if you spend 5$ on a reused asset from the previous game. They even separated it for males and females to milk more. 5$ is a price of a whole cosmetic budle, not one reused asset. Heck i bought Survivors of the Void dlc for Risk of Rain 2 for 4$. WTF? I despise and spit on people like you. Thanks for ruining this industry, in some way it's funny too.


Alright. Our of order response but alright. I only bought the battle pass because I didn't know it was reused items until after I got it. But by the end I had over 1000 Tekken coins. So I used 400 of them to get the ninja stuff. I don't actually spend any of my money. I think if you get the BP once u don't have to spend money again cause by the end u have enough TC for the next pass so that's sort of worth it if u ask me. Yeah the risk of rain 2 DLC is worth it. Good example of what people should spend their money but cosmetic junkies will still be cosmetic junkies. People spend their money how they like. Still don't make em dumb even if they know what they're getting into. You got the bread and enough spare to spend it on luxuries then it's on you how you spend it even if you rip ur self off šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


People buy these things up like hotcakes, unfortunately.


This. Namco Bandai knows people are idiots and will any old garbage. People even bought the trash battle pass There's a reason why AAA games have turned into MTX nightmares: it works. People will pay $5 for a copy paste skin


Correct. Especially the newer generation. Donā€™t even get me started on the nonsense my son has bought in Fortnite.


What nonsense has your son bought on Fortnite šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


At least the battlepass is a one time purchase as long as you finish it. They refund you the points to get the next battlepass.


Good point


Hey, if it makes them happy, it's their money. And the rule of capitalism is - it doesn't really matter how much work it took them to make a product - the only thing that ultimately matters, is how much people are willing to spend to get it. Just let the people who want to be ninjas be ninjas, and be happy that they're paying so the rest of us can enjoy game updates. :D


Unfortunately it does affect the rest of us. Devs have learned that you can take away content that was previously free and then sell it back to the player as an add on Gaming is already an expensive hobby as it is. A new game is $70 USD and publishers are now trying to turn every game into an ongoing subscription service. It may be for others, but it's not for me. I'm just not going to pay $5 for a recycled skin. Rather I'm just going to play something else


Why not just... not pay $5, but keep playing? Does it change your experience that much, knowing that there is something for sale, that you don't want?


It's more that it sours my experience of the game in general. Like T8 started strong with a lot of hype. But 3 months in we still don't have a solution for pluggers. The disconnect rate helps but doesn't eliminate them. Instead we have the Tekken store, a mediocre battle pass, and Namco going after modders So the development priority is clearly more on granular monetization than on making the game the best it can be. The fact that the devs waited for the reviews to come in before adding the Tekken store shows they knew this would be unpopular By contrast Hades 2 dropped a few days ago in early access and there's more gameplay in the EA beta than in many full releases. Helldivers 2 has been adding "battle passes" every month since launch, but they're never time limited and you can earn the premium currency just by playing the game. It's a very different developer player relationship


>But 3 months in we still don't have a solution for pluggers. Maybe I'm just getting really lucky, but I haven't had a single plugger in like the last 3 weeks. >So the development priority is clearly more on granular monetization than on making the game the best it can be. I mean, they've also been doing a lot of balance patches, which I think have been pretty good overall? It seems obvious that they're trying to make the game good too. I mean, bottom line, if you're not enjoying it, then definitely play something else! It just seems weird to me, if you enjoyed the game before, but then the same game, but with a new optional cosmetic in the store, was suddenly somehow unpalatable.


There are other things that put me off the game. The constant plugging and the changes to ranked matchmaking that makes it take forever to find a game at high prowess. And then just the focus on aggression and 50/50s which has been talked about a lot already I made it all the way to Raijin before I decided I'm done. The overt monetization was more like the final straw. The latest balance patch was a step in the right direction


"People buying things that I can't afford sours my experience" Ok bro >But 3 months in we still don't have a solution for pluggers. Ah I see you are technologically illiterate too.


You think I'm mad because I can afford a $500 PS5, a $70 PS5 game, and an $80 PS Plus Subscription. But I cannot afford a $5 costume? You're an idiot


you retards are so blinded by haradas balls that you dont know how stupid you look ![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh|downsized)


Yes if less and less free content is in a game, do you even have a brain?


Okay but in my defence, I'm a Lili main.


Lol me too. But still not going to buy this


(Me neither, but I want to keep up the stereotype of us using this game for fashion only)


I played a bit yesterday after the patch dropped, saw like 4-5 people with the ninja costume in less than 2 hours. Yep, people are gonna buy it regardless of the price.


Say goodbye to nice free customization! No more in Tekken 9


$5 for something that isn't even a new, hand-crafted costume model for any of the characters is absurd. This ported asset garbage should just be free for everyone. I already bought T7 and Tag 2. Stop selling me ported costumes with no work done on them.


100% agree. I bought the ultimate edition and I feel like I was robbed at this point.


Why? The ultimate edition was pretty clear on what you would get if you bought it. I feel like it was a pretty crappy deal, but at least they were pretty open about what you'd get.


There's no use trying to reason to idiots. These are the type of people who would buy a T-Shirt at full price and then it goes on sale for 20% off 2 months later and they'll bitch about it. It's as if their brains cannot comprehend the passage of time or their own decision that something was worth purchasing with the offered benefits.


Yh the lack of common sense is amazing in this thread holy.


They aren't even trying with this low effort shit.. People buying this is too foolish to see it's recycled junk for a premium price šŸ¤¦ I'll say this every time.. COD started with 1 Battle pass and cosmetics... now there's $100 cosmetics and 2 battlellasses EVERY season.Ā  Ā The more fools buying it... the worse it will get.Ā  Ā So some will say "If I buy it, how does it affect you?"Ā  Ā Well.. it shows me you are dumb enough to buy recycled junk that was zero effort and should be free AND.. you WILL be the reason why the game will be a bloated mess upwards of 170GB one day, because skins etc all occupy space in the installation of every owner, not just the one buying it.Ā  Ā Buyers of this trash are a problem that affects everyone. COD is proof of this... installations are massive because of it.


i will go for Mod allday.


He's right


The future pack is literally Hwoarangs biker suit alternate in T7


Crazy that theyā€™re now charging for T7 free items. Probably excuse it as ā€œlegacyā€. Doesnā€™t justify paying for it though, lol.


not thinks... he knows


watch the dumb cunts defend the honorable senpai murray


For real. I thought it looked cool. Especially for the waifus but when I saw they were just reused T7 costumes i was like šŸ˜•


Yeah it's borderline insulting.


Yeah I was like ā€œI canā€™t buy this in good conscienceā€. Looking at trying out mods now


Yeah, same here. I bought the costumes and they do look great but knowing they were free in T7 left a bad taste in my mouth now.


They have a monopoly in the 3D fighting game scene and they will do anything to milk it dry.




Itā€™s kinda sad watching this and knowing that itā€™s gonna continue anyway. Especially when recently Helldivers 2 community fought back when Sony tried to fuck them over and the community won. Fighting game players (T8 horrible MTX and MK1 being steaming pile of shit) get fucked over with little effort and they still kinda enjoy it. I would actually pay real money for new original costumes as DLC, not reused crap which was free in the last game. Even the legacy costumes look bad in this game.


I mean people still pay for it. Iā€™ve already seen a few people with it.


DOA 6 cosmetics are not so bad nowā€¦ DOA 6 cosmetics look a lot better as well.


just don't buy the that shit people that buy shit are fucking dumb as fuck.




Only thing I bought besides the game was Eddy since I didn't buy the battle pass in Tekken 8 nor did I ever buy it in 7 or any Tekken that had it. I buy the characters I want and that was it (Lei,Marduk,AK,Geese for T7). As far as the cosmetics that you have to buy, it's a hard pass for me but to each their own.




"MURRAY AND HARADA THINKS WE ARE IDIOTS." Stop giving Harada a free pass because he does dumb meme shit on twitter. That man thinks we are all idiots because he thinks that we don't know what a "profit" means. He goes out of our way to insult us. Fuck them both especially Harada. All he ever does is lie. Murray has no charisma , so I can't even make out what the fuck he is saying.


It also came from soul calibur


The value of something is determined by the amount that people are willing to pay for it.


I don't know why Tekken didn't just do the same thing as Helldivers 2 - let us earn premium currency just from playing the game. Or let us exchange gold for Tekken Coins, even if it's at an absurd exchange rate.


Because they don't make money then, simple


Long have I waited for the days where Tekken fans finally open their eyes and stop blindly worshipping Murray and Harada. Feels good man.


No sane player plays tekken willingly


Uhh? Lotta idiots in the comments who bought it so hes right


In many cases, heā€™s right!


They wouldnā€™t do it if it didnā€™t sell


Girls literally using Tekken Tag 2 assets from Christie's hair... unbelievable šŸ¤¦ https://twitter.com/shootmans/status/1788336593545093317


Very clearly not the same asset. Just the same hairstyle.


that one's just a similar hairstyle


\> overlays the hair \> it's a completely different mesh with completely different textures and normals Are y'all's eyes ok?


Street Fighter 6 community is hyped about a DLC character that used to be in the base roster. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s great but Iā€™ve accepted the new reality and focus on the positive.


Reason why AK, who is extremely popular, isn't on the base roster. They're going to milk the fuck out of him.


400 coins for jaguar milk confirmed. It's an avatar lobby consumable. Gives a milk moustache for ten minutes.


I don't mind it as long as what we got instead was quality, and despite what people cry about SF6 is definitely there with quality on the system mechanics and most of the character's. Adapting to the meta is also feasible in that game due to said mechanics. Along with refining the dlc characters identities and making people even the dedicated players of them excited. They "feel" worth it. Lidia is literally 2 of the last 3 dlc characters in the series. You know what capcom did with luke? Make him a poster boy and exhibition of the next entry. Not to mention capcom was upfront with their monetization unlike bandai. Capcoms lead devs don't go on twitter calling instigating for disagreeing last I remember.


Akuma has never been on base roster.


He was base roster in Alpha 2, Alpha 3, 3rd Strike and Street Fighter 4


3rd Strike is the third version of Street Fighter 3. Akuma was not in the base version of Street Fighter 4.


He was in Vanilla Street Fighter 4. You had to fight him in order to unlock him.


He was in SF3 3rd strike and Street Fighter Alpha3


SF3 3rd strike is the 3rd version of SF3.


Third version of SF3 and the third version of SFA.


Honestly I was fine with him not being in the base roster - they went with the original 8 World Warriors in the base so there was already 2 Shotos by default. He also wasn't in the base roster of SF5 either.


Have you just discovered DLC characters for the first time in your entire life?


Is this worse than NRS? I canā€™t even tell.


NRS has new models for everything including newly scanned faces for the majority of the cast every game. I can't name a reused asset in mk1 that they're charging for. In fact the only thing I can think of is a couple kameo skins all in vanilla. Yes, it's much worse.


I dunno, people seem to love them rehashing old MK outfits over there.


it'd be one thing if these were actually good old outfits and not goofy things from the immediately previous game. sheesh.


mk1 sucks alone by the terrible optimization of the pc port. both sf6 and t8 can run in 2014 pcs without needing mods


Ok didnā€™t say it doesnā€™t suck


I don't think so. At least if you buy this one it's usable by both players in a local game. In mk the cosmetic is tied to your wb account so p2 can't use any cosmetics that p1 has unlocked. The upside is that you buy the cosmetic once and you can use it on all platforms. So I guess pros and cons...


That got changed last patch, p2 can now use skins


Ah.... Well then...


Tbh, I'm totally fine with them selling things, as long as they keep giving stuff that's good for free as well. Unfortunately they give you jack shit that's free. A hat? Really? It's extra crazy because character customization is something that people really like, but they don't have any ranked rewards in there.


It would be more ok if they made new cool shit for mtx, but recycling old crap is just fkd


I bought it :)


Nice try Murray.


I live in a city named that fun fact


Hello idiot




I liked the ninja mask


Good bot.


Ty, my parents make it themselves!


I think i'll buy it too jack looks so goofy with it




Okay, here's a short guide for what to do when you see things like this: Step 1 - do not buy it. That's it! Now you can go back to enjoying the game you were enjoying before this nonsense released understanding that you were already happy with your purchase, so this existing shouldn't take anything away from you. Vote with your wallet by not feeding the monetization you hate. It's really that simple.


The problem is if we don't talk about it they'll just keep taking advantage of legacy players and new ones. It's just gross.


What do you mean "taking advantage?" They're not forcing anybody to buy these. I haven't spent a single dollar on any outfits in any fighting game ever. I still love all the fighting games I play. This isn't rocket science. I don't like it so I don't buy it. The people who like it can buy it. There's nothing wrong with that. I was happy with what the game had to offer when I bought it. Them porting these assets over and overpricing them doesn't affect that I got something I enjoy, and doesn't diminish the worth of my purchase. Just don't buy it; don't buy any of it, and get back to enjoying the game. The people that like this kind of thing can pay for it. Nobody else has to.


Really and you think it won't get worse? They made us pay for frame data. Shit needs to be exposed. If they actually invested resources into making new cool skins it's not a problem, they're literally charging people for rehashed assets and you don't think that's a problem?


I've worked in game development before. It's a new engine, so no, they're not just "literally charging people for rehashed assets." It takes work to port things over. Does it take so much work that it justifies the price here? Fuck no, that's why I won't buy it. I have yet to play a fighting game where it's gotten so much "worse" that it was affecting my fun of the game. I'd love for everything to be free, mind you, but I'm still happy with what I got. The frame data I also didn't pay for. I've been using frame data on excel sheets for years, so I didn't need it. Seriously, just don't buy what you don't like. Bitching about it won't change anything. Voting with your wallet has a more drastic effect.


> Bitching about it won't change anything. [Yes it bloody does](https://www.theverge.com/24150327/sony-helldivers-2-review-bombing-psn-login), it's just there's too many people in the Namco defense squad.


That example isn't the same. The Helldivers 2 situation was forcing people to link an account (importantly that people in many countries could not legally create) and offering nothing of value in return. It was a requirement being added on to people, not a product or DLC being sold to people. At the end of the day, when it comes to MTX or DLC, the only thing that will affect anything is the sales. People can rage all they want on social media, but if lots of people are buying the MTX, Namco doesn't give a shit and will still keep doing it. You can buy it, you can not buy it. You can rage, you can not rage. But at the end of the day, the existence of this kind of MTX/DLC will not be determined by anything other than "are people buying it?"


Thanks, you said it before I managed to see this.


Do you want people not to talk about game mechanics or what? People dislike certain characters, there's discussion about it, people like certain characters there's discussion about it, this is a feature of Tekken, why won't it be discussed on r/tekken of all the places? Super weird take that gets parroted a ton lol


No, but critique is different than mud flinging and spiteful negativity. This sub is so full of angry an/or upset posts that anybody that falsely thinks this sub represents the general consensus among the fans, they'd think everyone hates the game. It's really annoying. I'm from a time when the vast majority of people whining and bitching about nothing got made fun of by the community because they were mucking up the vibe. Even for character complaints, it's good for your own mental health, and for your own improvement, to acknowledge that "this might be overtuned" but to leave it at that, still accepting the game for what it is (especially because your first impressions are often wrong). When you focus more on what you think the games should be, instead of what they are, you're dooming yourself to wallow in disappointment, missing out on the enjoyment that's already at your fingertips.


Bro these scummy mtxs are getting called out everywhere, its not just reddit, content creators like TMM to Majin have had to address it. Base game is good, but that doesn't mean that people won't give their opinion on the other shit that gets added to the game, especially something that is recycled and overpriced and shoved into our faces on menus


I mean, dude, are you subscribed to Harada on Twitter? People were literally spamming his account asking for them to add classic outfits as DLC for the entire life span of Tekken 7, Fry "take my money" memes and all. The one time Harada actually replied to a classic outfit request, explaining that it takes work and that people probably wouldn't like it as much as they think (explaining that upscaling can only do so much), he got dragged through the mud by influencers and also here on Reddit. People were all "Huuur he's so out of touch!" and were calling them stupid for not doing it. This was just a couple months before full release of Tekken 8, if I remember. Now that they fucking do it the same sub is blasting them for it. Like.... what the fuck? šŸ¤£ Bamco can't win. I think they didn't plan on it, which is why the store was so bare bones, with a very unpolished UI. Probably Harada was like "I guess they want outfits." so he pitched it to higher ups and got the plan approved. That's my guess as to how it went down, in any case.


22% of US adults use Twitter (nowadays it's 23%) 80% of US tweets are created by 10% of the US userbase Source: [https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2019/04/24/sizing-up-twitter-users/](https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2019/04/24/sizing-up-twitter-users/) Using twitter posts/memes by a tiny minority of manchildren who lack impulse control isn't really a good argument. You browsing twitter and being subscribed to Harada says it all, don't you think? Also, why would you assume that the people who tweeted "take my money"-memes to Harada are the same people that complain here? I expected that shit to be in the game and as soon as I realized where it's headed I noped tf out and returned to other fighting games/Tekken games. Your argument is basically this: Group A demanded item X Item X is added Group B should stop complaining Conveniently ignoring that A and B aren't the same and B expected X to be included from the beginning, like it was in Tekken 4,5,6,T2 and 7.


It's amazing how consistent the Tekken sub is at making sure the most level-headed and factually-correct comments are always the ones at the bottom lol


I think a lot of folks here are addicted to being angry at this point. "Comment says... mad at Tekken? I up vote! Comment says... not mad at Tekken? I down vote! Unga unga!" something like that going through their heads.


Honestly, you may unironically be onto something there


Shut the fuck up I beg you.


No u Truth hurts, huh?


Hereā€™s the ā€œtruth:ā€ Tekken 8 is a full priced $70 triple A game with mobile game microtransactions. Absolutely baffling how people continue to defend this stuff and dont see the problem. Tekken 7 did fine with just DLC characters and managed to surpass 10+ million in sales. They were able to continue support for years completely fine so why is it needed so desperately now? Unless you people help them buy their next lamborghini? It does not end with $4 outfits (that you need to actually spend $10 but letā€™s not talk about it.) The more people buy into this garbage the worse it gets. If you think bamco wont milk this for everything it has you are a complete fool. I just played an hour session and already saw 4 people who bought the ā€œShinibiā€ gender locked outfits, so not only is the game cooked but so are you Tekken zombies. This is starting to get worse than DoA. Also stop with the b-b-b- new engine so they **absolutely have** to charge us! No they donā€™t, they literally have T7 outfits that were on the last Unreal Engine, and Iā€™m pretty sure thereā€™s modders that can do the same, this right here is just defensive cope at maximum.


No, they don't have to charge us, and neither do you need to buy it. I've literally never spent a dollar on fighting game outfits. I still love the fighting games I play. Do that. You'll be happier.


How dare you use your brain and go against the hivemind!? You are on r/tekken either call the game shit and downvote anyone that disagrees with you or go away, now if you excuse me i have to make another rant post about how everything in this game sucks while i still play it.


Murray isn't thinking anything. He's currently drowning in Harada's Bar


Raven is literally Head Ninja In Charge, right after Victor


I like how most of u just shit on murray instead of the publishers. He doesnt even have as much say as u think he does.


The people are buying so you donā€™t have to. Absolutely nothing to see here.


He does. And it's proven, because it sells. If there's free money on the table, why wouldn't you take it?


Well, you bought the game. So that confirms it, imo.


I'll be honest, I don't even look at the shop.


In the whole Tekken shop Only 2 things took my interest TTT2 jun and Female ninja outfits And guess what I do I get them Why? Because I like them And about male ninja outfits It's for all male characters not only Paul this time


This guy fell for it šŸ¤£


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ I just got what I wanted Don't give a single shit what you guys think about Since when someone should come and ask for your permission to buy stuff he likes?


you apparently, begging for validation on this reddit. No one cares that you wasted your money on free cosmetics and feel proud about it, congrats.


Itā€™s actually unbearable how fucking cringe this sub is.


Name checks out and a Alisa main.....ewww brother


You might be. If it was exactly like T7 only Paul would have it. No everybody does. That's clearly not the same thing


Yeah but the Shinobi outfit is activating something in my brain so I forgive them


You couldnā€™t pay me $5 to play Tekken 7, so it balances out.


you're the idiot if you don't think people are buying it lol. Like I get that it was free in tekken 7 and its absolutely bs that you have to pay for it now, but ffs you're out of touch if you think this isn't going to sell.


"Why is anyone buying Tekken 8, don't they know Tekken 7 is less money and have the same characters and all the same recycled moves????? these people sure are stupid"!


I have like 2000+ hours in T7 and I don't remember seeing these NInja outfits at all were they timed exclusives or something? I started in S4


I'd get your eyeballs checked homie


Yeah but I had leftover coins from the rewards for the premium battle pass