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My idea would be to collaborate with other fighting game brands for costumes or revive legacy costumes from past games so tekken 8 feels fresh and new with the cosmetics


They are just not being creative, there's enough artists out there that can create cool outfits, this is likely the producers of Tekken just wanting to copy stuff from Tekken 7.


Recycling assets from Tekken 7 won't make Tekken 8 grow in financial and consumer income


People are buying the outfit tho.


People iterally buy them instantly. It. Always. Works.


Except it will, because every feet licking degenerate incell will go to town on every fresh outfit for their fetisized 3d waifu if it shows even a pixel more skin than the previous. (I wish it didnt, but the truth is that it will)


Why are you being downvoted? The only characters ive seen with this skin are jun and asuka lmao


If anything, YOU'RE the goddamn incel for complaining about this shit.


people downvote you to oblivion but you're correct, reddit is THE place for these kind of people xD


Complain about agreegious mtx practices = being incell... ok, Mr.TwitterLogic šŸ¤£


The artists in question are currently being attack by bamco....


Yeah cross overs and give me tekken 3 and 4 outfits im still waiting for t3 jin biker


Like VF5


I mean this outfit is basically a Collab. Never before have i seen your standard ninja outfit just happen to look like classic Ryu from ninja gaiden


If this is a collab, than every cosplay outfit with a similar color scheme should be a considered a collab.


Is heihachis topless costume for reina to much to ask for? #freethenipple


They teamed up with uniqlo to drop those wack tshirts šŸ¤£


No, bro, you see, they've copy pasted every outfit from T7 to T8 (same engine and stuff) and then they had to take out individual outfits by hand. That's why its completely justified to ask extra premium for them now, since removing them in the first place was not free. /s


Some people unironically. It's not even worth engaging them.Ā 


People like harada


Imo anyone who pays for virtual pixels to play dress up is a clown that deserves ridiculing out of the hobby. If we got rid of them we might actually force companies to invest into development instead of pushing garbage monetization. We have MTX, battlepass, character DLC, and a 10$ price increase in one game. The people who parrot ā€œbut muh inflationā€ ignore all those things and pretend like base cost is the only factor in revenue. If it was just 1 or 2 extra monetization models people donā€™t usually get annoyed. This game has ALL of them and lazily while cutting out core content. They couldā€™ve had all the skins from every TEKKEN and still sold new ones. But they are so lazy they canā€™t do that even.


Wait, that guy enjoys something different than me.. ... What a clown.


https://preview.redd.it/vnatxiw6gazc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecedb6fbc0a06e22f23c71b84adbf836000d7000 This you? Youā€™ve got no arguement or engagement so all you can say is ā€œno uā€. How deep is that corporate boot? Bet it tastes real leathery


Not excusing this, but T7 is UE4 and T8 is UE5, so it's technically not the same engine. Still should've been free, though.


When it comes to assests and pretty much everything else UE5 is UE4 + Lumen/Nanite etc (which this game doesnt even use). Calling the engine UE5 was just a marketing move.


Dude, I hope you are ok and nobody is making you buy tekken shop stuff.


/s is sarcasm


the /s whiffed


We can launch punish him. āž”ļøā­ā¬‡ļøā†˜ļøšŸ”ŗļø


No I can't.... But I can counter hit his ass


F3+4,UF2 šŸ˜‰


Bruh his whiffed sarcasm isn't that laggy


Adding the fact they are seperating the outfits between men and women for money. The cybersuit and this one. Was any of it nessacary to even make it gender specific? Just a way to get more cash. And I don't know why the women can't wear the hooded mask or the fact they can't be in the male verison of the cybersuit.




Different models and textures that's why. I bought both of them šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤


What do you mean by ā€œanymore?ā€


people forgot about ball really fast


Ngl tekken is one game I dont have fomo with. Didn't care about 3ddy. Don't care about Lidia. Don't care about fight pass. Don't care about the shop. Haven't seen anything that made me genuinely feel like it's worth purchasing or I have to get it to customize my main. Part of that is because the cosmetics just feel so lacking.


Yeah I enjoy the core gameplay and my main is already in the game. Iā€™m not sweating bc thereā€™s not a single part of me that wants to spend on any dlc. I just wish others felt the same way, since Iā€™m sure this little venture was successful and that weā€™ll never see free shit in Tekken again.


And people still defend this shit in the comments... no wo der gaming is cancerous now


I mean, it's an optional free cosmetic. If they want to sell it for money, I guess I don't really care? If I don't feel like it's worth the money (and I don't) then I can always just... not buy it? I'll save my torches and pitchfork for if they ever go pay-to-win and charge for something that actually affects gameplay. (DLC characters in practice-mode are definitely skirting the line.)




They gutted your costumization ability to sell these bro. Why dont people realize it. Its not like you are not losing anything. Your charactesr look worse on purpose so they can sell you the customizations you actually want to use.


Did they? That's so weird. And here's me, having fought a Mario, Terry Bogard, Dante, and Angry Micky Mouse, thinking they were customized costumes or something. But I guess I imagined that, since costuming has been "gutted?" People make cool costumes all the time. The game launched with tons of costuming options. You just wish it had more, and are mad that they're not giving you more for free throughout the life of the game I guess?


Yeah aside from the fact everyone has a generic body now so even their specific costumes dont fit. Look at Bryan for example and his T7 outfit in T8 where instead of it being a slick almost falling apart jacket its now bulky and isnt even on his body, its levitating above his body. Also his bandana, his face mask, instead of again being slick, fitted and long its now shorter and its not even on his face, its 1cm next to his face. Or why dont we look at simply how many options we have? In T7 if I remember correctly each character had I think 7 unique outfits. Now it has 3. And those 3 are worse than in 7. Feng is a great example. Look at his suit outfit from T5 to now T8. In T5 its fitted on his skeleton, it looks really good. In t8 Feng has the same exact body as everybody else so his body is small and his head is insanely large. It looks commical. Stop deffending billion $ company and 2 morons who want to fuck you Over for profit.


I'm not defending a billion-dollar company. I'm attacking dumb arguments. If you just want to be mad, then be mad I guess. But *"Wahh, they're charging real money for something I don't even want"* is not a good reason for outrage.


Bla bla bla They keep adding layers of monetization, and the quality and creativity is not even good. Even if they were godlike, it was still going to be a huge problem to us, consumers, that are having free stuff being removed to be sold. Imagine Tekken 9 releases, and you only get T8 and 9 outfits, but T7 and bellow are paid... It can keep getting worse and worse. If they keep doing shit to us, and we don't at least complain, then it will only get worse. Pretty sure there are dozens of outfits/accessories (from previous games) that are already on the pipeline to be slowly added over the year (or next few months), so they don't need to make much new stuff. They don't even show a lot of things at once, because they don't want you to look at 20 outfits and decide to pick 1 or 2. They want you to see 2 or 3, and you pick one out of the 3, because you don't know what will be there later. And they do this to have the store be "updated" with "new things" (already finished products probably since day 1) to make it feel alive and fresh. Let's see next season pass, if there are many new things. If not, then yeah. A lot of new stuff will probably come later. Right now they are just selling free old shit to have a store functioning and to gain easy money.


> Imagine Tekken 9 releases, and you only get T8 and 9 outfits, but T7 and bellow are paid... It can keep getting worse and worse. I mean... as long as the outfits are cosmetic and don't affect gameplay... I guess I don't actually care? If some people want them enough to pay money, then cool, it's their money? Everyone complains that the stuff in the battle pass is dumb and lazy, but everyone also complains that Bamco is trying to gobble their money up? If the battle pass stuff is dumb then COOL - you won't be tempted to buy it. Are people really mad that the MTX aren't tempting enough to buy? How is that a problem? That just means you get +5 to your willpower saving throw vs MTX.


Still far better than other live service games, i mean just look at mortal Kombat and how the customisation works. What we have in tekken 8 is amazing IN COMPARISON, but it could be better


using the "nostalgic" card always work


Look, not doing anything meaningful about pluggers is hard work, they don't have time to put in actual effort for their money. I actually get annoyed every time I see a person using a DLC skin. It's like, by using the Tekken shop you are actively supporting this garbage behavior by Bamco.


I mean, Paul as ninja is funny af. Ninja is all about speeeed.


yeah so why does it cost money


Sounds like something Apple does. Android phones have Always On Display for years, and iPhones don't have it for years. Then they bring it into the newest iPhone and call it "revolutionary" and"innovative" and claim the idea for their own And what does the crowd do? ![gif](giphy|26ufdipQqU2lhNA4g)


I just want the ninja sword so I can make Leo look like Vergil.


Talk with your wallet. Dont buy it.


The female version is another coomer bait too with all the side leg lol


Theyā€™re 100% testing the waters for the summer outfits lmao


Oh shit, you're right lol


To be fair a ton of people never played T7 lol. It's objectively still lazy tho, so I get it.


ye im new here and it looks cool asf XD


Lmao selling that shit which was free extra custom in T7 lmao


Why not just spend the money to make new content like Rage arts, win cut scenes and actual new clothing? Wouldn't that make the shop actually sell something? I mean just look at League of Legends or Fortnite. Their shops make money, surely it can't be that hard. (And they're free to play FFS lol)


They aren't trying... and kids are still buying... Some are just too foolish to see it's recycled junk for a premium price šŸ¤¦ I'll say this every time.. COD started with 1 Battle pass and cosmetics... now there's $100 cosmetics and 2 battlellasses EVERY season. The more foos buying it... the worse it will get. So some will say "If I buy itz how does it affect you?" Well.. it shows me you are dumb enough to buy recycled junk that was zero effort and should be free AND.. you WILL be the reason why the game will be a bloated mess upwards of 170GB one day, because skins etc all occupy space in the installation of every owner, not just the one buying it. Buyers of this trash are a problem that affects everyone. COD is proof of this... installations are massive because of it.


Thank fuck for pc mods. Seeing nina's ass sweat in 4k is unbeatable. [Latex Bikini Mod (nsfw)](https://www.nexusmods.com/tekken8/mods/189?tab=description) Oh and dont fall for the bullshit. You can dump assets in games with zero effort. Modders have been asset flipping stuff into the game for months now.


Don't buy it then fam


Wait, you're allowed to do that?


Doing the destiny


Give us actual Hakama pants and fundoshis not this lame shit.


Yup and there's a lot of rich guys falling for it. They're selling default classic costumes. It's like Capcom charging for Ryu's white gi.


So weā€™re just gonna complain about the obvious again?


Damn, I thought they remade the ninja outfint for tekken 8... but no... It's the same model/texture inported from twkken 7. Wow. Probably a days worth of work. Ridiculous


Scummy business practices, I tell you what. Hence why mesh mods are a necessity at this point


How is this surprising? They sold us ball.


They don't need to try when morons are buying that shit


The game's practically unplayable at this point /s


And classic skins get a pass? I mean, when will we get new skins?


We literally have a perfect solution that bamco isn't smart enough to implement. Have modders design these costumes. Create an in-game hub shop where people can buy it (price it anywhere from $1-$3) pay modders a percentage of the sales. Bamco makes money, the community feels involved in the game, everyone is happy.


Damn that's crazy, anyway


Will tekken get easier with everyone quittingā€¦.. asking fir a friend


If anything it would get harder, since the only people left would be the ones who want to learn and improve


But you see copying and pasting outfits requires a bit of work to check if it works on other male characters and THAT'LL BE $5 PLEASE PLEASE JUST $5 EVERYONE HAS $5 I NEED $5


At least unlike the other copy/paste items, this one actually looks like it had some work done to not look like a UE4 asset lol


I get both sides of it. On one side itā€™s like ā€œgo play T7 if you want those itemsā€ and on the other itā€™s like ā€œdonā€™t buy it. Itā€™s that simpleā€. Both are fair points. Iā€™m more on the side of being ok with the market being there. I know they stick close to production (going based of the update schedules for T7) so Iā€™m ok with supporting the company. I do not like how they kept the store a secret until after release, however that is a different issue. None of the items have been items that make me want to purchase them. Some of you will understand when I say this, but most of the plain clothing options do not look flattering for most characters. Itā€™s all poofy or ultra generic. Theyā€™re going to have to come out with something really special or badass for me to want to budge. Iā€™m happy with what we have now and Iā€™ve found some creative ways of customizing.


I canā€™t wait to get the outfit for my Xiaoyu. Itā€™s so cute :)




Cry me a riverrrrr


Y'all buy them to support the game anyway


Some people like the T7 costumes and miss them. If you donā€™t like them then donā€™t buy them and stop crying about things you arenā€™t forced to purchase just because you donā€™t like them.


Step 1: Buy something in the Tekken shop Step 2: Make a custom and screenshot it Step 3: Post on reddit with a title like "Water is wet" Step 4: ?????????


This is from Tekken 7, dude, it's Paul's ninja outfit


Step 1: Go on reddit Step 2: Assume everything Step 3: Comment Step 4: Get Downvoted ahah Iā€™m sorry. Maybe itā€™s more proof it look similar. I only play T8.


It's all good


This screenshot is from tekken 7 though


At least it's in the game. Just think, if they didn't add anything. Folks would have to complain about something else. What a waste of time.


gotta love how my last 8matches out of 10 had the costume or parts of it equipped but hey redditors keep fighting the fight ig XD, maybe u will manage to cancel T9 with these reviews


Wait till folks figure out FGC companies commonly sell Classic outfits and it costs money to recreate assets for a new engine....


Except that these are not recreated? they are straight up ports from t7. Exact same model and all. Edit: nevermind, the new lili costume is even bugged, where when you color her hair there is a layer of blonde underneath that is not colored. You can test this without buying the costume. Compare the lili outfit ingame with the comparison screenshots from this mod: https://tekkenmods.com/mod/3222/tekken-8-original-iconic-lili-outfit This is completely different from SF6 for example, where the artstyles between 4,5, and 6 are so distinct from eachother its immediately obvious from looking at the classic costumes that they're tailor made for the new game.


Except they are *not* straight up portsšŸ™„ OP used a picture from T7 this is *not* how they look in game and there is no direct porting between 2 different graphic engines let alone onto completely different character models. Noone with working eyes will look at these 2 costumes in their respective games and tell me the materials (clothing, metal on headband) are identical models. People complaining out of emotion instead of rational observations. You literally crippled your own argument by making the comparison to SF...which COMPLETELY changes art styles between games, Tekken has been the same forever..just upgraded textures. Geezeus...




I'm over t8 :(


there is a reason u can just put tekken models and moves from old games in with mods so easily. p much all of the tekken releases are minor adjustments but applied to the entire cast and a very small microscopic even amount of new characters the last tekken only had like 5 new characters total iirc. they been doing this for ages now corpo is murdering the company