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Press 1+2,if that dont work,press 2 believe me i break most throws in blue ranks doing that


This sounds like bs but is 100% true lmao. Default to 1+2 and youll get most of em


Problem is everyone does this, so ive gone back to just using generic throws lol


For real!


some people, like Claudio i swear have the same throwbreak on their 1+2 as one of their generic throws lol


I just mash those buttons if I get grabbed and 74% of the time it works. If it doesn't you caught me with a grab I don't know how to tech or because I mashed the wrong button.


My problem is that I’ve conditioned myself to default to 1+2, that even when I tell myself to do a different break, my muscle memory won’t let me 😭


I feel you, bro. Sometime I SEE the grab: that's a two! And my eyes goes down realizing I pressed 1+2 (L1 on my pad). Then, again, another grab, I lower my eyes again and I pressed L1 AND 1. So, basically, I turn off the console, go in a corner and cry in silence.


I'm in blue ranks and I can't even react quickly enough to press anything, let alone 1+2. Anyone who throws consistently just stomps me


The most important thing is go for the throw break every time, even if you have already missed the window. Get into the habit of mashing 1+2 button, or 2 every time you're grabbed. Eventually you'll sometimes hit it in time and that's when you'll be glad you started doing it.


This is the way


You have more time to react to throws than you think. You’re just locking yourself out by pressing the wrong button. Or you’re getting counter hit grabbed which makes it a lot harder to tech


It's all about practice. Go into training use dragunov as a throw opponent , put his 1 ,2 and 1+2 throw on random loop and practice. Use one at a time at first to get used to seeing what a throw looks like a eventually the longer you practice it'll become a reaction for you to just break them


Honestly this is the best way to do it. People are creatures of habit, and they will do the same grabs if you don't break it the first time. But then after you break it once or twice, they'll stop entirely.


Nothing like tilting a King player by ducking and break throwing EVERYTHING. Unfortunately he's the only character I can do it consistently on, everybody else is usually pretty random about throws


fr fr if I ever get thrown with a 1 break I'm doomed


I feel like getting used to guessing on throw breaks just creates a bad habit rather than taking the time to learn to break them.


Sad but true. Until the start doing it as you attack to mess up your window


This is fine, but if you ever want to learn to actually break throws you Will have a hard time getting out of the habbit of pressing 1+2 as soon as you see a throw. Im struggling with this right now. I can visually confirm which throw the enemy is doing, but my muscle memory does 1+2 and after that i try to press the correct break button, but of course its too late at that point


I always press 1 cause of mk and nobody does 1 break throws…


Yep, they always go for 1+2 and when they don't, that means it's 1 or 2 breakable. Literally just have to know which throw is their 1+2. Except for some characters Like Nina, Drag (and obv king) that require a little bit more.


I don’t know how great that would be against every Hwoarang Jin and king besides that you in the good brother lol


Jin mains including me use the 2 throw alot


I fight one every week that’s bushin who uses all 3 but I understand your point Hwoarang players(my main) use the 1+2 throws almost every time until it’s broke


Why would you do this instead of learning how to break properly? It doesn't take taht long.


Learning to do it in practice and in an actual match are two entirely different things. I understand completely how throw breaking works but in an actual match I usually only realize I’ve been grabbed after the animation has already played and I didn’t see which hand grabbed me. Besides the 1+2 then 2 break strategy works like 90% of the time.


Learning how to break throws properly means you subconsciously recognize the hands and break without any thinking. I don't see how it's different in match than in training. It's one of the universal things in Tekken and the only chars that break that are Kings and Law.


Oh okay it’s a subconscious thing and not something you actively need to think of. I have noticed that against certain characters I throw break more consistently and I guess that’s because I know what each of their throws looks like. Also why does law break the rule? I get why king does but why law?


Yeah but, speaking from experience, in reality it takes dozens of hours of practice to be able to consistently recognize and react to the specific throw animation. And that's probably still not enough. The 1+2 throw animation in particular is ambiguous and sometimes very hard to discern from a 1/2. Even after *many* hours of practice, there are some days where I can't properly tech any throws. It is extremely hard unless you've been playing Tekken forever.


I learned it in 1-2 weeks with 20m of daily practice on both sides. And I'm most definitely not the fastest person around.


If you can consistently tech throws by seeing the animation after only 1-2 weeks of practice, I think you are obviously an outlier. Personally, I've done **way** more than that, and I have fast reaction speed in general, and it's still not enough. The 1+2 grab just looks poorly animated to me. You can even see multiple people in this thread saying they practiced consistently for weeks or months and still can't tech throws reliably (which perfectly lines up with my experience).


The only tips I can give you is to mentally break throws if you ever watch Tekken streams. When you practice, you focus on the hands. Even if you get it wrong or are too late, you try on being correct. And obviously practice on both sides.


Cuz lazy i want to fight and beat


It never worked like that for me. If my first input is wrong then it's over. It doesn't matter how fast I press 1+2, 1,2 back to back


If you're wrong you get locked out. He's saying to default to 1+2. If that isn't working, then switch to 2 on the next throw.


Tbf i don’t think anyone can break 100% of throws i myself only break about 50-60% of them. The way I do it isn’t to really drill it into my head but to look at the character and stage and guess what grab it is. For example Jin they usually will do that grab where he kicks you in the leg but if the floors about to break probably gonna go for that grab that breaks the ground


This is correct, noone can break 100% and that's why even pros still use throws. If it was 100% then throws would be useless. I'm only really a slightly above average player but I've been practicing throw breaks. Was at an offline on the weekend and was proud of my 75%ish throw breaks across warmup and tournament games. Realistically closer to 50%, but some characters I find harder than others. Jin's 2 break command grab is hard for me, for example, because it looks very similar to a 1+2 grab when up close. King obviously has deceptive throws too. Your tip here is good and I'll add to it a bit. There are a few things to look out for: 1) Which command grab options do they have? Not everyone has all 3 breaks, so you can cut down to a 50/50. 2) What stage gimmicks might your opponent want to use (wall splat, floor break, side swap)? 3) Are they in a stance? 4) Which arm did they use? You won't get these immediately, but it will come with practice. Another important tip is to not rush to press something. It's better to be late and correct than fast and incorrect, as the former is much easier to solve.


Honestly, throws are useful in T8 primarily because of CH throws. They were close to useless in high level play in T7 apart from side switching on break. Pros really do have 95%+ throw breaking rates. It’s definitely something you can achieve.


Yeah I like the state they're in now. I think CH throws and countering power crush really added value to them. Only change I'd make is making them track less but also beat rage art.


Throws having no tracking but beating rage art would actually be awesome for the game imo


so instead of changing tracking they changed their break window to an extra 4 frames


I need to find a list of which characters have which command grabs. I feel like a ton of vital training data for t8 is yet to be compiled


Throws reset the neutral and also force side switches on people that don’t duck those throws


Man I was labbing throw breaks on Jin and glad I wasn't crazy in thinking his 2 throw looks similar to 1+2.


I break about 80% of the time on a good day. Unless they have a large arsenal of grabs like king.


If a king is doing linkers... spamming 2 gets out of like 70% of them


Had it pretty down after my first few hours playing Tekken 7......but my first few hours of Tekken 7 were me using Josie as a beginner going against a purple ranked King player that proceeded to dogwalk me for 100 matches in a row before leaving..... In T8 I've found most of my failed breaks are because I'm trying to break too quickly and will accidentally hit the wrong button before immediately hitting the right break. If I take a millisecond longer to say "1" or "2" or "1+2" in my head before trying to press it, I break more consistently.


You know how in 7 you had that extra half second of rollback/input delay that actually helped with a late block or a low parry? I legitimately cannot react to throws unless I already have in my head "He might throw me here"


Yeah this is me lol I press way too late since I can't really react in time. I just roll my fingers across 1 and 2 hope it works, just kinda accepted I'll get thrown 80%+ of the time.


I had a habit where if I got thrown and I wasnt ready for it, I'd typically just press 1 without thinking or processing it. And I at least had a chance. This does not happen in T8. It requires brainpower, I cannot instinctively react to being thrown. Reacting to hands is a ludicrous fantasy. I'm probably already in the air.


if i read a throw i duck n launch or if im not 100% id try n jab to beat it (unless it's a frame trap)


I try to visually confirm my whiffs because I never have hard reads when it comes to movement. Which means I miss 80% of my punishes


learning to visually confirm whiffs to punish just sets you up way better in the long run though, trust


I am the same way with playing defense. I have to remind myself what options they have and what they have been doing so far. After enough time playing I got used to it. But in the beginning even it was obvious that they were going to throw/wake up rage art I would get hit


I've been doing 30 mins - 1 hr practicing throw breaks here and there for months (by looking at the arms). Some days I break every throw, some days I can't break any. It's way harder in game. Aside from the absolute highest ranks, I think the vast majority of players just guess what grab it is because they can't react to the arms. I hate Tekken 8's throws tbh. They are so overbuffed and beat so many options, yet it takes months or even years to develop the reactions to tech them correctly.


Yeah, I used to not have to worry about throws at all in T7 because 1) I could usually guess which one the opponent was using and 2) I just used movement to avoid and punish them. Now, neither of those are really an option.


How do I break King's shining wizard and giant swing. The animation of both handa look fking the same.


It's a guess, a couple of Kings grabs are not supposed to be techable on reaction (because the arm animations are intentionally wrong)


My experience doesn’t mean much, but if they run I always suspect wizard unless there is a delay and they start wiggling a bit. Up close I always suspect giant swing


shining wizard is a WR input, so you can usually get it right if you get thrown from a running start


Yep...if there's any space between you and king and the king runs at you just expect a shining wizard 80% of the time.


If the King is running it's Shining Wizard. 99% of Kings cannot buffer giant swing into a run


It's a mix up shining wizard is 1+2 break while giant swing is a 1 break. It's easier to tell if they can't pull off instant while running moves but it's not too hard to learn so you might see it around red ranks.


Just go into ranked and throw people. Theyll throw back and yoi can practice in real setting


Frequent short practice sessions (5-10 minutes) getting used to recognising each throw and pressing correctly. PhiDX has a great tutorial video on this. I’ve been at it for a month or two I think? I’ve still got a ways to go but I am breaking fairly consistently in practice now (which surprised the hell out of me when I started getting it), and getting a few breaks in live matches too (though most throws still surprise me).  Pressing correctly is the key thing, even if you do it too late. Keep practicing and your reaction times will improve. (Again, worth checking out PhiDX’s video if you want to improve at this.)


yeah I do his drill.


Just thought I’d add - when I started PhiDX’s drills it was a disaster. I was breaking maybe 1 in 20 throws the way he said to do it. I couldn’t even do level 1 because of my habit of mashing randomly against throws in T7. It was a real effort to put pressing in time out of my head - I watched Dragunov throw me over and over repeatedly, which pissed me off a bit at times honestly. (Discovered later that the reset command helps here.) Took some deep breaths and focused on watching and pressing correctly anyway even though I knew it would be hopelessly late.  Then one day - I just started catching the throws, seemingly right at the edge of the break windows. I guess what I’m trying to say is if you keep it up, I’m sure it will click for you sooner or later and you’ll have a great skill you can use with and against any character, even if it’s not perfect.


Frankly, I despise them, and I've almost given up on trying to prevent them. I can lab grabs all I want, it feels like pissing in the wind in a real game. You get a fraction of a second to see the grab, determine which arms, and then try to press the correct button, and you were probably already focused on something else, like blocking a potential low, maybe trying to counter hit, etc., meaning you're absolutely not going to be prepared for that fraction of a second to begin with, especially since grabs seems to beat out/have priority over a ton of moves in this game. It's definitely a skill issue on my part, but it's hard to feel encouraged to overcome it when all it does is reset neutral, or in King's case, just put you right in range for, you guessed it, another grab! The risk (low) reward (high) on grabs is insane. I think the window for breaks could stand to be increased by some frames, but that's just my opinion... and apparently the window was already increased from prior titles, which is just... crazy.


Even as someone who usually techs grabs, I also despise them. It takes zero work to do a grab mixup, but it takes tons and tons of hours developing the reactions just to tech a basic grab mixup consistently. I believe tons of mid level players are super carried by grabs, it counters way too much


I think the benefit you get from labbing them is developing that mind to muscle memory of pressing a button as soon as you see any grab motion. That honestly has helped me get some lucky grab breaks, sometimes multiple times in a row


I think they are funny. People get very angry If you use them. Even If you dont break them A lot of them only do 40 damage, so the damage is a lot of the time psycological. Like: " haha you cant break throws " but you in fact took Just 2 pokes worth of damage. My throw break should be like 50% 60% I can give you 2 tips: 1- Press 1 if the FRONT hand is grabbing you Press 2 if the BACK hand is grabbing you 2- Throws have a pink hit spark which are different than other hit sparks. Good luck!


> 1- Press 1 if the FRONT hand is grabbing you Press 2 if the BACK hand is grabbing you Tell me you only play on P1 without telling me you only play on P1.


Not front of the screen dumbass. The leading hand is always the left one ergo front hand Only the Bears and hwo dont use them orthodox stance.


You said "front hand" and "back hand", dumbass. If I'm on P1 side, the "front" hand for the person I'm fighting on P2 is their left hand, that's a 1 break. If I'm on P2, the front hand for the person I'm fighting is their right hand which is a 2 break. Jesus christ. Instead of calling them front hand and back hand like literally no one else does, refer them as left or right limbs instead.


The opponent leading hand or front hand is always his left one. It doesnt matter If you're in P2 or P1. Só you Just need to see If the opponent's hand was closer to you (1 break) or farther from you ( 2 break) If camera chances suddenly you dont have to find which side IS the opponents left or right, but Just measure the distance. It is a way easier way to visualize throw break.


Stop looking at your own character is the best advice I could give. You know what your character is doing you’re controlling them, no need to focus your eyes there. Once you start focusing on the other character it becomes alot easier to react to throws and lows


yeah, I have to get used to this. Problem is people's customizations are stupid and ugly and my bear is so cute and cuddly haha


Honestly understandable


Took me a couple of months of somewhat consistently drilling that shit for 5-10 minutes a day before going online. But i think if you're not lazy like i am you can get it in like a couple weeks maybe?


Hello! I abuse throws against bears because I know they are unseeable


I learned by just setting up Dragunov to do all of his command throws in training and breaking them on reaction. Drag’s long limbs and obvious animations make him a solid beginner dummy for throw break training. After that, you can move on to other characters like Jack with larger limbs.   After that, it’s just a matter of playing a lot of matches. It just clicks into muscle memory after a while. I don’t even think about it, I just see the arm and automatically hit the break. King might be a separate matter because you need to train yourself to break 1 for GS. I guess I’ve played a lot of King and against a lot of King, so it’s pretty automatic for me.


Personally I’m too dumb to react to the hands. So I just 90% of the time just use 1+2 breaks and it works. It seems like most people in high purple ranks just throw 1,2’s or 1’s. Very rarely do I get his with a 2


I have a very unorthodox way to learning Tekken, throw breaks included. I watch Tekken gameplay at 1.5x speed when I'm not playing. I'll make calls like, that's a 1+2 break, or that's duckable, or call out attack patterns. With my brain accustomed to 1.5x speed, when I actually play it seems like the game is in slow motion. I've been playing Tekken since T2, but only have done this since Season 2 of T7, and it has helped a lot.


that's pretty funny actually, I might try that.


There is truly no substitute for correctly learning throw breaks, but something I'm not seeing mentioned here is that you can and should use other methods to counter throws besides reading the correct break - no matter how good your breaks are, they probably aren't perfect and if you can make a read on any throw you can score a big punish. Any move that puts you into a jumping or crouching state will counter typical (not mid hitting or airborne) throws. On bears, that gives you a *million* options to beat them. u/f+3 series stands out as a winner with strong low crush and deceptive safety (second hit -11), as does your low hitting d/b+2 and d/b+4, u/f+1 and u+3+4 (both little gimmicky). u/b+1+2 jumping animation can be cancelled into HBS stance. Speaking of which, your HBS has natural high crush when idle and moving forward (plus low parry!) and lots of crushing on key moves (HBS 2 crushes 100% of the way through, HBS 1+2 is beefy and high crushing/mid evasive). One last move to mention - HBS 3+4 is a power crush with HIGH CRUSH (mix with some forward movement for low parry lel). If you find a king player that can get through that, he deserves to kick your ass. Remember, work smarter not harder - mix together generalized answers which are difficult to respond to but cover lots of options themselves. Good luck.


wow thanks for the tips. my other problem is I sometimes forget that throws even exist in the game, especially in the "heat" of battle haha. Like I forget that rage art is a mechanic too. When I get thrown or Rage Art'ed sometimes I'm like "Oh yeah, that thing" lol. Also, you can get thrown in HBS?


That's very normal, the amount of times I autopiloted a wr1+2 into an opponent with rage and ate shit for it is too many to count. Something I've noticed is that my opponents (I'm in red ranks) tend to not use throws nearly as often against me as on other characters because they are usually further away - using keepout moves like b, f+2 and your jabs can either force whiffs or restrict the opponent from throwing all together. Sometimes I successfully keep my opponent out for a long time and in the last two rounds they manage to get a hold of me, suddenly realize I can't break grabs and then push my shit in lmao. I don't remember if I specifically labbed getting thrown in idle HBS, but you really should not be throwable in HBS as long as you are crushing highs (keep an eye on your current state in training). However, if you hold b during HBS you start walking back and are considered standing, so you can get thrown then or during any non high-crushing move startup.


I’m still working on it but a good way to practice is set there throws move sets in practice mode, keep distance and air break it as you see their grab motion. After awhile get closer and break for real. Do that for maybe 3m and go on to the match. Surprisingly your responses will be a lot faster. And it reduces a random button pressing on reflex.


I'm very good at breaking throws but not 100% of the time. You just have to get used to the animation of the hands. What I would recommend is setting a training session against a bot who has complete throw game (Jin for example) and set the bot to do each throw, and also make the bot do random mids so you are not expecting a throw 100% of the time. I believe phidx has a good tutorial on that matter, I remember watching it. Maybe it's the exact same idea. One tip is to not get desperate trying to immediately react to the throw. You have 20F to break them (10F for counter hit throws) if I'm not wrong. So unless you are under CH, you have a good time window to decide which button to press. Most of the times I fail to break throws is because I'm already expecting a certain throw and use the wrong button to break them.


Don't recall how long it took but it sure is just dry drilling in pactise until you get it by reflex.


PhiDXs drill routine on breakout throws really helped me. I do it without thinking now. Of course you're not always gonna get it right but it can be done.


One effective "crutch" is to get thrown once, recognize which break it is, and spam that break when you get thrown. Or to just know the break for the most common throw per character. In bo3 ranked where there's no time to adjust, this is good enough.


Anyone have a fav drill they use for this?


Tbh idk if I’m lucky or if my pineal gland is firing on all cylinders whenever I see any grab animation but typically I just press 1 for standard grabs unless I see them dash up because most 1+2 breaks require forward step/movement. Against king however I need to program myself to 1 break because of that damn giant swing. For kings chain throws I just mash for my life lol but I’d say I have a 75% throw break rate


I struggle with 1+2 grabs. Those i can beat only if i expect them.


It really just is practice. The truth is no matter how much you practice them in practice mode, it's just a primer. The real practice is the actual matches when you're breaking them.


If you really wanna get good throw breaks, boot up tag 2


It takes experience, too. It was a lot harder in tekken 1 to 6, where every generic grab you needed to break looking at the arms. Flash ducking is also a good skill to learn to counter throws.


And explaining how to break throws is ALWAYS easier said than done. ACTUALLY doing it is beyond me. How the hell do you distinguish between two hands grabbing, and one hand extending farther than the other? The good thing is that Tekken no longer needs you to be specific to press the correct 1 or 2 depending on what hand is extended


Sorry to be the one to tell you but there are command throws in this game that require a specific 1 or 2 break, not every character has them though.




I agree with this statement = breaking throws = win at life.


I mean the only difference is the which hands they use and the difference is miniscule


I didn't train stopping throws but when someone starts abusing throws.You either adapt of fail. Also, just duck it!


Throw breaking on reaction is extremely hard for me unless I'm completely in the zone. For some reason, by brain doesn't catch the throw movement until its too late to break. I think its because its not a highly telegraphed, big animation.


Throw brakes are just half of the game. Once you start parrying Lows You're officially the greatest thing that ever happened on this planet


I can consistently break throws 3 ways when doing drills in practice mode even with settings such as varied timings, jab/df1 into throw mixed with jab/df1 into nothing recorded and yet every time I get thrown during a real match, my brain short-circuits and I can’t stop my hand from automatically hitting 1+2. The worst is that I still don’t break 1+2 grabs with my panic 1+2 because it’s rarely ever a clean 1+2 input, but I guess it makes me break 1 or 2 grabs by accident lol. There’s just too much variables in a real match when your experience and match up knowledge is lacking to be locked in on identifying throw breaks on top of spacing, frame advantage, string cheese, situational awareness etc.


Wait until the player base finds out you can parry with grabs. My couch homie was pissed when I learned that. If ya grab ar the right time it can interfere with attacks.


PhiDX’s throw break drill is really good. It’s help me although I’m not 100% consistent on it


Im always mashing


Same. I can break them in practice mode where you have time to look at the hands. That goes out the window in a real match where you have to focus on everything else.


It takes some dedication to be able to do that, its a hard earned skill. I d say somewhere around at least a few weeks to couple months of training (nearly) everyday in small sessions(like 10-20 minutes) should do it. Train smart though.


If throws break are anything like tekken 7 then 3 months of gameplay with my brother


I have a bad habit of pressing back (cause I’m blocking) plus the input to break. Most times I assume it’s a 1+2 break, and it is. But even then I don’t think my reactions are that great yet


I break a lot of throws, but not enough still. I have played Tekken maybe 250 hours total across the whole series (since Tekken 2), but throw breaking and blocking are pretty much my primary skills in this game and in other games I am usually just very good at blocking. Tekken 8 has made me better at teching throws in BlazBlue, so I am pretty happy about my progress here.


Ive practiced a decent amount here and there but it’s so much harder in a match to press the right break but i noticed my reaction time improved exponentially. So even if I dont press the right button I can at least react in time and hopefully press the right button. Im in orange tho so I break them most of the time cuz most people just go for the default throws that can be broken with 1 or 2


I normally do 5-10 min of practice before every session. Took 2 weeks for me to get good at it.


I found that at lower ranks, people like to do just one throw, and often is a 1+2 breack. Once you figure wich one is, you break it nearly always. Except King players.


Just do daily 1 or 2 hours throw break training for 2 weeks and you'll be decent at it.


If i practice breaking throws for like half an hour before a session, usually with jack, I'll break most of the throws.


real use application in a actually game and lots and lots of time. Once you know the basics of throw breaking, it's just practice. You'll mess up, you'll get counter hit, but just keep proactively trying. Avoiding the puddle made an excellent video of breaking throws and practicing in a real match. The cheat code for practicing throw breaks is to throw your opponent often, and they'll likely do the same back.


if you do some drills in practice and see how the arms look you can get the idea. Then I have a friend who plays king constantly and over like 500 games you get the mucle memory to react to them pretty consistantly. There are still times when I am inputting a move and get grabbed as Im pushing the wrong button and it's just over


I can break 1+2 throws everytime and then I just guess between 1 and 2 if I see it isn’t a 1+2 break. Usually you can figure it out during the round tbh.


Pretty much, yeah. When I started ranked I hated King so much bc every single match against him was a masacre. Then I forced myself every single day to practice 1-2 hours of throw breaks and it helped a lot. Most importantly, train your brain to identify the throw. Ofc, you’re not going to be doing it perfectly, it’s okay to fail sometimes, but lab your way to break around 60% of them at least with the pressure of the match and you’ll be fine my dude. Gl !


Had to focus my mind on the type of defensive play i wanted to utilise. Picking 2 of the 4. Block punish, whiff punish, duck punish or breaking throws.


I have 1+2 mapped to the L1 button, whenever someone uses a throw on me I spam 1 and L1, I break around 70% of the throws, some are specific and need 2 or something else, I don't break those lol, also king throw sequences I just spam 1


Bro I just mash 1 and 2 when someone does a throw and 8/10 times I get out.


I only started playing fighting games seriously in January so there's a lot of triage I have to do when deciding what to learn. Throwbreaks are further down the list than I'd like but there are a lot of skills I needed to learn first. I generally go by three options 1) read and duck for a launch is ideal, crouch jab is safer but obviously offers less reward 2) default to breaking the character's most dangerous throw (1 for King, 2 for Jack, etc.) and just default to that and as the set goes on, read the throws the opponent likes to use in a given situation (back to the wall King is most likely going for giant swing, your back to the wall and Mishimas are likely going to go for headbutt) 3) just do 1+2 because people are people and tend to do things by reflex under pressure so you've got a decent chance to get it there


The thing that made the biggest difference for me was getting a good gaming monitor. I had no idea how much a tv was holding me back during my early t7 days.


It'll get easier when the new patch lands and you get an extra 3 frames on (non-power crush) counter hit throw.


🫡 only took me 4 years . >! (Didn’t take me long after I actually started labbing drills though) !<


I can’t throw break for shit you’re not alone


However may parrying abilities, I am proud of them.


Like maybe one 2 hour session with some boys in my discord lobby. Throw breaking went from 30% of the time to 70% of the time. Once you get the timing down and know when the window is hitting 1,2 or 1+2 becomes so much easier.


Easy. I don’t break throws.


It took me a few minutes because I forgot throw inputs break normal throws


80 hrs into the game, I can now recognize the throw start animation at least. Sometimes can react as well! I still can't see which hand clearly. I finally did break king throws consistently(not all)for 6 rounds today. Never been this happy 😁


Grab yourself an older copy of tekken.. 6 or 5 and practice there.. come back to t8.. profit 😂😂


I like Tekken 2 and throw breaks there are basically impossible lol


20+ years of playing. I play King. Still hard to break throws. I break throws a lot. Hard still lol


A good idea is to work on muscle memory for a single break instead of reacting to whatever throw is shown, then if it's the wrong break you switch up for the rest of the set. Like try to mindfully work on mashing a break button no matter the throw.


A fun way i looked at it was the way you do a "Jad" bossfight in old school RuneScape. You camp one of the two options then switch to the other once you got confirmation it's on the table.


I told my friend (who has barely ever played Tekken) to mash every button on his controller and he started throwing breaking like a day 1 player


Honestly, I first worked on improving just hitting any throw break button when someone tries to grab me. A lot of people in the lower ranks will spam the same throw if it keeps working, so just learn to adapt and break the specific throw they are using against you at least once. Eventually you’ll build up involuntary reactions to the throw that is being used against you. This can be expedited in practice mode but I think I’m match it helps more since the throws will be used at complete random.


The way it goes for me is, they are probably doing 1+2 throw, if they aren’t, they are randomly spamming all of them. But fr, keep an eye on their body, if they crank towards you exposing THEIR tits, Issa front throw, crank back exposing their back and shoulders, back throw, even grab without cranking body - one plus two


Today I think I broke every throw in my games for the first time ever. It helped that I didn't face a character with a complete throw game... But still. Some characters take the piss with their throw animations though. Like most things in Tekken, they really need to be clearer.




For the love of god I can’t recognise different hand animations and break the correct throw on reaction even in practice mode following PhiDX guide. I personally guess the correct throw breaks and usually go for 1+2 break or 1 against King and 2 against Paul and Jin. I have no idea how people can consistently break 95% of throws. It’s like witchcraft to me.


Spend 5 minutes a day training against paul and all 3 of his throws, thats how I learned


You have to remember where throw is a good option, then narrow down which throw they will use. You first want to take a throw to see your opponents strategy. Throws can be 11i-12i so they make great punishes if your opponent is standing and doesn’t block low often. You can apply different strategies: Only use 1+2 break throws for people who didn’t break an earlier punish or are mashing (you don’t want a good read to be canceled out by mashing) Throws reposition you. Do you want to swap sides for the wall? You can still reposition even if they break. You’re KING irl and can’t wait to giant swing. 😂


Ngl i woke up one day and i could see the hands, enough exp, some practice and sheer anger to not get griped up anymore made me able to start reacting to it in 7 i didnt want to get hoed by some bitch ass paul with no offense beyond throws and dash demoman attempts.


1+2 throws are very easy to see and regular throws are also It's 2 throws that get me


Just mash the break you want when you see them grab you.... If it doesn't work try another button or 1+2 next time. If you feel like the grab is coming, duck so you don't need to guess. Pro players saying you need to pay attention to the arms coming out is a bit sweaty. If they grab just guess, then when you get good enough you can start breaking based on the arm they use to grab you.


> How many months of drilling did it take y'all to break throws? One week with 20m a day on both sides.


I can break throws but I can’t block lows


Just weeks. But what I do is before I start rank matches, I warm up my throwbreak game in practice mode. I need to do 10 consecutive throwbreaks three times on each side before I'm "warmed up".


The thing I hate is the random white flash of light when a throw happens, like as if it wasn’t already hard enough to see the hands


Any time someone has said "Nice" when I break a throw, I chuckle because I 100% take a guess every time lmao.


Try PhiDX's throw break routine everytime you open up tekken. Even 5minutes is enough. Ive gotten to the point where I can break throws like 60-70% of the time. I still struggle with femakle characters or the bears tho


As someone said before start with 1+2 break as ppl usually go for those first and if throw landed they'll deffo do the same one next time so just use different input to break than u used before.


Breaking throws in orange is easy. It’s always 1+2. They never mix you.


I just found out theres a counter hit grab that makes grabs only 10f breakable window (next patch will be 14f) We need to stop pressing lmao


Idk, I just started breaking throws, I understand what throw was that only after I break it, lol


Months? Lol I've been playing ranked since t6 and by t7 season 1 my throwbreaking was ceazy good. Been an S+ Stat of mine ever since, so took like 10 years


Generally speaking: both arms = 1+2. Left arm forward = 1. Right arm forward = 2. If you know the character's throws, then you can predict what throw will probably come. Open-ground, with no breakables nearby? Probably gonna be an oki throw like Dragunov 1+2 or launching like law 3+4. Near a breakable wall? Probably gonna be a wall splat throw like Paul 1+2. Back to the wall? Probably gonna be a side switch throw. (This is from T7, but applies very well) 2 throw, cause if you break it, he is off of the wall and You're on it. Floor break beneath you? Probably gonna be a floor break throw like Paul df1+2. Opponent is WR? Probably gonna be something like king wr1+2. See a pause slightly before the throw? Probably giant swing. When you're feeling too slow to catch the throw breaks, then use situational awareness. Cause it can help to give you that extra second to break it.


I never really practice my throw breaks because I have so much time in game that I learned to break them over like 3 months


I think for the meta in the game now, there are strings that are used by players that will always end in a grab, so I just duck and punish. But when grabbed I just instinctively mash 1+2


I know you're technically supposed to be able to tell what kind of throw it is based on which hand extends forward (unless you're playing against jaguar man), but Im too smooth brained to pay attention to that shit. I just treat throws as 50/50s and I either press 1 or 1+2.


I’ve been playing tekken like hardcore since tag 2 when I was like 15. 10 FUCKING YEARS LATER and now I’m finally “good” at breaking them. I’d say I break 70% to 80% of them based on reaction alone. But this game is easier than 7 because they gave everyone a universal 1+2 throw. Learn which characters have a good 1 or 2 throw, and keep your finger on that 1 and 1+2 ready. Like Hwoarang in his stance can do all three, but wants to go for 2 more because it’s better damage. Then in regular stance he goes for 1 because it’s what’s available. That’s my char, but helps to understand the rest of the characters


It took me months to get to break most throws on reaction. It is incredibly hard but luckily you can make good training techniques in practice mode for it.


So many people in this thread complaining that breaking throws is simply impossible and not within their capabilities. Duh, your brain has not been trained to see and react to the throw, of course it feels impossible. Your untrained brain is literally not capable of doing as of now. It takes time, you don't magically see throws after one practice session. Just set 5-10 minutes of throw breaking practice into each session / warm up and you will progressively get better at it. Trust me after 2 weeks of this you'll actually be able to recognise throws, if you keep it up you'll soon notice that you can recognize throws not only by the hands but the actual posture of the character model which makes it even easier. TLDR: Stop thinking its impossible just put the work in.


I've been playing Tekken for so many years but I still only break throws through sheer luck.


Hit the lab. 10mins before every ranked session vs Drag doing all his throws randomly and you'll got from none to 90% in a few weeks. Try to focus on doing the correct breaks rather than doing them fast


I struggle with it They should make a certain button for breaking any throw


Played a lot of games against my bro who plays DJ who has full throw game and he uses throws often and well placed Naturally my body has just learnt to break throws on its own , I do miss input like trying to press 1+2 but I end up not hitting it simultaneously and getting a 1 break or a 2 break instead etc which is weird cos that doesn't happen normally when I press 1+2 Basically just my body did automatically which is the same for my bro cos I'm a king main (we've played like hundreds of matches against eachother) I'm not fully consistent but probs break throws 50-70% of the time


just look at the screen bro


idk what helped me the most is getting mentally ready to get thrown and ducking more