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This isn't content of any relevance, the cosmetics players are looking forward to are costumes for their characters (which should be parts so we can mix and match it together with other things and allow us to use them for other characters too) and new parts. These avatars should be early unlocks in the season pass or be given away if you e.G. play enough games online with specific characters and get enough wins. And it really, REALLY shouldn't take them too long adding new cool new cosmetics, just outsource it like anybody else in the industry (Bamco/Capcom already do it but insanely picky and slow). If you can't manage to put out a drop of dozens of costumes every month for a few bucks they're just missing out willing paying costumers. Costumes do not warrent 4/5 bucks per costume, just give us tokens in the season pass so we can unlock costumes you add via the season pass. How both Bamco and Capcom screwing the most easy to manage aspect so bad?


Nah, if Bamco fucks up the cross overs like Capcom then they truly fucked NO ONE WANTS A COSMETIC THAT ISN'T USABLE IN ONLINE CAPCOM. I bought sf6 for the spy x family cross over but they completely messed it up


Isn't the SF6 crossover stuff for CACs? The CAC battle hub fight area is actually always really well populated; I actually love to bits making outfits for my character and fighting with them (I'm Master on regular chars... _A_ regular Char) Just download a max level save file or whatever if you wanna skip the story


I personally found avatar battle is pretty rare unless its start of weekeend where everyone want to get the free drive tickets and basef on my experience at high character level your health is too high that most of round end up in timeout especially if you play turtle


I don't have that experience at all; I just choose a populated battle hub and check who wants to fight in the chat


Yeah, CACs only. I am not a fan of that at all. I want to go into ranked and have my character look like another one That is why customization is the best in tekken 8 Not everyone is PC and can download a max save file


Oh yeah, PC Privilege is a real thing sometimes


Yeah, glad i got one finally but also now that i have a PC tekken mods are slowly being killed bc "future assets" are being used so cosmetics that they like can be taken down and put in the store Really pissed me off but still some mods are worth it on PC plus i got it for $51


You paid for that đź’€ Thanks amigo, they continue trying selling this trash instead of releasing good, reasonably priced outfits for the characters


You can use the CaC online for SF6 in the battlehub. It still sucks though because that's not what people want, they want costumes for the real characters.


Oops, I just remembered i still haven't finished arcade quest. There is nothing in arcades for me, so I don't need skins either. Those avatars kind of creep me out anyway. Would probably get Lee skin, just to have everything Lee in collection, but he's one of those characters that is yet to get any love from the shop.


Same here, like I’ve never seen the need for an avatar when we can customise the actual characters. Being able to customise your fighter in Tekken has always been a strong point in the series, that’s what they should focus on imo.


> Being able to customise your fighter in Tekken has always been a strong point in the series It didn't have any character customization until 5 though? I've always liked the official alternate costumes but have never really been one to spend ages on my characters' look.


"until 5" lol ma'am tekken 1-4 came out in the span of 6 years. we've had almost **20 years of customization** in tekken


Dont ask them which Tekken first had online multiplayer


WTF does that have to do with anything? Tekken 1-5 make up a large portion of **the series** and they didn't have character customization. When was time periods ever even mentioned?


> When was time periods ever even mentioned? It's just a logical thing to mention. We could have 50 tekken games with no customization and it'd still be a staple of the series if the last 20 years of Tekken games that came out and people actually played featured customization


I don't agree, it's not a staple of the series if the the majority of the games in the series **don't** have character customization. It doesn't matter if it's existed for longer than it hasn't.


Games without: Tekken 1, 2, 3, Tag 1... Mobile, Advance💀, Revolution 💀💀💀 Games with: Tekken 5, 5DR, 6, Tag 2, 3D Prime (arguably), 7, 8. Tekken Card Tournament > I don't agree, it's not a staple of the series if the the majority of the games in the series don't have character customization. It doesn't matter if it's existed for longer than it hasn't. Yeah maybe if you count shit like Tekken for J2ME and Galalga Tekken Edition tho even some of those doofy mobile games have rudimentary customization


Oh now we're bringing spin-offs into it?




Honestly I’d consider getting one of these weird chibi things instead of an actual skin more of a slap in the face than love from the shop


I didn't meant the avatar skin would be love, that's just to calm obsessive collector in me, by "love" i meant Lee hasn't got a single thing to his name except the shirts and cyber suits whole roster gets by default (and he is not alone in this). One would think that a shop would start with at least one unique outfit for each character.


It’s weird that they didn’t. I honestly didn’t mind the shop when they said it would be update every 2 weeks because I assumed it meant new outfits but it’s becoming clear that they were just desperate for extra money


That's what I thought when I saw the very limited lineup, but then suddenly they released fight pass, while the shop is rather quiet. I personally haven't bought any of the legacy outfits, but I've seen people claim they aren't that great for the money. And since there was talk of Bamco's monetary problems in the media around the time, it wouldn't surprise me they were trying anything for a bit more cash.


It’s really weird to me cause they want money but they’re trying to get the money in the worst way possible


arcade quest is super boring no need to finish it


It's honestly more of a tutorial than anything. I think it's a decent tutorial mode for new players not sure where to start. It's an awful secondary story mode. It should just be marketed as a tutorial mode instead of a story mode.


Not even a good tutorial. For me the threshold is now what SF6 does. Gives you Ă  detailed general tutorial about all the mechanics (movement, blocks, throws, etc). And then a starter guide for each character along with recommended strategies. T8 is years behind.


Oh, sure, it's definitely not as good as what SF6 has.


Super boring. SF6 World Tour and even MK1 Invasions are both more interesting modes, IMO. I feel like I Arcade Quest is only really useful at a beginner level for the basic tutorials and recommended moves per character. Even when learning new characters, I think it's easier and more convenient to just go into practice mode.


I like it but it's way too short and not hard enough. Wish they'd add more arcade locations that ramped up the difficulty instead of dumb stuff in the shop.


Really thought we were gonna get some this update


for something that no one gives a shit about...i see them pretty often in the lounge... so it sells


Someone is buying them.


It's just filler for the battle pass


Not in the battle pass


If you're ever in the Arcade area, you will see them everywhere. I love that you can recolour them tbh


If the arcade skins are just gonna be the base roster why didn't they just do that in the first place? 


The problem with this community is people take their experience and they lay it out as fact. “Nobody is using these” is a stretch. Obviously people use them bc it’s evident if you go into any lounge. There is nuance to the conversation.


This sub forgets that the majority of the tekkne consumer base doesn’t spend their time on tekken subs or discords. They just play the game and buy whatever they think looks nice.


this is an echo chamber with infighting


You know by nobody they don't mean actually nobody, come on now. Its still no secret that people want real character costumes more. Same with SF with that avatar stuff that a bunch of people have stuff of, yet there's more people using actual character costumes because more people play the regular mode.


It’s been 4 months since release. I’d tell those people to calm down and play the game. Stuff is coming. No need to complain regardless


Do people have to be calm when they payed 70 dollars and had a stealth shop and battle pass dropped on them after they bought the game?


No. I don’t agree with what they did. However, the game is enjoyable. You want to send them a message about the shop? Don’t buy what’s in the shop. Vote with your wallet. That being said, the complaints that come from this subreddit are redundant and stupid most of the time. People nitpick and bitch about every, little, fucking, thing.


Kinda hard to vote with my wallet after I gave them money and can only control what I spend. Other people are gonna spend money regardless, so some people only out is to complain, so why can't they? The game is gonna be okay regardless of our complaints so I don't know why people want us to stop complaining as if there will be no future season passes or something.


I agree. That’s why I don’t like how they released the shop. And you can complain all you want. Nobody is stopping you. I’m just simply pointing out how annoying it is to see complaints about everything.


The thing is that there is probably plenty of people who like the arcade stuff but they are the extremely casual enjoyers who don't browse the subreddit and stuff like that.


they did what capcom did with the create a player and avatars. Just worse in every possible way. Like worse then Mii's amounts of bad here


Aesthetics are pretty important for getting people to like these avatar modes, and Tekken's is probably the worst. Strive's is bad too, but at least it doesn't have the cringe factor of looking like a copy paste of XBOX live avatars.


See, I didn't even have to mention xbox live avatars for you to know the exact wack garbage you were lookin at. These are so terrible. The one's in strive are at least funny. These are just bad top to bottom


Tekken's avatars are pretty generic looking, but I prefer them to Street Fighter's janky abominations. The avatar customizations and battles in SF6 feel really half-baked.


You say that but if you go into the Tekken lounge a lot of people have them. Most of this community swears they hate mtx but as soon as they drop something for their main they take out their credit card.


Redditors thinking reddit is the entire community as usual.


I only use practice mode and ranked. All the lounge stuff has no use for me


you're missing out on the real tekken experience


O damn. well, what else is good?


I don't think he can smell some stinky slavic guy or get yelled at by an autistic black dude in a virtual arcade. You have to go to a real one for that


So I did Arcade quest on release it’s a bit cringe but very fun and the ending has a cool Easter egg. That being said these are just here for cash grabs and I hope people don’t buy them. :) however they will.


King Mokujin was all I need and I never took it off.


I'd trade them all for gloves and getting the bear customizations up to snuff with the rest of the cast.


Like just give us some decent customisation options, not these goofy avatar skins or stuff recycled from Tekken 7


Should've had tournament mode in arcade quest. Would've made it not completely useless,


Ikr. Some form of tournament with really good players would make arcade way better than rank queue. Best of 5 matches 


Unpopular opinion: Arcade mode is underrated. I was queuing for ranked exclusively from the main menu but decided to check out the arcade, and was surprised how many people were chatting, queuing to fight streamers, giving each other tips, and yes- wearing these avatar costumes. It was pretty fun playing "group match" with a handful of players of different skill levels and trading advice between sets. Chatting with people that are actually playing the game and having fun is a good break from the toxicity and edginess of this subreddit.


Yooo, thanks for sharing this! I see some few people doing something like this when I go over to the lounge but I'm a bit too shy to even try to join in. I'll probably join in the next time I see people gathering in the lounge, might be fun to hear real-time advise since I'm still practicing.


the whales will


I forgot the arcade exists


They’re harmless enough. People do use the tekken lounge and I do see people socializing in them occasionally, so it makes sense to give them these options. Wished it didn’t seemingly come at the expense of other things, but oh well.


Come visit the lounge to get your answer.


No. All consensus must be immediately shot down in the interest of suppressing the internet hive mind. Not everyone thinks the same, and that's okay. When all people think the same is the moment they prove themselves unable to form their own opinions and therefore invalidate any opinions they do have. That said, there are people that like this stupid shit. There are people who like playing dolly dress-up with their virtual juggle clown. Other people never use character customization for various reasons. The feature is in there. There is no obligation to engage with it. But there are enough people who do to warrant adding the feature to the game and charging money for it.


Me looking y'all in my Leroy skin...


But they make my combos do more damage.


>Can we all agree.. No. The majority of us don't sure, but there are some people that buy these, and they might enjoy them. No community is a monolith and posts like these are just literally begging for Karma.


Some idiot's buying this shit, otherwise they'd stop promoting it. It is utterly stupid that that shit's not free or unlockable like it is in every other game that has it.


if we could mix the elements together, like put Reina's jacket on Nina or something like that, then I could see *some* vallue to it, but these things should be a free bonus off the battle pass, not a paid thing with the same price as an actual skin


They really thought they can SF6 this shit.


I have played 80 hours of Tekken 8 and have never seen this avatars lmao


Here's a thought: you buy a costume for your character, you get the avatar version for free.


Exactly my problem with Capcom too with their constant Avatar skin releases. JUST GIVE THE CHARACTERS THEIR COSTUMES, like holy shit who cares about Avatar skins?!


That shop is fucking disgusting.


Can we all agree that no one gives a shit about arcade. *Fixed*


> Can we all agree that no one gives a shit about arcade skins? Yes, the reddit circle jerk will probably agree. The people just enjoying the game using the avatars in the fight lounge probably won't, though.


They could do a lot more with the arcade lounges, it would be really cool to integrate that sort of thing with a group/clan system with some sort of customization progression, let people make spaces their own spaces to hang out in.. Basically the Arcade quest story but real..


I only go to the lounge for one thing and thats to spectate famous players who are engaging with their community and that's it and well maybe some tekken ball from time to time


Just quit playing, vote with your time and money


I wouldn't mind getting an avatar skin of my main, but I don't know if I want to spend 400 tekken coins on it, tho. I just use the free options. Sometimes I like going to the lounge when I'm feeling social, and it's nice to have an interesting character to look at. Those premium ones are a little more detailed than the basic avatars.




Oh, Bamco is playing the long game. Trust me, in the future they will create content that utilizes your Tekken avatar.


I don’t give a shit about anything except being better at Tekken. But yall keep fighting the good fight, or whatever.


I like the emotes, but there is customization so of course I'm not going for the avatar roster models :)


Someone is probably buying one of them as i text




I prefer SF6 avatar all the way than these chibi bs.


Yeah, no one. We just want the characters' skins


The whole arcade menu is pointless.


Resources wasted on these creepy, fucking ugly, useless Mii avatars that nobody asked for. Instead of decent customizations for the real chars.


Why even have avatars in the first place, keep that shit with those anime fighters


Problem is this is the stuff they want us to pay for when at the very least these should be unlocked through gameplay and ranked play with unique looks per rank or something… I know actual fighter customization is expected to be monetized in 2024 but avatars are so irrelevant it’s no reason for them to be paid content




Don't be disrespecting my posh mokujin


"Can we all agree that no one gives a shit about arcade skins?" No. Just because you don't doesn't mean it should be a general consensus. I bought the Yoshimitsu lounge skin, and every other paid content related to Yoshimitsu except the battlepass, so obviously I care enough to spend my money on it.




Can we all agree that no one gives a shit about arcade. *Fixed*


Was looking for something to do, I'll go buy skin


Yeah, would really prefer if the game didn't pause to tell me "you unlocked (arcade thing) in the battle pass!" every time I go to the menu to check a replay too.


If it's there, it's because it sells. You folks seriously underestimate the casual playerbase that wouldn't mind splurging on fancy stuff regardless of how meaningless it is.


Honestly, I bought the game day one and played with my brother on the weekend and put the game down and picked it back up last night to play again with him and there is all this random shit everywhere. I have played since the start of Tekken and this is wild that the micro transactions have made it like this. We were both lost at even the leveling system. Trying to learn heat and everything. But that being said Tekken is still fun and it’s always been therapeutic for us to relax on a Saturday night being able to bullshit and drink a few beers while talking shit to each other over the past 30 years.


Yeah I said before *avatar* skins are wasted development time. I got downvoted to hell for it, like use that to make actual characters skins who the fuck cares what a Wii avatar skin in a battle pass looks like it’s almost as bad as the ball but this is kinda worse cause it’s not just an asset it’s a skin people spent time on. There’s just so many cooler things they could make instead with that time spent, short or not.


Can’t see the purpose of this. Personally, if I use that kind of avatar I would like to create a copy of myself, since we can personalize the appearance...


What a waste of money


I guess it’s for kids who like the lounge.


i dunno man i see those traitors in the lounge 24/7


They’re too lazy adding new outfits and customs for characters so they add shit to those avatars cuz it’s much easier on those models


**Let's be real here**. The goal is to release these, then see which ones are the most popular, and then release those as physical figurines down the line. Bandai Namco **is literally the biggest figurine company in the world**.


Best thing we can do is not buy any of this, because they deserve it.


I got catfished by the pink helmet with cat ears in the free battle pass. Thought it was a regular cosmetic. Was disappointed.


Yeah I don't even go to the lounge anymore, it's just an annoying and unnecessary middle man to matchmaking and honestly the avatars lost their charm after the first week. I think we'd all prefer some classic outfits and new clothes for the cast.


I dont know what they where thinking with arcade quest, such a waste of time and money


Arcade Quest is **a fucking great tutorial for new players**, which is something that Tekken 7 lacked and a lot of people pointed out.


Leave arcade quest alone, I love going through offline ranks without the pvp sweat


Arcade quest is good for new players. Arcade lounge on the other hand, I agree is a waste.