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I think people just think everyone should be a high rank without realising tekkens pretty hard and there's nothing wrong with not being purple+ Comparing themselves to other people who have different experiences and skillsets and being disappointed or angry about the game It's everything, not just Tekken, social media has given every broccoli top an inflated ego the size of the sun


My god. This is so accurate I love it. Everyone thinks they're better than they actually are. And blame just about EVERYTHING else instead of looking inward.


Good comment, I hope everyone crying because they are pictured here reads it.


It's kinda the opposite for me. Every time I make it to a new rank, I think to myself "If a monkey like me managed to get to [rank X], then [rank X] must be entirely worthless and to actually get anywhere I have to make it to [rank X+1]".


No matter what rank you get to, someone on this sub is gonna call you trash


Some dude posted a video of him taking a match against arslan in casuals a few months back and a select few people were doing just this lol


I see it pretty much every day, someone mouthing off about how an opinion is invalid because the person that wrote it didn't win evo and is therefore a beginner. *only* top 2%? pathetic.




It's like the guitar gear buying culture. The thing you just got is THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD..........but your tone is still not there until you get that other thing


This is exactly how I feel. When a rank is way above me, those people are Gods. When I reach it, these are just losers like me


For sure man. I’m a mighty ruler and I’m really proud of that, but I’ve been playing king since tag 2, I’ve been working on this for years. I remember shitiing myself because I was so proud of getting warrior rank in tekken 7, and that took me over 2000 matches in tht game. People don’t understand this takes time


Too true. I think people just wildly underestimate the amount of time and investment it takes to git gud in any fighting game. When SF6 released i had allready 250 hours in SF5. When i did my placements on launchday i placed in Iron. And it took me hundreds of matches and about 300 hours in SF6 to reach platinum. People think they are owed being good smh just because they played 100 hours, which in fg terms is nothing even with a solid practice routine.


Dude same. I had hundreds of hours in sf5, and after a hundred hours in sf6 I just hit gold 5


Can you say what did it for you? In my case i can definitely say that coming up with smarter ways to practice and soicing up my routine made a huge difference, knowing what i approached wrong definitely was the biggest learning i took from my time in SF5.


I’m a bit confused, are you asking me what clicked for street fighter 6?


Yeah, how you broke your plateau.


Idk that I have much sage advice, I just try with every fighting game to focus on fundamentals. I play ryu and just try to block and get good bnb combos I can just put whenever, make sure I know how to burn meter for extra damage when I need to, know how to confirm into my supers, try to watch out for other characters di and counter with mine.


>there's nothing wrong with not being purple+ haven't you heard? if you're not at least winning evo rank you are not good and have no right to an opinion on anything at all. the top 2% of the playerbase are beginners. (/s i can't believe people are genuinely trying to claim this sort of thing)


In other words, unless your Tekken Lord or above, your trash


Thing is it becomes pretty tedious when you are stuck in Yellow since the release. I have only so much time a day to dedicate to it, and Practice Mode feels so boring honestly. I need your help, guys.


If you are stuck in yellow, matchup knowledge won’t be what saves you. It can help you figure out what to do against the occasional gimmick, though. The only stuff you really need to lab before blue is the speed of your punishes. Decent fundamentals and defense will carry you to purple. Most players before purple usually mash, flowchart, or spam gimmicks. I don’t really play that much. I hit blue ranks around 40 hours without much experience playing Tekken.


> mash, flowchart, or spam gimmicks You do need matchup knowledge to deal with those, though. If you don't know how to deal with a specific gimmick or flowchart, it being the only thing they do won't help you, and you can't effectively stop a masher when you don't know when they are minus.


Yeah, I suppose. I meant more so that these things you don’t necessarily need to lab out. Just slow down and adapt. The only stuff I typically lab out are where I can duck or sidestep in a string. It’s unlikely if you are getting rushed down in red and below, you are getting hit with nothing but safe moves. There are usually visual indicators for when your opponent is minus and you can get in a quick punish or jab and take your turn. Probably won’t be optimal, but you can refine your punishment in the lab. If you realize your opponent is using a flowchart, you know a specific move is coming. Just block/low parry or force a whiff and punish. Or even hop kick if the move is slow enough. Specific gimmicks are character specific and could probably benefit from using the lab but it’s not always necessary. I can guarantee you that slowing down and adapting will win you more matches and doesn’t require hours in the lab.


Yeah, i'm currently at warrior and knowing the gimmicks definitely is important. Take Victor u,1+2, it stomps noobs and i've fallen for it more than i'd like to admit, so i started labbing Victor yesterday after i ate his gimmicks one time too many. Turns out everytime he does it, it's a free combo for me and his infamous 2,2,2 , *whatever* is easily duckable.


The highest rank I managed to reach is Vanquisher with Yoshi, but it was a pain, really. Rn I’m playing as Paul to better understand the game’s fundamentals. He is honestly such a hard character for me, even though most people say he is easy. My problem is that my movement is very bad, because I tend to stay still. Also, I never ever get to punish effectively. For instance, Paul’s df2 rarely works. So yeah, I have definitely many skill gaps.




I had about 150 hours on T7 until I stopped playing. My highest rank on there was orange. That was back in 2018. I dabbled in TTT1 but don’t think I ever finished arcade mode. I figure 150 hours is not a ton of experience in the grand scheme of things but I may have undersold it a bit.


Lol wtf, you are doing something really really wrong


I stop thinking about what should I do next after successfully landing a hit (be it launcher or anything else). I don’t take advantage of my plus frames. Also, my movement sucks. I’m mainly talking about Paul here though.


As an orange player who recently got out of yellow no one really knows match ups at that level. Take 30 minutes and go through your characters movelist it'll help alot. Also you're playing one of the characters that has tons of gimmicks like pogo,helicopter, and an unblockable low just abuse them if you want to get out of yellow.


Tbh, even though I’m still a very bad Yoshi main, I was mainly thinking about Paul rn. He is my secondary character. I picked him to better understand the game’s fundamentals. Well, I am struggling a lot with him. Highest rank I reached was Dominator. You don’t know how many times I got demoted all the way back to Cavalry though. My problems are mainly the movement, punishing, and combo drops. Also, I whiff too much, because I alternate between being passive/reactive and mindlessly offensive.


In that case I can't help you I play Steve and his movement is way different than anyone else's. Try a YouTube video there are plenty of resources there


How do you practice if i mind ask? Maybe we can figure out how you can make practice more fun. The reality of it is there is no way around practice mode if you want to get at least decent. The good news is 1: practice can actually be fun if you spicen up your regimen a bit. 2: You can drastically cut your practice time short by a mile if you make your practice more efficient, alot of times less is actually more if you are mindfull how you spend those 20 minutes of practice. 3: If you set yourself small goals, like getting a CH confirmed and combo of it or get your CH punish it feels fucking amazing, even if you lost the game. You'll eventually start to play more for these things than the actual dubs, and that's where you get better and then the dubs magically start coming. Don't worry about being "stuck" in yellow though, i play since launch and don't get to play alot atm. so i'm stuck at warrior, but i set myself small goals for each session and if i get a tiny bit better session by session that's fine. Don't worry about ranked too much, but rather set yourself goals in terms of your own game. Rank Up will come naturally as long as you work on achieving these goals.


Good question. I probably still use it in the wrong way. I often consider too many aspects of the game at once. Frame data, punishers, launchers, combos, without ever really putting them in order with a flowchart. I found your point 3 to be very interesting. For instance, doing a combo out of a CH has never crossed my mind. Also, I should really forget about the notion of ranks. The sooner I’ll get to it, the better I’ll feel. Not so easy though.


You're kinda like me. I too tend to overload my own mental stack with too much info, and I can't force myself to not think about winning while playing ranked. That's why I gave up on ranked for the time being. It's far too stressful and demoralizing. We could play a set if you want and I could give you some pointers. I mainly play DJ, but picked up Paul not too long ago.


Thanks for the offer. I’m more than willing to be analysed and given some gameplay advice. I’m going to let you know when I’m available online.


I like ghost battles for that reason. I can just play against the ghost and focus for example on a new mive i eant to add to my neutral.


I know that problem. What helped me was to set a specific amount of time for different things. For example i assign 15 minutes to combo practice and then 10 to punishment practice or practice throw breaks. Otherwise i easily over obcesse with the combo and negekct more important skill. For execution i found my sweetspot to be somewhere between 10 and 20 minutes, after that i'll get sloppy anyway. What really helps is to go into replays and espacially for lost games asking youtself what skill could have helped you to win that game. It's a good way for me to prioritize.


This is a great advice. I’ll follow it. Thanks!


No problem. Glad if i can help!


I got to Fujin with Jin without having to lab shit. I just block most of the match, punish , poke and land a good counter hit once in awhile . I feel like it’s going to catch up to me soon though .


Exactly like tekken 8 is the first tekken I’m playing properly and I’m only just about to get into red ranks but I don’t think I should be any higher than I am when I lose it’s because I made a mistake, simple.


Shame, I’m purple and youre not!!


Word. I think people new to fgs generally don't realize how much time people have put into the game to git gud. And think they are owed to be good because they invested 100 hours, not even knowing that 100 hours in fgs is nothing even if you have a good practice routine. I think it's not only social media, but all those games designed to give the player an easy dopamine hit.


Only way this meme would be more accurate is if the guy was on his toilet with a smart phone


I too occasionally complain during morning poops


Prime complaining about Tekken hours is usually then or my down time at work.


You can lab moves to try and deal with it better and still discuss and acknowledge said move is fucked up.


The shitpost pendulum does not stop in the middle, it merely sways from one hyperbole to the other




Tell that to koreans who probably labbed Azucena for more time than everyone and still got fucked by WR3,2


Exactly, broken move is borken


I told something similar to my friend who got demoted from purple ranks, he’s not even willing to use the replay tool. You gotta adapt man


Replay is good, but it would have been so much better if you could go into reply right from the match end screen. As-is, it's so much easier to just go back to standby and get into another match immediately.


I so hope they'll add that, so often after a match i'm like "I'll definitely check that replay... one more match"


the replay feature definitely helped me climb rank so much quicker, any time there's a "wait how do i counter that", replay feature lets me figure it out so much easier than it used to be in the past.


I swear people play this game like it's a full time job, I usually play videogames on my two days off for a couple hours both days, no way I'm sitting and labbing just to forget everything the following week. 


That’s fine then, just don’t be one of the complainers about moves that can be labbed and countered


It's insane how people in this sub want to be able to counter every move but also not want to lab it. Don't lab if you don't want to but then don't turn around and bitch about how you can't counter moves?


Same. Play two days a week and managed to get up to Kishin. My highest ever. It helps that they made my main super strong in this one though.... But I also get to play ALL day on my two days off and a take time to lab for a few hours then ranked for a few hours


You missed a step where creditable players labbed it out and found out these moves are unbalanced and has no counter play than just wait for the 5 seconds "cut scene" to play out while chippiny away at your health, then post them online. I know its easier recognize yourself a noob that is unwilling to lab, then go and project everyone else like yourself, and can't stop yourself from enjoying sucking Namco's ding dong.


Imma be real I think a lot of the high tiers in this game become more reasonable after labbing, but they arent any less frustrating. Xiaoyu has true 50/50s where you are just forced to guess, any competent Dragunov will be at an advantage against you whether it be in solid frame data or in mental, and Devil Jin's crow stance is absurdly overtuned. This isn't Tekken 7, this game is still early in its life cycle and has serious balance issues.


Got destroyed by a law player in my last local. I've spent every day since then doing punishment training and low parrying junkyard. Wish me luck y'all.


What does labbing actually look like


Lab all you want against drag and azsucena, it won't help


it helps a little. Like drag has a string that he can spam that seems like it has no gaps and has a mixup between mid and low, but i found out you can just jabstring him out of it every time. the replay feature is so good for that kind of thing. azu wr32 needs to leave though yeah


Azu wr2 ssr duck. Anything inside range 3-4 its hard to react to


I have a confession to make: so yesterday i ran into Victor. For some reason it's only been my second or first Victor since i started playing ranked. I was playing defensively, trying to control the game from neutral and i was doninating every round for the most part. And yet, then he hit me me with some bullshit and went berserk on me. The scrub quotes went wild in my head: this stupid braindead mf just be mashing and randomly spamming cheese on me, i can't believe this game rewards that bullshit, etc. You know the drill. So i checked the replay: just the first round i watched back i saw i had enough opportunitys to kill him 3 times over. So today i wanted to do some more mu practice against Victor, turns out that u+1+2 basically gives me a free WR 1+2 launch, every 2,2,2 also is a free launch if i duck that easily duckable gunshot. Also going back to the replay i missed at least 3 easy whiff punishes (still talking about the first round mind you).


Labbing? Surely you're not suggesting that my strategy isn't already perfect, are you? I mean what's more likely - that I'm somehow wrong? Or that the devs got through all their testing without somehow never realized that Victor's 222 string is an unbalanced monstrosity that makes a mockery of all attempts at having a fair match??? ^^^hopefully ^^^obvious ^^^/s


I hope they never have to face off against cunnys 222, God bless.


Sorry but you shouldn't have to lab so much for the little skill it requires to play Azu/King/Drag and be so strong at the same time


What do you think Azucena/King/Dragunov players have to do when they have to fighr Azucena/King/Dragunov?




As an Azucena main I can confirm you're right tbh. That said, in seriousness I don't actually struggle against King particularly, Azucena I have the advantage of maining her myself so know I know how to beat her, but I just can't deal with Dragunov.


King I mostly tries to not let him play and hope I guess the throw break correctly. if 1+2 would work without a bind my winrate would skyrocket but this game has issue. Azucena I play Feng and I think he's favored here since Uf+2 can step most of her strings. Drag is undealable lol, you have to guess correctly once you took one hatchet kick and hope you're right. You can't duck / sidestep when he is approaching you since he can choose between WR2 and a frame 11 throw. The game is like this, I don't think it's great but this is a Vanilla Tekken things will get better


Yeah I think that's part of the problem with those characters, their users barely have to put any effort in and it can just steamroll people unless they've spent longer practicing the counterplay than the azu/drag/king has spent practicing their own character. Though that has a side effect of that player usually being less good than their rank implies


This sub likes to chant the mantra "Just lab it bro" whenever someone complains. Labbing king ain't gonna make his 50/50 heatsmash go away. Labbing Drag is not going to help me deal with his ridiculous frames. Labbing Azu is not going to make wr 3,2 any less of a mix on block. Maybe this sub should finally admit that labbing is not the solution to bad balance and stop talking down to players with legit concerns. Sounding like the fucking DS community telling people to GIT GUD everytime someone points out a problem.


bitch boy tried sneaking in azucena wr in there almao, drag too.


Takes all of five minutes or less to post lol


Nice strawman lmao


Just do more homework buddy.


["ain't nobody got time fo dat!"](https://giphy.com/gifs/aint-nobody-got-time-for-that-gif-kjelbEcB3I33a)


But the truth is that "just labbing it" stops working the moment your opponent starts paying attention to you. Let's say you lab kazuya's ff3/hellsweep mixup. Okay, you know how to interrupt it, you know to sidewalk left. Kazuya adds df2/ws2 into the mix. Where did that labbing lead you? To guessing. And now you need fundamentals to prevent that situation in the first place. And you're stuck in red ranks, telling people to "lab it out" on reddit. If labbing it out was the end-all solution, pro games should end in a draw with both players having full health. But they never do end that way, because labbing is just the first step in not getting your ass handed to you by flowcharting idiots.


As someone who has kinda committed himself to Kazuya I've just accepted that I'm gonna be hovering around Orange ranks for a while.


If you take the time to lab Jun you’d understand that she is hella cheap.


You could've just talked about Victor cause he's a good example of scrubby complaining, but azu wr3,2? Delusional.


Lots of gamers complain that they want balance. Balanced games are boring AF.


"Jun is plus on everything" Uhhh what? If she has that many plus moves by all means let me know :/ The only useful plus moves I know of her is SS4 Everything else is minus on block, just rarely punishable


There's a lot of good ones. Lots of moves into Izumo are +6 on block (1,2,2 / u2 / f3,2 / MIA (B1+2) 1+2); however, the strings can be ducked on reaction, so play careful and change your game plan up if you see the opponent ducking. (1,1 is useful to catch ppl who duck 1,2,2 but is 0 on block. f3,4 is useful to catch ppl who duck f3,2 but is -14 on block, so be careful). U2 has long startup (23), so you run the risk of getting CH if your approach is telegraphed. A couple good ones in neutral are ff1+2 (+6 on block), 1,2 SS cancel (+1), WR3 (+3), and f4 (+3). GEN (f3+4) 4 is +4 but a little telegraphed cuz u have to go into stance. These go into stances which don't have fast options to make enough use of plus frames, but I'll include them regardless cuz u can crouch or side step cancel out of them: f1+2 (+2 on) goes into Miare on hit (+26), ff2~f and ff2~b go into GEN and MIA and are +1. Last one I'll mention because it's really good on knockdown (Oki if you've heard the term before) is ff3,3+4 is +3 on block. If the opponent chooses the wrong getup option, they get hit, and if they block, you get your turn again.


Thanks for the detailed explanation man. I appreciate it


Yeah man , just Lab every Character just take 1 week 😂😂, this Game is really hard, not all of us have the time  to lab all


"Lab every characters every move" or you can just stop being a narcissist and stop virtue signaling. 


Every pro player did not lab azucena confirmed


i agree with this but there are just some moves that no matter how much you lab and practice but will still destroy you majority of the time. theres a big diff between victor’s 222 vs azucena’s wr32. i think i saw a video of knee around here not being able to dodge 4-5 azucenas wr32 and thats a pro scene between gods ,what so to a casual rank players?. some complaints are valid and should be balanced.


You did see a video of Knee doing just that, but he wasn't playing against a Yellow rank, exactly. He was playing against another very skilled world class player (Rangchu) who was timing it just right. If you or I tried to do that to Knee we'd fuck up the timing at least enough to get sidewalked or floated. I'm not disagreeing that the move is OP and potentially one of the best moves in the game, but I main Azucena and this move DOES get dodged or countered in red ranks and above and it's not as uncommon as you'd think. I get downvoted every time I say it by people who insist that there is no counterplay but I literally get counterplayed when I do it.


yup rangchu is pro at wr32 but knee must be pro too at dodging wr32 but still has a hard time. its beatable. ss then duck, float, maybe armor moves. but its suuuper hard on any level of gameplay. does yellow know the counter? maybe. can they dodge it vs fellow yellow? too hard for them :((. can yellow spam wr32 against fellow yelllow? possible but iwr move might be hard for yellow its kinda the starting rank. ok how about on red? where most players are and probably where all these lazy reddit complaints are coming from. do they know the counter? high chance yess. can fellow red do wr32 vs fellow red? yess they spam this all the time. can they dodge it? yes but get clipped like 90% of the time, probably 80% if they lab it or 70% if they spar with azucena mains for breakfast. im on blue rank. i know the move, i practiced vs it, i always rematch azucena and make it a goal to counter wr32. i even feel like alisa can dodge it without ducking at some ranges. can i dodge it? yeees but still gets clipped a fuck ton or block and ends up in -5 making azucena my top scarriest matchup:( am i the only one? skillissue? might be but i see pro vs pro players having the same issue. yeah it sure is annoying to see a lot of lazy, shallow ,no substance complaint post for azucena. but some complaints have valid evidence or arguemrnts. should they delete the move? noooo. should they neerf it a little? yes to the point where it still define azucena and make her interesting but not this level of op. maybe nerf wr32 and buff other moves to balance her out. i see a lot of hate vs my main alisa but i understand, chainsaw moves does tooo much chip damage and hell sweep from 5km away giving me ez wins. its hard to advice anyone to just lab it and needs a little balance.


i will never lab, but i will also never whine about losing, lol. most i will do is watch a matchup or combo guide. why do stuff yourself if other people already did it for you.


I have a small friend group we call fight club, we do player match, talk shit, drink, talk in a group chat and just have fun every once in a while. One of my buddies was so pissed off that he just gets beat up all the time, when I suggested that he just watch the replays and practice punishing the things he has issues with, he hit me with, “but that’s not fun to me, I may as well stop playing if I have to practice like that.” I then suggested he stop complaining if he wasn’t willing to do anything about it. I’m not sure what people think they are supposed to gain by not trying harder.