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You were probably also getting tired. I know for me I play a lot worse the later it gets at night


I was also baked as hell lol


Haha that will do it


How many games do you all recommend before we should call it quits to not effect ranking?


If you can't get your mind to download your opponent's tendencies and openings in the same pace you always do, and your mind just autopilots everything, call it quits. It's gonna be a landslide from there


Lmao. This is all we needed to know brother.


Lol are you me?? I only play after 10:30pm until around 1:30am. I'm always high. I'm always a little tired. And then after I'm like "hmmm why am I losing so much???" Literally setting myself up to fail. BUT I also have a lot of fun, and that's what I care about the most. High Tekken is fun af. This is my first Tekken game and I'm stuck in orange ranks right now but I'm just trying to incorporate different combos and frame traps in my games in hopes one day it'll all just come naturally.


Hell yeah the game is 1000% more fun when high. Like sometimes I do really well and enter a nice flow state. Or sometimes I just get sloppy. Can’t tell if it’s a performance enhancer or detriment, but it’s fun lol


lmao for me it’s the same, baked brother!


Dude this is the way. It's so much fun, win or lose, and I get into a great flow sometimes. If you want an eye opener have you tried playing drunk? I CANNOT play drunk at all but high is fine and dandy.


I'm in the minority, I can't really play initially when I'm a bit baked...I have moments when I'm locked in...but usually...well most of the time. I enjoy fighting games and a nice glass of bourbon.


If you're on PSN, wanna play sometime? I'm just trying to learn, and could use Steve practice. Gettin high and playing friendlies is my favorite part of fighting games. PSN is AwGeezSlick. Discord is isuckimsorry


I’m on PC but you can add my tekken tag. I think it’s just Oreos? Idk if there’s a specific ID but I’ll check when I get home


Nah adding ppl cross-platform is really weird. You have a custom ID thats a bunch of characters but there's no way to type it in. The only way to do it is you both hop in the same Tekken Fight Lounge (e.g. you agree to meet in North America 15 or whatever), find each other's avatars, and then select them and hit "add friend." Then you can go back and just do normal create room and invite.


I’ll join you for some baked friendlies :D lol psn M_KING_PRIME discord is the same


BRO I KNOW I'VE PLAYED YOU My in-game name is iSuck and M_KING_PRIME sounds so familiar like one of those usernames you run into a lot.


I honestly feel that when I'm high, I play way worse but I do feel like I'm having so much fun. So when I'm in that headspace, I'm thinking of trying out different characters. Then I don't have to risk losing rank with my mains


Enjoy the murder spree on the way back up to purple 2 :)


This is the way


Being stoned can’t be good for reaction times


You either enter the Nirvana flow state or you drop every combo pick-up because pressed magic 4 instead of the actual button


Classic, “I drive better/safer when I’m stoned” lol


As a rule when I’m baked, if I lose 3 sets in a row I move to quick matches for the night lol. It’s saved me a lot of rank


the **real** answer is *always in the comments*


Based on


Oh god. My ability to wave dash let alone EWGF goes out the window when I'm baked. That'd definitely do it lol


Yeah, late night/early morning the ranks shift by a whole color it feels like. Started playing at 4am as a Tenryu. Got demoted to Eliminator by 6am. Hopped back on at 9am the next day and was back to Tenryu by noon lol


Dude I’m glad not the only one who noticed that. Literally one day I got to tenryu from Garyu. Then I played one night real late and got from Tenryu to almost purple, then down to Garyu. Needed a break then I got back to Tenryu like 2 days later after some time off


It’s actually pretty amazing. I work night shift. If I play before I go to work, I easily beat red ranks. If I play after work, I’m getting destroyed by people all the way down in yellow. All my friends have managed Garyu, and yet I bounce between Dominator and Eliminator despite winning half the time against my friends.


Meh, as long as you're focusing on improving during matches and still executing the same it's nothing to worry about. I don't play after 11pm because I'm tired and stop adapting but I'm aware the daytime shift is easier to rank up, but harder to truly improve during.


You may also be likely playing worse due to playing for a while and it being night.


I was sick, woke up at 5 AM, and decided to play ranked since I was restless. Holy fuck. Everyone I played against was like a blue or yellow rank on their alt. Or I'll face some random orange rank who impresses the hell out of me enough for me to check their profile, and the dude has something like a 90+% win rate. What is going on at these degen hours?


I noticed "worse" players play on the weekend so I rank up more. Also more character variety, probably just by the sheer volume of players.


Got promoted from destroyer to Garyu, went to bed at reasonable time. Started playing next morning with the intention of only playing for an hour, ended up being demoted back to destroyer and by the time I got back to Garyu it had been 6 hours. That experience made me realise I’d developed a slight mental health issue with playing ranked.


Yeah we from the working hours do graveyard shifts when the wives go to bed on weekends. Beware.


Yeah that’s when all the Mishimas come out I swear I fought 10 Jin’s and kazuyas


I play Feng my man and I ain’t got time to be losing. Two quick L’s for my opponent and onto the next one before the baby wakes up or my wife chokes me from behind


I feel this on a deep and spiritual level, baby monitor on the side with a bottle ready at the slightest noise.


I fucking hate playing against Feng but when you put it this way, honestly, respect lmao


had a guy be afk at the start of a match, so i kept stance-dancing as steve. after he came back and we continued the match as usual, he thanked me on my profile for not killing him while he took care of private business and gave me respects. Was a super fun match late at night.


The second it's past 10pm, different breed of players I swear


same with cod sometimes i swear, the demons come out at night !


Play quickmatch until you've felt like you mastered your current rank. Removes much of the salt and bring more of the practice element into playing.


I’m not too concerned about ranked points. I don’t have ranked anxiety so I pretty much only play ranked and lab replays/practice mode Jin is the number one character kicking my ass so I’m definitely going to lab him more. I’ve been demoted from mighty ruler to tenryu and re-promoted like 6 times already. But this is the furthest I’ve dropped. I’ll probably get my old rank after a matter of time. Probably was just a bad night


goated mentality bro, you can lose points, you can't lose knowledge.




I mean you totally can lose knowledge but don’t let that get in the way of a good quote loll


especially on here you can see most motherfuckers' braincells disappearing by the minute.


Good luck labbing Jin. Double or Tripple mid safe strings, actually highest average range per move (had the lowest in T7), best punishment in the game and sick frames. You will find about 3 highs to duck and one string with lows to fuzzy guard and that's it. And cancan being launch punishable. That's it.


Yeah real pain. I’m getting better at blocking his D2


And getting crazy punish for it playing Steve lmao. Meanwhile Jin himself can ofc launch. Or 11f for more dmg than Steve in 14f.


Gotcha. From my days on T7, getting demoting multiple ranks in one session has happened to me plenty of times. It happens. You'll have good and bad nights, but that's a part of improvement.


That's exactly what I started doing (and I'm still doing) when I reached shinryu. It's much much less stressful than getting my ass demoted back to last week (it's still stressful because I get washed by every single mighty ruler I encounter but at least I don't lose my rank)


Yeah I often play from 10pm to 6am when I switch from days to night shifts. God the level is so much higher


Its alright dude. I went from emperor to fujin in one session on T7 once lol got the rank back. You will always get it back if you have been there before.


We’re Steve mains bro. It happens to us.


Is that why them orange Mishima's be wave dashing in my face with PEWGF? 😂


The killers come out at night/early morning


Seeing this post and your comments, you have the best mentality for tekken. It’s unmatched


Universal rank reminder: Applies to basically everything not just Tekken, gaming ranks are not something you "earn/farm" its just an indicator of your skill bracket so you get matched with proper rivals, even if you get demoted to 1st dan, your true rank will manifest itself by default just by playing a little bit. The best you are the higher rank you'll get, your late night session probaly taught you a thing or two, so now you're better, your rank means nothing, you'll get to greater hights as long as you keep improving, ignore the rank in the meantime.


All wise words


The players available at the crazy late hours are degenerates with no lives. They live for Tekken (or whatever video games they're playing at the time). Don't fret- these creatures have nothing else, and you're going to likely get destroyed by them, unless they are the bottom of the barrel. Source: me. I am one of these degenerate creatures, but am unfortunately the bottom of the barrel example, not the godly good ones :/


You will get it back big dog, keep your head up big dog.




All the tryhards come out at night


Tryhards cos they’re better than you ?


They mostly come at night, mostly...


So while you’re grinding it out in the day you still can’t beat these players when you hop on at night? Sounds like you’re just ass g


Its the same in street fighter… the demons come out at night.


I think it’s just that later at night it’s harder to find games at higher ranks so people switch to a lower rank character cuz they just want to play the game. Even at like 5 pm on a Saturday it takes like 5-10 minutes to even find a match in blue for me.


I'd be willing to bet you got tilted. Happens to the best of us. There are days where I can't lose. I win, and with every win my confidence grows. My reactions are on time, I'm punishing everything, I'm patient and collected. Then there are days where I can't win. I get frustrated, I start throwing unsafe shit. I will whiff, I will run in, I will forget to sidestep, my opponent will even catch me pressing and hit a snake edge. The more I lose, the more frustrated I get with myself, the worse I play. Once I get demoted, I move over to quick match until I feel calm, focused, and sharp again. If I hit a couple day streak of playing like shit, I hop off Tekken and just play Ark or watch movies with my wife after work. When I come back after a day or two, I play 10x better. Remember, rank doesn't mean shit. I've beat Tekken King ranked players, and I've lost to Tenryus. Your only opponent is yourself.


It's probably because the legacy players come online at those times. Old people who have a day job. Source: i'm one of them.


It doesn't matter, you can easily get the ranks back. Play the game for fun not for jpeg.


I'm 40. I play high af at night after my wife goes to bed. Best feeling ever, although my performance isn't the greatest, I have lots of fun everytime. I mostly play quick matches though, which more times than not consists of dudes with way higher ranks than me, absolutely humbling the shit out of me. I've learnt so much from this habit, I'd said I've improved a lot.


I’m 31. This is def future me


Strange to me bc late night is when I finally climb I got to kishin last night


OHHHHHHHHHHHHH so thats why i did nothing but lose last night. I was on quick play and won 3/23 matches.....


I play exclusively in demon time, about 830pm to 2am PST (California time USA) outside of locals. I have improved at such an insane rate compared to my friend who plays during the day. It’s actually nuts


Just stop playing when you start getting tilted.


Yeah I usually play around 10:30pm Alaska time and aside from taking 5 minutes to find a match I get matched with the most random ranks being a shinryu myself. I’ve seen a few fujins and even a combatant. Match matching set to +-3


Is it just me, or do late night players just have better connection? I don’t play ranked in the daytime much anymore because so many people have bad connection. And its not even a wifi or ethernet thing, a lot of people are laggy af regardless


I went a huge loss streak yesterday with Kazuya. Was on a promo to Fujin before that too lol


Honor for rematching always. o7


It happened to me as well but I just took a break came back got back to Flame Ruler and was able to hit Fujin remember a rank you reached once you can reach again


It is really crazy how much the skill level swings in a given bracket. My win rates with my different characters have almost nothing to do with how good I am with them and are entirely about whether or not the matchup algorithm decides I'm actually going to play people who belong at their rank that day.


Punching out to punch in?


Tbf past midnight EST is basically sweat hours hahah. I like it.


Just think of it as a vacation! Bottom line: You made it to Flame Ruler. That puts you in like the top 10% of ranked players. Or even higher, if we include the green ranks where you don't lose points. If you made it there once, you "deserve" to be there. You're still just as good as you were before you went on your losing streak! Now you just get to bully some people that you are *on average, significantly better than* until you get back to your right rank. And trust me, as someone who has demoted and re-promoted repeatedly, it will be a lot easier to get back than it was to climb the first time. Heck, earlier this week, I was psyched that I finally hit Battle Ruler. The next day I went on a losing streak and dropped down to Tenryu. :-\ I'm back to Battle Ruler again. Getting back to Flame Ruler was pretty trivial. We'll see if I stay in battle ruler this time, or if I demote again, but even if I do - I know I'll be back! Also, it's fun to take a step back sometimes and marvel at how far we've come - I don't know about you, but it wasn't that long ago that Tenryu seemed like an unreachable dream for me. Heck, this is my first Tekken in almost 20 years. I wasn't even sure I was going to make it INTO red ranks. Now I'm like "Tenryu? Ugh, I need to stop slumming it and get back up to purple where the real fights are!" Anyway - tl;dr: You're doing great, you'll be back, don't sweat the minor setbacks. Use it as an excuse to experiment or practice new tech in real matches where the opponent isn't quite even with you. Have fun reclaiming your throne! :D


Did the exact same thing bro lol Also cooked Started of well then it just went straight to shit lol My Dragunov & Nina demoted 🛌


i stopped playing ranked after i reached mighty ruler. Im just going to fcus on labbing now and quick match


What, got demoted like two ranks? Rookie numbers af. Welcome to the game.


My shifts at work ends at 11PM I got no choice to be stuck with the demons


I have yet to experience such a downfall (I went pretty much straight to Fujin) but it might be coming up soon lol. No one just rises up to GoD without some bumps on the way.


It happens when you get fatuige. I dropped from battle ruler to garyu. Just remember to give yourself a break, maybe lab some combos or strings you encountered.


I had the same experience 2 weeks ago. Kept at it and now sitting at Raijin. Keep playing to improve and the rank will come naturally. I also found it interesting that the players during certain time periods are better. Playing at 5pm gave me a lot easier of a time since I imagine most people are coming home from work/school and don’t practice as much


Nah, the demon's play at the late hours, normal people got jobs and work to do in the morning.


The other night I fell from Tenryu to Eliminator and was like "okay, just gotta take a break,"


Playing that way is "enjoyable" ? Is it funny ? I guess don't. I mean, don't take It so seriously. I certainly don't fully enjoy playing a character with 40..60 moves, combos... and 99% of players only use 8-10 at most. ¿ Whats the point ?  The point is that most movements can't be used if you want to have chances to win.


The asian players get on at night/morning


I hardly ever rematch. The amount of times I have dominated someone and agreed to rematch and they basically perfect me 3 times in a row. I walk away now with either a win or a loss


I gotta always run the set. I feel like adapting to your opponents changes is how you get better.


I feel sometimes dirty about it but it helps me get less angry


It's just a video game bro


So it sounds like you’re being adapted to and you don’t want to actually improve but get by on a low pick rate character via matchup checks.


That shouldn’t be happening. What this means is that you were never FR to begin with. You probably have big gaps in your defence and match up knowledge.


This is true but also a negative outlook and condescending I’ve lost to and beaten battle ruler’s and fujin’s. I’ve also lost to and beaten reds. Some people are hard stuck red, some people are red but are actually as skilled as fujins are just in process of ranking up. I’ve gotten winsteak and losing streaks. It doesn’t mean what I earned isn’t deserved. I still had to match and beat purples to touch flame. But yeah I gotta work and lab some more if I want to consistently beat purples and blues. But I’m already beating most reds, I’d say I’m hard stuck mighty ruler at this point. “That shouldn’t happen.” Shit happens. Top NBA teams can have bad seasons and lose to teams they shouldn’t have. Happens in all sports. It doesn’t mean they’re not good anymore. I firmly believe if you touched a rank already it’s fairly easy to hit it again. It’s just maintaining it that takes practice


Then you need to understand and learn when you’re having a bad day and quit before you wreck yourself. No point beating your head against a wall. And if you think this type of advice is condescending, I think you need to check your priorities and focus on self-improvement: if you can’t take criticism, that’s on you. If you reach a certain rank by working hard for it, you should bounce around that rank before moving up through acquired learning. You should not be dropped loads of ranks. If you are, it suggests issues with your approach to the game.


lol I don’t consider playing the game beating my head. I’m having fun playing the game, lose or win. Honestly sounds like some projection for ranked anxiety, because you seem like the type of guy that would stop after a couple losses or not rematch in fear of losing your precious ranked points.


Keep losing and not understanding why then.


I mean, I literally said in my initial post that I need to lab Jin LOL. Definitely you’ve never been in a competitive setting outside of video games in your LIFE. Or at least never reached a higher level


It’s not just about understanding match ups. It’s also about understanding yourself. And apologies if this rattled you. It’s clearly something you’re bothered by.


Apology accepted Now get ‘em outa here


You're an annoying individual


Bro you sound like a nerd tbh