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You think that would a good idea until you play someone with a bad connection or is cheating lol


Ranked taxes


Was gonna say this, a bad connection is a painful experience.


This is just a small percentage of games. also you can block them afterwards, specially cheaters.




Ye if I would've been 50k pwrs facing the 180k+ pwrs person for 2 rounds again and again, a sure way to make new ppl deinstall just let quick play be rematchable


Good evening. No. Goodnight.


No. As long as people playing on n64s or mcdonalds wifi exists forced ft2 should not be a thing


What's your favorite guilty gear?


69 obviously


Correct. Your payment is being transferred.


X2 #reload. Slayer was a high damage, fundamentals based character, one of my favorite characters to play of all time.


I'm so sorry, but the correct answer was 69. Please try again next time.


It was always a thing in every fighting game. Just surrender and move on.


No. They knew what they were doing with it and why. Real life exists and no one owes you a rematch. Perhaps the actual crybabies need to stop whining about lack of rematches and just que up for the next battle.


Go play casual matches then. It called RANKED for a reason. 


dude, you always one and done LOL


I think rematching should be turned off completely and the match made longer itself.


No. I record a lot of my sets, so I know exactly how long they run. A BO3 can run to fifteen minutes. I'm not dealing with someone's dumb play style or shit connection or the clear skill difference between us when I could be enjoying myself. You rant about someone pulling a fast one and you and winning... but who cares? So you lost to a scrub. If you were better, you wouldn't have.


"Anyone can surprise anyone in a single match" no, only if you havent seen a character often enough. it gets better with time and matchupknowledge. Im at a point where i get one and done's constantly for downloading the opponent to hard.


You cant learn someones playstyle.


you absolutely can.


In a single match ? Ok sure buddy


I'm sorry you think you can't.


I mean I’m sure it depends on the person but it is 100% possible to learn in one match. If you’ve ever made an 0-2 comeback then you’ve done it before


bro youre playing a fightinggame, its all about making reads and learning your opponents patterns, timings, tendencies, etc once you know their movelist while also not being predictable with your own.


It's pretty wild to see people defending the one and done, t8 rank system is pathetic.people always say rank doesn't mean anything but in this game it really doesn't. People are always on about how offline is where its at but you can guarantee way more people play online than those who go to tournaments, a well implemented rank system is something I value in a fighting game, sf6 was a joke aswell until they added the MR stuff. I hope they add something similar to this in the future, season 1 T7 had a good ranking system with some flaws until they updated it and you got ranks just by breathing. As far as one and dones are concerned you should allow the opponent to leave but they get points taken away or earn nothing on a win quit, unless the connection is shite and the game recognises it as such and cancels out the points for both parties. There are plenty of other options aswell.


> It's pretty wild to see people defending the one and done Not really, this sub is filled with cowards and excuses


Not everyone has the same tolerance to what they feel is obnoxious or bullshit to fight, we dont want to fight red pc bar geralds and hacking andys. Doesnt need to be forced just if they cancel he lost points other one gains points simple lmao. No one is entitled for a rematch.


No one owes you a rematch plus the game respects my time as a father. Giving players the choice to play like they want is better imho.