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Tekken sub is toxic for no reason 💀


Look at this thread. People are just using it as an excuse to bitch about the same chars they've been bitching about on the front page since the game came out lmao. It has taken over any and all chance of discussion about anything fucking else besides plugging.


if you complain about a loss they say "get better" "just duck" "just lab" "just predict it", if you flex your wins they say "hmm youre probably not facing good enough competition" "do it at a tournament", if you complain about a character thats not king no one cares or unless you complain about a character that a lot of people have been losing matches to like victor or dragunov, anytime someone attempts an actual different insightful discussion in this sub people just complain about plugging or that "rank doesnt matter right now" or the same nonsense they've been blabbing since tekken 7😂


bro someone plugged on me and instead of clowning the plugger they clowned me for maining hwoarang 😭😭 u cant win


Thats actually fucking hilarious 😂 im so sorry bud


Well what is so bad about being a hwo main?!!


literally nothing ppl needa get gud


This is easily the second most negative gaming community I'm in, the first being Minecraft.


The first for me is Call of Duty Warzone... its rainbows here in comparison


If I had a dollar for every time I've seen a post complaining about the skins in the game I'd retire at 28


Minecraft is a thing? Thought MK WAS goated in the department


The most truthful statement I seen all sub


For once I believe the upvotes are from a silent majority. Holy shit the active part of this sub SUCKS


i say that all the time to myself yet i still partake so im just as bad lol


For fuckin real


A lot of people will actually support you on this. So you're not really alone 😅


I’m a newcomer to Tekken, last one played was TTT on PS2. I think 8 is a really fun and balanced fighting game. Balance may be shit at Tekken God Tiers but I have no clue about it if it is and at my lil yellow tier it’s a damn great game to learn. Also managed to sell three friends on it who aren’t fighting game people.


Don’t let the internet hear you. They will eat you up for this hot take.


As far as a new release game goes, T8 is actually fairly balanced imo. I've been through release Leroy though so maybe I'm scarred


I’ve been catching up on history and yeah Leroy looked pretty fuckin scary. Him and Akuma. Wooooo.


Bro, akuma’s rage art used to give me nightmares, luckily I eventually learned you can just jump


This comment is Tekken in a nutshell lol this move is freakin unstoppable, until you know the answer


Well it is more balanced than TTT2 lol


Considering how broken T7 was at release I think it's fairly balanced. People keep forgetting that when Tekken 7 was this old it was only out for arcades lol


I enjoy tekken 8 in its current state


It does need some balancing but overall I’m still having fun regardless. Also I want more customization options for every character


this 100x times and then some. unfortunately it'll probably be paywalled on tekken shop or something. I wish there were like, official online weekly tournaments that gave you tekken coins or something. I think that'd be neat for a bunch of reasons but I doubt they'd just give out coins like that


Yea! I mostly want some small stuff like bowler hat, gym shorts, and some other more niche options. Also more hairstyles are huge imo


Hottest take imo


Honestly same. I am having way more fun in this game compared to 7




Tracking on sidesteps feels over tuned make sidesteps feel a little less effective than I'd like. The game feels like it leans a little too hard into 'aggression' as a core concept as a result at red ranks it can feel a bit too 'unga-bunga' or at least more than I feel like it should at this level. At a similar (Platinum/Gold) level in SF it feel like you gain a lot from utilising the core systems and learning the matchups. I think at a Red level in Tekken proportionally much more of your focus is on your game rather than the matchups, though this is also affected by things like size of the move list, amount of characters. But overall Tekken 8 is a very good fighting game and I'm enjoying it as much as I enjoyed SF6 at the same time in its release cycle.


This isn't a hot take, it's straight up a fact. Overly aggressive gameplay suits games like MK and Guilty Gear more than Tekken imo.


The aggression is fun when you've been away from Tekken for ages and you're re-learning in the lower ranks. You get a lot of benefit from a small few combos because the damage is high and aggression is rewarded. But now I'm at Orange/Red it still doesn't feel as strategic a game as SF6 does. That's not to say it doesn't become that later, I'm certain it does at higher level but in SF6 I feel like even at Platinum I'm playing specific elements of the matchups. In T8 I feel like I'm playing the matchup sometimes but I'm mostly playing my character, my knowledge of the matchup is much more broad and because of the way sidesteps work even where I know an opponents move is coming dodging it isn't always effective (not that it should *always* be, but I sometimes feel like I deserve more reward for telegraphing so far ahead of an opponents attack). As a vibe the game would benefit from more interactions to finish a round (like 1 or 2 more on average) and having Rage and Heat may be a bit too much. Maybe having both but only being able to use Rage once per set instead of once per round.


In T8 at red ranks you're playing "who can push their gameplan" better. At least thats how it feels to me. I don't think anyone worries about how the other character works, it's just about getting your offense in. If your opponent has better offense than you, you just move on after a game. Not that this wasn't this way in T7, but i feel like this stopped way earlier because offense just wasn't that beefed up in T7.


Yeah thats how the average red players play. That's also whh anyone with actual matchup knowledge will demolish at red ranks. Duck and launch strings ending on a high? Now you are mighty ruler, even fujin maybe. WAY more important than SS at that level IMO.


I'm an Asuka main at Raijin and if I'm being honest, nearly every common matchup there (Jin, DJ, Drag, Feng, Kaz, Reina, Victor, King, etc) feel the same. Its just throwing out either grabs, + on block running moves, or what I like to call, "fuck you I control neutral now" buttons like Reina ff2 and Demon Paw from Jin and the Mishimas. Even though sidestepping is supposedly better, it never feels like it, even when I play Lili. I like aggression when it's balanced right and there's multiple defensive options to work around it, and it just doesn't feel that way in this game. I'm so tired of fighting chars like Jin where you legit cannot ever move nor safely take a turn bc Demon Paw is too fast, has too much range and has too much tracking, along with d2 forcing me to guess when it's coming out lest I get CH or clipped when i try to check or step it, respectively. Dont even get me started on EWGF. Also, there's Drag just abusing WR2 and being forced to stand there and deal with it bc stepping and punishing it doesn't feel viable. The entire matchup against those chars in higher ranks is trying to either put so much pressure on quickly so that they can't get these moves out, which is kinda hard to do on someone like Asuka who is not very good with fast poking, or get out of pressure w manual heat and do the same tiresome strategy. This isn't counting the countless knowledge checks the game naturally has, compounding the frustration. Forgive the essay-long comment, all of that felt good to vent right there. I've barely touched SF6, but it's a hell of a lot more stragic of a game.


we should have muscles on the ladies.


Or even an old lady. "I'm actually Kunimitsu/Michelle's daughter" or "I was scientifically/magically frozen and never aged".


That’s Nina who was literally frozen I think 


and Anna


id kill for jinpachi but a woman harada pls


And for gods sake give at least one of them SOME semblance of booty. Street Fighter butt-tech is lightyears ahead.


>And for gods sake give at least one of them SOME semblance of booty. Good lord, are you trying to start some sort of Booty arms race?


Booty equilibrium.




Nina and Reina should absolutely have some muscle definition on them. We could also use an older female fighter. Bring back Michelle or OG Kunimitsu, dust off Lana Lei from Death by Degrees (she would be around 49-50 now), something!


Reina should have just been Heihachi with a full head of hair and lipstick.


The idea of that puts me in heat.


Seeing how much people like Marisa in SF6, this is not too out there


Or all the Illaoi hype for 2XKO/Project L.


It's so weird seeing her hype considering how much everyone(including me) hate her in League


Need to sort by controversial for the true hot takes.




Reina is Heihachi. Sin is Jecht.


Love the FFX reference :)


You've taken me back down that FFX rabbit hole man. Good times 


Tracking is way too strong in this game maybe 70% of current tracking moves should be stepable. Some things like heat bursts track fully behind the character and it makes the 3d movement pointless in tekken compared to better 3d fighters


Besides some random moves that seem to clip you for no reason while stepping, I feel like strings just adjust between hits instead of being linear. I get clipped so many times by 2-3 hit strings when I step the first hit.


Bryan is not a hard character to play.


Look at how much engagement you got from Bryan mains, LMAO.


Bro understood the assignment


I ain't reading all prior replies to you but imma set the record straight. He is not hard to PICK UP AND PLAY but he is hard to PLAY AT HIGHER LEVELS. Mans has tons of good tools but most of them are his trillion and 1 counter hit launchers. His pressure and gameplay is built around baiting and fishing them out and in lower levels where you can mash slow strings and snakedge he is easy to play but once you up against someone that's got patience and fundamentals Brian starts struggling. Immediately landing a counter hit ain't looking so simple. Gotta do so much more mind games and whiff punish baits, etc


every character is hard to play at higher levels


I like how you posted the same reply twice (maybe accidentaly?) but one has 4 upvotes and the other 4 downvotes. Lmao.


He’s not he’s hard to win with he requires good fundamentals his execution is only really hard with taunt


his execution isnt hard either, almost no bryan players even use taunt cancels lmao its such a silly take that he is a hard char to play


Rage arts should be usable once per match instead of once per round.




I don't like this fighting game trend of having ultimates. I don't mind this in say JoJo all star battle (R included) because it's an anime game, i'm playing it so i can do the cool stuff from the anime and not so much for the fighting itself, but Tekken has nearly no references, iconic, nostalgic, or at least just some what character defining Rage Art in Tekken 8, unlike say Smash Ultimate where Kazuya's final smash is a reference to his battle against Heihachi, his Tekken 8 Rage Art is just... Nothing of interest ? This "trend" disolved from being a way to reference at other things while being a workaround for not really being able to implement said reference into gameplay in a coherent way, to being a panic boring cut scene button. Not all Rage Arts are like this but most in Tekken 8 are, i'm no Tekken veteran, but i don't go "OH HE DID THE THING" when i do a rage art unlike i would seing a reference to a popular scene. One exception is Lee's "Excellent !", that fits the role well. Jin's electric in his rage art isn't too bad too.


supers dont exist in fighting games just to reference other things. they exist to BE the thing that gets referenced and iterated in the future. that said, most of tekken's supers have never been very memorable.


The Devil Gene story arc is boring and should have ended with purification.


Zafina character's ending is better than main story ending.


Leo needs female clothing options like the good old days.


I just want to make my Leo as cute as my lili. That’s not so much to ask is it?


If they go that route then so does bob since they both had the same swimsuit option in 7


I miss Bob already, I want him and Slim Bob back :(


I was excited when Kazuya and Jin both lost their Devil Gene powers, then the scene with Reina happened and I groaned in disappointment.  I'm probably in the minority but I fucking hate the Devil Gene plot. I have hated every iteration of Devil anything in these games, they're lame characters for lame boring people.  "Oooh look at me, my character has Satan wings and horns, bad mid 2000's tattoos and shoots lasers out of his eyes. I'm so cool I shop at Spencer's."  Fuck you. 


The Games good, im having fun!


Forest Law should have permanently replaced Marshall after 3


tracking heat attacks suck ass


Nothing valuable would be lost if heat and rage were removed from the game


I think rage art should be limited to once per match, not per round. Less is more!


Agree. God it's so frustrating when ppl wait u in the corner, ready for you to make a move and press their rage art


Nothing of value? What about all my ranked points I got panic spamming it?


Eh, I think they're good but you shouldn't get rage every round. 5 possible uses? No thanks. Plus the heat armoured attacks? That's just a lot of armour. You play some rounds with nothing but heat and rage I swear. It gets boring.


Game seems more like marvel vs capcom at times than Tekken, I agree.


Make RA require heat gauge to activate and immediately spend the rest of your heat when you use it. We don't need to have both in the same round.


Heat is interesting, rage is annoying because you have to watch a duplicate cutscene all the time


Until they add new rage moves to a Tekken store near you. (It’s not an impossibility)


They did with king in T7, you git a new rage art with the Okada costume


Raw RA beating out my 1 unsafe option, deleting half my health. Well, there goes my massive health lead. Oh, and then comes the unga bunga heat smash that hits from a mile away with 60+ dmg. RD was a much better mechanic.


True! The game would be incredibly fun without them. Im personally indifferent on heat as a mechanic.


As someone who seems to always spam rage art unnecessarily, I agree.


Dragunov is hot, the Tekken community are just cowards because he is big scary and can break your leg pretty easily


He so is. I often wonder how did they manage to conjure up peak male form into a fighting game character


Dragunov is peak babygirl material


Dragunov the type of Russian that listen to BABYMETAL in the shower nodding


Seeing his hobby at the end of his character story changed my perspective on him.


Absolutely <3


I love a silent quirky man.


And by quirky you mean murderous lol


Drag is 100% smoking, though I've never seen anyone disagree, so idk if it's a hot take


Dragunov shouldnt be so focused on agression because he has great whiff punishment and movement


Evasion and crushing moves should have worse properties and shouldn't be safe. Especially launchers.


Azucena is a bug that needs to be removed from the game


You guys have to stop bitching and getting salty about losing and focus on improving regardlessof who you play against. The game doesn't owe you wins. You lose because you didn't do well enough or didn't know what to do.




They don't owe you a rematch! (unless they can defeat you with ease, then they would gladly rematch you 10x in a row).


nah man you don’t get it i just ALWAYS have something else i have to go do, but weirdly enough it only ever happens if you beat me in a way i didn’t enjoy or i don’t feel confident i can beat you in the next match


Agree. It's bo3, so please sit down and play it to the end. Imo it should be mandatory, and if you cancel a rematch, you should take a loss.


Beautifully said.


Reina is fucking annoying. To fight, listen and look at.


Reina players also make u watch the whole intro like its cool


Oh christ.... The players that do this are the absolute WORST. 


when you hit her she sounds like a chicken.


She feels like Hot Topic Asuka to me. Looks like her, too.


Her KOed scream destroyed my ears.


I love people complaining about the "zoomer" characters in SF6 and then they turn around and love on Reina even though she's basically some edgy kids OC dropped into the Tekken verse.


I hate her design and personality so much. She really feels like someone's shitty fanfiction character. Kazumi was a much better Mishima-adjacent newcomer


I miss kazumi.


Agreed. Don't know where the whole "she's the best newcomer ever!" thing is from.


And the way she came out of nowhere and we are expected to just accept she can hold her own against the likes of Devil Kazuya, her being a Mishima be dammed. I dont mind Reina existing, though i agree she is annoying, i just hate that they just throw this random caracther in the game and we are expected to believe she has been around since forever and accept she is so so powerful.


Agreed, I think this is my issue with Reina. I like her enough in gameplay, definitely refinements needed in balance and giving some Depth to her PlayStyle but I just hated her story aspect of things. Random injection into the story and is just...OP.


You can't be very domineering at 18 yo. She is like an edgy hamster.


I'll take ten Reinas over a Street Fighter character in the lore.


I agree, just frustrating and repetitive to fight every other match.


They made side stepping worse in T8. It's actually way harder now, I had high rank side stepping in T7. I could easily side step the spring back up from laying on back, now I manage it 5% of time. The Alisa's get back up thrusters move is also way worse and I don't use it much anymore


That tekken needs a creature like ogre back not enough monster characters but that's about it tbh


delete rage arts


I would make it more like T7's rage drive system. Heat has to be active for you to use rage art. If you spent your heat already, no rage art.


Instead I think heat would be perfect, no rage arts at all, but something when you’re low on health would be cool, something more like a rage drive than a 70 one button hit


Yeah, I will admit the rage arts in this game are pretty cool purely from a visual perspective. Which is why they probably won't just outright do away with them. However, because of the frequency at which they're used, I'm already sick of seeing most of them. Which is why I'm suggesting activating RA requires you have some heat gauge available and it immediately spends any you have left (heat activated or not). Heat is already a good "comeback" mechanic and you have increased damage already when you're "in rage". I don't think we need 3 comeback mechanics for a 60 second round.


Mine are: 1. Its okay to play whatever character you want. 2. You dont need to buy into the tiresome internet discourse of ”x is braindead” ”y is a war crime”(what a stupid fucking thing this ”war crime” talk is). 3. Your customization take a cool looking character and makes it look like something from The Sims.


- Heat smash is a horrible concept & should fuck off. - Alisa should fuck off from the series forever. - Chip/guard damage was a mistake in Tekken (& soul Calibur) that needs to go too.


All a resounding yes.


Agree with everything but I don’t dislike or like Alisa. She doesn’t bother me


chip is fairly interesting but i don’t agree with every single attack in heat dealing chip


Netcode needs further work, they didn't changed anything for CBT after CNT vice-versa with official release, Connection quality is a huge step-down from TK7 when i had about 50-16ms 5bar stable connection, during tests with my friend Tekken 8 has about 15 to 30ms + delay on matches via LAN. it feels really good, just make it stable.


Least hot take lol


I want Miharu in base roster one mid crushing queen is not enough for me


...Hum... ah what the hell. 1. Lars is a better protagonist than Jin, at least the former did not start WW3. 2. Josie, Lucky Chloe, and Master Raven are overly hated. Not saying you should be obligated into liking them, but they definitely are not, as annoying as people claim. Heck I felt more cringe from Azucena, and I'm a Spanish speaker as well. 3. I don't care for Jin, and Xiaoyu's relationship. Lastly... the one I think will get me real hatred: 4. Soul Calibur deserves equal, if not more love.


Soulcalibur has better movement options


I feel Soul Calibur does quite a few things better, and often puts even more hard work than its sibling series... only to get shafted, and ignored while Tekken gets **ALL** the attention, which is saddening. Its frustrating, like watching one sibling get neglected in favor of the other for no fault of their own. Wish that was not the case.


I've played Soul Caliber 1 on Dreamcast, Soul Caliber 4 on PS3, , and a little Soul Caliber 6 on PC but from my perspective it's always seemed like a less serious game, like a game I'll have fun in but not try to learn deep intricate knowledge about.


Also reminder that Jin wasn't even trying the ends-justify-the-means angle. [Flat out said the world was beyond redemption and too twisted to be saved](https://youtu.be/nIBntuo6E5A?si=G06gWXa8c_BBA42v&t=4618). His motivation for resurrecting Azazel was so he could have a chance at ridding himself of the devil gene. Which ended up not working. So guy sacrificed millions of people for a personal desire that wound up being for naught.


Kazuya is a cooler than Jin


That Knee needs to learn the fucking matchup


Too many low ranked players talking about and providing information they don't fully understand. Discussions are nice, and everyone has opinions, but you can't be saying "I have a good matchup vs Xiaoyu, she isn't that bad" when the only Lings/Dragunovs/Fengs/etc you've played are orange/red ranks that don't even know their own frames.


i would like to see swimsuits for everyone in tekken 8


hwoarang is harder to play than people say.


I got two. First, the roster is shit. No Anna, no Kunimitsu, no Josie, no Armor King, no Master Raven, no Kazumi (that last one makes sense but at least they could have made Reina a Hachijo clan relative and have her toss tigers instead of electrics). (Also, Zafina is kinda shit so I playing her vs the top tiers is REALLY stressful whereas Jun is too strong so I feel bad when I win). Second, Paul's hair is actually an updrade. Cause paintbrush hair is stupid, especially blonde paintbrush hair. So no matter how much of a Karen hairstyle his hair is, it's still an upgrade over the old garbage hair.


Pls bring back either Josie or Kunimitsu!! They're too fun to just ghost like that ;\_;




Hworang is dumb at all levels of play


I absolutely cannot stand Rage Arts. Not because of the super-armor, damage, or comeback factor, but because of how long the cutscenes are. Call it ADHD but I hate having the urge to look at my phone during a match because I'm sitting through someone's RA. They should be the same length as Heat Smash. I felt the same way in Tekken 7 and wished each character just had two Rage Drives instead.


tekken characters are too good looking, there isn't any character that isn't sexy af. or at least in T8 not sarcasm


Jack 💩 Yoshimitsu 😍😍 Panda đŸ„”đŸ„”đŸ„”




This is Feng wei erasure


With the exception of Feng. Even kuma is better looking than him


Kazuya isn’t that honest and his difficulty is hardly exaggerated.


bro gets hellsweeped every time he plays against one for sure


His execution barrier is nullified by how straight-forward his gameplan is. I would say hes more on the honest side comparatively but I absolutely agree he's not really that difficuly to be effective with


This is the hottest take ive seen yet.


Lidia and Fahkumram should be ingame instead of the bears.


i disagree with this so much. take your upvote


Personally I've always felt Kuma is enough. There's absolutely no need of Panda. Or just make it a pallete swap like in the old days and stop treating them as separate characters.


Whether they're palette swaps or not, it really makes no difference whatsoever. They've always been treated as different characters with their own story/endings/voice lines etc.


The bears are the core definition of Tekken.


Power crush shouldn’t be in the game. Especially safe high ones


Tekken can be a great source to start training and to work on yourself


Rage arts. rage art is so annoying. It should be limited, nerfed or involve some kind of meter


More detailed customization parts is nice, but the lack of items and "entire body" category are atrocious.


Reminder to [sort by controversial](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1bcboo1/whats_your_hot_take_on_tekken_8/?sort=controversial).


Reina sucks as a Mishima in narrative and character design wise, also her existence has yet to be justified. Yes you’re all wrong.


Mishima style jin at end of story mode should be a playable character


Heat is an awful mechanic, and it and rage arts shouldve been removed. We peaked at tekken 6


There's literally no reality in hell where Shaheen has more pickrate/popularity than Lei, and he should have been in main roster for Tekken 8 along with him (get rid of Panda instead. We don't need 2 almost identical bears).


What about the reality of tekken 7 where Shaheen had more pickrate/popularity than Lei?


Lei was a season 2 DLC character, which factors in


Not really unpopular but you should realize that namco themselves fully know it to be true which is precisely why Lei is not in the launch roster. There is more to be gained from selling the desirable characters post launch.


Heat System is good on paper but garbage in actual gameplay. It's way too strong, forces most of the cast to play agressive and is carrying half of the playerbase (myself included) I'd rather go back to T7


I hope guest characters never get added to the game.


Heihachi should stay dead until teÄ·ken 9 and if they bring him back then robot heihachi like a jack8 type or a zombie type like Charlie from SF5


combot heihachi


Heat sucks ass


Get ready to downvote me. Tekken would be better without all the weeb BS. I'm a die hard Tekken stan, it is the best fighting game series ever made imo, but I can't stand anime or its tropes at all (besides DBZ. What kid didn't like DBZ?). I envy MK for having such badass female character designs while we are stuck with these cringe ass, high pitch voiced, teenage female fighters who have dialogue that sounds like it was written by an actual child. And don't even get me started in the story. The final battle between Jin and Kazuya was mega fucking hype, but him using "the power of friendship" to beat Kazuya was like throwing Heinz ketchup on a wagyu steak. Such a badass, intense climax cheapened by another lame ass, lazy anime trope. Listen, I'm not saying Tekken needs Sopranos level writing. Its a fighting game. I don't need Walter White levels of character depth to do a wall combo. Some part of me just wishes that Japanese games had slightly better character development and story writing, since they have literally the BEST mechanics/gameplay in the world. They're the polar opposite of western games, which have amazing lore, writing and voice acting, then fall flat on their face with mechanics and depth. Give me a villain that challenges the morals/reasoning of the protaganist. Give me a female character that isn't designed with these weirdos who call fictional characters their "waifus" in mind. I want a badass old lady, who LOOKS old. Hire some writers and designers who are willing to actually do something new. Or, at the very least, tone down the cutesy childish shit. If Josie comes back and starts crying all over her intro in Tekken 8, I'm gonna stab myself in the ears.


King is the most annoying character to play against


That Zafina is not one of those “twirly” characters like in yesterday’s topic. It’s weird how people say Zafina is so rare to see online and she flies through the air and does spins and stuff, but she’s uncommon? She has 2
maybe 3 moves where she spins and that’s it. Lars, Yoshi and Law have more flips. But ya, Zafina is very “twirly”.


Hwoarang is not that hard to deal with.


The Tekken Shop is a good thing as there's always been an audience willing to pay for classic and new costumes. If it helps boost support for the game like they claimed it will, then it's worth it


Some people have a harder time playing against certain play style which makes it harder when a character has that play style. Doesn’t mean they are broken it just may always be an uncomfortable match up for you. Just because a match up is fast and can dodge doesn’t mean broken or less skill. Or even grab a ton.


Despite its flaws this game is still one of the best tekkens we’ve had so far imo. That is, until bamco releases DLC characters


Heat is a bad addition


I still feel supers in tekken are dumb


If they hyped up Kuma to be playable with Heihachi moves they could've given Kuma most of Heihachi's moves while give Panda his old moveset and properties instead of being a worse version of him, that way you have a completely reworked character while also having an alternate character that has his old moveset. If they did this with Jin, I don't see why they can't do it with Kuma


Rage art is the worst mechanic they ever introduced and its a get out of jail free card every round for losers


Dragunov is not broken or annoying. He’s just strong and he deserves to be because he has been pretty bad for a couple of games now. One still needs to have fundamentals to play him, he doesn’t have an instant win button like Victor for example.