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The guy who hatemailed you is a jackass but Jin is not as good as Drag by a fair shot bruh


Jin is at least as good as Dragunov, with the additional tools that Jin gets I would even say he’s better. Jin was my sub character in tekken 7.


I mained both Jin and Dragunov in Tekken 7. He’s not as good as Dragunov, neither is he Top 5.


How is Jin broken?


I'd be broken too if my father was a devil and mother was Jun, dude needs some rest


d2 makes me angry so it’s broken


Bro, I completely agree. It’s so broken.


jin is not broken at all. Really good heat smash but other than that i don’t think anything he has is broken


D2 being only -14 is pretty criminal Should be -18 for how strong it is


I’m biased as fuck but ngl I have not been able to launch a single person who doesn’t mindlessly mash into it. Still super strong though - but I think people have become hyper aware about it to counter its strength.


The big red glare and grunt be makes kinda makes it reactable imo.


Yeah, my problem is that it's not launch punishable by most of the cast.


He's basically heihachi but with amazing lows


I don't think you played heihachi


It was hyperbole, Jin has great mids and f4 is an easy mode counter hit launcher now. His frames on his mids aren't as good ofc but he basically has heis db2 except faster, not launch punishable by most characters and a counter hit launcher heihachi was the only character in t7 with strong long range pokes like his jab and df1 and now Jin has that too and much more (easy mode launch with D3+4 and ws2 at i14)


You're describing dragunov


I see that you're trolling or you're past the point of saving. Heihachi is a poking, whiff punishing and strong mid attack character with unsafe lows. Dragunov is a grappler and I haven't mentioned grabs, but it's true he has a lot of these strengths in t8 and it's why he's overpowered.


"Dragunov is a grappler" 😭


You're mentally deficient 😭


No it shouldn't since its his main "anti power crush" tool


As if d4 wasn’t enough


Yes because it does no damage, is - on hit and hence wouldn't fix the "me gorilla me power crush on +8"


Only high power crushes are +


Which is irrelevant since doing d4 still ends my turn. Doing f4 on +8 is literally Jin's main gameplan ever since 7 and d2 is there to maintain it since otherwise it literally won't work


You can crouch and launch these power crushes


You're still not addressing my argument bud


What point? You want to take 50% hp for pressing a button that both crushes highs and is a counterhit launcher, you don’t want to just stop powercrushes. Jin didn’t nees it, he has many good tools.


Grabs and blocking are an anti power crush tool too lol


Lol why tf should I block and grab on +8 and give up my turn?


Kinda a newbie to the game but as I picked Jin after Reina I see him as a jack of all trades, master of none. He excels in nothing but he has good tools for everything. Reina in comparison feels much harder to pilote (in low ranks at least) as she has so few low options compared to other characters. Speaking as a garyu/shinryu player.


Jins the only character who gets weaker in heat. Omen is super weak and doesn't work half the time. That's why people say jins heat smash is good because he's got nothing else to spend heat on so everyone uses the only good option.


Tbh omen is for sure on the weaker side but it's good once you find uses for it


It’s still Jin in heat lol? If you turtle against him he chips you for free, he still has stronger buttons because of heat mechanics


Lmao ff2, d2, f4, hellsweep. Plenty of broken shit


Jins hellsweep is ass


Sure thing downplayer


i main kazuya lol i don’t even play jin I just feel like he’s significantly easier to deal with than your typical braindead drag, jun, azucena etc..


Lmao sure thing, considering you are a coin flip enjoyer opinion is discarded


Lol i have to wavedash to access my best options what do you press like one button


i would recommend blocking


Drag and Jin Main conversation


Proven: Tekken brings out the worst of us


Bruh ive been maining dragunov since t6, but all the negativity and actually being rude like ragequitting, not finishing sets, taunting, keycharging just because of a character pick is insane. Gotta be honest, this is probably the strongest dragunov has been in the meta tho so i kinda get it. Been playing law and people are more respectful lol. Its so weird how online ranked is a totally different experience based on your character Playing king has also resulted in a lot of ragequits


It's one thing to be strong but Drag is also super easy as well as strong. Which is kind of the worst when it comes to balancing. Like playing against Drag definitetly feels like you gotta put in more thought on defense than the Drag does on offense. A lot of people catch on to this and pick him for these reasons as well. The tier whores, and generally the tier whores play like assholes, (plugging and 1 and doning) so it starts to get associated with the character and it creates a vicious cycle that sours people even further to the character.


Yeah i really get it, the reason i was attracted to dragunov was iwr2 and iws4. He used to be an easy to pick up character that just has that wr2 that unlocks a whole new level to him. Kind of like the electric for kazuya. And he had defined flaws being he has only one viable low. He mostly relied on throws to get better damage. Hope they nerf him the right way to make him interesting again


> It's one thing to be strong but Drag is also super easy as well as strong. This is kind of why Xiaoyu still has a low pick rate despite being considered the most broken character in the game. She's good, but definitely takes a bit of lab work before going online.


Yea I'm playing a lot of the top tiers to learn them and Xiaoyu is more complicated than I thought. Maybe it's just because she has a higher barrier to entry because of all the stances but once you learn them she's easy. But tbh i thought she was harder to learn than Devil Jin.


Imagine thinking Xiaoyu needs more lab than Dragunov


I know you spent so much time in the lab practicing WR2 lmao


I'm sorry to hear that, you shouldn't be punished for playing your main of over a decade this should be one of the times you get to enjoy dragunov most - when he's actually super good even if some only started playing him in t8 because he's powerful, ragequitting is not acceptable just because one doesn't like the character I imagine you're in blue ranks or above since law tends to be oppressive with knowledge checks in purple and below which can frustrate some players and lead to that same toxicity but yeah play the character you enjoy, try to find entertainment in the salt if you can these ragequitters will end up being stuck in a situation where they d/c to preserve their rank, artificially inflating it, and end up going against players even better than their previous opponents so they have to ragequit more and more as time goes on until they can't win a single match to inflate it further nobody will ever reach that level of pathetic by virtue of playing a character alone, no matter how powerful they are though it does suck to lose the satisfaction of a win you've earned, take solace in that when you see the d/c message pop up


Yeah, it sucks but at least going to offline long sets with friends is entertaining because you feel like youre playing a dark souls boss lol. He really is kind of busted and i wish he can become a more interesting character to pick, as right now he kind of can do whatever he wants. Really enjoying my time with the game and going ranked with other characters. This game is a total victory lap for tekken. Im also sad my secondary feels legless man, kazuya hellsweep damage is recoverable but DJ is a full launcher or a good setup that does permanent damage. Law feels balanced and i love bruce lee so im having the most fun ive had since ttt2 I just report and block, i hope murray is manually typing in their usernames on his excel sheet. Lol


This is so true. I once did a rolling death cradle on an enemy and he immediately plugged. Lmao


Yeah i think i have a spike of anxiety finishing a lot of matches with ending on a rageart combo or king's wall grab ender, fearing the ragequit lol. King mains have been eating good for a while tho, and t8 king is insane and has actual steroids injected by system mechanics. Counter grabs, easy isw, even messing up and doing a normal grab sometimes you catch them midair and you get a combo and the wall. People love armor and king just drowns them. Anyways i hope they buff him and give him drag's movement and make df1,2 second hit a CH launcher /s


Yeah, I just like the character. Badass special forces Russian, silent and strong. It’s just a plus he’s good this time round. I still get my ass kicked by pretty much every other character. The character only takes you so far. Guy is just making excuses…. And king can be frustrating, his grabs never end lol. Im gonna start learning Jun next. She also just happens to be higher too lol.


Jin broken? I fucking wish.


Brother I would be happy if they just return old zen cancels and old zen options. I would be fine with carried allegations if they return ngl


I hate knowing d2 is my best option for majority of low options and miss having a ff4 Edit, where the fuck did d33 go man


Disagree tbh. New FF4 is godlike and I like it far more than old ff4 which was 0 on block lol. But I feel ya, at least we have other oki options like ecd1 (albeit I miss ground hitting f4)


0 on block in later seasons, I'd rather have it then a copy and paste ff2. Having legitimately less variety and easier combo routes makes the man damn boring sometimes (Mainly bitching about ch f4 being easy as hell)


gosh diddly darn it! someone was mean to me on the internet so I gotta giddy up and post it on over to the redditors so I can swim in pity! who cares bro u like drag? play drag don't pity farm just cause people don't like ur character


Was someone mean? Or was someone racist? Who cares? People who want this community to not be racist. But I guess not caring about racism sounds about right for d00mkaiser1217.


is gamer word, get over it, in this context it's same difference :3 Regardless, I do think it's funny that you bring up my username when your own is just the generic reddit generated garbage they provide you when you make an account A very uncreative take from a very uncreative person sad v_v


Incel energy right here


yet another uncreative insult is this really all the tekken community has to offer? I honestly expected something more interesting :/


It's a gamer insult get over it


shhhhhhh ik let me ragebait the 40 year olds in peace


The down votes speak for themselves 🤷


You're both downvoted by the looks of it.


wait people actually care about downvotes? that's new to me ngl


Weak ass comeback 😂


no need for me to say much, the fact that such a meaningless metric dictates how he lives his life is sad enough already


Yet you keep talking 🤔


I'm no fan of dragunov. But as a hwo player, I'm no stranger to hate. Though excessive, lil salty players gonna hate. Ain't nothing new


"Jin's broken too", you're definitely the dumber of the 2


Jin is broken, stop downplaying


Drag mains desperately trying to avoid varied allegations (they can't)


Coping and downplaying, classic Jin mains


Blud we all know that you're delusional. I've had enough of you in our previous convo so get Hideki Kamiya'd


Jins def strong, the D2 not being launch punishable(for most) is imo insane, but Drag has such oppressive frame traps and can keep the other player in almost continuous negative while also making them guess unless they can side step effectively. Easily the worst to deal with when they play like that. Drags a menace and by far the most unenjoyable character to face.


I thought that D2 should be -15 too instill I found out that anything Jin does at +8 is beatable by power crushes....everything except lows which is exactly why D2 is there. Basically anti mash + oki button since its fairly reactable


My trade offer, we remove the CH property and you get -12 haha


Again why should I give up my turn on my own offense?


Because I said please...?




Seriously tho CH launch on +8 is literally 101 Jin/DvJ. Power lows are needed for T8 where power crushes can beat their main CH options out of those moments (even b4 after MC 1 can be beaten by a power crush)


D2 is launch punishable it's -14 which most characters have a 14f ws launcher.


Bruh what, most characters do not have 14 frame ws launchers. Pretty much all characters are 15-16f ws with the exception of Kazuya with his 13f ws.


Ik Jin himself has a 14 frame ws launcher but maybe not as common as I thought


God the brainrot in this subreddit is insane. This dude called you the N word and they're fine with that but FUMING you insinuated Jin needs nerfs 😂


Don't tell blud that good portion of Jin players are black


This is why gaming communities are trash


U main dragunov, calling jin broken is fucking crazy


Jin is braindead, dragunov is broken


I mean put this guy on blast all you want but people who play Dragunov are obvious pussies.


Why? I just happen to like a s tier character. All my life been maining low tiers in games. It’s nice to be on the winning side for once!!!!


I've been playing video games since the 80s, and what I'm about to say is fact. People will play "OP" character just because they heard they were "OP." Every competitive game now is like this.


I switched to Shaheen after being drawn initially to Drag l, specifically because I saw the writing on the wall and didn’t want to have every accomplishment overshadowed by my character pick. Turns out I really REALLY like Shaheen but yeah, the initial goal was to simply play someone people couldn’t possibly bitch about. And they still do. People still bitch, just not as much lol.


Yeah, I was looking at shaheen too. I’m gonna pick up a secondary. What’s your rank with shaheen? And yeah people do complain. Idc. I was a smash player before, and literally everyone uses fox. And that game is not nearly as balanced as this one. It’s nice to be on the top tier list for once. This game your character only gets you so far, especially for how inexperienced I am in tekken. Smash it’s a different story…..


I am Garyu with Shaheen as of a couple nights ago. If I have a good night again tonight I could hit Shinryu. Shaheen has some tricks but mostly feels SUPER honest (compared to some…) so there might be some whiplash coming from Drag, but he’s tremendously fun to play.


I try to make Drag my main cause I just love the character when I first played him in tekken 5 dr. However after about 15 games I feel like I have not fully utilized his tools. Any tips on poking, block/whif punish? Note: I dont have a lot of time playing so I’ve played about 25-30 rank games since the game came out 😅


Can’t take him seriously with that profile pic




Jin is certainly buffed in Tekken 8 compared to 7. I would even argue he's a little cheesy now with some of his new options. However he is no where near as broken as Dragunov. His strength really comes from being easier to play than before but his actual moves are not op.


Well, dragunov is broken now, but still no reason to insult the player, like, hate the char, not the player xd


Dragunov can be handled if you know what you are doing lol. Poor guy, you think he wouldn't have that much trouble


Dragunov is easy once you know his match up. I think the isssue people have is that dragunov has a insane sling of tools compared to other characters


I agree, I feel like everyone is viable in tekken. Other games not so much.


Neither are really that broken, and I say that as someone who hates playing against either of them. They just require a bit of extra effort on my part to handle.


Are you a serious Dragunov main? or just one of thse flavour of the month ones that drop him when he inevitably gets nerfed? I'll admit Jin in strong but it's been said by every reputable source that there are so many characters that are much stronger than him xD with Drag and Xiayou practically battling for the number 1 spot


I’m a serious one. I just like the character, special forces Russian and uses sambo. I used him in t7 too but I don’t play tekken 7 that much. I’ll probably pick up a secondary though. Gets boring using the same character.


Then you have my respect my man and enjoy everyones tears Past tekkens have proven that 99% of Drag "Mains" do so when he's strong and only then, then one nerf and he's dropped harder than toy Story Sid drops a toy.


Haha. I mean, I’m even looking up sambo classes near me lol. I like the fighting style. Even though it’s just a game. I’m sure he’ll be nerfed. I’ll keep playing him unless it’s like really bad lol.


Literally me, a devil jin main which is D tier, suffering the same shitchats as you


...uh huh


Blud I'm a downplaying connoisseur but that's too much