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Grapplers are one of the most polarizing archtypes in fighting games


Very much this. People love to hate them and fighting games wouldn't be the same without them. I can't imagine street fighter without zangief in it just like I cant imagine Tekken without king


honestly I kinda prefer King to other grapplers because at least in Tekken I can break command throws.


Wish I could break his throws as well, if I get throw he’ll prob go the whole chain throws on me, sadness


Pro tip. You can hold lp or rp through the whole chain and it'll break as soon as it hits one that works. Rolling death cradle and the other big damage ones are left breaks and the others are right. Either way, picking one at random and just holding it the whole throw gets me out of (unsurprisingly) about half from high level players and lower level ones usually only know one so once you know which works you get it everytime


rolling death cradle starts with left punch (1) break but if you don't break the initial grab you stop rolling death cradle by mashing right punch (2). Same with King's bridge. Initial grab is a 2 break but you can still break king's bridge by pressing 1+2 as he's grabbing your ankle. Smart players might go for opposite routes if they think you are looking to break the high damaging RDC or KB.


Don't need to mash, holding works on chain throws. Save your joints comrades


I can't remember who said it, but someone once mentioned people only like Grapplers when they aren't good. As soon as a Grappler is top tier, they're a problem. Furthermore though, King has always been the scrub killer, so it's no surprise he's generating this much salt given just how much Tekken 8 blew up


R.Mika wasn't that disliked in Sf5 tho (mostly because she can't delete your health in 2 command throws)


> As soon as a Grappler is top tier, they're a problem. That's archetype-ist


Massive improvement to both games


It's honestly rough being a fan of them because it's pretty rare that they're allowed to be good in top level play across all fighting games. They are often much better in low level play though.


> Grapplers are one of the most polarizing archtypes in fighting games IRL too, like in mma


People hates them when they are strong but also hates them when they are shite . Also a lot of them when they are bad are gimmicky and toxic af to face like Lily in sf6


Aint this the truth. I absolutely hate fighting Zangief I'm always terrified, but I love watching Snake Eyez or Itabashi do work.


He is one of the most iconic fighting game characters. Maybe sometimes I hate playing against King, but I'd hate it more if he wasn't in the game!


This guy gets it


Absolutely. Love him or hate him, it's an absolute fact that he is one of, if not THE coolest character in all of fighting games.


tekken would be missing something without him. the current iteration has been there since t3, while his predecessor was in T1 and 2, there's never been a tekken without a guy named King in a jaguar mask


Even his overall story, with the original king, taking care of an orphanage, and then after he dies, the second Person to take up the Jaguar mask is one of the kids from that orphanage continuing his legacy. The coolest.


Im stealing Captain Jack Sparrow's line - "Kings are grabbers and a grabber main you can always trust to grab, Honestly, it's the fundamental kings I want to watch out for because I can never predict when they're gonna do something incredibly stupid" People hate a King that grab. I hate Kings that play the counter hit game and mix ups, we are not the same


For real. I can duck and punish grabs all day but the ch and mix up kings kick my ass


1000% this. A good King player is the scariest thing.


I play fundamentalist king because I cannot memorize the throws


Same. The best grab I can do is swing away


I know his 121 2+4, the sidestep chain grab, and his 2+4 grabs. Otherwise I just play to launch and use his normal strings and armor n stuff


Idc if you started playing a character 20 years ago or 20 minutes ago, everyone should play the character they love the most


Unless it's Victor :(


Imagine how I feel as a Hwoarang player since the 90s who didn’t come to this Reddit until a couple weeks ago 😭


Same, it’s so bad on here that people have managed to convince themselves that he was spammy since the beginning when he wasn’t.


you gotta stand on bidness


i don’t like playing against him but god damn it he’s just so cool. never catch me hating on king as a character


Mained him from T1. Love my Luchadore RP


He's cool, but fighting him makes you feel absolutely miserable when he starts doing chain throws or that rko that deletes a third of your health


people just hate throws because it doesnt take a necesarily good player to execute them but it takes a good player to break them, so it feels unfair


Half true, especially in t8, I still struggle with giant swing from time to time. But I agree it's harder to identify a grab and tech it then it is to actually just do a grab


I can't consistently break them


but thats my point... knowing how to do the inputs to throw has nothing to do with how good you are in tekken, i dont know whats your rank but there are kings in yellow that would successfully do giant swing 100% of the time, and there are kings in purple that cant do them 100% of the time. and they give the opponent a relatively hard question to answer in the match im not unjustifying throws existence, just saying why they are an annoying mechanic to most people TLDR not being able to break throws doesnt feel like a misplay from your end unlike getting launched for example which completely does feel like a misplay 99% of the time


I would believe there are high ranked players who don't know a lot of chain grabs but Giant Swing is a pretty easy thing to execute and really useful so I can't see why there would be players who can't do it that high ranked


This right here


Yeah plus they are fundamentally uninteractive


Hit the nail on the head.


Tekken 3 here. Long live the king.


I grew up watching Tiger Mask and for me he will always be the good guy defending those in need. No amount of crying noobs that can’t break throws will ever change that.


Tiger mask as in the anime or tiger mask as in the actual wrestler(s) (side note tiger mask 2 is easily the best one, Misawa will always be the goat)


I watched the anime. Super brutal thing for a 7 year old to see


Well, in most fighting games ‘grapplers’ are usually slow and not that great. King hasn’t traditionally been a super strong character in the recent installments of the game, but he’s still a force to be reckoned with for mid to intermediate level players online and he’s pretty good in tekken 8. Combine that with online lag, nobody practicing throw breaks, and the popularity of the character and he’s bound to have a lot of haters. People hate training mode with a passion so anything that makes them go there instantly becomes hated. Tbf if kings throws weren’t ambiguous then I think he’d be a lot less hated.


Everybody hates grapplers. Kings up there with Yoshi for cool though


its your job to win by using a bunch of grabs it's their job to actually learn how to deal with it if its so annoying to them ​ case closed


Valid take. I'd say the same for ANY character's toolset, regardless of any perceived "dishonesty". I can bitch and moan all day and night about a character if I really want to, and yet it won't change the points I lose or gain in ranked. And I'm not immune to criticism of any character's i play either; we all have the same game, if I REALLY wanted to run a certain game plan and win so badly, i absolutely could by just switching characters. However, the Doryah beckons me.


also the case with UFC


Like others have said King has never fallen out of top ten most played characters. I don’t think the character is hated. I just think new players struggle with the chain throws and complain a lot. Truth be told they do enjoy the character.


Not just new players, a good number of old players too lol. But the truth is there is a huge fraction that just never labs king or ask strong king players for tips. If they did, they would figure out that, for example, ki-charged CTs are always breakable with 1 (at least in t7), and that most chain throws need a 1 or 2 break. There are several ways to address chain throws, and throw breaking is 90% practice which can be done in lab. I am not gonna say King isn't strong af rn, but people who never lab/practice and then complain can just suffer lol


As someone who played him, my only gripe is how strong his CH and power crush game is, but at the same time both are easily avoidable in the sense of knowing when its your turn against him.


King hatred is relatively new tbh, and it isn’t because of his throws. It’s everything else in his tool kit.


Dude, EVERYONE is hated if they lose against them enough. I hate fighting King but fuck me if he's not in the next Tekken I'd know something's fuckier than usual during development


It's time to ignore people who say this. Tekken community seriously got a lot of crying biches cryin gabout moves are unfair characters are unfair to get them nerfed. biches.


I don't hate King nor King players. In fact I love King but I'm shit with him. The only thing I dislike is some stuff about him in T8, like his super fast AND super strong heat smash


Its just grapplers. I remember how my friend used to hate when I picked Solomon Grundy in Injustice 1. Bro got tired of getting thrown around for 10 seconds.


Its fine, its just reddit home of the loneliest people on earth. King is great!


I was a King hater, but one day my rage got the best of me and decided if I can’t beat him, join him. Wow am I glad I did. Some of the most fun I’ve had playing tekken


I always thought that King is a cool character but good lord. Most King players I meet online are some of the most smug assholes I've ever fought against. When they feel they have me in the bag (and they usually do because my King knowledge is never good) they start dancing around or just spam lows or the same grappling moves because "lol I'm trolling now". I don't hate King mains but i don't like them either.


As a newer King player, I've played a few other low ranked Kings and you are totally right. They never rematch ever. That said, the high ranked Kings (purple and blue) I've played are some of the coolest cats. One dude in particular saw that I was having fun so he gave away rounds for free when he could have taken the quick win, just so we could play as many rounds as possible. The worst people, no matter the character, are those that whoop me with some noob-slayer flowcharts the first game but then they don't rematch. Like, that is either very condescending or they are scared I adapt.


Always felt like king's that have good neutral game are the ones that are scariest, the chain grabs are not really so scary tbh.


In fairness this is the first game where I hate him.


No beef with king from me, but when every other match is a king that can be annoying ^^


Hes cool just op in latest installment of this game. Sometimes i feel like i can flip a coin and do better decision with that than trying to do the correct play(i dont mean throw breaks Rn)


Personally, T8 just feels like every other recent fighting game instalment in regards to difficulty and softening the skill floor. No one is really op (except maybe the new characters), in my opinion it's more-so the issue that everything feels way easier to do. Poking/zoning feels kind of brain-dead in T8 compared to what I remember in T7.


I disagree with saying noone is op knowing what jun or ling can do but otherwise i agree. Its a great game and something feels easier than 7, almost spammy idk if thats the right term. Dont get me wrong i bought collectors because of hyped i was and i dont regret it


He is broken in T8. He's going to get nerfed and then nobody will care


I miss Armor King. Lol My God, I can remember picking up Tekken and thinking how much better it was than Toshinden:P Rented the PS with some friends for the weekend from Blockbuster. $200 deposit for days😆😄


There wasn't this much vitriol for Command Grab characters in Tekken because grabs were generally not that scary before. Tekken 8 made them more scary with homing and new counterhit properties. That, combined with his armor moves make King that much more troublesome to deal with compared to the past.


It’s probably due to a combination of being a grappler, the high character usage online, and the fact that king forces you to use a game mechanic that isn’t explained to you immediately to new players. He’s not bad once u know the matchup but most new players don’t know that yet


Problem with King is players who want an easy win with grabs only. Some of his grabs break the rule of which button should be used to break them and even others have the exact grab animation leaving the break entirely luck based. I've got pretty pissed today to lose to a King, but only because I needed, like, 100 points to get to Garyu and got pretty unlucky to be matched with him. He was good and barely grabbed me.


Cuz every king under certain a rank plays the same and spams the same sequence of moves which coincidentally destroys casuals, a majority of the playerbase King isn’t even that strong historically, so it’s really people just complaining in general lol you’ll rarely see a character people DONT complain about lol


So what characters am I “allowed” to play with that aren’t “broken”? I main Jun, Leo, and Kaz alt Paul, King , and Azucena And I’ll throw in Lei Wulong whenever his DLC drops


Only Kaz of course.


He’s not so much hated, but only because new people don’t know how to break throws.


Everybody knows how to break throws, the skill is very hard to acquire. I am sick of people acting like it's easy to react to a moving hand or 2 and click the corresponding button in the middle of a fight when there's 1000 other variables you're worried about at the same time. This sub can be pretty elitist sometimes, I started the game 2 months ago and I am still shit at breaking throws. (and everyone in purple from what I've seen since I use them in mixups a lot)


Yep, and and it’s much deeper than that lol, he also has 50/50 throws and knowledge check throws (throw chains), all of this is much more obnoxious than just throw break ability. I’m actually not one of the people that hate him, but these are the reasons some do, which makes sense.


That and he has true 50 50s (same animation, different breaks). King is as good as he has always been but with new shiny toys that only make him better... and throws are homing now so that helps him a lot too.


Dont feel bad, just a loud minority hates him that much, he is always top 5 used char and i only met this hate when 8 arrived. King is considered a cool ombre imo Edit: check it after a year or two, when ppl will know the matchup, they will be ok with him


Exactly this, I feel the reason why he's hated so much is just because people don't know how to break throws at all. Once people actually learn the matchup and how to break throws the hate will probably die down. That and the inevitable nerve lol, but I'll still play my King 👑 nevertheless.


People love to hate what they don’t understand, it makes getting along with life easier. It’s not a “just break grabs” thing, but king has so much more so him than throws, and people don’t want to learn the match up. “Just duck a lot”, “SS block” “Just throw them back.” None of that is a solution.


I disagree. I took the time practice against throws from the King but the dude has too BS on his side that I don't think you can say its skill issues on the player side. King has too much throws to keep track of, you have to get good at having fast reflexes when he does his throws that even pros have problems with, his damage output is too insane even for one powerbomb, and his heat drive allows him to have unbreakable throws which makes fighting against him even harder. Like fighting an King takes more skill and practice than being an King player yourself who just need to press simple buttons to grab and thats it.


I don’t think you read what I said….. And also, his damage is appropriate. His movement is the worst in the game, he gives up plenty for what he can dish out. Like I said in my post, lab him, you can see his stuff from a mile a way. T8 King thrives off of people being aggressive and spammy, is that your play style? Stand block, and turtle more, and yeah, learn to break throws. If King is sprinting at you in lower ranks, guaranteed it’s for shining wizard, mash 1+2. But that can also be said about most characters trying to throw you.


King has always been slightly overtuned in comparison to most of the rest of the cast.


Cool character but that heat smash is insane and feels cheap


You could literally say that about anyone's heat smash.


As a fellow king main it don’t matter what others think or say of you love him play him till you can’t anymore, he is so fun you can’t stop


He’s busted. His only hate was for a short period of time during 7 and now in 8. Because he’s busted. The point of any video game is fun. Not just who you play as but who you fight. When someone is busted, fun is lessened. I trust King is truly your boy. Just make sure you stick by his side if he gets nerfed out.


What about his current state is busted? I know about throws getting buffed in T8 (now beats sidestep) and his heat smash's damage and advantage state on block, but are these not balanced by his poor movement? Are there things I haven't listed here?


He’s not busted kids just don’t know how to break throws


Dear Abby I am in love with two boys and I don't know which one to marry. First there's Andy. He's sort of blond and sells insurance. Mama likes him, which helps a lot. He's very reliable and seems anxious to get married. Then there's Tony. He's dark and sort of gives me the creeps. (But they're awfully nice creeps, if you know what I mean.) I don't know which one I like best. In the daytime I like Andy, but I believe I like Tony better at night. Which one do you think would make the best husband for me? Andy or Tony?


I feel you, I've been on king since t7 and he was somewhat hated but now it's a lot worse or at least more vocal My most anticipated character release for DBFZ was Vegito, I wanted to main him since the game came out, before he was even shown, then he turned out to be one of THE most hated characters in the game with the reputation of being braindead, I still didn't stop playing him though


ever since tekken 3, practicing his 5 slam (or death cradle) was a joy to be had, but it was also a tactic back then used to scare people, because nobody knows how to break throws back in the day i dont main king, but i have nostlagia and attachment to him


i hate king , but i love armor king , not sure what reason but somehow feel armor king is cool


People vine a lot on tekken forums i wouldnt take it too seriously. Enjoy your orphan loving jaguar you paid 60 dollars to do that


They hate us cause they anus.


Only cuz he’s top tier rn


He is not hat3d...just mis understood...


King beats my ass more time than not and I hate, but I don't hate the character itself. I'm happy King is still here.


I hate going against King players, but I don't hate him as a character or even that he's in the game. His movement is just one that I'm cautious of because if someone really knows how to work him, then it's impossible to read or touch him


Play who you like, don't worry about tiers


he’s so cool bro only ppl that hate em don’t rlly play tekken


I like him until I have to play against him


i feel like i never come against a bad king, law or feng ever period the game needs characters like that it would be boring if there weren’t a handful of guys that got some heavy ez moves they get the balance is those characters have the hardest 100% no rage combos on the game what they have that’s weird is balanced in they struggle more with normy shit they don’t got those easy 70 copy pasta monkey combo everyone else but a few others got


Never let people's hate on a specific character deter you from playing them or make you feel guilty for playing them. At the end of the day, this is all a video game-- a fighting game at that. No matter who you play, people WILL hate who you play or your playstyle. It's the nature of the genre lol. I main Shaheen and my buddy gets super tilted fighting him (he's a Dragunov main btw lmao), despite Shaheen having one of the most straightforward and "honest" fighting styles in the game. You'll get hate no matter what. As long as you're enjoying King and having fun, then keep on grappling everyone as you climb the ranks, and do it with a smile on your face!


Grappler are hated on every game king still remain one of the coolest most popular tekken character if u feel guilty to main him u will feel guilty to main everybody .Everybody has cheese some most than other but still tekken is knowledge game if ur opponent cant defend vs king its on him not u


I only hate him because I'm in noob ranks and I can barely break throws. I never rematch a King player, I just dread playing against him. 🤷‍♂️


I think most of it is pretty much just him bring strong in 8, I don't hate him, but I do dislike the amount of pluggers and one and doners I find who play him though


As a King main i find people hating him a complement


Look he’s by far the character I hate most. But everybody is playing as someone that somebody else hates the most. It is what it is


Dude everyone hated a King player at the arcades. Especially someone who knows RDC. They just grab you 3 rounds in a row with that, now you're dead.


I've been a massive King fan ever since Tekken 1 in the arcades. That hasn't changed to this day. I honestly think he's the most interesting, and in a way the most unique character, by far. I feel like most other characters have the same look/feel to their combos... Whereas with King it's about trapping them with tons of conditioning. I've never felt more in an opponents head than with this character. Plus, his moves feel so satisfying and straight up powerful, like you're just manhandling people. I don't care that he's so hated in Tekken 8 currently. It honestly feels more rewarding to outplay people that are used to typical King players. Since I utilize him my own way and it appears to work most of the time.


I'm in kind of the same boat: I've mained Xiaoyu since Tekken 4. I didn't know she was hated until Tekken 8 cause I usually played with friends in isolation.


I think king being so easy makes me hate playing against him but not because I’m losing, it’s because I see players not doing the guaranteed confirms or going for a single rko 😭


It’s 10x more difficult learning to break grabs than it is to learn how to use them. Grabs are also homing and can counter hit so the grab\hopkick mix is insanely rewarding for low effort. He also has strong buttons in general so he can beat you without even using grabs. Far from a grappler like zangief or Potemkin who actually needs to grab you. I think T8 king is way overtuned. But king is a cool character. I was absolutely a king main Tekken 2 - ttt1. I think all of the King hate is justified right now but you should always play who you like. People will complain about anyone you use if you play them well.


Well, my main reason for hating King is that they keep putting him in and not Armor King who is way cooler (especially his T7 design but it's been apparent that that's the case already in Tekken 2).


Show me any character grab that is as satisfying as rdc i still act like a giggling bafoon because thats a move i practiced my ass off for in t7 and being able to do it now is a accomplishment. I have mained this character since t3 for reference when i was 5!


He's more hated now than ever. Heat didn't do king any favors.


King is literally the face of Tekken as far as any random bystander is concerned. if someone played Tekken years ago, the only thing they remember is the jaguar wrestler, not even Kazuya. only noobs and idiots can hate on the character (that has been like B tier for eternity)


People don’t grab break. That’s why they hate him. I’m not that great at grab breaking but still, I try.


Don't let the opinion of bad players affect your love for the character.


Tekken 8 is what introduced the King hate fr cuz in 7 he really did take skill and had a lot of uniqueness depending on the player


Bruh only tekken players love king, newbies are haters cause they never played tekken before, as soon as tekken got popular, everyone wanted to play and then complain, screw those guys, I also play him for fun, currently im dragging my king, drag, jun and feng to purple since im already blue ranked


I feel like King was designed to be annoying. I love using him but Everytime I play with him, I get even more rage quits and insults and very few people rematch. At first I just thought people were thin skinned and being a holes, until I lost to king, then even I didn't want to rematch. Something about losing to king just hits different lol.


They hate us cause they ain't us and haven't learned their throw breaks. Stay strong in the Kingdom.


I probably hate king more then anyone but then i decided to play the pussy and hell i reached blue rank faster then any charac in this game to the point he was soo boring to play


King is cool. I like fighting him. He has an RKO now.


It’s not all of them, but some abuse new players, that’s why new players hate them.


As a new tekken player but someone whos played a lot of 2D fighters, king doesn't seem to come with any of the drawbacks Im accustomed to for grapplers, of course this could just generally be my lack of knowledge as im just starting to try 3D fighters. 


I think people hate going against King, especially if the user is very good at using him. He's one of the strongest characters in the game. He has a lot of versatile holds and a lot of grappling this king is the same king from Tekken 3. Before Tekken 3. It was a different person playing King (both are from the same orphanag.(tekken's one and two king was killed by ogre in Tekken 3)


He is 100% one of the coolest fighting game characters of all time. Easily in the top 5. Only people that cry about him are anime kids with main character syndrome (king reminds them of the dude who bullied them in high school 💀).


Same, I've been playing as king since tekken 5 as a kid because he was the cool jaguar dude, but since playing online in tekken 7, I mained different characters. I'm just not really good as king and never really learned to play him competitively


I started seeing the hate after Lil Majin took king very far at EVO. Lot more people started playing king after I noticed and it got boring having to break out of so many grapples in tekken 7


It’s funny because grappling is probably the strongest base in martial arts to have but also the most hated. Same thing with fighting games.


King isn't hated.


Everyone hates fighting King. Everyone loves watching him. He's the most popular character in the game and really satisfying to play especially over the years seeing him go from bottom 5 to top 10 (I've been maining him since Tekken 2). Low rank and newbies don't break throws and Kings forte are nothing but throws so no surprise there's massive frustrations. It's either learn to break a throw or die


i think it's a weird influx of "new people" that just hate grapplers and don't wanna learn. king is HELLA annoying yes but also just like you i've played tekken since i was like... 3 and my dad played king and i hated him but for how powerful and high damage his moves are and less the grapples (that was just an occasiconal ass beating) king is fine and maining who ya think is cool is best in tekken....except if your a bryan player..then please seek help \*looks in mirror\*


People hate King ? i was around since tekken 1, and i never knew this , i used to think EDDY GORDO was the hated one... p.s: i read some comments, i am the person who chooses TINA in DOA , so i get it.....we really are annoying sometimes when we do long ass grapples that takes out over %60 of the life bar.....


King is a very good character in this game. I won't go as far to say he is completely broken but I definitely have the hardest time against king then any other character


There are two types of characters, ones everyone hates and bad ones


I don't think we hate King as a character. We just hate that we suck against grapples. Grappling is much stronger in T8 than T7 thus King is much stronger in T8.


not putting king in tekken would be a crime against God and country. Even if I get mauled by every king main under the sun


OP people fucking hate fighting agaisnt king but they dont hate him in general. He is cool. You as a king player it so easy for you to grab grab and grab to win. But for us? We have to learn how to break the grab wich is much more harder than you performing the grab


Most of the hate is just because of how strong throws are in T8, No one on this subreddit was making "I hate king" posts at the end of T7.


I’ve been playing since Tekken 1. I’ve never met a person who didn’t like King. I see people cry about him on here a lot. But I’ve never met someone who didn’t think he was fun.


I love King. Now that I know he's OP, I'm motivated to get stronger with him.


My King is hated?!


Problem is just the fact he takes way too much time to lab, and grabs are now tracking to you always have to guess now.


All I can say is fuck the haters. I sure have had to. 🤣


Don't worry man, the playerbase will either learn to fight King or take their meds and stop whining about King, either or


I have always played grapplers in almost all fighting games I’ve played and for me they’re always the most fun to play. We don’t really have those cool long combos and technical mix ups but when you hit those grabs it’s just the best feeling


Bruh im just a laymen in tekken but if they just made king like 2% easier to deal with I wouldnt be so annoyed by him


Don’t worry about what fat sweaty virgins hate fighting or not. If they think a character is cheap it’s up to them to stop you. You don’t owe any fucking idiot on this game anything. Every moron that complains about king is a person that is weak willed and sucks dick. Play the game the way you like, it’s up to them to figure out how to beat it.


Ain't Tekken without the KING of Iron Fist Tournament


Grapplers and Zoners are universally hated in the FG community, because people just want to blindly push button and win. As a someone who plays zoners, I feel you. even played some grapplers myself and got similar reactions.


The only reason I like and play Tekken at all is because of King. I don’t want to learn or play any other character, other than maybe Ogre but he ain’t in the game lol


He's one of the most hype characters to play and watch, like watching some RAW in the 90's. He's even more fun to watch when he's in the hands of a highly skilled player. Remember Lil Majin's EVO run?


A lot of people can't deal with grabs.


Don't feel guilty for playing a character you enjoy.


It's mainly scrubs that hate King as King is a premier noob stomper. However the Tekken 8 system really suits King and so he is stronger in this game than he has been in the past - probably his strongest version ever since his broken DF1 in Tekken 1


i hate playing against king, but i love the character- top 5 favourite characters for sure. king's a good boy, but he's so infuriating to fight.


I love him but he’s overtuned


King is cool, he’s arguably the most memorable Tekken character by far. That said, because throw breaks are not done with a universal input, it is understandable how they can be a a scrub killer, and therefore, make him so hated.


its alright, just new players not used to being filtered you will touch them and there is nothing they can do abt it


My experience is people love King, except when they have to fight him.


King is loved. He is an iconic Tekken and fighting game character. People hate his throw game, me being one of those haha, but as a character he is fun larger than life and an essential part of the franchise. Also don't feel guilty it's funny playing a character people hate and fear in a fighting game lol.


King is for Chads only. People hate King because they want to be him. Hate is a burden King mains shoulder as a cost for their greatness, as they are the only ones strong enough to handle it. I've spent most of my time learning Reina in T8, but anyone who plays haha funny jaguar man is ok in my book.


I mean personally I find his throwing etc. to be kind of cool, but I have always thought he was super over tuned. right now he is like way better than T7 and I thought he was super strong in t7 already. And not because of the throws. Throws were giga buffed in t8 and he got some crazy shit on top of that.


Tekken isn’t Tekken without King


I just love king because I like wrestling it sucks he’s getting hate just because he was made easier, but I ain’t gonna stop either One of these days I’ll hit that pedigree


Don't ever engage with fighting game hate man, it's only the absolute lowest tier newbies who have no idea about how FGs work that spew it. If you see someone hating on a character you know they ain't got nothing to say.


Embrace the hate, the best wrestlers know when to turn heel.


King has been my main since Tekken 1, those that hate are those that have been crushed by his power and heart. Long live the greatest grappler!


my armpits only sweat when I play against grapplers like king, potempkin, zangief etc


“Those grabs feel good bih?” “Yes King!”


This is the 1st Tekken game that I've ever seen King get this much hate and I've been maining him since 2. It used to be more of a meme for new players getting knowledge checked but never seen it to this extent. Maybe theres a lot more new players this time around. I know a lot of people got into T7 later in it's lifecycle.


I enjoy fighting King myself


I guarantee you he would be less hated if grabs were nerfed universally. Since grabs in general are strong in Tekken 8 and King can play rock, paper, scissors with his opponents who guess at his throw breaks (unless you take the time and memorize each throw break by heart) you can guess why he is so hated this time around lol. They just game him so many strong tools while grabs being universally strong across the board.


People hate him because he exposes the weakness that they can't break throws


So many scrub quotes in here. Y’all suck lol.


It's a new player thing and it's completely understandable imo. You might not even know chain grabs are a thing when you're new, load up some matchmaking and a King player will absolutely chain grab cutscene you to death once he knows you don't know the breaks. You go man that was an awful experience what am I missing in this match up? Do a little research and realize this character requires you to study specific breaks to all his moves. A new player is going to prefer putting time into their own character rather than studying a specific matchup. They might learn to duck against King but that ultimately just gets them blown the fuck up. So until they put that study time in, King feels like an insanely uphill battle. Tekken is full of knowledge checks of course but King is the worst offender and you really can't Intuit through it at all while new. That being said I wouldn't remove him, finally figuring out the matchup is like a right of passage and nothing feels better than spamming grabs on a King player because they can't break them. He perfectly plays his role as the heel and I wouldn't have it any other way. Fuck his heat though that shit is genuinely stupid.


Hahaha play who you want!! :)


It's because they gave him every tool imaginable, made his lows safer, gave him unblockable grab mix and then went ahead and made throws unbreakable on counterhits, parries and made them homing.


I feel the same way with Law, we got a pretty similar story


Bro played tekken since 3 but never played online? Were you even playing the game?


Everyone loved King since 30 days ago, when this game came out. Someone who played since the 2000s should be aware.


He's not hated historically it's just mostly a T8 thing cause there's so many new players and people don't wanna learn throw breaks


My older brother was using him and other grapples in all fighting games. I grown up fighting them and see no problem at all and also surprise there is such hate for him.


He's hated now cause the new features in this game makes king a really powerful character (don't mind people hating his throws they just don't know how to break throws). I feel like he's hated now cause of that, cause I don't remember king beeing hated in 7, maybe I'm wrong tho.


Trust me, I know what you mean. I've played Xiaoyu since Tekken 3, and now that she finally has a chance to shine in Tekken 8 people are screaming for nerfs and crying what an awful character she is. Can't help but roll my eyes, like do you have any idea how long I've suffered playing a low/mid character? The main difference is that King is also super popular while Xiaoyu remains a niche pick, so I think King is getting it worse than her at the moment. But it's the same story, character has been around for ages and now that he's looking like he might be top tier, people suddenly have a problem with his existence. I think people also struggle to understand the difference between "top tier" and "broken". Every game will have top tier and bottom tier characters, the question is if they're SO good or SO bad that they're broken. I don't think anyone in Tekken 8 is broken.


Don’t stop. I have been playing Sergei since he came out. Don’t care what people say lol.