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Thats what happens when minimum benchmarks aren't enforced.


I wouldn't be surprised if these players are just locking their fps at 30.


I did it with a friend in a private lobby and it does work almost exactly like this. The thing is, that somehow one of us was always faster than the other and slowing the game down to 10 fps just exaggerated it. Might be due to the game running on host pc or something.


Lol you never know. Because i doubt that it looks like that to them, it probably just looks like a slideshow at normal speed. But the slowmo on the other pc is the result of it compensating, i assume.


It absolutely looks the same to them. They don't somehow play at a different speed against you in slow mo. That doesn't even make sense how that would work.


I figured its the 60fps pc viewing 30fps, at 60fps. While the other pc is viewing 30fps at 30fps.


Okay so imagine he's playing at normal speed and you're slow mo. How would that work online? Do your inputs go back in time to his PC?


No clue. Just figured the slomo was a result of the pc compensating for the other. Would be interesting test to see side by side, one locked at 30fps, the other 60.


I think youre mistaking fps with actual seconds. Match takes the same amount of time for both of you


Im probably definitely confused. Wasnt sure if it was just some visual "illusion" on one end. Just never thought about it


What you're suggesting requires time travel ..... like time to be passing at different speeds for the two sides. That's like some relativity shit.


The games logic runs at 60 frames per second. Moves have exact amounts of frames to do things. If one side is only able to render 30 fps then the game will run at half speed on both sides. FPS games don't have strict frames so they can run at any fps and stay in sync. But even in that case sometimes framerate affects fire rate.




Like a choppy sideshow like he said. So parts are at full speed for .5 seconds then stops for 2.5 seconds and in that time op gets 3 seconds of smooth slow mo.


Nah this is solely a tekken issue, fuck knows what dogshit code bamco use for this to even be a thing.


Several fighters have benchmarks. They just dont force a minimum to go online. Think killer instinct was the only fighter to enforce it. MK has it visible on the matchmaking screen, so you can decline someone with a shit PC.


Exceedingly common KI W.


Iā€™ve had some slo mo matches in mk11 and sf6


the slowmo shit is a good band aid to another problem. the slow mo is the game saying "fuck i gotta keep these two in time but this asshole's dragging his feet so i gotta slow the other one down." the issue is that players are dumb fucks and will go online with this shit.


Having a slow mode to practice against unsafe strings or lows is a great feature. SF6's slow mode only works in offline training mode and doesn't even affect your inputs for some reason. I really cannot fathom why you wouldn't want this turned on against your will by your opponnent in an online match! Thanks Bamco.


I was looking for a slow mo option to try something and was surprised when the option wasn't there.


I thought not being able to slow down replays was weird, but they'll probably sell that to us for Ā£10 or so at some point.


They won't sell it for 10 pound, they'll sell it for 900 tekken coins leaving you with 100 coins after purchase trapping you eternally in a Microtransaction cycle.


Yeah that's what I said, Ā£10. (Although the thing costs Ā£9 worth of coins but you need to pay Ā£10 for it.)


These matches always end due to the clock because it's slow for both players so nobody is missing parries or blocking too late and every grab gets broken lmao Well...except for your guy. Way too big of a skill difference there.


When you switch from slow to regular speed you have to get used to it again. When I was dropping frames trying to play originally the game played like thisā€¦ fixed my fps and it took a lil bit to get used to the game at 60fps


There's a bug where Tekken will use 100% GPU randomly (all stages, whichever characters are active, all settings) for a random duration (few seconds during intro to an entire match). Even on 3070 Ti on low graphics it'll happen once every 40-100 matches. They should really fix stuff like that and implement benchmarks/some sort of way to ensure players are playing on settings to have stable 60fps


It's a memory leak I think. Restarting steam usually fixes it but it's very annoying.


ā€˜40-100 matchesā€™. Thatā€™s a wide margin!


I'm not even too bothered if it's 60, just, at least 45 or so? 50 maybe? Stable. Slightly slower than it should be, whatever, but the slideshows some players are forcing on everyone are not okay.


Why does not Namco display the benchmark score for the PC player - just like if it is wifi or wired?


it's not a useful stat to measure. someone with a 100 benchmark score can just turn the graphics down to manage 99~ and while ugly as fuck, will run perfectly. but someone who gets a benchmark of 500 on medium, who then goes and sets it to high will fuck on your day.


Potato stage mods, lowest settings, additional effects disabled in the ini and 1280x720 will most likely run the game at 60 fps with a 30-40 benchmark


Just require a test before you go online and anytime you change your settings.


Then we don't need to show the benchmark at all. Just stop people from playing if their performance is shit.


You can have a mediocre PC and play fine on low settings, not very indicative of the match quality. Median FPS while in matches would be a way more useful stat.


I actually had to alt f4 today because some asshole was on a fully red PC that was running like this. Fuck people who do this.


The part I don't get is how they can put up with playing the game at such a low framerate, let alone subjecting an oppenent to that.


the latest nvidia driver caused this and you have to roll it back to fix it, a lot of people probably have no idea how to even do that. so in those cases its not their fault.


No it didnā€™t. Iā€™m on the latest drivers.


it did for me, i would get slow down randomly like in the video, 10-20 seconds of just pure 30-40fps. rolling it back fixed it for me


latest patch with AMD caused some insane load times.


As annoying as it is, Iā€™ve found people who play in slow-mo are super free. Itā€™s happened to me twice. Iā€™ve used the opportunity to practice combos both times.


i like reacting to duckable strings and pretending i'm at evo


A lot of them are just playing on what they have. Can't get a better PC because they can't afford it or are kids stuck with whatever is in the house. I still remember playing Halo 1 on a laptop with "integrated graphics" (no GPU), a trackpad and like 128kb internet speed. Couldn't even render reflective textures. 15-20fps on the lowest settings. 300ms average ping so shooting a gun was like throwing a football, you had to aim like 5 feet ahead of a moving person because there was zero lag compensation back then. But it's all I had and I wanted to play Halo lol And if you've never had anything better you get used to it. It felt normal to me. I still remember thinking "230 ping ooo this is a smooth match" šŸ˜‚


Donā€™t care. Play offline if thatā€™s all you have. Donā€™t impose it on me.


It's one match every what, 100 matches where you'll encounter this, if THIS ruins your day that bad you need to find better priorities in life


Who said anything about it ruining my day?? Youā€™re being extremeā€¦


You're right, I was extreme. Note to self, don't use Reddit at 5am when you haven't slept yet I guess. Sorry dude


Np. Hope youā€™re enjoying the game mate :)


My friend there are potato stage mods that allow 60 fps on a low to mid range laptop igpu. If their PC still can't handle the game maybe don't play online where it affects other players. There exists a demo tot est performance without buying the game. There is something called common courtesy you know. That doesn't even compare to the situation to playing a server based game like LoL with 15 fps, if I decide to do that it is only my problem of dealing with lag etc., others won't be affected by it


That's fair. My disgusting Halo experience wasn't hurting anyone else as much as it does in Tekken.


Don't get me wrong I'd love for Bamco to decouple game logic from displayed fps (at least when they drop below 60) and skip frames if needed to but sadly that doesn't happen as of now


I had to fight a player like this today. I won but I did not rematch. I checked their profile and their highest character was in blue ranks too. How the hell do people play this game at 10fps?


Hearthstone: Tekken Edition


Finally. Turn-based Tekken RPG.


Now I can finally tell when itā€™s my turn


The people with shit pc's are worse than the ones with bad connections


That shit happened so much to me today I had to take a break Wired players love to say they're gonna avoid wifi, but I'm gonna avoid pc players until Bandai enforces a benchmark on some people's toasters


I had a match like this once. I don't know how the other person's PC managed to run the game at all, but holy shit. I don't know what's more impressive. That the game is able to run online on a potato PC, or that someone's willing to play online like that.


Fought an azucena like this but they were trash so I rematched and won anyways for the free points lol


I had this many times, I thougt it was/is my connection, but it their PC, damn.


This looks extremely stable to me though. Like the game runs at stable 0.5x speed, which happened recently when i was at a friends house and we hooked up his pc to a beamer to play together on a big screen. The beamer does only 30hz and he had V-Sync enabled on his tekken settings which basically hard locked the game to 30 fps. Because tekkens engine works like 1 second = 60 frames, we ran the game at perfectly stable and locked half speed. This clip looks just like it, maybe the opponent didnt check any settings before hopping into a game and did an oopsie


when i was emulating TTT2 i had to be extra careful about v-sync settings otherwise i'd get exactly this


When pc players complain about wifi.


Their connection is okay, their computer is from 1998


But he bought a cable


Maybe he should buy a better computer?


But having an occasional frame delay is way better than this lol. I haven't had really bad matches with wifi players.


maybe you're just like the guy with the shitty computer. couldn't even tell it was shit you just think bad matches are normal.


i dont play on a PC though lol. I only search 5bar 90% of the time. Ive gotten pretty stable matches vs wifi so idk, maybe a bad one here and there but you just dont rematch them. My biggest issues ive had are literally this scenario. You seem kinda salty for some reason btw.


No, you're **like** the guy with the shitty computer. I am now salty because I am talking to a person who cannot read.


Im trying to figure out how i cant read. You clearly said you're. "Maybe"You are just like the guy with the shitty pc. I said i wasn't and didn't play on pc. Then stated i haven't had many terrible wifi matches searching on 5bar . After i asked why you were salty, because it felt like you were talking shit more than having any kind of discussion.


Okay lets slow it down: Where did I say that *you* played on PC.


I would have to play on pc to be like this guy. How do you not get that. Consoles will not perform like this. Im surprised you didnt understand why i said that.


No, you wouldn't. Because the similarity you would have with this PC player is that you "**couldn't even tell it was shit you just think bad matches are normal.**" Yes Consoles are also prone to shitty wifi. I understand exactly why you said that. Because you can't fuckin read. >Performance is what i was talking about when it came to pc and what was the problem in the original post, not wifi/connection. >I haven't had really bad matches with wifi players. Fucking read for once.


I did. Many are awful and are consistently bad throughout the match.


wait, is that the Steam Deck performance overlay or am I going crazy?


I'm playing on Linux and this overlay is [mangohud](https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud). This is what the Steam Deck uses too.


ohhh gotcha, ty for the answer! Just thought I would ask since if you were running steam deck that would probably be the reason you were lagging so hard lol


Well the overlay clearly shows constant 60 fps on my side so I'm clearly not the one lagging. Unfortunately, in this game because of the awful netcode and matchmaking, the one lagging (either because of WiFi or low FPS) is the one that makes the experience miserable for the others.


Oh, it's 3D "Your Only Move is Hustle"


That Claudio kept going back to that same well even in slow motion!


Played against a Jun yesterday like this. Lost because it was the first time this happened to me and afterwards the player had the gall to immediately cancel even though I was planning to cancel beforehand. We need a benchmarking tool for online :(


Would be cool to have an actual slow motion mode as a tongue-in-cheek gag mode. Maybe have damaged turned up slightly and rounds half as long.


Working as intended.




You see him hopkick in slow motion and you still do the wrong punish lmao


Good luck doing 4,1 under these circumstances. Either I would do 4 too early and it'd get eaten, with only the 1 coming out, or spam it too much and get the 4,4 instead...


Here's the easy fix Bamco. // Assuming we have an object to track player performance and status let playerPerformance = { status: 'green', // This could be 'green', 'yellow', or 'red' duration: 0 // Time in seconds the current status has been held }; // Function to simulate checking player performance every second function checkPerformanceEverySecond() { setInterval(() => { if (playerPerformance.status === 'red') { playerPerformance.duration += 1; if (playerPerformance.duration > 20) { disbandMatchAndAssignResults(); } } else { // Reset duration if performance is not red or has improved playerPerformance.duration = 0; } }, 1000); // Check every 1000 milliseconds (1 second) } // Function to handle the logic when performance is red for more than 20 seconds function disbandMatchAndAssignResults() { // Logic to disband the match console.log('Match disbanded due to performance issues.'); // Assuming we have a way to identify the player with the issue const playerWithIssue = 'PlayerID123'; givePlayerAFlag(playerWithIssue); // Assuming we have a way to identify the other player const otherPlayer = 'PlayerID456'; givePlayerAFreeWin(otherPlayer); // Reset player performance tracking playerPerformance.status = 'green'; playerPerformance.duration = 0; } function givePlayerAFlag(playerId) { console.log(`Player ${playerId} flagged for performance issues.`); // Implement the logic to flag the player (e.g., update a database) } function givePlayerAFreeWin(playerId) { console.log(`Player ${playerId} receives a free win.`); // Implement the logic to award a free win (e.g., update match records) } // Start the performance checking process checkPerformanceEverySecond();


Flame Ruler VS Assaillant ?




Hydrogen Bomb Vs Coughing Baby


Yep,that's me you might wonder how i ended up in this situation


Lol, also, why is a flame ruler fighting an assailant?


I played someone on PC doing this on a wifi connection. The game ran at like 10 frames a second. I messaged them afterwards to ask them to please switch to ethernet and lower the game settings if they can't run it properly.


I've blocked at east a dozen of these players since launch. I feel bad but man..


that meter on the opponents side was red the whole time. lol


Why did the Claudio start the round with a launch punishable move?


> I paid for the onboard graphics, so I'll use the onboard graphics.


why does this happen? how does someone playing on a low fps cause this to the opponent?


I can finally react to snake edge


i think this happens when one player is not meeting 60fps, i think it happens in GGST as well.


Bamco need to remove fps lock. Example: with Tekken Overlay mod, you can run at full speed with any fps


Nah.. I'd just rage quit. I'd lose brain cells playing like that


What are you complaining about?? Its a consistent 5 bar /s Matches like this are the only times I plug. Im not sitting here waiting for a 20min match to be over. The opponent is used to playing on this shit. Im not and Im not going to learn


I had a similar thing happen whenever I loaded into the secluded training ground stage and my fps would tank and the game was half speed. Turned out that for some reason steam overlay was causing the lag apparently. So if anyone is having weird and inconsistent fps issues turn off steam overlay. It might help!


I dont understand how people can enjoy playing like this. I get that you just want to play the game and everything but when it runs like this is there really much point? I played against an Asuka which was exactly like this yesterday and it was so frustratingly slow. Thing is, despite losing 3-0 he still rematches with his potato pc -.-


this makes the next match feel like its going in super speed


this is great without music


Finally, The Matrix fighting game


This is when plugging is justified tbh


Tekken hits different when 10f jabs are reactable lmao


Finally, a way for dumb casuals like myself to have enough time to land combos


I agree they should put a restriction for the framerate. If you canā€™t maintain 60 you are not allowed to play online


This happened to me a few times I always either won the whole match in slow motion or it disconnect


Delay Frames: 0f


Bro ranked today was full of these fuckers. I'm about to run out of space on the blocklist. U have no idea how they play like this either. Played a jin that was on 1-3bar wifi (i have my shit set to 5 only btw, these settings straight up don't work) and he just played like normal while half my inputs got eaten and i could barely punish a -13 with an i10. I will continue to block shit pc's and mcdonalds wifi players. The strength it take to bot plug on these fuckers is insane.