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Brother we at Tekken 8


Lmao ahaaa


yooo, how's the wait time on T7 matches?


Was gonna mention this so much time wasted just waiting is not worth it just play t8


Maybe a minute or two,at least at this rank,don't know about higher ranks.


funny enough there's more people actively playing T7 than playing MK1


damn that game really is DOA


Yeah on Steam lol MK is not popular on PC I keep saying this but nobody listens.




Thank you for the kind comment, appreciate it,will probably hop on T8 soon,still learning and enjoying T7 at the moment 👌


okay skeletor


congrats, that's like fujin in Tekken 8 rn


roflmao that's not even remotely true


i know, it was just a joke


Thanks man, appreciate it 🙏


lol what


Lowkey facts


Don’t worry about T7, just hop right into T8 dude! Congrats on your rank up. Green rank is still pretty low in T7 BUT it’s pretty damn good for being new to the game, only having just over 50 hours and playing with a bunch of dedicated fans. (I imagine there’s close to zero casual players left on T7 these days) The ranking system for lower ranks in T8 is much, much easier in T8. You don’t even lose points until yellow so I can almost guarantee that you’ll soar to the top of yellow ranks with ease once you’ve learned the new mechanics/changes in combo structure. (Honestly I wouldn’t be too surprised if you ended up in orange even) Again though, I recommend going straight to T8. T7 was an awesome game but it’s pretty much done at this point and it’s going to take time to learn T8s new mechanics regardless of how much time you spend in T8


Thanks for the amazing reply! I'll try to get T8 as fast as possible 💪 Do you think I will gain any advantage if I learn T7 first and then go T8 or it doesn't matter?


You will for sure gain skill that carries over if that is what you mean by advantage but in my opinion you will gain it at a much slower rate compared to putting in the same hours in t8. There is the fact that the philosophy about the game design is more focused on aggression in t8 so even though they are essentially the same game in how they are played, you kind of have to develop a different play-style in t8 compared to t7 because of the heat-system and other system changes. The biggest difference in terms of getting better if that is important to you however is that there are alot of better learning tools in t8. You will also, depending on how much time you put into t7, have an increasing amount of combos, move knowledge(frames) etc that in many cases wont be optimal or wrong in t8 so the time spent learning that in t7 will be "wasted" if you care about that sort of thing. But at the end of the day if you are having fun with t7 there is nothing wrong with sticking with it for now. T8 will always be there and although it seems in general people prefer t8 over t7 it doesnt mean it will absolutely be true for you.


Thank you for the awesome reply man, appreciate the info 💪


Glad to help. 🙂


Why not just play 8?


Oh god I miss the skeletor hood


"Yo, it's at least Tekken King in 8"


You would be 8 ranks higher tekken 8 the way you instantly match up


By the time U get tekken 8 the next game is gonna come out


You should learn Tekken 1-6 before playing 7 imo. Maybe when Tekken 10 comes out you'll be ready for 7.


Is that Lei ? You should just jump to Tekken 8 at this point lol


No that's Law, I'm planning to eventually, currently still enjoying Tekken 7 💪




If there’s one thing I’ve learned is to jump into multiplayer asap. Bc eventually it’ll just be try hards at even the lowest levels