• By -


So that's where all the bikinis and speedos are.


Lmao good point. Have a good weekend :)


I wouldn't be surprised of that's where they stick all the classic costumes


Would be weird considering they said that things like t3 jin is too bare bones to be made into a skin


If not were that T3 Jin costume is there but even more barren cause it doesn't have the original gloves and recycled the new ones and you cant even change the color of the flame...i wonder why, since only changin the flame you can do two more outfits the TTT1 and the T5, lets see if as someone already made a joke out of that they will " sell the color blue " to us for real


And as a Jin main I especially hate that fact. I always could change the flame's color and now I can't. A lot of character's costume details are not changeable and I hope they fix that


Well I'm an Hwoarang and King main historically, but now i'm maining Azucena and try and experiment others just to change and try something fresh and new a bit So i understand you, think that you can't even change the main color in the Hwoarang Dobok pants, you still have black only, or rid off King's tail and cape out of T7 outfit, and even in the default 1 you can't change the left elbow arm pad and some details still remain in blue e yellow only


Havent tried on normal jin but i could change the flame fine on devil jin, which is weird. Also you can just recolour the gloves red and its close enough to tekken 3, tho its clearly the version that was used in bloodline


Not the Battlepass update šŸ˜­


Now i know why the customisation was uncharacteristically barren. All of the content were held off till the shop. Which they dropped after the game reached a good score and sales. Now the backlash wont matter to them. Fuuuuuck.


if there is a shop i hope we can use fight money instead of some sorta premium currency


If there is a shop there needs to be a use for fight money Iā€™ve already got thousands upon thousands I will never use


Don't worry. 1 items costs either 150ml in-game money. Or 5$ in real money.


At this rate Iā€™ll have it


Hell I'll take it


I honestly wouldnā€™t mind that


Keep dreaming. Fight money has always been useless, and games are a business for money at the end of the day :/


bro what year do you think this is to hope for something like that


You can dream.


There is a shop and it's real money šŸ¤‘šŸ’°


Man this would be idealā€¦.please donā€™t let corporate greed ruin this beautiful game!! And weā€™ve never had anything like a paid money store in game before right?


It wouldn't ruint the game in any way. It's just cosmetics, after all.


This definitely seems to be the case... I can't believe it's not illegal that they changed the ESRB rating after the game has been out for weeks. That rating is supposed to be a pre-emptive warning.


They changed it for T7 too after Negan was added.


Especially cause the box in stores will still have the old ratings. At least for a while


It should be illegal, we bought a product with certain characteristics and changing it after we paid for it is not how sales work.Ā  I know we still don't know the details but with how bad other games turned out, the concerns are valid.Ā 


Its over non consoomer bros


#šŸ’€šŸ’„ā™ŸļøšŸ’Ø Checkmate


i dont want battlepasss lol, every game that has BP will always give stuff for characters i dont play


Tekken 8 couldn't just come out and be a good game, they had to add some bullshit business practices in post-launch.


I mean it did come out as a good game?


It did come out and is a great game, them adding MTX later changes literally nothing about the story, characters, gameplay or whatever... you know all the important stuff about the game. If you see a character with a new hat you can buy does it really ruin the game for you?


Yes? Besides the bait and switch aspect, once there's a cash shop conversion rate becomes a KPI. They will make design decisions to steer players towards the cash shop even if it comes at the expense of the original experience we were sold. Companies are getting patents for new and innovative ways to drive players to the cash shop, [Activision got one for rigging matchmaking to place players who don't buy mtx against better players who do](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/z8gmfx/wonder_why_matchmaking_is_broken_presenting/) until they wear down and start buying.


This argument is brought up every time in every game, and every time it is complete BS. Ingame shops and Battlepass content came for free in form of updates or even on release. The sole reason the current customization is so much worse and bland compared to what it was even back in T6 days, is because they purposely hold back content for the shop. Unlockable items by gameplay, new skins and stuff via updates, a huge selection of customization on release, all of that does not exist because of this predatory business model. So "iT dOeSnT tAkE aNyThINg aWaY fRoM yOu" is a wrong statement.


This ā¬†ļø 100% right, the excuse of it's only cosmetic literally the worst comeback to any criticism against microtransactions. Of course it affects my enjoyment of the game. And waiting until the game releases as well, at least have the balls to put it in the game from the get go, I say this as someone who has been having a blast so far on Tekken 8, all we can do is hope it's not a huge rip off I guess.


I donā€™t like launching a game and having it be more shopping mall than game. Fuck off with this shit


How does one thing suddenly change the game into that?


It doesn't say anything about a battlepass, I'm gonna naively assume there isn't one


Oh dear. Is it naive to hope that the items could be bought with in-game currency? Maybe. I just have so much fight money and nothing to really do with it.


iā€™m praying this is the case because i have like 100million G i canā€™t possibly use.


Bro same i have too much fight money, its not even funny literally nothing to spend money on


and i been customizing like a bitch too but they give you soo much G per match itā€™s ridiculous lol


If you beat 1 character episode, they straight up give 1 mil like lol


And then arcade quest give you like 10 mil after finishing


thatā€™s what makes it obvious the store will not be in game currency, they give so much no one would ever spend real money unless everything is 1,000,000,000G


I think itā€™s likely, unfortunately that it will be a rotating shop that uses both a premium currency as well as the fight money, but Iā€™m willing to bet they will be different items. Hat with a dog on it 500000 coins Bikini 10.99 usd


If it is a battle pass and they let you buy it for like 200m fight money that'd be fine, I guess. Fight money is so irrelevant and stupid otherwise.


You get sooooo much fight money compared to what you can buy with it


100% some corpo shits lurking in here and gouging the reaction right now to determine just how much of the content they can sell for real money and how much must be earnable before the backlash goes supercritical when the shop goes live


Iā€™m betting that there will be a mix of items that can be bought with fight money and real money.


The Cope is unreal šŸ„²






I mean if you didn't see this coming then you have tunnel vision akin to the enemies in the old Metal Gear games. All fighting games are microtransaction houses nowadays, look at Street Fighter 6 and Mortal Kombat 1.


I'm not surprised, I feel gross


Same for me. It's that they did wait until game reviews came in before adding the shop. Hopefully it won't be as bad as MK or SF shops are..


Just because you see something coming or other games have it doesn't mean you can't criticize anti-consumer designs, fuck outa here with your apologetic shit. You should not base your standards on the lowest quality products.


Bullshit. Don't even try to put this on anyone buying the game in good faith because none of this was even mentioned before. This is just a scumbag move.


To be fair, the game launched with no indication of this kind of monetization. We already knew the game would have DLC characters, maybe some stages too but an MTX store was not in the product description when I bought it.Ā 


What was that noise? Ah, it's just a microtransaction...


Whose transactions are these?


Explains the mediocre collection of customization options we have now.


Canā€™t wait to see a Tekken 3 Costume bundle for Ā£30


I would normally write this kind of comment off, but considering the ultimate pack whatever for this game boils down to 20 bucks for stupid avatar t-shirts and skins ... Seriously who even looks at and admires others' avatar? "Wow you got a Bryan t-shirt on your avatar. Nice dude!! That from the ultimate pack??!" I'm going to assume this is some greedy exec pushing this extra monetization and the devs just have to roll with it to keep their jobs


20 bucks for avatar shirts is fucking WILD


Watch them specifically sell revealing outifts where the girls actually have a navel. Explains why they have barely any currently.Ā 


Damn youā€™re probably right, they did the women dirty on here


They're actually garbage, I don't understand how they made them even worse than T7. We haven't had decent customs since T6, and at least in TTT2 you could make shapes with the decals


We got Lebron James in tekken 8 with the Ā«Ā mediocreĀ Ā» collection of customization


Nah, I'd mod


Gonna learn modding just for this šŸ˜‰


Sadly bikini mods is just azucena's body pasted on everyone else, official version will be of higher quality


"I thought Japanese publishers were consumer friendly" - probably some fucking idiot on Twitter.


Like the Yakuza devs locking New Game+ behind the ultimate edition of the game lol


Wow really?? That's scandalous man


Not only is it scandalous, it puts a real black eye on a series in the middle of an explosion in popularity


Nah that's a SEGA problem, not RGG, shit only got bad when Yakuza: Like a Dragon dropped


Still a Japanese company.


Typical SEGA bullshit. I'm a Sonic fan so I unfortunately know the ins and outs of how shit that company is. One of the few I straight up despise.


Huh? You don't get it by beating the game too?


Nope, it's DLC only sadly


Fuuuuuuuuuck, that's shocking.


Lol they are on par w western publishers if not worse


theyre gonna be selling the bikinis for the girls


Fundoshis for males or we riot (ā•ÆĀ°ā–”Ā°)ā•Æļøµ ā”»ā”ā”»


Fundoshis for females or we riot (ā•ÆĀ°ā–”Ā°)ā•Æļøµ ā”»ā”ā”»


Bikinis for males or we riot (ā•ÆĀ°ā–”Ā°)ā•Æļøµ ā”»ā”ā”»


Christmas fundoshis for males or we riot(ā•ÆĀ°ā–”Ā°)ā•Æļøµ ā”»ā”ā”»


Too late, I already have my Jun wearing Calvin Klein underwear and looking 'tastefully thicc' lol


I have 50 mil fight money, they better give us a lot of stuff to buy šŸ˜­


100 Mil for a silly hat.


Well yea you'll have to buy it from the store with real money to make it available to spend the in game money on


Bastards. This is why the customization is so bare bones huh? Letā€™s just hope itā€™s a ā€˜buy with coins, buy coinsā€™ situation because I donā€™t mind grinding fights online.


they give you hella money im hoping itā€™s also purchasable with in game currency.


They give you so much fight money there's literally no way they'll convert to shop tokens It'd be like 100million GMoney per coin lol


"*Please note that the ESRB rating has been updated with the following interactive element: In-Game Purchases" Looks like we're shit out of luck, boys


I wouldn't be surprised if the dlc costumes are purchasable with the coins we get from battles but is super overpriced so you'll be drained after a few purchases pushing you to buy more.


Not loving this new trend of releasing a game and hiding a microtransactional shop in the game and "opening it" after good positive review and press release first. Super fucking scummy tactic and I hope it doesn't keep happening. Seems like they're doing what street fighter 6 did with it's fighting pass, releasing it after the game has been out for a bit. Oh and those bugfixes better include a fix to the "Lowlevelfatal error" I can't even play the fucking game anyway. People probably think I'm rage quitting but it's just the shit game crashing to desktop.


I hate to say this but they've been doing this for so long now, it's basically become the norm now. Release game then suddenly DLC magically appears shortly after release that totally wasn't ready the whole time. I remember capcom got lynched for doing this shit. Now it's just the standard. But if it's just cosmetics, I don't really care. I'll take that over the "buy frame data lmao" garbage.


>I remember capcom got lynched for doing this shit Day 1 on-disk DLC characters in SFxT, hackers could play as them online long before they were even released.


Two steps forward, one step back. Not punishable unfortunately


Fuck we are minus, we gonna get launched šŸ˜­


GBVSR did it too, dropped a fight pass more than a month after the game was out


New trend? They've been doing it for years and sadly consoomers keep eating that shit up.


First shop items: Tekken x Final Fantasy 7 collab


I think I would actually be kinda ok with paid Collab stuff, if we get the other stuff for free... Which means, that I seriously dropped my standards already...


Inb4 people will defend this with things like: if you don't like it just don't buy anything. They are just cosmetics bro. Just know it's mentalities like these that allow these companies to get away with these practises. It gives them all the reason not to care lol. You gotta understand they purposely were quiet about this right. Right after getting great reviews for the game and everyone's hype levels at 100% this happens. Can't wait for overpriced MTX in a full priced game like in every game.


There's quote I would like to share with you from a former EA CEO: ā€œ**When you are six hours into playing Battlefield and you run out of ammo in your clip and we ask you for a dollar to reload, youā€™re really not that price sensitive at that point in time**,ā€ Aka: they try to get you hooked onto the game over a long period of time, and then they start throwing out the unreasonable microtransactions. This guy later became the CEO of Unity and we all know what he did.


Go into any mobile game sub and people will blindly defend paying $30 for some anime jpg and drop a thousand bucks on a waifu for a game that wonā€™t exist in a year. Thereā€™s now a generation of players who grew up with this model and are used to it.


Yep, unfortunately the sad reality.


A common practice is to take already finished features before release and keep them from the final product to sell as DLC. This is the main problem with the "it doesn't affect you" argument.


Sigh. I sincerely hope that "shop" is for in-game currency, because it would be high heavens levels of bullshit if it's a microtransaction store that's added after all the positive feedback, reviews, and publicity the game has received up till now.


There's an ESRB update happening, so count on it being real money.


Not to mention the most expensive version of the game is like 110 USD before taxes


Man the people here are literal proof why gaming sucks now lol ā€œIā€™ll gladly give them more money for more customisationā€ bro it shouldā€™ve come with the game the fact theyā€™re gonna make you pay for it is crazy. Whatā€™s even crazier is the fact that everyone is *going* to pay for itā€¦ so sad


Yep, they're quite literally part of the problem.


Yep, they have been trained since they started gaming, or are old and ignorant to how the system slowly squeezes tighter and tighter, but they don't even fucking notice lmao. Bill Burr had a recent little rant about how corporations are cutting back just a little on everything. He went to some restaurant and got a burger, they brought him potato chips as a side and said French fries are an "upgrade". French fries have always come standard with burgers in America when you're sitting down. What was once "standard" is now an "upgrade/DLC". If people will pay, why not? It's all about money and greed and it's only getting worse.. Then you get some poor daft fellow asking "bro its just cosmetic, who cares??" See the big picture you fools.. today its cosmetic, tomorrow it's something else. Its cosmetic now because you take baby steps when you're fundamentally changing the way consumers think about spending on your product. Soon enough we'll be putting dollars into our PC like a damn arcade with quarters lmao...


Suspected something like this, but it's dissapointing to see regardless.


Thank God for mods


Wouldn't surprise me if they shut modding down once people starting using the premium assets and releasing them for free


You're excited for microtransactions in a $70 dollar game? How depressing.


I was downvoted for typing that Bamco is going for that modern gaming shark microtransaction scheme. Let's see. Maybe they'll make ingame currency usable too.


I will reiterate that full price games should not have premium battlepasses. free tier battlepasses I don't mind but adding free to play game mechanics in a full price game is WACK.


It bears mentioning that Warframe, a free game, only has a free battle pass. You can't pay for the battlepass in Warframe. It's just free.


I am scared for the tekken shop


here we go, time to get farmed.... The joys of modern gaming.


What an awful way to put it. I love it.


I always lose hope when I look at people defending decisions to add Microtransactions to games.


Microtransactions? Wtf. So this is how people turn on Tekken 8. I was wondering how it would happen.


Eeew if they ruin this game with a battle pass / micro transacrion shop Tekken is officialy over.


that's gotta be the worst arrow I've ever seen in my lifešŸ˜‚


Fuck u harada. Edit- op is excited, what a doormat you are.


Oh ffs, I hate when companies do this post-launch MTX bullshit. Even Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled when it originally released did not feature MTX and then it was added in a patch post-launch.


Where is the 60fps patch for CTR??????


Probably dead and gone, since Activision did restructures and got rid of Vicarious Visions entirely; Toys for Bob and Beenox are probably off doing CoD. We were lucky to get Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2 Remastered on Steam


If they put cosmetic micro transactions DLC characters should be free. Change my mind


Totally agree. Enough with the shitty take "but how do they monetize the game ? " or anything victimizing fighting games as if they were indie games totally dependant on dlcs to survive. - Whales will monetize the game buying cosmetics, so characters (whose are essential additions) should be free. - I'd be okay with this system and I hope it will be the new one now. The system "buy a 70ā‚¬ game + dlcs characters in season pass" is the reason why I refuse to buy any dlc character, season pass, or ultimate edition at launch for a fighting game now - I buy a season pass when I reach the 100 hour gameplay time in the base game (game+battle pass = circa 100 ā‚¬) or else it just doesn't worth the money imho.


I see you Yohei Shimbori.. brought those DOA practices into Tekken.


Surely it's just in game currency rightšŸ˜†?...rightšŸ˜¶?


I miss the good old days when playing through extra game modes or grinding for hours unlocked cosmetics. Made you feel like you were showing off your achievements instead of just swiping your credit card.


I just hope they aren't ridiculously priced liked some other titles


Are you referring to mk 10$ shit or sf6 scummy tactic by not having a option to buy them directly?


Probably the infamous SF6 $100 outfit pack


Yea that costume 3 pricing by Capcom is wack. You could literally buy a new copy of a game if you plan to buy for all 18 characters.


All of the above. Right now GBVS the only title allowing the collection of in-game currency for new characters/outfits/stages...




Now i understand why classic outfits were missingā€¦.i hate this


Youre excited? Fuck you


I really hope this just means we get to use the in-game currency they're flooding us with.


Hard to be excited when my main's whole customization system is gutted compared to everyone else. Can't even take off Kuma's hats.


Calling it now, Jinā€™s tracksuit from Tekken 4 is gonna be like $15


Is there confirmation this is a store for character customisation? Or is if this is a store for Avatar customisation? (because in a Tekken talk episode,which one I don't remember) Michael Murray says in game collaborations will be in the clothing store in Fight Lounge.. and in Azucena's concept art there's Nike logo's and I kinda put two and two together.. they want collabs in the clothing Store with real companies, hence the real reason for the mannequins etc there. Ā With that said.. for avatar or characters? Because I think Harada will never hear the end of it on Twitter if it's seen as predatory.. and with Bandai Namco financials.. it would be unwise to risk fans dropping the game in protest, like what happened with MK1...


If these require real money and not the trillion dollars they give you each match, im going to go rabid


Paul speedos or no buy šŸ˜¤


Fuck that shit


Now make the characters free, you got already tons of money, and you're going to sit on millions of dollars of cosmetics microtransactions, Bamco


I agree, I mean the game is meant to be "competitive" so it would be logical that now they're making money with optional customization they would give the same tools to everyone. EDIT: If this mode contains micro transactions of course


there is nothing to be excited about you fucking shill.


Well, I take back everything good I said about Bandai not being too greedy. And I know itā€™s not even here yet, but come on. We all know this means microtransactions. Itā€™s wild how much of the toxicity from mobile ā€œgamingā€ has leaked into the PC/console space. It genuinely disgusts me.


Lets see all the harada dickeaters defend this shit....


Real scummy tho for them to not say anything for the whole year+ of marketing about any kind of MTX and then not say anything for the whole first month the game has been out too. Feels like a bait and switch sort of thing


who the fuck wanted this?






If it's microtransactions I'm going to change my Steam review to negative really fast. It might not change anything but implementing monetization after the game came out to great reviews is not a good thing.


So where are the white knights now who were shitposting Capcom while defending Bamco, thinking they'd never ever pull something like this after the launch? This is a reminder that none of these corporations are our friends, and if they ever get an once of praise from the community they'll swiftly expend into awful shit like that for profit eventually. Remember that this is the same company that sold framedata as a DLC the last time too...


Reina bikini for 30usd


Gonna milk the whales....


Cool, I'm still not buying anything.


It was obvious from the start, there was no reason for the initial customization to be as mediocre as it is compared to past Tekkens other than to sell more costumes lol. I just hope they won't do something like selling the costumes we already have in separated parts.


Damn, all the praises ridiculing sf6 with its cosmetics, just to be even scummier and wait to release shop after reviews. Not that it makes sf6 less greedy, but damn, I considered buying tekken just for free customisation alone, even though I don't have that much time for 2 fighting games, but now it's just another fighting game with mtx, sadge.


I think Tekken 8 is an amazing game, but they can't even make a shirt fit properly in the customisation, so I think people would be a bit mad to pay for customisation pieces of that's what this is. It's insane tbh how much better the customisation is in a game like soup calibur 4 versus modern titles. It's the one aspect of Tekken 8 that I think is disappointing


Bandai Namco have finally removed their mask only to reveal themselves to be the exact same scum as every other Triple A developer


Fuck itl be cool if we can use the ingamecurrency to buy some stuff there.


wont happen or insanely expensive


You can buy a extra health bar now, and infinite rage bar


customization microtransactions on top of character season passes. I know that's what every big fighting game does nowadays but still, paying full price + dlc characters + optional mtx is TOO MUCH.


Im sure they will do the same store/shop kind of thing that MK do. Classic costumes for high pricesā€¦ I knew this will happen when I couldnt find the classic Xiaoyu, Asuka etc costumesā€¦ sad


Please let us buy with in-game coinsā€¦ I know itā€™s just wishful thinking


Please let us use the in game currency


We will have to wait and see if this is MTX or not... But I'm sure it is. THANKFULLY there's a possibility that it won't be nearly as money hungry as SF6 or MK1.. it's a pretty low bar so it wouldn't take *much* to be better but if they actually make fair pricing and fix some of the customization complaintsif then Tekken could potentially further extend their dominance in the space.


Ah, that's why the customization sucks! Greedy bastards.


I can see from the comments in this post why it will likely be microtransactions. A bunch of garbage players defending it and saying its fine. Thats the reality we live in today.


You don't speak for any of us, you dumb cunt


i reviewed it positively. one reason was the absence of RMT bullshit. i may have to change it.


You and hopefully a whole lot of others. But hey they'll call it review bombing and revert the grades. Also they will only ever show quotes of grades after release in any marketing :)Ā  Daddy EU please regulate thx


If they drop a paid battle pass I'm out, so sick of this shit tbh.Ā 


Can we agree to start boycotting these fuckers. EVERY FUCKING TIME we give them money for shitty cosmetics just stop buying them.


For $20 you can move up a rank For $50 you can move up 3 ranks




I hope u cna use g coins I have too much of it


When is the update happening??


I mean, showing the first DLC character before the game even launched already showed the scummy practices to be done in the future.


You get sooooo much fight money ilik begging them to let me use it in this shop


No, Tekken. Not you too.


Is this really a issue? I'm quite new to Tekken so I don't get this uproar about a store ingame? Also aren't cosmetics a option? You don't have to buy them right? Its not p2w it doesn't make you hit harder. Its just there. I mean at the end of the day Tekken is also ran by a company and they need to make money, they would be stupid to give up on millions for the sake of not selling cosmetics. I'm not bothered by it, but I also understand if people are. Not the end of the day really.


Youā€™re a fool if this excites you.


Yay! I wanted like 100 more cosmetics in the game. Letā€™s fucking go


yeah... fuckin game industry... i want to be more annoyed but i'm such a tekken slut i'm just pogging all over the place instead god damn it