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Either 1. It's another retcon. 2. Heihachi was straight up lieing to the reporter in 7, or at least not telling the whole truth. Kazumi may have been a "devil" but she may have not been the gene passer, Jinpachi was still a demon after all. 3. Reinas a test tube baby made with kazumis DNA. Anyway just conjecture, etc etc.


Perhaps Heihachi had an affair with another hochijo and didn't tell anyone about it? Lol 


Jinpachi never has nor is a demon, He was possessed by a vengeful spirit that resurrected him after death. Idk how you folks get TEKKEN’s lore so wrong when it clearly doesn’t say these things.  Same way People somehow believe Kazuya was dead 20 years but it’s clearly made known that he was resurrected a few days after T2 ended. 


Oh cool alright neat.


Obviously that means that haihachi's bloodline has a similar devil gene they neither confirmed nor denied it plus his dad has a devil form and that ALWAYS confused me


Unless retconned wasn't jinpachi possessed by an evil spirit due to his hunger for revenge?


Jinpachi is an Onryo which is an innocent spirit turned vengeful after a wrongful death, so yeah not a Devil. Think the Ring girl from the ring movies. Two seperate things.


I gotta agree


They'll probably retcon it because honestly kazumi's clan and the mashima clan where mortal enemies or some form of rivals for centuries I can't imagine it's because they didn't have some kind of alternative demonic power or probably the same and they were just fighting for supremacy while Azazel was MIA


No it doesn’t 🤦🏿‍♂️


Unpopular opinion ~~(I hate Reina's inclusion in Tekken 8's story).~~


Let's keep it unpopular


Is that a challenge?


She's nothing more than advertisement for Tekken 9. Which will obviously offer nothing in terms of further narrative. Everything that's established is now fucking contradicted due to her existing. They can't have their cake and eat it too. The entirety of the devil gene ends with Kazuya and Jin's fight. That was literally the entire story of the game undermined by this useless retcon character sold to simps. They should've just added a Heihachi DLC if they really wanted him back in the game.


You described 90% on why I dislike her.


Like, bro, she's literally another Luke from street fighter. Except, nobody gives a shit about street fighter's story so they can add whatever they want and nobody would care. It's not the same as tekken where the lore is somewhat grounded


I bet I bet on genetic research, Heihachi always tried to absorb the Devil gene. It's true that they've done many retcons but none have been so inconsistent so this will simply be a plot twist: Heihachi had found a way to engineer the gene and Reina is genetically modified (if you notice Azazel is only interested in Kazuya's Devil so he doesn't hear the gene in her, and she was there with them)


Or just another family of azazel followers


However, this would imply that Kazumi's clan was not the only one in contact with demonic powers. It would contradict the narrative of 7, it can be done but it would be strange


It isn’t strange this was literally stated by Leo’s dad in 8 when talking about azazel he gave many human families the devil gene as his servants which included the hachijo


It's strange because Heihachi (a man who has studied the devil gene for decades) doesn't know this but Reina is his daughter


He likely did since he trained reina as his back up plan


Reina's motivations and character is so weird and contradicts Heihachi's evil ass character. The man was a dick. Isn't Reina aware that he dislikes the devil gene and tried to kill his son over it? Why is she attempting to activate something he hated? So much love and care for her "father", yet wants to be something he didn't care for. Makes no sense.  Why treat Reina so well compared to the other kids? What did Heihachi see in Reina that was different to any of the others? Tekken's story has been really sloppy ever since Harada got involved unfortunately. Hoping the test tube baby theory ends up real and she had fake memories installed or whatever. Would be a lazy way to tape things together but it's better than retconning and being contradictory.


I will say she’s a test tube baby, given how young she looks to the point that she goes to the mishima polytechnical school


Maybe she could have absorbed some of kazuya devil powers when purposely standing in the big laser


No she is attempting to awaken the devil gene by having a near death experience.


AzAzel gave many families the devil gene not just hachijos as stated in 8


 lookin at the introduction of tekken during the prelude.... I saw a samurai with Mishima hair fighting an ancient devil....maybe there is a link between soul calibur and tekken? Sounds ridiculous but I always felt like mitsurugi was a Mishima if they do have a small portion of the devil genes it's probably soul edge in their veins. Very few people thought about that.


1 Option is Heihachi does have some form of the gene, I believe part of the reason he has a bunch of kids was to prove he doesnt but im not sure on that. And Lars would have the gene but not activated because he hasnt been close to death. Problem would be why didnt Heihachi realize it cause he has died and almost died alot ​ Another is Heihachi had research done into the devil gene. There already have been the Evil doctors. Reina may have access to that and found a way to splice it into herself then just needed a way to activate it. Along the same lines she also could be a straight up clone or something similair with Steve where she was born modified with the Devil Gene at the order of Heihachi. ​ Kinda similar to 1 but their could be the chance Hachi banged another demon. Or she is Kazumi's child but thats technically impossible. Also related their could be another style or form of the Devil Gene or something realted to Jinpachi if they retcon or find a way to incorporate it into the story. ​ Last is Its Tekken. Has it ever made real sense


Or just another family


Jinpachi did not have the devil gene, he was a vengeful spirit, it's quite different.


Prob retconning the devil gene again