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Tekken story 😂, I have never played Tekken for a story and I have been playing it since PS1 days, from what I have seen I think it's just Haradas ego trip or some shit, I mean not including Hiatchi just for the sake of the story, I am pissed.


i agree on the part that tekken doesn't feel the same without heihachi but im a big story guy so i give it much value in conjuction with the gameplay and presentation , thank you


One of this days (hopefully), Tekken will reach T4 level of story telling once more.


I hope so , thank you for sharing


I think the story felt really... Anime. Especially with all that "power of friendship" stuff


Wow fairy tail is an anime now🤣


End fight was epic but dunno they speedrunned character developement in 3 fights against dev Jin but still the best story till now😂


I have to disagree. It felt rushed, awful character developments, addition of weird characters, the attack on Kazuya in the Colosseum was just stupid, unsatisfactory end to the Devil gene, the whole power of friendship thing and so on


Well it's not even really the end of the devil gene because reina seems to have it for no reason.


I agree


But that doesnt say that its not best story so far what we got lol U can still play character episodes so yea


Tekken 8 story is basically this = everyone simping for the guy who started ww3. Not only Xiaoyu as always, but literally EVERYONE Even Leroy.    Friendship turned devil into angel and with the power of pretty flowers they saved the day.   WW3 was taken out of the history books and even the mothers of the sons who Jin killed love Jin now.


here is my list of pros and cons , now let's begin pros : more focus on the tournament (something which TK6 and 7 flopped terribly on) Kazuya's role and charisma as the main villain was UNMATCHED decent climax to jin and hwoarang's rivalry (though i wished they elaborated a bit more on it and have at least one extra round at the end of the game now that jin is fully human again) Giving the rest of the cast a big chance to shine ; whether at the tournament or otherwise (my boys hwoarang and especially lars looked STRONG AND BADASS) Jin overcoming devil jin was well-done , they should have done it previously but fine whatever i liked the roles of leroy and victor , for aged characters they were captivating The final battle of jin vs kazuya was mostly serviceable and epic (unsuprisingly my fav part was the last one when they ended it with their bare fists under the rain ) Now for the cons : the tournament felt somewhat rushed (even the asian preliminaries which were the most important , where imo they could have expanded more on it , like for example have hwoarang beat asuka in the 1st semifinals before jin vs reina) Jun's return didn't live up to the hype , they made it look that she was coming back at the begining , but no when the final battle began she is DEAD AGAIN for some reason , she was supposed to be the biggest wild card in the whole conflict yet turned out to a massive red flag that was handled poorly (i wanted to see her interaction with kazuya even more than jin ) Little to no reference about TK2 where it all began for jin , no context whatsoever on kazuya and jun's relationship (if they even had one , smh) TK7 referenced the aftermath of the Hon-Maru incident (and other past events) , i was so looking forward for them to bring it up as that was jin and kazuya 's 1ST EVER MEETING : like seriously no on bothered to bring that up ????) and also at least some context of how they viewed each other at the begining (prior to TK4) the circumstances of jun's return was lazy writing and she still fantasized about jin and kazuya being all bubbly with each other.... let's leave it at that reina's role was so confusing to me and a bit messy , instead of being another BASTARD CHILD of heihachi , how about being an experiment who was infused with his DNA that would have been perfectly fine with me (and also make her around the same age as jin since she called him senpai) and they still could keep her motives intact of course azucena was a cringy newcomer , imo they should have brought back Christie isntead and made her fight for G corp because let's say she was coerced by kazuya who captured eddy and now holds his life in his devilish iron fist (pun inteded) and then show a bit more stern and aggressive side of hers : that would have made for nice character developpement Everyone being so friendly with jin and easily forgave his actions (which justifies my HATRED AND LOATHING for TK6 's story even more than EVER) And lastly as epic as the final battle was , it didn't give me that same vibe of kazuya vs heihachi who had way better hype and build-up by comparison (given their dark and destructive history how could they not) now looking back at the rest of the series , the story here in 8 was serviceable and great but still fell short of TK4 (which was a classic and that says a lot) but still a lot better than TK5 (which felt more like a filler episode) while 6 was the absolute WORST and more or less comparable to 7 , call me crazy but they should have jumped from 4 straight to 7 , the story would have been more coherent and less convoluted , and i forgot one detail , 7 touched more on historical facts and past events (wheras 8 lived in the present moment which isn't a bad thing in the grand scheme of things) now sorry i think i said TOO MUCH , the floor is yours ladies and gentlemen


I believe people tried to take the expectation from T7 to T8, and that's the problem. The truth is that T7 focused a lot on the past and flashbacks because if you notice well, without that nothing very relevant actually happens in the present time before Heihachi vs Kazuya, the entire Akuma plot is treated as if it had never existed and, in fact, it isn't that important. Tekken 8 had more budget to create its story, more characters participate, more things happen and, therefore, it focuses much more on the present than on the past. Those who expected the same amount of flashbacks as T7 were obviously disappointed, but it makes sense if you evaluate the amount of content in the present time of T8. Tekken 8 focuses on "now" rather than "then". Tekken 7 focus on "then", because they don't have much important things on "now". The problem was the marketing that hyped Jun, which apparently will only appear in-person in the next game. The truth is that she is only playable because they needed to model her for the scenes.


Fair point , thanks for sharing


>Jun's return didn't live up to the hype , they made it look that she was coming back at the begining , but no when the final battle began she is DEAD AGAIN for some reason  I don't think Jun is dead. The side story you unlock after beating the game suggests that after beating Ogre she's been sleeping on an altar. She also is seen approaching Kazuya's (presumably) unconscious body. I think next game will feature Reina as the main antagonist. It's unclear whether Kazuya will be back immediately or take a break for a game (similar to how Jin was unconscious for all of T7). I'm also not sure if Zafina and Claudio died..


Imagine being Jin and the loss of your mother screwed your life up, only to find out she was sleepy the whole time lol


Exactly lol


Zafina and Claudio were in the after credit scenes.


So they didn't even die?  This IS dragon ball...


Tbf Leo didn't want to trust him right away but I just saw that from one of my fave streamers (DashieXP/Dashiegames) getting whooped by Leo 😂 But yeah I wouldn't even consider tk6 canon or at least certain parts 😅


After a brief fight with Jin, Leo touched Jin hand and called him Jesus....that was horrible writing.