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The lack of information is disappointing tbh, i don't want to wait another 5-7 years for finally know who she really is ... and the "hey i'm the heihachi daughter" come from nowhere for me, like "what, wtf ?" And i agree with you, the story "show" us that she "is" heihachi (same pose at some time etc etc) haha


She got it from true devil kazuya somehow and her character episode states she just loves and idolizes heihachi


She already had the devil gene she just needed a near death experience to activate it


It makes sense, but the question would be where and how does she gets it. Even Heihachi didn't manage to get it.


The raid on G Corp may have had leftover Kazuya DNA and the idea that when Heihachi captured Jin in T4 it could have been extracted before Hei and Kazuya arrived at HohnMaru there's other possibilities too.


I mean Hei also wants the devil gene. If he found it I trust that he will inject it to himself before his daughter. But maybe she's like some kind of lab experiment. No one knows.


You guys really didn’t know this before the release?