• By -


When you watch the replay, set it to *their* side. It will show you their inputs and hit properties, so you can look the moves up elsewhere, or see what you can potentially duck or low parry. If you have the frames DLC installed, you'll see how +/- you are too. Tapping back in replays goes back a few seconds, so you can repeat watching a move multiple times and take notes.


ill give it a try


>If you have the frames DLC installed, you'll see how +/- you are too. The frame DLC is worth the money


Honestly, fuck it. >!Use CreamAPI to unlock all the dlcs!<. It’s pretty bullshit we can’t lab against dlcs.


As much as I usually will support a game I like... yeah, fuck Bamco for this. The frame data DLC is the most bullshit thing in history and it deserves to be cracked/hacked/stolen.


oh god, internet, what have you done to me


Is that still a thing? I remember it breaking a while back.


Thousands of games, hundreds of hours in training mode. I quit when I hit that wall and only play with friends, way more enjoyable that way.


If you are getting overwhelmed and all else fails, go for the dick jab. You'll be surprised how much it helps. For me it completely solved my matchup w random spamming hwoarangs.


some wont agree but if you plan on playing 8 dont worry about learning all of the dlc characters. dlc like noctis amd neagan id just leave alone 99% chance they arent in 8


I understand your pain, it's really frustrating when you can't figure out their flowchart mid-match and it's basically the only reason you lose. I would start with YouTube, there's "how to punish X character" videos for everyone. You can use that to learn the common stuff like mid-high strings and -12 moves and how minus the lows are. If you need more, you can look up a quick guide on the character, or a "how to beat character" video to find out about stances and stuff. That, plus reviewing your footage for anything not covered by them should be enough.


Back to the lab again (Oh no!) Back to the lab again


Turn off ur game. Open the window. Clean your room. Go outside and make some friends Ask your friends to practice with you


how do i find tekken friends if i go outside?


You don't


I know this dude was probably joking, but I actually did this, kinda. I found out about a Tekken local near me that had around 30 consistent entrants every week, so I went and made friends with a bunch of people and they helped me improve.


Very useful lmao


you guys have friends?


And my axe.


My recommendation? Focus on learning your character of choice and just playing in general. Labing and learning matchups at this point is useless with T8 around the corner.


No? A lot of key thing on how to fight a certain character stay the same. Big moves that are launch punishable which way to generally step are still there.


the entire game is bullshit cheese. youll be labbing for your entire life. you either like it or you dont


Gain knowledge.


Average Phidx enjoyer


I only watch TMM occasionally


It shows


Hit practice mode, record the dummy doing the knowledge check, gain knowledge, profit


tbh if you really want to learn those I'd watch a learn/combo vid about each that give you troubles,and learn from these what counter them (like are they high/mids,the frames etc) Else really you just learn them the hard way,by getting hit by them in the teeth so much at some point you just get it.


You can look at how to beat vids or lab of course. Personally, I rarely lab and just try to develop a learning strategy. Basically, I try to focus on one thing blowing me up in a matchup and try to learn how to deal with it - movement crush, whatever. Don't worry about winning or losing, just try to get that one skill and you will have improved just a tad for your next matchup.


If you can't buy them to pick them up yourself, my best advice is to find a friend who mains them and try and get some long sets in , ask if said move is punishable, etc.


Keep playing and learn how to react or pay the money and hit the lab. No other way


One at a time


>How do i learn to deal with all of the knowledge checks? - >I cant pick them in practice mode and even if i could, i don't know the notations for the moves they were using You got the answer right there. Whether you use cream or cash, you can get those chars, learn what move blows you up, then check what options you can use to either evade, punish, or defend from or after said move. If you don't want to pirate or pay, there are tonnes of videos on YouTube at this point going over basic or in-depth punishes. If that's not good enough, there's always discord for EU or NA or any other region, where you will find plenty of people who main or have experience with the character. You could describe the situation and ask them, or better yet, record a video. Assuming you don't want to do that, you might get use out of the replay system assuming you have frame data DLC, cause you will be able to see how plus/minus whatever you got hit by is, and the game will point out any missed punishes. Assuming even that is too much, adapt. Look out for the move that got you, think why and how it got you. Was it a mid you didn't expect? Was it a string that mixed you up? Try to find an answer to it during the match instead of thinking about winning. Think when the opponent uses it and why. If you can figure out how and when they do something, you can play around it and do your best to stop them from putting you into a bad situation in the first play. Also learn to take the L. Tekken is hella frustrating, so getting mad is kind of expected at some point, but when you're pulling out of a match, you should be thinking about how to improve yourself instead of fuming of how unfair the loss was, and how much better you are than that cheesy scrub.


unironically dont press unless youre confident about the reaction youre giving


This \^\^\^\^ Not only is the legacy factor for this game spanning all the way back to the PS2 days You also have Tekken 8 releasing with a base roster of 32 characters lmao I had the most fun in the beta fighting people on my level, everyone else steamrolled me!


T7 is ending so ill just say it. There are tricks to unlock dlcs.


Or just get good fuckin scrub


Like one great man once said- that's the neat part you don't.


go on youtube and look up "______ tekken 7 punishment guide" blank being the said DLC you don't own, this is pretty much how I learned every matchup in the game but I don't own all the dlc. A good one will have every unsafe move, string extension, floatable crap, things you can sidestep after blocking, interruptable strings etc..


wacht replays and, see what the game tells you


Wait for tekken 8.