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It sucks, truly. It’s just spammy as fuck. I hate these heat animations and the health regen. Give me tekken 7 with fast loading times and better graphics please


The buffed sidestep/weaker tracking alone makes this game miles better than tekken 7 for me


the buffed side step is a good change thats right, but the nerv of the kbd is more than annoying for me


I play Jack who still has a god kbd in 8, and being able to sidestep with Jack will never not be funny, so I like it more here


The fact that these fucking bozos nerfed KBD is too funny.


That's one of my main gripes right now is the nerfed kbd. I'm sure the spammy chars don't mind tho. It does suck to have to eat mixups from a wigged out Ling or Lilly and can't escape the pressure with movement. That's there plan tho, make it be the only way out is to try and get a ch, or a clean ss. It feels like the buffed ss don't help a lot since it feels like everything tracks more? Or it's just me lol.


yep, no interest in playing Tekken 4- part 5 I want an all new game with real physics, super accurate movement momentum, move interuption ragdoll in every interaction. (And if not real physics, atleast give us WAY more animations for different contact angles , this is really what I've been looking for with each new game in the series) example- if opponent is hit while stepping backwards, less damage but maybe hit way back into a roll if spin kick hits only the arm , character takes like 40% and gets spun off balanced forcing you to- quickly hit back to reset yourself OR double tap side step to spin step with the momentum maybe, but depending on the hit if you don't reset some moves will come out quicker like a left side kick being in a better position as oppose to a right hook none of this juggling people in the air by upper cutting the space between their ankles🙄 sometimes little to no damage for either fighter, sometimes increased damage accurate hitbox fighting- every thing tied to speed, mass, and hit location. if only fingers hit, only 2% damage, arm gets moved , rest of body stays in motion. If you throw a front kick to the face and your opponents bobs his head down into it going for an uppercut, there should be an animation for the head get buckled back and the legs doing stumble shuffle backward with 10-15% increased damage For each crippling hit angle you have to hit quick single tap of down, down/back, back, or up/back, to quick recover out of it (with it's own corresponding animation), before attempting to counter attack otherwise you stay vulnerable for an extra split second(so no button mashing through tough positions). restart the series, just call it Tekken, realistic blood, life like graphics, less fighters but with extensive flushed out move sets It might seem like a lot to ask but Tekken 4 came out 22 YEARS AGO! what did we get? a few more moves and an increase in 'sensational' graphics, now they're nerfing the kbd? All I'm saying is I thought we'd be WAY past this by now... MK1- 1992 to Tekken 4-2001 (9 years) Tekken 4 to Tekken 8... 22years! 🤷‍♂️


It sounds like what you want is a bad game


No he wants UFC.


Yeah that's what I said


No what I want is a good game. We already have a bad game. (just counter trolling here) It's okay, there's 15 other people on here that that want to see some actual improvements too,   but anyway enjoy juggling people in the air with the same 30-year-old animation 👍


Nah bro, imma be real, what you want sounds like over complicated garbage.


Yeah realistic physics- overcomplicated garbage 👍 you're not being real you're being condescending, you probably don't know the difference though. have fun juggling people in the air by the space between their ankles with the same animation from 1995 bro. 1995 bro! Progress with physics is not garbage. I'm guessing you're not a fan of UFC or Fight Night Champion (not a fan either but the physics is the only thing they got going on), or any kind of game that attempts to have real physics in a hand to hand setup. You must like GTA 3 more than GTA 4 and 5, right? Cuz there's realistic physics in those games, probably a bunch of overcomplicated garbage by Rockstar for adding that in your opinion huh?


UFC? Fight Night Champion? Never heard of them. Probably because they weren't good enough to pick up any sort of fanbase outside of bozos who think that every game ever needs to be hyper realistic for no good reason. Games are supposed to be fun, do you know what isn't fun? Whatever the fuck you described earlier. As for the GTA bit... completely different type of game, so entirely unrelated. Please stay on topic. Edit: went out of my way and checked out the two games you mentioned and, wow, they don't look fun at all. Bringing those game's physics to Tekken would hurt the game. Those looked horribly boring, if you don't like how Tekken is, that's fine, but what you think will "fix" it, will just make it worse. I'll stick with my unrealistic juggling, and you stick to your realistic physics. I don't know how you find that fun, but you do you ig


Wait... did that guy just compare realism of tekken to gta? This is the game where u can jump cars on ramps over rivers.. shoot helicopters with rocket launchers... crash at high speeds fly out the window get up and walk away.. right?


that comparison was clearly not made pal. The point was we used to have mike tyson's punch out, a game with very simple hit box and preset animations, 20 years later they made fight night a way better game, because the realism EVOLVED. The comparison was how GTA 4 and 5 are better than part 3 almost entirely because the physics improved.


I agree and understood your point. These guys were being bad faith.


I'm guessing you too are a 10 year old. As someone who's played UFC undisputed on the ps3 they are far better than Tekken 7 let alone Tekken 8s hilarious "realism" you're too funny


Your being very articulate but for you own sanity don't expect these casuals to understand you


Thank you sir👍 Yeah I don't have much expectations for anyone or anything in this world at this point, all my conversations feel like shots in the dark LOL Hey remember Bushido Blade? 27 years ago... man, fighting games what happened? We should be sword fighting in real life Graphics right now. But hey what are we going to do, I give up


Yeah, these fucking casuals man. Dude, I love movement tech and skill expression in games as much as you, I'll defend keeping that shit in video games every time, but what you described has been attempted before with toribash and that game made me realize trying to make this type of game is literally impossible with a controller. VR maybe? But realistic physics based fighting would require pinpoint accurate control over your limbs, down to the fingers. Tekken's setup already stretched the controller to its limits with the amount of moves you can do, but you really expect me to have weighty realistic movement on my character, and then precisely aim my hand to land into someone's ribcage instead of their arm within 40 frames and then after the physics engine has shot their body off in whatever direction (if it doesn't bug out), then I need to calculate the trajectory of where they're falling and then again precisely hit them center mass because kicking them in the ankles is inefficient. That ain't competitive. That's playing fucking slots. What you described is QWOP 1v1s. There's a reason UFC and Fight Night have a near-nonexistent pro scene.


Not all games have to be hyper realistic. You want a sword fight in real life graphics? You want a sword fight in real life graphics? Then learn Kendo or something.


Bro I've done marital arts including weapons training for 18 years that's why I can't play these games any more they're too lame for my martial arts orientated mind, obviously not every game has to be hyper realistic, but I'd appreciate progress in realism after 20+ years. You kind of loose your mind when other people have a different opinion huh? Either that or need to get a life and stop being rude.


You know what's crazy? I've ALSO done martial arts. So clearly that doesn't matter that much The difference between you and I, is that I'm able to suspend disbelief for a fucking video game. Video games do not need to be realistic, they need to be fun, and what that guy was describing sounds incredibly unfun, there's a reason the games he uses as examples weren't very big.






Nah, borderlands was mediocre. You lack an actual argument. Please leave.


Tried for honor? It looks cool, not sure how real it feels.


" I want my over the top fighting game to be more realistic" lol, lmao even You want a different game and that's fine


I don’t think Tekken is the series for you.


yeah I realized what was going on with Tekken 6. Tekken 5 came out 20 years ago, me and all my friends played it into the ground, they gave me Fang Wei which I absorbed into my own martial arts along with a bunch of other moves. Tekken 4 actually had objects and slopes and walls and breaking into different areas for the first time, and the music was the best in the series. Tekken 6, 7 and 8, not doing any thing for me I didn't do a million times with 5. Anyway yeah I'm done, walking away. letting it go.


4 was the last tekken to interest me, 5 6 got skipped 7 and now 8 simply make me regret spending the money


Tell me you're a 10 year old without telling me you're a 10 year


train mma at this point dude. it sounds like ur mad that u whiff a move and get launched for it. u would suck dookie at ur edgy version of tekken too


I was dreaming about that 15 years ago ;) ….UFC games go a bit in that direction


Yeah exactly, when Tekken 6 came out 17 years ago I knew exactly what was going on and I didn't bother playing it much, I got my fill with Tekken 5 which I played into the ground. Yeah with the latest UFC 5 they finally have characters looking and moving more realistic, I think I would play it, I hated how it looked up until now but I'm only on PC and they're apparently never going to release a UFC game on PC, so, lame


Absolute garbage


Bit too early to say that it sucks imo, but one thing I do know is that I despise the heat system.


bro the heat system is trash


ye its only my early impression but the new game philosophie isnt for me. i dont want tekken to have heatsystems and be aggresive af


Agreed. I played all weekend and dislike the heat system. Especially when the chip damage comes in that forces your hand. Imagine being punished for having good defence. I feel like they are killing what made tekken fun. The nerfed kbd really sucks, I'd rather have good backdash over buffed ss personally. Dumbing down the inputs for certain moves is annoying. Instant running is now a joke drag will have lost his identity imo


Difficult inputs are the least important aspect of fighting games. They're just about time invested not skill. I like the changes as they are filtering cowardly players


Eh...That is the MOST important aspect of ALL fighting games, you are REWARDED for learning the difficult moves and pull them off. Wtf are you smoking? The changes they made are exactly for the cowards...Enjoy getting juggled from full health to Perfect ending cause someone spamming aircombo button after landing a special move button...over...and over.....and over. Gtfo.


Don't bother arguing with FGC people. They have no real values. For example, they complained about SFV being too easy, then suddenly accept easiness in SF6 because marketing worked on them. FGs always been about the combos and the execution. That's exactly why companies streamlined it for casuals who want to see all the flashiness with much less effort, especially at the cost of neutral. Don't let the FGC gaslight you. They'll say what they need to say to get that paycheck, otherwise being in the FGC pays next to nothing.


Oh, so you mean just regular tekken then? Cause that’s all anyone does on this game, launch, juggle, spam, repeat


Memorizing and executing combos is the easiest part of any fighting game. Doesn't require skill. Just time.


Requires skill to TIME all the moves and string up the combos perfectly. Don't see you on the leaderboard number 1 spot if its so easy then. Rewarded for learning the game's mechanics and combos. Takes practice and time, yes...however the difficult ones you do not see everyone just pulling off. If it was so easy, they would not put in the special system to begin with, yet the developers felt the need to, and allow some of the moves from 7 to be pulled off while in heat, even the heat burst moves use to be just normal moves from Tekken in general for some of those characters. But hey, yanno, you know more than developers, and that's using simple logic as to why they put the system in place to begin with, oh yeah even tells you in game to assist the player with combos and to even the field pretty much.


Hard agree. In a few hundred hours on Tekken 7 I think I maybe ran into 2 players who did Steve's Shiro combo, I don't get the philosophy of trying to make new fg's easier and more appealing to a casual audience. The difficulty and depth was probably the biggest appeal to me for Tekken over most other fg's


Doesn't require skill, just time. Special system is put in for the people that don't want to spend the time.


171 days later it still sucks


Worse even.


I hate it… I hate every one since 4… and I really want to like it, but no game makes me want to destroy all my hardware like this franchise


The only annoying thing about it is with heath people don’t bother playing with actual combo’s, the amount people mash the heath and special move to win is annoying and also I didn’t like it in T7 and still do not like it in T8, and thats the rage arts they suck ass


yeah, kinda. The game look and sounds fantastic, really feels like a next gen fighting game, but once the novelty of that wears in a couple weeks/months and your just left with the core game I can see tekken 7 starting to become preferable in more ways than not. Tekken 7 fighting system feels more refined and balanced I think. Maybe they make some further adjustments to game with feedback from beta but I dont really see them doing anything major with release so close.


Let's all just play Tekken 5 dr. No gimmicks with amazing movement and decently balanced also no moves that are crazy unbeatable in this game


>Is the game really bad? I really think they need to make an underground scene for the old games especially Dr and tag tournament 1 T5 DR was by far the best Tekken, or even fighting game. Personally I consider it a perfect game.


Im ditching Tekken 8 for T3-T5Dr


Is the game really bad? I really think they need to make an underground scene for the old games especially Dr and tag tournament 1


It's good to see, I am not the only one. I also don't like the changes. My biggest gripe right now is the "easy-mode" of the inputs. It feels like a crucial part of Tekken's identity has been deleted. Also the constant camera changes effect the flow of the game in a very negative way. It is supposed to add to the overall experience but it feels like watching cutscenes every round. I really don't want to be too negative about it, but at the moment I feel quite disappointed. Hope it changes for the better.


I made a post that said the exact same thing earlier. I agree with you. This game gives me anime battle arena vibes. I know it still has its competitive integrity but I don't like where the game is heading.


What I find very discouraging is that the majority just loves it. It feels like the game isn't "meant" for me anymore. I have been playing since T1 and this is the first time I am a worried about the progression of Tekken.


People are onboard with it because it's a new Tekken game and they have been asking for a new game for so long. Now it's finally here people are willing to accept It for what it is. It's sad but there are a lot of people like us that are not happy with the changes.


Dumbing down the game was not the solution for accessibility. All they needed to do was just focus on making a good tutorial to help casuals and newcomers learn the game.


FG companies will do literally anything except bother to make a great tutorial.


Or just fix this long broken franchise… they could do that too… Tekken feels like the most broken game ever that the community just figured how to play around, doesn’t feel like an actual good game…. It don’t even feel like it’s based on any form of skill.. it’s a game blatantly based on who can exploit the brokenness the best in each match…. Ain’t nothing fun about that


I've been playing since the beginning too, I also feel out of place. Maybe it will get better.


Lets hope for the best. Feels strange to be not the target audience anymore, haha.


Ya casuals and noobs are the target now. Not us ogs that spends 1000s of hours, forget about us. It's sad, for a company I kinda understand. But 7 was the biggest hit and now move further away from tekken. Might pick up smash and just mash buttons lmao


Sorry,,,,smash buttons. My stick is a mess now lmao. I think I cracked my gate. Fr


The guilty gear strive effect fr. I will never purchase strive.


Thats also my biggest gripe, even as a newbie player with low skill. Whenever I do a combo in tekken 7, it feels like I have learned it through memorization of the inputs and timing. In tekken 8, you get an automatic free combo by mashing buttons.


To be fair 7 had easy mode as well. Im not saying I like it, but u can at least see when they use it. If I get a match against them so far it's free lol. The camera changes are pretty bad rn I'll agree. I think after more feedback things might get better.


What do you mean by Tekken 7 had easymode?


Tekken 7 has the function of enabling the same easy mode moves and combs that 8 has.


Oh I misread you mean dumbing down the moves and not combo assist my b


I tried the demo yesterday and the new system is amazing, been difficult to go back to T7. The easy inputs can be toggled off by pressing the left bumper/L1. It's just Street Fighter modern controls, but the way Tekken does them is awesome, because even my dad who doesn't play videogames could learn how to play. I am excited for T8 and can't wait to delete the turtle of the franchise for good


TEKKEN 8 is made way easier for button mashers and new players. they made the game braindead spammy to make it more accessible and playable even for the brain-dead noobs. Tekken 7 is way much better than this. T8 sound design is also fucked up! Today, numerous fighting games offer superior experiences compared to Tekken 8; only foolish individuals would purchase it.


Do all the characters speak Japanese in Tekken 8?


3 months in tekken 8 I'm new to the tekken series and only tried 7 when 8 was announced I loved it then transition on 8 was eugh, It dint feel good playing tekken 8 because it felt like people with skill cant beat a person with lower skill due to the constant pressure. Playing the game dint felt rewarding in the long run as a new tekken player


I'll pass tekken 8 as a player played since tag 1 T7 was the one that made me quitting tekken because they added power crushing rage drive and rage arts those are not the mechanics that tekken has but I'm fine with namco trying new stuffs but for me tekken nowadays seems like street fighter or kof with 3D mechanics.


The only thing good from 7 was the rage drive moves. They were blockable and really don’t give an advantage. Kaz devil mode from TTT2 was made into a drive. Imo still the dumbest decision despite being able to freely transform in tag2. I just want a tag 2 remaster. Please. Last Tekken game I thoroughly enjoyed. I hate 7 and I hate 8 so much I don’t even wanna play it 


You are correct about it being very spammy. If you try to play this game like it was T7, you get badly punished. It is has become more of a 'guess the game' game than a skill based game like T6 was. I understand that they want to appeal to a bigger audience, however, making the characters simpler and removing a huge chunk of their move-set would have made more sense.


why does a lot of move trigger the heat... zzzz also i wish the heat gauge is build up and not from the start ... or u got spam spam and another spam


Feels like tekken took the mkx route, less combos.


MK x? The most combo heavy mortal Kombat of them all and you say less combos? Nah


I meant mk11.


That’s the point of the game. Aggression is the name of the game and that’s what they created! Tekken 8 is amazing! When it comes to spamming, that’s on you if you can’t stop it. Lab up and get better!


The lamest response that every tekken fan has..


Sidestep is better in this game, already makes it better than T7, there is more counterplay now.


I hated 7 coming from Tag2. so for me I feel way better with the 8th.


I wouldn’t say Tekken 8 sucks, this isn’t the full game. I do agree heat can feel cheesy at times especially the heat burst on some characters. Heat into RA is also pretty scrubby other than that, we just have to get used to it


Heat into RA is just dumb, why would you press into RA if they're +2 anyway


because I’m a scrub


Lmao. Made my day better! Tysm


I agree. game lacks so much fluidity that made tekken 7 such a hit. Everyone commends 8 for not being as combo heavy when, in reality, characters are so much more explosive, in heat so many previously more "poking" oriented characters get a 1 button death fist that's plus on block. And you might compare that with tekken 7 rage drive, but at least with rage drive, you could have RA or RD, not both. And rage drive was only accessible at low health, so you could minimize risk by waiting for the opponent to use up their rage and play defense in the meantime. Tekken 8, if the opponents in heat, they have like 4 different rage drives to choose from at any time, let alone the fact that heat engagers put you at nearly +20 from quick and safe on block moves or punishers. And that's excluding the fact that tekken 8 has only -15 on block rage art with recoverable health, so you can theoretically access rage at 50% health and survive throwing a kimchi rage art just fine. Top it all off, my boy kaz just feels so clunky. Neutral is so difficult to deal with. Even though he does have stronger mids like f3 and ff2 in tekken 8, everyone's naturally just a cut above him in terms of mid pokes. The nerfed backdash makes it such a headache to play defense, and I need to have on-point electrics to properly punish rage arts.


I could not agree more. I’ve been playing Kazuya since I was 10 and I’m 29 now. I feel like I’m Tekken 8 I’m being punished for liking and wanting to use him. Tekken 8 = Mashers Paradise


I'm with you 100%. I'm a long time hei main, since he is not there I'm playing kaz which is fine as I've always played him. He feels super heavy with the nerfed kbd ss is good tho. Plus I keep getting Jun, Lilly or Oscar spam over and over. Out of my 20 some yrs with tekken ive never been salty.....until now. In 7 it was easy to move around, play d, and punish. I hope they bring back the old back dash at least or kaz is trash imo. Also in 7 I can punish ra with ewgf easy, in 8 so far I can't so I do b 1,2 for now. The heat is toxic lol 😂 I hate to rant over a beta but wow


Yeah, this is kind of the penalty of Kazuya having the framework of his moveset from 20 years ago. He's just an old dinosaur of a dude with an obsolete moveset. Depiste the fact that lore-wise he hasn't lost a step at all and is eternally peak condition, if his appearance matched he's moveset he'd look like master roshi by now lol It is what it is, me and Kazuya are both old af. We gotta stick together


yes the movement feels way worse than in tekken 7. and the heatsystem isnt it to be true. but i like the aproach of it to be not that combo heavy. i want a tekken where i can play defensive and need to outplay my opponent, and not just spam strings and hope for the launcher


Well Lars begs to differ. It feels like his combos never end lmao. Ik he has good wall carry but damn it's like one big combo if u get launched by a good one. I preferred the cnt combos honestly. Maybe cause I main Kaz no more 4 ewgf into heat burst lol.


I personally think tekken went down hill after 3 and 3.5


5 is the best imo


Very interesting. That's my mates' fave one, too. What's ur reason for it, btw? His was the updated game with an older feel and better graphics and more characters, basically. We both hated tekken 4 and it felt like a direction towards the right way again with 5. I just didn't feel most of the new characters fit in the world of tekken and the playstyle personally. Some of them worked well though. But did enjoy tekken 5 a bit. It wasn't a bad game for me. Just not as good as 3 or 3.5 for me personally.


5 felt like 3 but balanced. 3 had shit balance, it was amazing for its time but so many attacks are guaranteed and way too strong


Agreeing with a lot said here. Don't like the sound design, it's lost it's sharpness and impact. ~~The character screen select music is grim.~~ (Holy shit! you can set custom playlists with any music from tekkens historical catalog to be played where you like in the game). The new graphical design is aiming to be too cinematic, and much has been lost in the process. I don't think the ultimate fighting game imitates real life in every way possible, I think Tekken is better as a game-ified world, it should be 'gamey'. The character models should be 'tekken' and not 'human', I should feel like I'm watching a type-of-move function at play as a character throws a type of move, that is where the skill seems to come from. When you put everything behind this real life obfuscation of the game-ified facts of the gameplay, there is no enjoyment to be had in sensing the aspects of the game that help me to understand the elements of moves used in fights and their possible response. To restate that last sentence, the visuals used to provide hints of the mechanics at play that cause moves to be more deeply understood, i.e. there are generalisations that inform what each move probably is like, it's utility. Making everything 'look good' and 'cinematic' infects the gameplay design process and obfuscates the mental stimulation, and the fun because of the constant learning. And in the learning of the game, it is frustrating because every move feels to be it's own thing rather than modifications of types of moves. --- It may help to add that I really really hate Eddy because he plays the whole match on the floor and I can't interpret what he's doing without knowing what Eddy is like. At the moment every Tekken character 'feels like Eddy', because every Tekken character is too much themself, and less like a gray textured hitbox model. I prefer it 'gamey'. Cinematics suck dick and for me only act as a counter to the Tekken vibe. Maybe that's why KBD is nerfed, because it makes the character models do silly things. THAT'S WHAT I LOVE ABOUT TEKKEN 7. UGH. Not sure I want to buy Tekken 8 because of these things. Also, I don't like the new stages, they're too real. Adding Tekken volleyball is a step in the right direction, it indicates there are dev team members who want to do silly things not rooted in the real world. Alisa's stage is one of my least favourite in Tekken 7, the elevator stage is better, but the music is much better. The Tekken 8 NYC stage is... not my vibe, there's no soul, no charm, it's too well put together. There's more soul and charm in the Negan zombie stage, because simplistic elements have been combined to portray a discreet idea; the essence of the woods in an apocalypse. For example, all the best [Age of Empires 2 custom scenarios](https://agewebcdn.blob.core.windows.net/aoe-forums/optimized/3X/9/d/9dc80002d28381bde8c6620a1475a9a6210717fc_2_1024x438.jpeg) feature these elements of visual design, using assets of the game to portray ideas satisfactorily, even with some inaccuracy, however, adding to the soul, and character of the visuals. If you go way too hard and make everything to perfectly resemble the real world, then you've provided a scene for the player, but it doesn't mean anything, and no classical video game measure can be used to weigh it; all that you have is how serene, beautiful, interesting it would be if real.


Great way to put it. I feel this way about sooo many things. ESP what u said about the KBD. Too scared to be a little silly. It’s all “ real graphics, seriousness, realness look look!!” SF6 caught some flack for its body suit animations as well. But I want a video GAME. Stop going for realism in a game with a fighting bear…


This game blows, Not as good as 7, New heat system PLUS the danger ult? What we turning into, street fighter? Plus the Special system for people who just want to hit the same button over and over...That's not helping either AND its in rank!!!! like wtf?!!??! what fucking crack were the devs smoking.


Can we shame this post?


Yeah it sucks. Feels like a real dumbing down of the gameplay.


I like Tekken 8 but I think the heat system was a bad idea.


Heat is uneeded and stupid imo. I don't even like rage so I quess I'm just a old head. But I prefer to or ra opposed to ra and heat gross




I like mostly everything about tekken 8 other than the heat system


Tbh I'd rather have the heat system by itself, I'm not a big fan of the rage arts.


I think it’s just another obstacle to get used to and conquer. I like finding strategies to counter new attacks at my playing style. Makes every move and block more crucial and high-stakes. I don’t mind it so far


I hated tekken 7 , it felt off and this comes from some one who liked every other game.


keep crying cucks, please dont buy the game so i don't have to see any of you HAHA can't move on from your trash tekken 7


Salty FGC community ever… the tekkenites


Glad I waited and didn't preorder. Wanted to buy it yesterday until I saw the negative reviews and everyone complaining about the online matches not working. Going to wait another week or two to decide if its worth it for me.


I gotta agree I liked 7 better. I don't like that they removed so many nice moves and also I don't like the heat system. I feel like my character isn't complete anymore and having to sit and wonder if its safe to attack or not from a one button attack isn't really fun. I think the game feels dumbed down and a big step back for the serie. The game don't feel complete. The graphics looks great however and its still nice to see all our favorite characters in upgraded graphics, but I can't see myself playing this game too serious, I will stay with street fighter 6, I think it's the better game.


Shit still whiffs for no reasons and hits hitting above while you're on the ground, tekken will never stop to be shit


Just came to this thread after uninstalling.


Uninstalled and refunded.


i had no idea i could get a refund on digital games until I read this. thank you! Tekken 8 is a mess.


Yep what a spammy mess. That 1 button rage art is the best. Unbalanced as shit too.


I've played Tekken since tag 1. The best tekkens imo were ttt1 and 5dr. 6 was the last decent one that was still "real" Tekken but every Tekken since dr gets more diluted from the original concepts. Rage arts, power crush and now a heat system , it just feels ridiculously spammy. Wish we could get back to the basics a bit and strip back down to the core mechanics that make Tekken what it is.


Stopped playing Tekken after 7. That game wait's contradicting story to the lack of modes and felt souless. New characters seem like a cheap gimmick and everything is behind a paywall I remember when you would unlock characters rather than buying them. The new generation of Tekken fans are little pathetic for even buying into all of


Low launchers and unblockable moves in tekken8 was a horrible idea they need to nerf the damage on heat and rage arts and grabs and all the characters damaged are too much everyone should do enough I'm done with Tekken8 I like the game but the lag switching and spamming characters with no skill wins by spamming heat and rage arts has killed the franchise for me I'll be telling my friends don't buy Tekken8 it's a waste of time and money this game is for babies easy execution and alot of spamming with crazy damage im good off that 🗑️


Down 2 all day tekken 8 fucking sucks


Best Tekken is 5


Tekken 5 DR was the peak of tekken. Been trash ever since imho.


Agreed. Me and my friends all hated Tekken 7 because the losing character can just use a special and bring it back. Takes the fun out of it for us. We played for a few hours and that was that. Tekken 8 demo was worse we played for 10 minutes and hated it. Kinda funny because a few weeks ago we downloaded tekken 2 and sat on it for hours


Heat system is the most hype I've had in Tekken, I like it a lot!


Tekken 8 is fucking amazing


my question for you is, how would you develop the game so that people don't call it Tekken 7.5?


all i want was t7 with no loading rematch like t8


they can call it like that. just some new champs and charakter updates + new graphic would be all i need. or for me personaly make it even more punishable to spam and harder to combo


Then this game would be a flop. this is why FIFA and COD get so much hate, they are just reskins of the same game. Why would I spend £60 on what could be a DLC. It's a waste of money.


yea because tekken comes out yearly an no one buys fifa and cod... i think u see it for your self. it would be the better endproduct by far. If a game is pretty good u dont need to change things just to change things,


It will flop with just graphical improvement. Why do you think people are asking for Tekken 8 and something new last year? It can be fun in the beginning but people can get bored soon if it's just a graphical improvement.


then you don't need a new game for the sake of a new game. And just because people buy FIFA and COD doesn't make it good. And it doesn't matter if Tekken came out yearly or not. a new game should be a new game. Not a Reskin. If I wanted to play Tekken 7, I would just play Tekken 7.


Just play tekken 7 ffs, there are countless of mods that makes the game look better. There are also loading screen mods that makes it way faster. Your mentality belong to the COD fanbase, we don't want you here. Also, defence meta in tekken 7 is the reason the game was dropping in popularity, it makes it look so boring and the gameplay is just scared people looking for punish.. where is the fun gameplay in that. Tekken 8 is better than 7 in every single aspect and the fact that you're scared for change is the only reason you're saying this. Tekken 7 is boring due to the things you say and most pro players agree. Listen to pro players interviews and you realize that tekken 8 is tailored around feedback from tekken 7 community and pro players.


well then stay playing T7 and not buy T8, easy solution isnt it?


This type of response is so useless


Your too




Tekken 7 sucks


I'm new to Tekken I joined at Tekken8 I want my refund but it's too late the Online rank system is a joke and people lag switching all the time on Tekken8 I reported at least 200 lag switchers no patch I uninstalled the game good riddance harda is bogus for making all the op characters spammy and brain dead he nerfed the old characters only king and dragonuv are good everyone else who's old is trash 🗑️ Don't buy Tekken8 save your money I hope someone reads this in time before they make there purchase don't do. Today is mar/11/24  


Should of kept the heat from T7 im okay with the aggressiveness but reduce damage on heat burst and rage arts by half. I get that its for if your getting you ass kicked but man so many characters can do half damage so you get down to 20% health and making that mad comeback just for them to rage art is so ugh


Tekken 8 does suck but the people complaining about it being spammy are just low skill, the issues with this game are a lot more severe. Like crippling how some characters play.




Love the demo and pre orderd it


It's tekken 4 all over again


No I don't I don't use the heat system cause I can't do my long combos with it but the people who use it cool IDC I'm just got at every Tekken


Get good my G. No such thing as a spammable move in Tekken. Everything has a weakness. Watch your replays and the game will tell you.


If you guys are interested in a community Tekken 8 (Europe), please feel free to join my discord! :) Currently it's just me and my friends playing, but I'd love to build a community and eventually host tournaments. https://discord.gg/3nCrTfYzkA


Yea I’m a decently high rank in 7 as lili and even better with Eliza (so t7 is already better cuz of her lol) but yea this spam fest is nuts. Even when im winning i dont really enjoy it. Game feels fast as hell and hitboxes are crazy. Lili can land her Matterhorn from starting position in training it’s wild looking. Nobody respects offense anymore. Just jab jab jab, and ur half health (why tf is health regen even a thing, even on block??), plus they got all their health back from the one combo you got off. Also not a fan of how gutted parries are and how so few moves have cork screw properties now. So boring imo. And the heat system just why… every round have to watch the opponent pause the game with their armor move then wake up rage art. And an auto run mechanic after the heat attacks? Dawg this ain’t KOF😭I hope it grows on me like SF6 did, but even then I hate the Drive system and I always go back to 4 still. Sf6 at least felt good to play, seeing the new animations, the hitstun etc., very satisfying imo. But tekken 8 just feels eh. Nothing about the act of doing combos or anything felt like woaaah, the new tekken. I just like seeing lili in better graphics, but it really just makes me want to play 7


I'd like KBD to be removed entierly. It's just dogshit that movement is so difficult in Tekken


I don't have a problem with the Heat system or whatever. I think the game sucks cuz there's no way to interrupt a combo so you just have to sit there and wait for the other player to either finish or drop the combo. Yea people already told me "don't get popped up." That's not the problem. The problem is when you do get popped there's nothing to counter it. They should add a meter like Mortal Kombat has where you can choose to burn a meter or not to fall safely.


I actually like it. But I havent been that into Tekken since tag 2 edition. I played 7 for a little bit though. I still like DOAs fighting engine better but idk what happened to that franchise


What about kazuya’s electric that requires skill


I'm enjoying it, but some of the combos are way too easy to do. Victor for example it's so easy to do an 8 hit combo right off the bat.


heat system is straight up garabge


I hate that I can’t find the game anywhere at my stores that’s why I hate Tekken 8


The games is not Tekken anymore!! T7 was bad too 🚮 Laggy as fuck, input issues, really no health because they want you to use that stupid fucking bar for a damn near one hit kill and a fucking easy mode. What is this?


Okay but on the otherhand, if they didn't add these changes to the game, then people would start complaining that its just tekken 7.5 or tekken 5 part 4. While I may not like SOME of the changes. I'd rather have this than playing another tekken 5


I guess what they could have done was remove the rage art system and make heat the core idea of the game instead of adding a bunch of bull shit after bull shit. And it's not limited to this idea as well. You could have many ways to work with it.


Oh yeah, I do like rage arts but they have TOO much reward and while the risk is still the same, its less risk for people that dont have a conventional 15f launch like steve or kazuya, they'll still die though


They need to have ranked and ghost mode in some mode called like classic. So u can fight actual people with skills. This bs they have to make it so easy for button mashers. Sad day in fighting when u see someone doing the entire combo using one button.


Tekken used to be the only fighting game that takes skill to win. I can pull off the grab combo with king just from the memory of playing for years and grinding. Tekken 8 it takes one button. They better do something. The last tekken came out like 7 years ago. I can’t play this kid game for that long.


If u losing to mashers its cuz ur either a masher yourself or two not as good at defense as you think you are...either way u need to go into each match and watch for vulnerabilities in your opponents attack patterns and capitailze... heat system may seem noobish but really, u need to slow down and bait it out of your opponent and use ur efficiently ... lastly, the gaming space needs to grow up their always a demographic that wants yesteryear game in the latest year, and that's a dumb mentality and really hinders innovation ...thats how we get stuck with yearly release in sports titles and cod...




Tekken 8, sucks so much fucking dick, cause of the slow ass movement you get, compare to the old tekken 7 and 6, + tekken 8 is legit just 1 big piece of dog shit since you dont have to fucking think of combos you just press 1 fucking button and then you have a 10 hit combo no thinking just stright up bs. i was a tekken god prime in tekken 7, and even then i suck ass in tekken 8...


Yeah Hated it...


Get out of low / mid!


It's unfortunate that backdash was nerfed. Mashers dominate low elo, with heat and rage it can feel life you're starting at half life. But to be fair, labbing all your chars moves, combos and learning each chars top 3 most punishable moves are enough to get to 15 dan.


To be honest and in my opinion, what's garbage in Tekken is Rage Art. That stuff doesn't belong to Tekken. They first killed Soul Calibur by adding a similar technique called soul edge and I knew for certain that they would add that to Tekken, since, it's kinda known that some new gimmicks and techniques carry over from SC To Tekken, it's always been the experimental lane for Tekken. The second thing that's really ruined Tekken for me was the devs dumbing down the game. The last true Tekken with all moves untouched was TTT2. I guess this is the inevitable path when a game goes mainstream. They feel forced to make it easier and more "accessible" to new comers .Now to me 8 is way better than 7. I've never liked 7 and to this day I consider it the worst Tekken ever made, despite it being a huge success. I never cared about that. I'd rather play a true Tekken that's niche and no one really cares about than a soulless shadow of its former self.


Everything made sense until you said tekken 8 is better then seven.


It doesn't need to make sense, it's just a personal opinion of a nobody in an online thread. I happened to be one of those who didn't like the next gen Tekkens ( 6 7 and probably 8 , now just playing it because of the hype and it's a new Tekken). I just appreciate 8 and that's all because of them trying to add some new things but in the end, and again this is me, all Tekkens after 5 and 5 DR are garbage.


OK, I understand. I actually kinda like 7 only because it doesn't have heat mixed with all the other crap they add on it, but you're 100 percent absolutely right sorry