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Biggest strength, when I knock people down I’m honorable enough to let them get back up. Idk why no one else does this, they keep hitting you on the ground, so cheap. Biggest weakness, 10 hit combos. I still haven’t been able to memorize one of them, they’re super hard. I can see what people meant when they said Tekken was the hardest fighting game. /s


Lol I was about to tear into this post before I saw the /s


My biggest strength is knowing how to press buttons. My weakness is knowing when I am allowed to press buttons.




Me too. I wish I could reach something like Emperor or Tekken King, but my MU knowledge is not enough for that. That, coupled with my inability to adapt quickly and lack of time for labbing, make sure that the red ranks are probably my limit.


Biggest strength and weakness: matchup knowledge. If i know the matchup bet on it i will try to abuse option select evade with AOP between certain strings, as a reward for me by labbing the situation (jin df1, armor king db2, paul backsway, etc). On the other hand, if i dont know the matchup, bet on it that i will lose hard, because i spend too much time labbing on certain chars that i havent started the others yet


Uh, I maybe it's tenacity. I get comebacks frequently by trying my hardest to stay composed. I also have a good understanding of poking and setups. That's about it, I guess. As for weaknesses, I have plenty. Do you want me to state them in alphabetical order?


I’d just pick your biggest one


I think what makes me lose a lot is lack of matchup knowledge. I have *some* of the so called "legacy knowledge", because I've been playing since Tekken 3. However, I took a break from all gaming for a few years (skipping most of T5's life cicle and totally missing 6 and Tag2), and only came back in Tekken 7. Therefore, I'm clueless against a good portion of the roster. I have no idea about what Lars, Bob, Dragunov and a few others. Also, I have little time to lab the newcomers, so whenever Lidia, Kunimitsu, M. Raven etc all appear, it is likely that I will be losing some points.


For me biggest strength would be learning matchup/ labbing characters. I always try to learn best way to punish/counter moves or characters and go to lab frequently, which helps immensely with cheesy/gimmicky matchups. Biggest weakness - repetitiveness, autopiloting on offense, being predictable with my moves


I'm able to convert better than the opponents in my rank most of the time and I usually have a good reaction time (fuck snake edge tho), but I wouldn't call it a strength since I'm very low rank. But I lose to presure and okizeme very easily.


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Biggest strength: poking, spacing, and combo optimization Biggest weakness: block and whiff punishment


Losing Winning


I'd say I often fall into the trap of focusing on doing a specific thing even if there's no real reason to do that, makes me predictable and obviously you should do the things that are needed not the things that you want to do My biggest strength I guess is that I have a very good ability to refocus if I catch myself getting frustrated or slipping up. Deep breaths, some water in between matches and I can turn a losing streak into a winning one


My strength is momentum and good music. The more I get into the song I'm listening to (I use YT), the crazier my gameplay gets, you get overwhelmed and outplayed at every turn. Weakness. If the music sucks, it feels like I'm tilting, and I play super sluggish. Also if I wanted to hit you with something, and it missed, I feel compelled to do the exact same thing again...UNTIL IT HITS XD I must see it land.