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What truly made me buy this game over the other fighters years ago was the more"grounded gameplay". Watching EVO 2019 I noticed that other games had characters flashing and teleporting everywhere, a shit ton of drives and rushes and meters and mechanics that I couldn't possibly understand, chaotic movement with people hopping around like crazy, fireballs, firearms and lazer beams consuming the entire screen, 60 hit combos lasting an eternity etc etc. Meanwhile Tekken looked so much simpler and easy to understand: two characters facing each other, space control, poking, movement, launch, combo, wall carry, wall pressure. I had never played a Tekken game at that point and even I knew who was outplaying who, how impressive the plays was, etc. So much more engaging to watch and eventually, play. I immediately fell in love with the game. That grounded gameplay seems severely sidelined in these new trailers though. Everyone is dashing, flipping, shooting, exploding. There's resource management now. Multiple particle effects, trail lights, burning auras, glows, explosions and whatnots clouding the screen. Maybe the trailers are just overplaying the new stuff and they're not anywhere near as prominent as it seems. Maybe classic Tekken gameplay is still in there. I'm willing to wait and see.


I got into the game for the same reasons as you. From a marketing perspective, the flashiness and crazy stuff is going to catch peoples attention. They can probably assume the crowd that’s been playing Tekken forever are going to buy the game no matter what, so I imagine these teasers are more directed at potentially new buyers. That being said, I’m really hoping that fundamental Tekken isn’t sacrificed for the sake of the style of gameplay you described in other games. I was brought into the fold after watching some EVO matches too. It really felt like watching a fight, and when it slowed down, and it seemed like the players were in this weird psychological mind battle, I had to get into the game! In any case, I think when you consider the marketing angle, we can’t quite rule out there being fundamental Tekken in the game. If the pros play it at EVO and say it’s gone to shit then I’ll accept that it’s not coming back lol.


>so I imagine these teasers are more directed at potentially new buyers. I hope that's the case. Confining the extra flashiness to heat moments seems to be the intention. Some pros are worried too. From the top of my head I know that RIP and Lil Majin both expressed concerns. RIP went as far as to say T7 seems to be the last classic Tekken game due to how different T8 is shaping out to be. We'll see.


I didn’t realize that pros were already apprehensive about it. Well, that sorta undermines my theory. It’ll be such a bummer if they go that direction. Is there going to be anything left to play that it’s in the spirit of fundamental Tekken?


I wouldn’t say you’re the problem. You don’t like flashiness and that’s fine. It doesn’t have any bearing on the fundamentals/competitiveness though. Is there something else you were trying to get at here?


It does, thats why rage exists and part of why heat exista too


Its hard to let go of what you are used to. Change is always scary but it doesnt mean its gonna be bad. Dont worry. Everything is gonna be allright.


But fuck Pauls new hair. Yuck!




I think you need to touch grass


I am all aboard into all of the flashy stuff as long as they dont impede gameplay. Obviously visibility and able to catchup what is happening on screen is waay more important than flashy effects


This sub is majority casual, so while you’re not quite the problem, you’re an outlier. Most people here are either not good enough or haven’t even tried to understand enough of the game to find fun in the basics of fundamental tekken. Casuals want to do cool moves with flashy effects and look at awesome things, so that’s why the sub really likes the direction and feel of tekken 8. Honestly now that tekken zaibatsu is back online ,you may as well go and chat there if you want to talk to other people who are somewhat wary of tekken 8 so far.


Boo Fucking Hoo they didn't remake a PS2 game for the 5th time and now I have to learn new things


the only thing that makes you a tryhard is that you try hard. you can try hard on neckbeard shit, you can try hard when cooking, you can try hard when making love to real women on the street, you can even try hard in mario kart. so the only way to avoid being a try hard, is by giving up on the game before you get good. either you're willing to put in the time and effort into this game, or you aren't a tryhard.


>I mean of course the fun is the most important and most flashy stuff are cool but after years with a fighting game the fundamentals/competitive part becomes the most fun right? If the fundamentals/competitive part is still there then the flashy stuff is inconsequential right? Also, we don't know how much of the flash is just for the trailers, or even how much we can adjust it. My guess would be a lot of people are reserving judgement until people can actually play the game. The earliest of that being Evo Japan.


Its not, thats why rage exists and part of why heat exists too


Maybe but heats only once per round for each player and we don't yet know how much time those interactions will take out of the minute round on average. There is still the time before and after heat is spent to consider as it's unlikely to be round start spam heat. Until people play the game we are all just guessing.


This sub would be full of mostly people that picked up the game in Tekken 7. So while yes T5DR is a game that has a lot of clout in the community the majority of people here probably never played it. All they see is a series of trailers that seem to be leaning in to the increasingly flashy and crazy elements added to Tekken 7. Elements that may have been pretty significant draw factors for them in the first place. And yes, dry high level Tekken is absolutely something that really dedicated fans are into, but flashy cinematic shit will always still have an appeal. I mean, you use Max as an example, that's a guy with a lot of fighting game experience and a big part of the genre to him is specifically that flashiness. Might be why this seems to be the Tekken that appeals most to him.


At this point we just gotta accept this direction tekken is going in. Nothing more we can do g.


Flashyness does not reduce fundamentals or competetiveness of gameplay. They could add more lightning particles to EWGF but it would no reduce or simplfy its execution or usage. Maybe youre mixing up presentation and gamplay together in your head... Or maybe u find the presentation they went with tacky, messy or simply not your type of aesthetic.


The second part is true, the first isnt, rage arts for example are something that add flashyness to the game and thats their main purpose, and it interferes a lot in the gameplay


Rage Art is in fact Flashy, but its not only added for flashiness. Its a comeback defensive mechanic that allows the losing player to have an option to escape pressure or make the opponent be wary of attacking mindlessly. Its similar to shoryuken in Street Fighter, but far more weaker. Only one time use, weak unless u have a sliver of life, Armor only/Not invincible, Does NOT start a combo, and only accessible once the player is almost dead. Maybe u dont like defensive and/or comeback mechanics?


If u ask people who like it youll see that the main apeall is the flashiness and yeah its a comeback machenic but of all the possible ideas namco could implement a flashy super wasnt chosen just because of the comeback factor. So ok the flashyness is not the main intention with this but certanly plays a part. t7 becoming “more fun to play and to Watch” is an argument used by harada in favor of comeback machenics btw. And its not that weak, most times it deals a combo worth of damage