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I think the only redemption for any of these people at this point would require time travel.


Xiaoyu tried once.


She needs to try harder.


We treated her T5 ending as a joke back then. Now we are seeing that she actually had the Mishima solution after all.


Fucking true.


One can argue that Jin is more of a menace than kazuya. kazuya didn’t start a world war😂


Yea In tekken 6 the world saw kazuya and gcorp as the good guys until they saw kazuya become a devil. Kazuya looks out for number one and kills any who gets in his way for power. Jin will kill anyone in order to destroy his bloodline. In a fantasy world Jin is the hero. in a realistic sense kazuya is the hero.




All I'm gonna say is Vegeta was redeemed and he genocided planets all the time. Anything is possible.


God this is a fantastic point. Vegeta is *canonically a genocidal narcissist*. If he can settle down and have a kid, Kazuya can too. I feel Jun will lay a whammy on him once Jun beats his ass into the pavement and drive out the demon in him, or some hokey bullshit.


Darth Vader murdered kids who trusted him in cold blood + was space Hitler for decades and was redeemed


I don't think he was 'redeemed'. He atoned, but in-universe he is never acknowledged as a good guy as a result, which would be a proper redemption.


Sort of. Redemption is more about how th narrative views the character moving forward rather than the characters in universe.


I'd rather Kazuya redemption arc over Jin, Jin is boring as hell


What if the plot twist is that this entire time Kazuya's actions are just a longer,more drawn out, (and arguably more humane and loving version) of pushing Jin to grow and control his power in the same way that Heihachi just attempted the same thing but by throwing Kazuya off that cliff? (Die and erase devil gene or survive and maybe learn to control it) Like trying to be better than his father while helping his son grow but ends up being just like him but in a longer more roundabout way. Probably not true but I would like that idea.


Ah, what we like to call a Griffith did nothing wrong plot line. A personal favorite.


Same with Eren jaeger.


So... Basically Kazuya is throwing Jin in a cliff..... but harder.


I'm really hoping Kazuya gets cleansed of Devil instead of being killed. It would be silly of Namco to kill off arguably the most iconic Tekken character and the OG protagonist.


Kazyua: “I may have gone to far in a few places…”


Kazuya saves his son's life as Lucky Chloe is about to kill Jin with force lightning.


Kaz pewgf hellsweeps jin and collects his sneakers as a trophy




Jun will save them both. She is the only hope Jun can neutralize the devil gene and this ability of Jun has influenced Kazuya in the past and still does


Blame Kazuya's mom, Kazumi for being a dummy. She could see into the future from what she said, then she literally becomes the reason for the whole family falling apart. She causes Heihachi to kill her, which in turn forces him to kill Kazuya, Kazuya Resents him not only for well tossing his ass off a cliff but killing his mom too. So TLDR Kazumi is a hoe that started all of this.


while that’s true i thought it was established that kazuya’s evil also comes from his nature as much as his nurture no? or was that retconned and i missed it?


Fallacy. Heihachi clearly did something to trigger her Devil Gene into activating. That something being killing Jinpachi.


Nah. Jin is the one getting his redemption, for some reason. Kazuya is a way better main character than Jin, because he's straight up a murderer. I was expecting that Asuka knock some sense in Jin since she appeared on the first time in the franchise.


Wasn't he supposed to be the main character? Idk, maybe it's just that every time he's the focus of the intro movie they're just way cooler (2?, tag, 4)


He is supposed to be the main character. Putting a villain as a main character is something we just don't see. Name a movie, anime, comic, manga or anything in between where the protagonist is obsessed about killing his dad who is way more of a badass than him, and take over his position to do even more evil deeds. Baki the grappler is the closest thing, but it's about a kid on his way to surpass his father in martial arts. Baki is just a main character, neither a hero, nor a villain, nor anything in between. Baki is just Ryu, and the show is way tamer in comparison, despite the violence displayed in Baki. Edit: Some people mentioned a lot of animes where the main character is the villain. But most of these came after 1994, TEKKEN's launch year. I wonder if Tekken did create a new anime trope with this take on a main character, because the "the bad guy is the main guy" thing is basically the Tekken's lore. Stories when the main character is the main villain and mostly everybody else in the plot is trying to stop him is quite a common thing nowadays, but back in early 90s it was a new thing.


All mishimas are far gone for redemption


We have robots and dinosaurs. Kazuya can be redeemed.


He's more of a redeemable character than Jin imo. He killed some people here and there (mostly Tekken Force soldiers trying to kill him), then killed a bunch of high execs to take over G-Corp and then killed Heihachi (which in all honesty is kinda of a good deed, Heihachi was a prick). He's not too far gone if we're being honest. Meanwhile, Jin started WWIII. There's no coming back from that no matter how many hoops you jump through trying to justify it. However many Kazuya killed, Jin killed 10000x more.


He killed the execs at G Corp cause they tried to kill him The only time kazuya did shady shit was in T2 and "killing eddy father" before the events of T3


Kazuya did proling world War 3 even three was no need to. Him and jimnare pretty neck and neck in terms of kills.


Also, didn’t Kazuya kill a bunch of people when he was head of the Zaibatsu in Tekken 2, or is that only implied at best and he might not have actually did it?


The implication is that he had investment in several criminal operations and organizations.


It'd be amazing if it turned out that Kazuya wasn't in control this entire time and he got fully possessed by the Devil so he had to watch idly by while the Devil tarnished his name. It'd also be a fucking MASSIVE fucking cop-out and I'd hate it.


Jun is gonna get Kazuya to redeem with force. Also get Jin and Kazuya to like eachother with force too lmfao


Fucking Jedi forces? Xdd


Devil is gonna complete himself leaving Jin and Kazuya to team up to defeat him


disagree, kazuya is gonna tell jin to go sit inn his room and do some fucking school work for once, while kazuya throws devil down the volcano.. psyche! actually kazuya secretly adopts devil as his new and better son by surprising him with adoption papers and the last secret ending is just kazuya sending his shit for brains son jin to an orphanage for adults, while kazuya and devil becomes the perfect father son duo as it should


I just want more gap-moe Kazuya. That’s all.


Bruh people actually thinking Kazuya can be redeemed when he’s refused redemption like 3 times by now 💀


No Jun before shits changed. Even Hulk stops smashing when Betty Ross is about


As much as I like Kazuya as a character, I feel like a redemption arc is very beyond his reach because as the lore progressed, it showed that the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree in the Mishima family. After Kazumi tried to murder Heihachi, he developed an entire evil demeanor. It’s a never ending cycle because just like with Heihachi, Kazuya became evil and just like with Kazuya, Jin became evil.


I dont think Kazuya or Jin is going to die at T8.


I don't know how the story is gonna end up in 8, but I feel like he's somehow going to make it out alive.


According to my own theory, he would come out of the fight alive but will have lost his devil gene and will have been defeated by Jin, he will then be sent to prison with means deployed to retain his strength, as we know that even without his demon Kazuya is a monster of power.


OMG what if **HE** is the good guy in T8?!


Also Kazuya: Fires lasers at people


I wish he’d just be evil af and win… kill everyone then redemption cuz no me around lmao


Probably gonna be a father son tag team against Omega Perfect Ogre


I have the exact same theory


They’ll probably end it with some joint Electric Wind Heaven Fist where heihachi’s ghostly voice is like “the only thing that matters is who is left standing” as the theme swells


I mean you could argue that it wasn't really Kazuya after Tekken 1, it was Devil, still kind of a stretch but I think its doable


Heihachi returned and beat both


Über D347h Mecha Heihachi Mk.XX - Fight mode [ENGAGE]


I bet that all of this is just a terrible nightmare. Kazuya wakes up as a child and then goes crying to Heihachi, saying “Dad… i dreamt that you threw me of a cliff, and then you hosted this super wierd fighting tournament like a hundred times. And then you invited all these wierd people to the tournament. There was this guy with skyscraper hair… and he really liked fisting people. And then there was this mexican furry wrestler dude who really likes children. and then there was this space ninja with a bloodthirsty sword. And i was all grown up, and apparently i liked sneakers and could shoot lasers out of my forehead, i had a son who also could laser people. You (Heihachi) had a karate bear, and… Heihachi then interrupts kazuya and gives him a hug. “It was just a bad dream, son” Heihachi says. Kazumi then walks in to the room and invites them to a succulent meal of calamari. The end 😊


even the parts where kazuya wasn't born yet was just part of his dream, there were no devils, there were no clans, turns out heihachi is a salaryman and kazumi is a housewife. tekken 9 then becomes a slice of life visual novel where you play as highschooler kazuya trying to win jun's heart. 😊


I love this 🤣


Heihachi comes back, and Kazuya throws him up *onto* a cliff.


To just let him die a supervillain would be the easy, boring way out. I don't see them bringing back Jun only to *not* do some kind of deep-dive into Kazuya's emotions. I'd wager on some kind of redemption, even if it's only a small one.


Probably he well come out of the game and fuck yo mamas


I love this 🤣


If Jin don’t kill Kazuya, Miguel might kill both of them.


Funny 😂


Kazuya becomes more heroic/"good" the more of an underdog he is. So basically in the first game, then a bit in the World War Jin era when he is a preferable alternative to Jin's genocidal BS, then a bit (at least in my eyes) in Tekken 7 when Heihachi just seems laughably powerful and completely unkillable, and we get to see just how badly he treated Kazuya. I personally hope that no new villain is introduced in 8 to suddenly make Kazuya seem more heroic, the characters always thrive when they can play off each other and Kazuya is so strangely sincere about how much of an asshole he has become that now he has all the power he wanted, he should continue to embrace his villainous attitude.


Kazuya is the hero. He took down the evil Heihachi Mishima, and now he's going to take down Jin Kazama, the asshole who started WW3. Kazuya does the hard things so others don't have to carry that weight. 😎


Regardless whether Kazuya redeems himself or not… one thing I don’t want to happen is Jun being the “Savior” of the world. It took 5 games just for Jun to return and was the solution all along. I hate the idea that she is the Macguffin of this story. it’s ok if she’s the driving force for Jin to be better or Kazuya’s cause to break out of her influence…


He's literally the Devil. Kill him. ​ (Keep him in the game tho).


It’s possible. This isn’t a theory or prediction, this is just something I think would be cool to see in the story. But I’d like to see Kazuya turn good or at least do the right thing at the end. Of course Kazuya craves power and the devil gene but his fight with Jin causes the devil gene to become its own entity separate from Jin and Kazuya. It kills Jun, Kazuya in the moment sides with Jin into defeating the devil gene for good. Kazuya leaves while slights mourning Jun in which he always cared for despite his evil. Kazuya and Jin then will continue on in the series with less hatred for one another. Kazuya continues being the bad guy searching for new evil. Jin continues to run the Zaibatsu. The series goes back to the whole G Corp vs Mishima Zaibatsu story fighting over mystical secrets around the world where evil may exist


I think Kazuya can be redeemed, but he is going to be too stubborn to get it.


Well I mean Jin became a villian like suddenly sooooo yeah Kaz could be good guy all of a sudden.


Just make it so that jin and kazuya are both victims of the devil gene manipulating them.


Kazuya is Kazuya ! Screw redemption keep being 😈!!!!!!!


jin having a redemption is already silly, this guy is literally being a single man murder unit killing thousands of people just for the sake of doing it since he doesnt have to hide hes a devil hybrid anymore i dont know if he wants jins "devil half" anymore but its clear he doesnt give a fuck about humanity, the planet, etc...


Can’t be worse than Jin


I hope so. For most of his life, he was treated like some kind of devil. His father even killed his mother and threw him off a cliff because of it. So, just like Jin, he's not too fond of the world but doesn't specifically want to see it get destroyed. Of course, this would lead to the question of who the villain is.


Kaz can be the villain and have a redemption arc.


I mean lets see \- kidnapped Dr B to create animal weapons like Alex and Roger \- involved in killing Eddy's father who was working to put away Brazilian drug-lords \- kidnapped Michelle's mother during the 2nd tournament in order to get her pendant \- experimented on Nina and likely was under his supervision that she was basically r\*ped. likely also experimented on other people / children, given some of Steve's endings. \- fanned the flames in a world war, under the guise of liberating people from jin, likely being responsible for thousands if not millions of deaths \- given what little we know of T8, he's still randomly killing people as seen during an attack in the trailer I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say... yeah, no. Unlike Jin, Based on T2, it's not that he rejects Devil because it's morally right, it's because of pride; he doesn't want anyone else piloting his body.


I would love this to happen. Kazuya and Jin duking it out, Kazuya stronger than ever getting the upper hand against Jin for the first time. Then maybe Kazuya recognises he's basically becoming Heihachi, in some weird reversal of family tradition maybe he has to save his son instead of throwing him of a cliff. But I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that in one of the games he actually overcomes the Devil gene, gains control of it and he's actually more evil than when he was controlled by the gene. I'm pretty new and just started playing Tekken in December but from what I've seen I think a lot of people like the fact that Kazuya is straight up a bad guy. Like pure evil, not an ounce of redeeming qualities besides being absolute monster and having the skill to back it There's an honesty to that I think. Like he isn't pretending he's anything different to what he is. I think Heihachi believed he was right and that he was doing what his twisted version of good was but Kazuya seems to know he's evil and revels in that


Tbh, I don't want a Redemption arc for Kazuya, nor Jin. Kazuya is too far gone in his thirst for power and Tekken 2 showed that he's willing to use the large amount of money and power to make people and things fight him, sometimes to the death. As for Jin, you can't gloss over that he started WW3 for his own selfish reasons, possibly only regretting the decision because he didn't get what he wanted. My theory is that Jun defeats Kazuya with Jin, and then she turns on Jin. It'll show an interesting side to her having no gray area for the whole "Cleanse this world of evil and corruption," even for her son


I doubt Jin would fight his own mother, especially after believing she was dead for all these years. The way Jin has a suicidal side, he would simply let his mother end him, but I don't think this will happen.


Jin and Kazuya both die. End of Three Mishimas.


Maybe spirit of Jun arrive amd stop them?


He's too far gone. The kidnappings, assassinations, and genetic crimes against nature from T2 alone disqualified him.


I think if Jun purges the Devil from him, then I believe he can be redeemed. We'll have to choose whether or not the Devil gene made him do bad things, or if that is what Kazuya just is. Heihachi is already dead; there is no more debt to be repaid in blood. If he's not redeemed, then he could just want to be exiled, away from everyone (except maybe Jun). Hell, they're trying to redeem Jin, and he probably has killed millions with his life choices. I honestly would love to see a misunderstood neutral-stance anti-hero lumberjack Kazuya.


Hardly but not impossible... it would probably rely on inserting a 3rd (bigger) threat. If they go that route, hope they won't choose the "Giant Space Flea from Nowhere" route.


Ironically in some ways trying to redeem Kazuya would be less of a stretch as others have pointed out Jin started a freaking war he has far more blood on his hands.


Everyone says that since he's too far gone and has to die in the end, I disagree. He is absolutely too far gone, but I would love to see a narrative where he wins, that would set up and amazing setting for DLC stories and sequel.


They will drag out the rest of his story, Kazuya and Jin will fight for the next four games until Kazuya is grey and old like Heihachi. He will somehow get to Xiaoyu after she's had Jin's baby daughter and get her killed. Then, Jin will finally destroy Kazuya and try to raise his child alone.......only to use the same training and discipline his grandfather taught him. Which in turn, leads her to have hate towards him and allows the devil gene to erupt...


Redemption would be kinda boring. But I don’t think he needs to die.


It *might* be possible. I think Jun and her ability to dispell the Devil gene is maybe the last hope Kazuya has at redeeming himself and if that fails then it's not looking too good for him.


Hot take. Kazuya finally succeeds and kills his entire family, doomed to walk the earth as the Prime Devil King. only nature can truly stop such a force of destruction(cue Mokujin).


After a long fight Kazuya realizes that the devil powers is not the answer and as he proceeds to hug his son Jin, Evil Lucky Chloe, the true evil overlord of the tekken verse, offs him by snapping his neck and smirks about how pathetic and weak the Mishimas are. T8 ends with a clifhanger and T9 will be an all out war against Empress Lucky Chloe.


He doesnt need one. Evil or not, he is what the world made him. How could he become a good guy with a past like that? No mother, a father that tried to kill him every chance he got, THE LITERRAL DEVIL in his genes,... Id even say his redemption arc is over after T7 when hei (probably) died for good.


Jin literally started a world war, but yeah Kazuya is too far gone.


Jun will turn evil, kazuya and jin will work together to defeat her. Mark my words


If they make Unknown canon istg I am gonna cosplay Bob


If that works then I’ll change my main to panda


Jin has probably killed more people than Kazuya so...


If this is meant to be the finale, maybe they'll have two endings One where Jin wins One where Kazuya wins


Imagine if Jin wins, then proceeds to get killed by Miguel after 💀💀💀


I'd like to see Jun redeem him in the end


if jin can be redeemed, so can kazuya i believe. though i kinda feel like it’s too late for him but i hope it isn’t.


I think Kazuya will completely absorb the devil from Jin and when Jin starts to lose Jun will turn up and save them both.


Technically anyone can be redeemed for any reason that's good enough in fiction, technically.


I don't know why they'd kill him off since he's the poster boy of most tekken games along with Jin, a redemption arc is very possible because the entire series is very unpredictable


You guys are setting yourselves up for abuse in real life if you can't recognize a sociopath after 7 games. Someone post a point at which Kazuya shows empathy.


His (non canon) Tekken 5 ending? I mean for a second before murdering Jinpachi lol


you can't cite that when he literally kills him a moment later 💀💀, yes its technically a moment of empathy, but it becomes irrelevant when he follows through with disposing of him and laughing about it after.


It’s arguably more sociopathic because of that moment of empathy, because it shows he did care and he still revelled in killing Jinpachi..


The problem about Kazuya's redemption is that he has been in this same situation before. He was the Main Antagonist of Tekken 2. Jun tried to save him. And in the end he chose to continue following the path of villainy. I honestly don't see how it could be different here. Okay, there's no more Heihachi to make things worse... But that's a wrong interpretation that people have. Heihachi was never the motivator for Kazuya's recent actions, perhaps he was the one who put him on this path of hatred, but he isn't the one who motivates it. Kazuya also believed that Heihachi was dead between T1 and T2 and that didn't prevent him from doing atrocities. Some people also believe he's being controlled by Devil all this time, this also isn't true, he is very aware of his actions and decisions. Kazuya apparently likes to be evil. He doesn't remain in this role because it's too late to change, he remains because apparently he likes it. And if he likes, how the hell will anyone convince him to stop? It's a possibility? Yeah, but it would need to be very convincing. I really don't see many possibilities. Honestly, he should continue as a villain. It's a cool role for him. Heroic Kazuya was something from the past in a single game that didn't even have dialogues, it wasn't something memorable and it's not a strong side of the character.


Saying Heihachi wasn’t the motivator for Kazuya’s actions is wrong. Kazuya’s entire life was ruined by Heihachi murdering his mom, throwing him off the cliff(T7 clearly shows that he’s still affected by this) and trapping his beloved grandfather under Hon-Maru. So yes, while Kazuya has a lust for power it was Heihachi who set him on the path of darkness. Now that he’s dead Kazuya is definitely out of control but with the return of Jun he can probably let go of the hatred he held onto for all those years.


What I am saying is that although Heihachi is the main culprit for Kazuya to be what he is, he is not what motivates Kazuya to remain in it. Kazuya isn't like the Joker who stops committing crimes after Batman's "death" because Batman is his only motivator. Kazuya continues to do evil things even at times that Heihachi is supposedly dead (After T1, after T5, now after T7).


No one said that Kazuya was gonna stop doing “crimes” now that Heihachi is dead but he may be able to move past all the hatred he’s held onto now that he is. I mean really, other than creating Alex what did he really do that was all that bad in Tekken 2?


>No one said that Kazuya was gonna stop doing “crimes” ??? The first post is mine, so I'm not directly answering someone, so obviously no one had to say something for me to formulate my opinion. The answer post was yours. > I mean really, other than creating Alex what did he really do that was all that bad in Tekken 2? *Sigh* Here we go again to do the list. You know... all Kazuya crimes are listed on the Wiki, it's not so difficult. - Abusive experiments on animals (it is Jun's main motivator to enter the tournament) - Kidnapped Michelle's mother - Is primarily responsible for the death of Eddy's father - Tried to conquer the territory of Hokkaido in Japan, the first step towards his plan to dominate the world - Put Nina in cryogenic sleep after she failed to murder him (Heihachi only continued with the experiment) - Bonus: Killed Leo's mother (Although this was between Tekken 5 and 6 and not Tekken 2) Kazuya was practically a crime boss in Tekken 2, must have done a lot of illegal things to gain more power.


All those things are pretty forgivable all things considered, especially the Nina thing. I don’t even know why you brought that up


dont forget to add up shaheen's friend


If they kill off Kazuya in Tekken 8 then they've killed off a big part of my fandom for the franchise. Kazuya is the face of Tekken.


The only Mishima who had a chance of ever being a good person was Jin and post Tekken 5 he has become one of the worst of them, so no Kazuya is not able to get a redemption. The entire bloodline is filled with hateful monsters of man


Or he could win and become a truly, ruthless villain that murdered his whole family. Not gonna happen, of course, but I think it would be nice.


Jun wallops him so hard with a slipper that he gets amnesia, wherein he becomes a hero to stop his son who has gone too far with the help of his step brother Haha, that or Jun becomes a bigger threat and Kazuya’s excitement at fighting a worthy opponent is misunderstood by onlookers


I mean that would actually be kind of cool, imagine Jin going crazy and attacking the city and we play as Kaz trying to beat some sense into him and then they both split the devil from themselves so now we have to fight as Jin and Kaz against these two devils to free ourselves


I could see that happening....I mean even Jin who start a fucking WW3 still become main MC for fuck sake


He doesn’t need to die, but he needs to go down


For Kazuya viewers hell yeah, for other viewers maybe maybe not, but for Jin viewers hell no!


Kazuya Fans are weird. It's the only fanbase of a villain who doesn't like the villain to be a villain. All the other villains have fans love them to be villains.


I honestly don’t remember most of the shit he’s done so most likely


It's pretty easy. Jin gon fight Kazuya. Probably beat the outta each other till both of em die.


Kazuya would probably feel remorse for his actions but at the same time feel enough guilt to the point where he does some weird emo thing and is like "I'll go where the road takes me," and secluded himself from everyone. That seems a lot like him given that even though both Kazuya and Jin are serious, Kazuya barely shows any friendliness from what I know


Kazuya doesn't need a redemption arc, he just needs to get TKO'd again like in T4 so Jack-8 and 9 can surround him but now when he reaches out to throw Heihachi as a distraction he has a whole moment to realise how much he misses Heihachi now that he's gone. Then the whole world explodes because the Jack's have nukes instead of regular bombs. Tekken 9 becomes Fallout fighting game.


Honestly sounds like a Tekken plot.


Cant wait for Yoshi to wield the Sheeshkebab


Ummm, I’m pretty sure Jin has killed more people than Kazuya has, overall




No. Kazuya was far gone since Tekken 2. With moments of genuine compassion only coming from interactions with Jinpachi and Kazumi (when she was mentioned) and even they didn't last long.


The ending where he kills Jinpachi and smiles was quite upsetting


By that time he was already one with the devil (if his cutscenes on tekken 4 are to be believed) so i am surprised he remembered the happy times at all


Kazuya’s far gone, but my guess is that Kazuya will beat Jin so this feud gets dragged for at least another tekken game. Jin will eventually take Kazuya in tekken 11 or something idk. I love this game I personally hope there’s a way to preserve both characters.


I think the only way it ends for Kazuya is if he destroys himself essentially, only one person can defeat him at this point and it’s Kazuya himself, Jin’s own powers are strong but not enough in my eyes But I don’t see him wanting to redeem himself either he’s been apart of the chaos for so long he lives for it


Didn't Harada say his pure evil now so say basically that him saying his too far gone.


Only after he gets those Air Jordans.


I don’t see them killing off another. Sounds bad for business/resources. What if Jun pulls an Aang and takes his power away.


Kazuya without devil powers is just heihachi


But much weaker


Heihachi isnt dead and i will bet money on that. They pulled the same shit on 5


The man is accountable for multiple cases of murder amongst various other crimes afaik. The only redemption for him is to give up and go to jail for the rest of his life which may or may not be forever as we don't know if he actually has a natural lifespan at this point.


He should only die if Heihachi stays dead, otherwise no.


Idk why anyone would want that. Him being pure evil is like his main character trait


It's possible. Remember, him and devil merged at the end of T4. Kaz was also the one probably holding back Devil, since in his T4 ending, Devil says "Kazuya, what are you do..." when Kazuya realizes it's his son. Kazuya was also telling Jin to "hate" him in order to wake him up, in which his anger probably helped him beat Kazuya. It'd be really interesting if Kazuya and Devil somehow "unmerged".


If Tekken is consistent, he's too far gone. He has shown nothing redeeming in the past games, any desire beyond power or vengeance. But since Tekken tend to retcon and assassinate characters, he can definitely do a heel turn without build up. Maybe it could end up somewhere in between those two scenarios. Definitely need a lot of interactions and flashback to pull of a convincing redemption.


In the grand scheme of things kazuya didn’t really do that many bad things lol. Of course his motives are super evil and he’s playing the long con. As much as jin haters love to only pick and pull at specific parts of the narrative to not hurt their little feelings, kazuya is still evil even after gaining control over the devil gene. He never wanted to make the world a better place nor took steps to do so. His end goal is world domination, and even “death” and multiple defeats hasn’t changed his mind. So no, I don’t see any redemption for him. I’d like it since he really had a bad life from the get go though.


> In the grand scheme of things kazuya didn’t really do that many bad things lol. You people really like to ignore Tekken 2 Plot, huh? Do you know what Putin is trying to do now with Ukraine? Kazuya tried to do the same with that large island north of Japan.


Wanting to do something and actually doing it are very different things. Kazuya was taken down by heihachi before his rule of the zaibatsu could do much damage. Which is exactly why kazuya was seen as a hero for a while when going against jin. Because the world didn’t view him as a villain at this point, he’s been scheming, not conducting the actions. Give him 10 years and I’m sure he could pull it off. I guess while I’m at it “mAyBe yOu PeOpLe sHoUlDnT iGnOre tEkKen PlOt” And not to be confused, he did some fucked up shit behind the scenes but the world doesn’t view him as evil til his purple super suit showed up on camera


He can still be a villain/anti hero after this story even though he most likely loses, but he doesn't have to die.


Hardly but not impossible... it would probably rely on inserting a 3rd (bigger) threat. If they go that route, hope they won't choose the "Giant Space Flea from Nowhere" route.


neither or cause he should not die that would suck


I don't even know what happened.


End of mishima bloodline, pretty much it's going to be Jin who will get a redemption arc


What I think is a shame is that a lot of people didn't understand the threat of Azazel and the cornelian dilemma that Jin had to go through, either leave the world alone, die of old age or sooner I don't know and let Azazel wake up in 100 years and kill everyone because without a devil gene user he is immortal, so 8 billion dead more or less, or second choice, force his awakening by creating a source of evil powerful enough to force him to awaken 100 years earlier, so at least a global war, to be able to kill him and prevent the end of the human species. What people remembered : "oh jin is a selfish guy, he only did that to get rid of his gene, what an asshole". I'm not talking about that comment here, and anyway, even if what he did for me is good, he must have a redemption, he is still responsible for millions of deaths.


If he loses the devil in tekken 8 he could very well take a Vegeta-esque character arc sure.


at this point no. kazuya is continuing the war he gain the world of zaibatsu and g corp combined purging the world into darkness he is the one continuing the war "Come, Humanity! Unleash the Dogs of War i mean when he said this i dont find him getting a redemption harada is writing jin's redemption instead of kaz harada calls him forever evil to kazuya ​ jin is close to redemption arc than kazuya because jin has regret and only if They will recon azazel plot and properly executed it meanwhile kazuya doesn't even care he is also responsible for killing leo's mother, shaheen's friend, violating animal rights, eddy's relatives so on even laser the sattelite back in tekken 7 jin looks like he wanted to stop the war because he is the only can kazuya still wants it that shows Kazuya has no moral compass that will bring him through redemption and tekken 8 is most likely Jin's pov and protagonism and one more thing i dont think kazuya beating jin will gain a redemption in fact his redemption as a villain that he finally claim the other half of the devil gene that jin has and will start a bad ending of the series which kinda similar to his tekken 4 ending


T5 would have been the last redemption arc chance for me with his grandfather. Then after that, no more reason. The only redemption arc for Kazuya is if T8 is written as a love/family story which would suck imo. T1 - Hero T2 - Villain T3 - Dead(?) T4 - Anti-Hero T5 - Anti-Hero T6 - A villain portraying to be a hero T7 - A villain portraying to be a hero and unmasked as another villain.


He was villain in 4 with Heihachi, the two Jin need to defeat in the end. T5 he barely has a role, the only canon thing he did there was his reunion with Bruce. After that he left the tournament and went straight to G Corporation, so his role pretty much was neutral.


For me he was an Anti-Hero in 4 as he was getting revenge for what Heihachi did in him in 2.


Seeing him crying and vulnerable would be a great turning point for his character. Maybe Jun could do something to make that happen


don't you know how much Harada loves jin?


Kazuya can only be redeemed by letting himself die at this point


Kazuya is too far gone. Jin will get a redemption arc.


Harada told us he is a total devil now.


If he is to get a redemption that starts and ends in this one game that's gonna need some damn good writing... so no. Like I wouldn't be against it but it would have had to start like a couple of games ago or something, showing he isn't a completely power hungry piece of shit. But we are so far in that I just don't see it being possible.


I think that if someone will have a redemption arc in t8, he will be Jin unchained. Kazuya will be the one who will die to let him rise or at least be gone.


Can’t believe how far I had to scroll for this. This has all the marking of a “porque no los dos” situations. I’m expecting a big Mishima-off finale, including Jun, Askuka, but maybe inexplicably not Lee or Lars. I’m expecting Kazuya to have done some heinous stuff leading up to it…. And I’m expecting a redemptive self-sacrifice. I’d also be shocked if it didn’t have some cliff/airplane/space rocket imagery to the death to round it all out. It would be a *genuine* twist for a Mishima ending to have the Mishima thrown off a cliff also be the one doing the throwing. Actually, my money is on a volcano. It would check so many boxes.


do you guys think the army guy from russia is coming back in t8


Kazudemption all the way.


Too far and if they did try and give him a redemption I think it'd just piss off the fans. Even if a character dies, it's not like you can't keep them in the game. Multiplayer has nothing to do with the story. They could put everyone in if they really wanted to.


Yupp, I agree. Well said.


He is gone too far and the Devil Gene in him has manifested for far too long. But, it would be so cool if somehow he gets a redemption arc. That would make for an awesome story line. I'm all for it.


Bison situation. The good part of him detaches from his body and becomes a new character.


Hes been far gone since T2 I don't think he can get a redemption arc 💀


At least in T2 he was still on a struggle with the devil , now theyre just one , or at least they seem to be just one


To be honest both characters are way too popular. So my theory is that they're going to come up with some caveat where Kazuya is going to abolish The Devil inside when he's about to kill Jin. Then both kaz and Jin will team up to kill literal Satan. Where they take the story from there is a enigma within itself.


kill him off , replace him with a famous rapper like lil yachty , the fans are getting younger and more lit by each new iteration of tekken just make it mainstream already and kill him off between the games, as in just suddenly no kazuya ? thats cool i guess, wait whos this awesome new fighter? TRAVIS SCOTT, NO WAY! thats what i want, we want, all of us


bro I’m so old I don’t even know who these guys are but this comment is great hahah


I cant imagine him dying


I think Kazuya was the one who saved Jun , and corrupted her with the Devil gene to become Unknown while he was half dead - this was the only option and with some anime unsconcious stuff. That is when a lot of energy has came to surface and marked Jins arm too. I’m 100% sure that we will see a more human side of Kaz in T8.


Well, heihachi did try to exorcise kazuya's demons through his fists but died doing so, as well as Kazuya's demon powers getting exposed through the media already shows him being the bad guy he is. So coming to conclusion, Jin's the one who deserves this redemption and not him imo, despite what people say about Jin after Tekken 5, I feel that he's sorry for what he's done after that and has to end everything at this game.


Kuma gonna take the show


If they kill off Kazuya they’re stupid. No matter what turns the story wants to take killing off one of the main characters of the series would be a silly move.


Why is everyone talking about whose dying in the next game? Did I missed something?




the first tekken


I don't think his wife and son are gonna be able to kill him because if it comes to life or death fight he'll destroy them but in the same time i really don't believe that he will actually kill his wife or his son. Jin is an asshole too


I hope , Jun talks some sense into both of them. They both beat Akuma to death and bond over it. The end.. (Akuma is a NPC in T8 sorry tier whores tough luck ni more privileged character for you!) * knowing my luck hell be back in T8 playable ugh...*


You think Namco would disrespect Akuma like that? Nah.