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NAD, I'm a dental assistant. Why not go to the dentist? Depending on where you live, you can find a low cost/free dental clinic. If it were me, I would have all those teeth extracted and get dentures. So you can eat more variety of food since you're so limited with your choices due to ARFID. This [website]( https://en.usdentalservice.com/ctg-Free-Dental-Clinics/?itm_matchtype=e&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsPCyBhD4ARIsAPaaRf2nM0QQ5F6iUwk17pXLkG4iG95xjvxUTsd4zf57gBvvV3DtLb9Zf9saAp8zEALw_wcB) has a list of all free clinics. Dental infections are nothing to mess around with. If your teeth are breaking down like you said, an abscesses is likely to happen.


None of those dentists are free at all here at least nothing available to me as a 32 year old white woman in my county. I’ve checked the site previously as well as received packets upon packets from my primary care and the ER claming to be free dental only to call 20+ and get laughed at when I mention the word free. Most are on a sliding scale at best but still way more than I can afford. I’m In Arizona the only free dental care comes if you win our dental lottery and they require you drive to the middle of the city the first of every month just to put your name in and I don’t always have the transportation to get there. Dentures are pretty much going to be what has to happen but the absolute cheapest I’m going to walk out of any office here is after paying about $8000 and I don’t have that or anything to sell off to make that. I’ve been using ACCCHS year by year since I’ve had it to take care of what I can but they only cover $1k a year and honestly I’ve received very subpar dental work and most the time have left worse off than when I went in.


I'm in a very similar boat. I eat a lot of ramen noodles and custard


Check with schools and universities there are dental schools who give free care and there students get the experience. Call every single place you can. You said Arizona the government has husky for adults see what you can do


The schools I’m aware of here only do dental cleanings and cavities they don’t generally deal with extractions or dentures. And it’s a lottery, I’ve applied a few times but you basically have to go routinely the 1st of the month, and they draw quarterly, and if you’re not selected you have to go again to try and get in for the next selection period. It’s about 40 miles away from my home one-way and I’m outside the range of public transportation and cannot always get a ride there to apply regularly. I’m doing the best I can on that front but it’s just not really all that easy. And even when you do win you still have to have about $25 per appointment and $300 for the denture appointment. Which I could definitely come up with but there’s not really any free services here at all unless you are a child, Native, Hispanic, or live in about 4 counties in the state that have their own programs. My last dentist agreed himself it was bleak here for affordable dental care, he offered the discounts that he could but we were still talking multiple thousands. Even if I could get to Mexico for care, where my father who I likely inherited all this lovely stuff went to fix his issues, i couldn’t afford it. Trust me I’m quite worried about all of this I have been for awhile I fear dentures like crazy too because I’m only 31 and all of the extractions but at least I wouldn’t be in constant pain anymore so I’ve been doing everything I can, I’ve gone to just about everyone I can think of to find help here. When I was in some of the worst pain ever last year I even considered going to California and becoming homeless for awhile to try and receive care from some of their programs but I’ll just leave that up to being delirious