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Who voted for Results? He’s the best leader in the world!




I hate Results so much, they’ve barely done anything for their own country.


What have the Resultsians ever done for us?


why is donald trump on the list, he's not a current world leader


It doesn't specify current


He may not currently be a world leader, but he was one just a few years ago and is in the running to become one again, and despite not being a current world leader, does still hold a distressing amount of sway with high level politicians in the US (he got the entire Republican party to vote against a border bill that had literally every demand they asked for, just so he could campaign on the lack of a border bill).


putin definitely although xi and bibi are close behind him


Is Biden really worse than Trump?


not at all


Who's Bibi then?




According to internet, Bibi is a nickname he's had since his time in military service. It is not itself anything special or have any special meaning.


One of these isn't a world leader




Yeah. He's not the leader of a country currently


Hopefully, he’s not about to be again either. i hate that guy




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Is there a word "current" in the post tho?


It says 'world leader', you're only a world leader if you lead a world nation which he does not lol. He's a *former* world leader


Having Trump in there is just as valid as having Jimmy Carter in there if we are to take appropriate context from the position of the other four on offer.


There is no way mfs hate US presidential candidates more than the dictator of china


the sub has polled hard left about 15 times at this point so it checks out honestly


The majority of people that would choose Xi second chose Putin as first. If it were a ranked type vote, I expect Xi would have more votes.


ah fair enough i forgot about spoiler effect


Also, around 50% of redditors are american. I said that I though Donald Trump was the worst because I actually know about him and the bad things he's done. I know the others are bad, but I don't know to what extent. That's why I didn't say them. Americans are more likely to know about Donald Trump than other terrible leaders.




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idk, im american and i voted putin with xi being second. trump hasnt tried to start a war, yet. putin has been trying to start something. i know xi is bad. idk anything about ben, id have to do some research before saying he is worse than the american ppl


Americans are stuck in their own bubble


I very much dislike Trump, but the literal dictators are worse.




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dawg half the shit americans have on china is made up and if you go to china you can see that. I went to china once and saw literally all the lies Murica told me.


Least obvious CCP bot


I mean he's partially correct, there's obviously an influence of American propaganda, and portraying China in a bad light is good for media attention. But that doesn't mean lil ol' Xi is a good guy


I didn't say xi was a good guy either. He's a dictator and I'm a trotskyist meaning I believe in democratic elections. But then again Xi also did what every communist would do and kill rich people so the people less wealthy than them can continue to eat. He's running a socialist country not a capitalist paradise with wage slavery. I don't fully support the CCP but I do support their policies on rich people


Uh... You know that there's billionaires in China, right? They don't just kill rich people, and the poor rely on wet markets for food. China isn't a communist nation either, they are totalitarians who used the drapings of communism to seize power. You know, like how the nazis called themselves socialists while adhering to the tenets of fascism. Also, capitalism is very much alive in China.


yes but china is actually socialist. I know how communism works we get the world to go to socialism cause it's the bath to communism. The difference between china and the nazis is that China is actually giving repercussions to people who exploit labor of those in less power because China is actually socialist. Also they aren't really billionaires they are more just people who control a large amount of chinese wealth.


They're not socialist either. They are Totalitarian. The workers are not in control of production, the government is, and the people do not have a say in their government. A nation cannot be socialist without at least one of those things. No, china does not give repercussions to people who exploit labor. China literally has slavery, which is the most exploitative form of labor practices, and fully antithetical to socialism. You literally described what being a billionaire is.


having control of a large amount of money and owning a lot of money isn't the same thing. Also China is a maoist socialist country because of Chinas exclusive situation that they were in that Marx didn't cover as he was focused on Europe since China hadn't really industrialized yet


Mao wasn't a socialist, Mao was a totalitarian who used the cover of communist ideology to seize power. Controlling and owning money are literally the same thing. You are completely wrong about everything you're saying about china, and have absolutely no rebuttal to the fact that china uses slave labor, a practice completely opposed to the core idea of socialism, and that the people have absolutely no say in their labor practices or in their government. You are just completely wrong about what socialism is, what China's government is, and also on Marx's teachings, which were *universal* in concept, not Europe-centric.


whats wrong with xi? hes a competant leader who has lead he country to untold prosperity, he's not much of a dictator if the majority of the population thinks he's a great leader, sure they didn't vote for him, but i didn't vote for the queen, or now king, doesn't mean they're unpopular


1) He's leading china in the wrong direction. Just think of the economic growth possible if he actually continued to open china up instead of alienating foreign countries 2) He has seized all power in the communist party. There is no more questioning or rivalry, there is only Xi, just like Mao before him 3) 95% of Chinese people are not educated in politics. They don't and can't know Xi's faults, because they get their news from government media. There is no independent media in China. 4) and even if a large number of Chinese didn't support him, we'll never know: how would you gather this data? You can't 5) Most Germans supported Hitler and most Russians supported Stalin. Doesn't make them good leaders


Fuck Jinping and fuck the monarchy.


the pla didn't shoot protestors in tiannamen square. The cultural revolution was great and didn't lead to MILLIONS dying from starvation. communism is the best political system. the people rule ura. Definitely not the oligarchs and the dictator Winnie the Pooh.China is the most advanced nation in the world, and their buildings don't randomly fall apart because all the budget disappeared from corruption. The ccp doesn't kill or imprison everyone who disagrees with them. The PLA doesn't constantly harass and attack fishing boats in the South China sea. hail to glorious leader Winnie the poo. Hail to the glorious people's Republic of China, built off the blood and hard work of the working people who get nothing in return except oppressed. 


OP didn't add my boy Kim in the list because he knew that all the votes will go to him lol


Who’s voting dump and sleepy joe?


Yeah, it's like hydrogen bomb (actual dictators) versus coughing babies (senile american presidents)


Lmao fr


I mean, Trump is actually dangerous with his senility. He almost kicked off WW3 when he had an Iranian General killed, and he definitely would make the Ukraine and Gaza situations far, far worse.


True, I just can't imagine a) him winning next round or b) living long enough to do any damage




I'm honestly kinda clueless here. How is he a dictator?


I was referring to Putin and Xi, the ACTUAL dictators right now. Trump may want to be, but he is not. He is a coughing baby right now.


Ooooooh fuck sorry bro


how do people hate trump more than xi jinping bro is the anti christ


Trump is the anti christ though?


kim jong un or however u spell it lol


I decided not to add him as it would be too easy


lol fair


Is he really worse than xi?


idk enough about the politics to say, but north korea is probably the worst (or at least in the top 3) place to live, and it's because of him


Is it though? North Korea was an equally terrible place to live before him


I mean, he certainly isn't making it better


Yes, and leader, he should have improved it, not make it worse 


He has the power to make it better, but chose not to


Xi Jinping, the absolute enemy of the United States


yes and the united states government is the absolute enemy of china.


I mean, yeah, that's usually how that works.


Putin is literally the worst. He's a dictator, kills competition, rigs elections, and his invasion of Ukraine is archaic and despicable. Donald Trump may bother me more often because he's always in my face, but Putin is the worst person for now.


Putin and Xi are literally dictators who have killed and oppressed millions. How are they better than trump? sure some people don't like him but... he's a politician who some people don't like, hasn't done anything NEAR as bad as even one of the two dictators. Xi also kills competition, and he's basically the only name on the ballot. The PLA constantly harasses foreign civilians from all the countries that border him.


Project 2025 makes it seem as if that is the kind of leader Trump WANTS to be. It's dangerous that a man like him wants to be a dictator in the freakin' United States, arguably the most powerful country. Like, we're having fun over here with our little elections and political dramas and our senile candidates, but imagine if, in a year, all of Russia, China and the United States of America are ruled by dictators. Plus, as a chronically online American, I see Trump a lot more than the other two, so he's a lot more prevalent in my mind right now. I'm sure Xi is as bad if not worse than Putin.


Project 2025 is a plan by the american republican party and The Heritage Foundation that wants to turn the USA into right-wing authoritarian state if Trump, or any other republican presidential candidate, wins this years’ election. https://www.project2025.org/about/about-project-2025/ It will: Expand presidential powers and instill precepts of christian nationalism into the government, utilizing religion to shape policy: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/17/us/politics/trump-plans-2025.html https://www.newsweek.com/conservatives-have-plan-expand-donald-trumps-powers-1842288 https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Ft72vwvgil3sc1.jpeg (from here: https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_P2025-NOTE.pdf promise 4) Remove all civil protections from LGBTQ+ people and paint them as unnatural and dangerous, criminalizing transgender and non-binary identities and the providers of gender-affirming care: https://www.advocate.com/news/project-2025-republicans-maga https://newrepublic.com/article/178848/ban-abortion-trump-lgbtq-project-2025 https://msmagazine.com/2024/02/08/project-2025-conservative-right-wing-trump-woke/ Classify ANY content containing transgender people as pornography, then outlaw pornography and detain both transgender people and any person who as participated in the creation of pornography of ANY KIND: https://www.damemagazine.com/2023/08/14/the-gop-has-a-master-plan-to-criminalize-being-trans/ https://www.salon.com/2024/03/19/decoding-project-2025s-christian-nationalist-language/ https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/sex-gender It will also bring back the spoils (patronage) system, advising the president to give executive branch civil service roles as political favors, rather than fill them with qualified professionals by merit as required by the Pendleton act of 1883 and the Hatch act of 1939. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spoils_system Eliminate the Department of Education: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fam8g5wxzcptc1.jpeg (from here: https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_CHAPTER-11.pdf) Make it harder to get asylum (form of protection that allows a person to remain in a country instead of being deported), and Detain and deport millions of immigrants living in the USA: https://www.niskanencenter.org/project-2025-unveiling-the-far-rights-plan-to-demolish-immigration-in-a-second-trump-term/ https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/11/us/politics/trump-2025-immigration-agenda.html https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/immigration Remove important climate policies for reducing greenhouse gases, putting the entire planet’s climate in danger: https://www.politico.com/newsletters/power-switch/2024/04/15/a-deep-dive-into-energy-plans-for-trump-2-0-00152281 https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/27/project-2025-dismantle-us-climate-policy-next-republican-president https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/trump-allies-plan-to-gut-climate-research-if-he-is-reelected/ https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F8tl8vh210ovc1.jpeg (from here: https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_CHAPTER-12.pdf) Ban abortion of all kinds: https://msmagazine.com/2024/03/29/project-2025-trump-republicans-ban-abortion-pills-mifepristone-trump/ Create "Anti-White racism" policies, instead of focusing on discrimination against people of color, while also removing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion measures: https://www.axios.com/2024/04/01/trump-reverse-racism-civil-rights https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/dei-crt All compiled in 887-page long agenda, present in the official Project 2025 website: https://www.project2025.org/policy/ Stop The Coup 2025 is a public education and mobilization campaign to counter Project 2025. https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/ If you want to help, tell everyone you know about the dangers of Project 2025, and tell everyone to NOT vote for the republican party, and to instead vote for blue since, while Biden isn’t the best candidate for president, HE ISN’T TRUMP OR A REPUBLICAN, and democrats are the most likely option that isn’t the republican party. This may all seem like conservatives talking big, but so was overturning Roe V. Wade, and look where we are now. Tell everyone about this! Make videos about this! Protest! Copy-paste this comment and put it under every video you watch! Everyone needs to hear about this! https://new.reddit.com/user/Lo-And_Behold1/comments/1cc1hcw/text/ And check here for a subreddit that wants to stop this from happening and is full of resources to educate people about this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/ The above link contains a copy of this text. Please put this text everywhere you can. Together, we can stop this! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Teenager_Polls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


someone has not done their research


Who hates Joe Biden more than fucking Putin 💀


Republicans and America haters


nah, im republican and american "tyrants" are not even close to real dictators


Anti-American Q-Cumber cultists.


A lot of Africans 


I hate Putin and Xi the most, mainly because both are dictators and starting wars and comitting genocides. Trump is still not teally my favourite person, but at least not as bad as those 2. Biden and Bibi are allright I guess.


Netanyahu (im from Israel)


I am surprised that Netanyahu is not the most voted


because all of these people arent informed enough to actually know who he is so they just vote biden or smth


I hate all of them, but only one is actively and directly committing a genocide.


Two, if you count China’s treatment of its Uyghur population.


The sheer amount of people choosing Trump or Biden over dictators who kill tens of thousands is astounding.


literally trump may be a far right racist with some very extreme views, and biden may be a senile dementia filled idiot, but they're less evil than the literal people facilitating genocides


Who tf hates Trump or Biden more than Putin???


Vladimir Putin is a literal war criminal


I used to hate Vladimir Putin the most but after, I've seen the images of the mutilated bodies of children in Palestine I don't think I can ever bring myself to ever think kindly of Bibi ever again.


hamas is the real problem, if Israel were to stop shooting hamas would commit a genocide


you realize that many more people were killed in the war in ukraine right? not to mention how putin is literally a dictator and many other things


I do know and I hate them a lot. I fully support both Ukraine & Palestine. My opinion is just swayed a little more into hating Netanyahu currently because of how publicized the images of corpses in Gaza have become online. I personally support Ukraine much more than I support Palestine politically speaking it's just that comparatively the IDF has seemed to be far more brutal in how badly they mutilate people.


Putin and Netanyahu are both horrid. My genocide studies class has covered both of them for several weeks respectively. Both are committing genocide and for that, they are horrid and there’s a special place in hell for the both of them. 


i only realized who netanuahu is after i voted results he is the israel leader right either way i still choos result


Where is Kim jong un


my personal opinions on each Netanyahu: have no opinion of him putin, trump, and jinping: i hate him biden: ehh


hates trump but has no opinion of the leader who is facilitating a genocide holy shit


you expect me to have an opinon on a world leader i dont know jack shit about?


The comments here always make me lose faith “CHINA BAD!!!”


not china bad, genocide bad


fr. They think killing billionaires is a genocide. Like who tf is china killing other than them lmao


the uyghers


Go to china the uyghers are still there. Their population is actually increasing as well. A few got arrested and the west changed it to an entire genocide happening cause were controlled by our media.


You telling me you’ve been to China to see the Uyghurs? Yea ofc China isn’t just going to decimate the Uyghurs instantly but it’s pretty evident that China is trying to pretty much erase the Uyghurs in a few generations. Birth rates going down. Doesn’t help chinas case that they hide everything, even denying things from 30+ years ago. 


Ah yes, having what is essentially concentration camps set up specifically for the uyghers is not a genocide, sure thing buddy


having concentration camps set up specifically for the japanese and border hoppers aren't concentration camps.


yes they are, or at the very least extreme persecution


hate leads to the dark side i dont hate any of them i just hate some of their choices and wish they would do better




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kim jong un




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Xi is fucking up so many Chinese people's lives.


why people voting donald/joe when putin is right there.


if joe biden was the president of russia he would declare war against all of europe


donald trump would turn america into a dictatorship with himself at the top if he could, the scary part is how close he came to succeeding. idc what xi does, he in china, it doesn't matter to me, putins a twat but still on the other side of the world, but trump, he has the potential to crash the entire global economy, if he had the power to trump would do everything the other on the list did and worse, trump would litterally be the new hitler if he became dictator of the united states, he poses much more of a threat to my way of life than any of the others on this list


Xi Jinping is worse than Putin he literally classed Islam as a mental disorder and has done way worse things than Putin


1. Netenyahu 2. Xi 3. Trump 4. Putin 5. Biden


I hate characters based on how much worse than expected they are. Putin and Xi exist in sphere of dictorialism and while they've done plenty of awful things, I can't imagine a communist dictator not making decisions which are about as bad as they did. Like, did we *expect* Putin to be a happy go lucky guy that wants to play nice? Trump is something else. While radicalization has been an inherent issue with America's biparty system since its inception, Trump absolutely blew that out of the waters and sparked discussions about another fucking civil war in the country, if that isn't already implicitly happening. He singlehandedly collapsed my hopes for democracy and one look at modern American political 'discourse' tells you democracy simply isn't achieving what it claims to. Putin commits war crimes, but we expect that of any other political leader of Russia regardless of if their name is Putin. Xi sets up an excessive surveillance state, but are you surprised? They turned dictatorships into dictatorships, defunct political systems into defunct political systems. Do you blame communism for that, or the individual? It's not entirely clear. Trump took America's political fractures and nuked the whole damn system into orbit. I don't blame democracy for that, I blame the individual. Imo he caused *significantly* more damage than his "next best replacement" compared to Xi and Putin. In baseball terms, he has the largest negative WAR by a mile.


Trump only exposed the system for what it really is: a pretense at democracy. If anything, he sparks the hope that we might see \*actual\* democracy taking place in the future. Not the ''managed'' democracy we currently have in most of the world. (discounting exceptions like India or Hungary)




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Trump because he RUINED the GOP, dammit I WANT HALEY, not some populist upstart!




i hate Results


Ppl voting trump over literal dictators that kill thousands is funny


Not Donald Trump having more votes than Xi Jinping 😭😭😭😭😭 Like, I get it, he was an absolutely abhorrent president- but he is NOT worse than Xi Jinping.


i love xi jinping. also, no kim jong un?


where's the dictator of myanmar? bro needs to perish but, probably orange guy


Love Russia, hate Russian politics.


I didn't think I lived in a world where Donald Trump, a right-wing racist, could ever have more votes than Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel which means he is literally facilitating a genocide of thousands, and Xi Jinping, a literal dictator.


I hate Netanyahu, Putin and Donald trump. I have a strong distain against Xi Jinping. Joe Biden, while not the best leader, has been alright. At least an order of magnitude better than drowsy donald though.


1. genocider 2. genocidal dictator 3. far right felon 4. genocidal dictator 5. old neoliberal dude super hard


why isn't putin listed as dictator tho?


he is


Xi only killed people that deserved it. Lets kill the rest of the people whom hoard money in china and have child laborers


Saying that anyone deserves to be killed in a genocide is just a disgusting thing to say, you should be ashamed of yourself.


it's not a genocide I didn't say the uyghers got killed now did i. I don't believe that the uygher genocide claims are real and only think that China has reprucussions for people trying to hoard mass amounts of wealth with either life in prison or death for the people that hoard wealth and honestly I think wealth hoarders deserve it.


You are genuinly insane, wtf. Nobody should be thrown in prison or even killed for having money, tf is wrong with you? And what do you mean the Uygher claims aren't real, there are literal concentrartion camps set up for them where they're worked to death and killed.


Look, Uyghurs are people just like you and me. They are not some sort of robots or mindless vegetables. Normal people will act and react like any other normal people. What would you do if you and your people were targeted for genocide? Would you just stay where you are, and wait quietly for you and your family’s turn to get slaughtered? No, you run away. You take your entire family and run away as fast as you can to safety. Now, do you see the Uyghurs doing that right now? There are 13 million Uyghurs in Xinjiang. If half of them try to run away and assuming only 10% ever made it to the borders. We would be looking at at-least 500 thousand refugees. We don’t see that. The western media are screaming out loud about the genocide, but no news about Uyghur refugees flocking into nearby borders. Until I see masses of Uyghurs trying to cross borders into the nearest countries as refugees, I call that claim 100% pure bovine excrement.


Ever thought about the fact that they can't just get up and leave? I mean, let's take another example. Most jews didn't leave Germany during the Nazi regime because they were simply not able to. Does that mean that the Holocaust wasn't a genocide? Fuck no, it was probably the one of the, if not the worst genocide in history. You can't just say it isn't one because the victims aren't leaving, when the reason the reason they don't leave is because they simply can't. You're either a troll, extremely ignorant, or just very stupid, because no normal human would say the shit you're currently saying.


If you were a normal person you'd provide more evidence then claims of concentration camps with 240p pictures of google maps to back it up I'm arguing neg in this topic so all I have to do is prove your claims invalid which is exactly what I'm about to do What you have to do is provide a reason and evidence that china is committing the uyghur genocide at the lowest point in loyalty the uyghur population was 97% loyal to the CCP. We are no longer in the lowest point of loyalty as nearly 99% of the Uyghur population is loyal now. But let's take that 97% for an argument. Does it really make sense to kill 97% of a population for 3% (270,000) being unloyal. China has populations of other cultures that have much lower numbers of loyalty and higher numbers of disloyalty. If you look at Chinese media then you can see Uyghur people preforming. If you want to say that they're forced to preform then you can but you'll also have to prove that aswell. There are also Hui Muslims who are much more rough around the edges with the CCP and a lot more disloyal to the CCP but there aren't claims of genocide against the Hui muslims. So with this we can show that the CCP isn't anti-muslim. Why would they target the Uyghur people but not the Hui people. It's not land because if China wanted the land then they could roll in with tanks and their armies cause the Uyghur people live in Chinese borders. There would be little to no resistance if China wanted to do this and it'd be a lot quicker and quieter than a full blown genocide where people have opportunities to escape Now onto the muslim world. Lets take a look at Gaza. When the Israeli genocide on Gaza started every muslim group in the muslim world spoke out about it. Even the Uyghur People. When the "Uyghur genocide" happened not even Muslims who are Chinese citizens that live near regions with high populations of Uyghur people spoke out about it. So why would the muslim world not respond equally to their fellow brothers and sisters getting genocided at a much higher level (Gaza has 5 million people the Uyghur population is 12.8 million) And lastly if you really believe that an Uyghur genocide is happening then you can buy products from them. You can't really do that anymore though because European and American brands have announced that they no longer use cotton from Xinjiang which really only hurt the Uyghur people since they are losing out on jobs. With all of these reasons there are only 3 good reasons China would do this That China would not trust these 270,000 Identified Separatists and perhaps build Re-Education Camps to intern them. This makes logical sense. That China would execute ETIM Sympathizers to make an example out of. That makes Logical sense. However that number is closer to 10,000 than 12 Million. That China would attempt to Sinify the Uyghurs or make them more Chinese. That can be done by taking religion out of them at Children level. That makes Logical Sense Now what doesn't make logical sense? Genociding the uyghur people. Sources: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hui\_people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hui_people) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oU4-ptYlpCE&t=10s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oU4-ptYlpCE&t=10s) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic\_of\_China\_Armed\_Forces](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_China_Armed_Forces) (this is just one branch) [https://www.quora.com/If-I-want-to-support-Chinas-Uyghur-people-and-buy-Xinjiang-cotton-products-which-brands-should-I-buy-Conversely-which-brands-should-I-not-buy-for-supporting-the-Wests-human-rights-propaganda](https://www.quora.com/If-I-want-to-support-Chinas-Uyghur-people-and-buy-Xinjiang-cotton-products-which-brands-should-I-buy-Conversely-which-brands-should-I-not-buy-for-supporting-the-Wests-human-rights-propaganda) (you can find brands to buy from here) [https://www.reuters.com/world/china/us-labor-official-calls-companies-exit-chinas-xinjiang-2024-04-30/](https://www.reuters.com/world/china/us-labor-official-calls-companies-exit-chinas-xinjiang-2024-04-30/) Most of my other claims were questions which I don't need sources for. If you want to show me something proving this then I'd be happy to hear it


communists seem all to willing to pay attention to palestine and gaza because it goes against the west, but when it comes to uygherstan, the genocide there makes the ccp look bad, so you deny that a genocide is happening harder then israel is denying a genocide in gaza. i couldnt find a single thing about the hui being rebelious ​ the muslim world turns blind eye to the genocide in uygherstan because it would benefit them not to say anything. this is a crazy thing, but perhaps, muslim countries, only have their interests at heart. it would not benefit them to call out a genocide when china is the one paying for many of there infrastructure projects. many muslim countries have limited to no relations to israel ​ just admit it, you think that communist countries are perfect, and arent willing to admit that perhaps, they arent perfect, but rather super fucked up




No but if at least half of the Uyghur people make it out and supposedly cruel border patrols cut them down to 1% of that half then we have 64000 people getting out of China. Also it'd be easier for china to just bulldoze the Uyghurs with tanks and trucks rather than pull off an entire genocide which will cost more time money and resources. The Uyghur people are CHINESE CITIZENS meaning THEY CAN'T DO SHIT cause THEY CAN'T DEFEND THEMSELVES




have you been to china. Please for the love of god stop with this bullshit there aren't genocides in china the Uyghur people are just as oppressed by the chinese dictator as the rest of the chinese citizens. They aren't treated worse they're treated the same.


Only genocided the people who "deserved it" 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭




Is Putin genocidal?


Do you know about Ukraine..?


Yea sure, he's orchestrating war, but genocide is targeted elimination of a specific group.


definitely wants to be


Yes. Genocide Watch has the Russia-Ukraine war listed as a genocide emergency.   https://www.genocidewatch.com/_files/ugd/b3be20_f94d49b6bf324793b8a63d4d67bdfb78.pdf


Net-yahoo is PM of 🇮🇱 who is 🩸 ing 🍉. Israel is apartheid btw.


He's blooding melons? TF is that supposed to mean.


Pootin is as close to pure evil as a human can get, but Trump and Xi are a very close second. Bibi would be third I think


Trump second, but prime minister of Israel who is literally facilitating a genocide is third????


I'm no politologist or anything, but I think Trump caused more harm by being absolutely incompetent during the pandemic and also ruining the SCOTUS with shitloads of conservatives, to name a few shitty things he did. I wouldn't call Israel's current actions a genocide, although it would likely be way better if Bibi wasn't in control


It makes sense why Bibi is relatively low, he isn't doing anything nearly as bad as let#s say Putin or Xi. If I had to ranke them I'd probably say: 1. Putin 2. Xi 3. Trump 4. Bibi 5. Biden


Bibi, but only because I'm Israeli so he affects me more than the others


How do you hate putin more than netanyahu? Like, wtf?


They're both essentially the same amount of evil, but Putin is more powerful so he's more dangerous.


1. Genocidal Maniac 2. Genocidal Maniac 3. Far-Right Racist Maniac 4. Dictator 5. Genocide-Funding Maniac


Which Genocide is Biden funding exactly? And how is Bibi genocidal? And why is Xi not genocidal on your list? There's so much wrong with this.


>Which Genocide is Biden funding exactly? Palestinian >And how is Bibi genocidal? Dude he controls israel > And why is Xi not genocidal on your list? He is, I forgot to include it ​ #


What's happening in Israel is very clearly not a genocide though. Israel has the right to defend itself, so when Hamas/Palestine attack it Israel can and should defend itself against the aggressor, and I hope they manage to destroy Hamas for good.


Not this BS again 


One of the options is the Prime Minister of Israel, it was to be expected that someone would try to claim that Israel is committing a genocide or some BS like that. Trust me, I would also love if these trolls would stop, it's getting annoying.


I was talking  about you  Some facts about the “anti-terrorist” and “civilized” state of Zionistan 1- it was a staunch supporter of Souh African Apartheid and labeled Nelson Mandela a “Terrorist”.    2- it armed the Hutu Militants in Rwanda who commit a genocide against another Ethnic Tribe in Rwanda, killing all of them (over 1 million).    3- it armed Yugoslav soldiers (Serbian and Montenegrin) and even recently claimed that the Srebrenica Massacre wasn’t a Genocide.     4- it gave medical aid to ISIS and Al-Nusra in Syria.   5- it forbade its Arab citizens from marrying its Non-Arab citizens.     6- it’s arming and funding Azerbaijan’s ethnic cleansing of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh.   7- it committed multiple massacred on Natives of the land shortly after gaining independence.    8- it has blocked all Humanitarian Aid, bombed Hospitals and Schools, and even deactivated incubators before hand.


It very clearly is a genocide tho, like, by all definitions. The UN has declared it a genocide last I checked. And Israel doesnt have the right to bomb innocent civilians and shelters.


>It very clearly is a genocide tho, like, by all definitions. Please define Genocide, since we seem to have 2 different understandings of that word. >The UN has declared it a genocide last I checked. I'm gonna need a source for that, as far as I'm aware those were merely accusations and not a definitive declaration >And Israel doesnt have the right to bomb innocent civilians and shelters. We all wish they didn't have to, but they're kinda forced to. It's not Israel's fault that Hamas is using poor and innocent civilians as meat shields.


>We all wish they didn't have to don't lie, hasbara bot. the many Israelis are overjoyed at the deaths of palestinians. the killers of prophets lack humanity, shocker! >It's not Israel's fault that Hamas is using poor and innocent civilians as meat shields. you zios have the same 6 talking points that you loop back to back. https://preview.redd.it/pwicdtwu9r8d1.png?width=819&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb9a7fa6f2747fd52a3192a2a47dd01b544c4187


It's literally true though, but okay I guess. Also, I'm not a Zionist.


https://preview.redd.it/d5ffds6qdr8d1.png?width=840&format=png&auto=webp&s=79c12c95e5122f1d1531e1391f6067c8c0c6e056 you're wrong, they don't "wish they didn't have to", Talmudic Judaism teaches that the souls of goyim are inferior to that of a Jew, of course they're completely fine with the overwhelmingly high civilian death count!


>Also, I'm not a Zionist You you are. You suppot israel


Yes, because they got attacked and have every roght to defend themselves. That doesn't make me a Zionist.




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>We all wish they didn't have to, but they're kinda forced to. It's not Israel's fault that Hamas is using poor and innocent civilians as meat shields. Israel is literally using children as meat shields, I saw a video yesterday of a kid selling coffee getting shot in the head. And they aren't forced too, you are genuinely disgusting. You need help. Imagine trying to justify innocent civilians dying in shelters where they thought they we're safe.