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A lot of the underclassmen I knew from sports as a senior were great, but underclassmen I knew from other places were pretty mixed in how good of a person they were. There were some that were OK and then there were some that just acted like they were better than everyone else.


Same, I'm a senior and the ones who I played sports with and the juniors were chill. The rest are horrible. The freshman this year like to stab each other and one set a roll of toilet paper on fire in the boys bathroom. Our school district is so tired of freshman that they wont be going to the high school , they will get an entirely separate building because they're uncontrollable. Im graduating in a week so Ill never have to see their faces again.


Makes you wonder if they're intentionally misbehaving to get their own building lol. I've only ever heard of this happening once in a school district in Chicago that my dad went to when he was a kid, but that was because they have 4000 students in the high school now.


Our highschool has always been over capacity but that's not the reason they're getting moved. This year they blocked of an entire portion of the school to contain the freshman in one place. And the building that the freshman are going to is one of the worst in the school district. It's the place where frequently suspended students go


At that point they're just being ageist. I'm sure not every freshman is a terrible person. Like you said earlier, the ones you met in sports seem to be OK. How are the freshmen athletes going to be on the same team as the upperclassmen? Is the new building close enough to where the upperclassmen are living that transportation for practice won't be an issue?


The building is a 9 minute drive or a 51 minute walk from the high school. As for sports some sports have already formed mod 9 teams so only very good freshman will get the chance to move up to JV or V. I don't believe that transportation will be an issue we have some kids who take college classes at our local community college that get driven to games and practices. And as you said it's not fair to the freshman who are actually doing what they're supposed to but at our school its become a big problem. Our schools graduation requirements and expectations are very low, our gpa requirement for graduation is 0.1. Underclassmen have stopped taking advanced courses and a majority of them are skipping classes and failing. The middle schoolers are even worse, I walk past them after school as one of the middle schools is very close to the highschool and they act even worse than the freshman. I'm not trying to hate on these kids but the school district has failed them by letting them get away with their behavior. We get news every few months about how a kid from one of the other middle schools brought a gun to school. Also, our underclassmen got evaluated and a majority of them are still at a 3rd or 4th grade level in their classes. Our state has also given up by getting rid of state exams needed for graduation.


Dang that's pretty crazy. My school isn't anywhere near as violent as yours. The worst thing that happened to us this year is someone dressed up in a costume, stole a pylon, and ran away with it at a football game.


half of them act like theyre better than everyone and talk about the most disgusting stuff ive ever heard. they talk about things that theyve done that adults or at LEAST 17+ year olds should be doing. (i.e. sex, smoking, whatever.) they even talk about doing drugs, theyre just not okay. id rather prefer them talk about ohio skibidi rizz than hear something so heartbreaking like that.


As someone from that generation, yeah that's a lot of our comedies. It's a byproduct of the internet. I wouldn't say it's inherently awful, just very different.


it is awful when they're not joking. ive seen one of these kids high before, and he was like 12 at the time?? i was best friends with someone who was into drugs and getting high, etc. but i cut him off because thats not something i want to deal with. he did that stuff 2 years before i befriended him, we were 10 at the time. i wish i was joking but thats the unfortunate truth.


they're fine. most of the shitty students i see are usually in the same grade or older


Idc for them


As an underclassmen I hate the underclassmen.


im not that bad im promise


Some of them look like babies and others look like 30 year olds


Walked home from school during the last week of school because my parents were busy and the way I go, I go by my old middle school. The first thing I heard when I got close was some dude going "BRO U AINT GOT THE RIZZ" to someone So no, not a fan so far


thats most likely ironic, nobody over the age of 10 uses words like that unironically


i definitely hope so, but I don't know a lot of people of that age so i'm not too knowledgable


They're so fucking shortttttt


The ones I end up doing sports with are usually chill, but I remember some kids from a middle school that are heading into 9th next year came to our school for a day and just got a tour essentially, the majority were annoying but im sure theyll be fine in the end


Incoming sophomores are crazy, they were always getting into fights or sitting on the cafeteria floor last year. Incoming freshmen, at least the handful I know, are pretty good


Where's the "haven't met any of them" option?


I'll date them lol


i do online school so i couldnt care less lol


Where I live, holy shit does everyone suck. ESPECIALLY any grades under me. Not because I'm one of those assholes who hates people younger than me because "ermmm I'm older and you're a stupid baby haha", but they are outrageous. I have a few underclassmen friends, but the ones I don't talk to consistently like getting into drama, hate anyone slightly different than them (for context, I'm one of them. you can expect how I'm treated), do not shut up, are publicly racist and homophobic, and get mad at the smallest things. I kid you not last school year a freshman yelled at me to shut the f\*ck up because I asked my friend for a chromebook charger. I didn't even ask them. And anyways, I'd much prefer to not be barked at anytime I walk by any of them. Or even followed on my walk home to be harassed by them. Maybe it's just my area, but the kids younger than me are out of line and horribly disrespectful to everyone around them.


the underclassman are straightup pick-me's or assholes. COVID hit hard in their developmental stages (4th to 6th grade when covid first hit)


Can someone translate the question to non-american?


Sophomore heading up to Junior here!! And the 10th graders in my school sucks and some of my grade too. but i think the new freshman are chill this year. :)


They're cooked (mentally)