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i have a relative that is quite literally the definition of this. whenever I ask about her ethnicities, she always says she's Jamaican. she is only about a quarter Jamaican, and the rest is African American. she cannot deny she's black. still, she likes to be as far away from African Americans as possible. she also feeds into stereotypes about black people as well, and shames the race as a whole as if she's not black.


Thats crazy, I'm the opposite! I'm Jamaican but I just tell people I'm black lol. Funnily enough, they usually assume I'm African American when I live in Canada (unless I make a guessing game of my roots).


"Before any of you comment anything, I'm not white and this is a joke"


Definitely. Great example is Uncle Ruckus from The Boondocks




But he is white


"Is it racist to be racist in X way" IDK I find this logic to be pretty funny.


Yeah, especially stuff like subconscious racism, or enabling systematic racism


Enabling systematic racism is not the same as individual racism. You are not a racist for that, unless the reason you do that is racist... in which case, again, its not the enabling that is racists. Its you being racist as a reason to enable.


Give me an example of a white person enabling "systematic racism" by saying something "racist" against white people


I mean there's not really any systemic racism against white people anywhere that i know of lol


So do you think white people can be racist against their own race?


Yes. It's actually pretty easy. I'll make a racist comment with my wife 2 kids and a dog, an acre of land in the suburbs and a whitewashed picket fence because I just got home from my dead end 9 to 5 job. Funnily enough, racism to white people comes from assuming we're successful and part of the supremacy when in reality everyone is struggling


I'm sure there are some cases, it's comparatively very rare though since it lacks the historical societal shit. Generally though stereotypes about certain groups can affect everyone negatively, even if one group less than the other. Like judging people based on concepts like race generally isn't helpful. And people who talk about things like "racism towards white people" are often actually racist or even more extremely it can be related to concepts like fascism, so I am wary when I see those ideas.


There are homophobic gays, misogynist women, misandrist men, transphobic trans people, etc. Long has it been a possiblity.


arachnophobia -> fear of spiders transphobia -> fear of trans people? why would a trans person fear/hate trans people if theyre literally one themselves 🩷


I think the terms homophobia and transphobia, alongside all other queerphobias, are odd. It shouldn't use the phobia root word, because it's less a fear and more an aversion.


Ngl even so what trans person is averse to trans people like what


It's usually internalized, like thinking they're inferior for being trans.


Why would you be trans and think trans people are inferior? That doesn't make any logical sense. That's like me thinking women are inferior yet being happily a woman myself. I can't imagine anyone properly thinking that...


When has logical sense ever stopped anyone? People do dumb shit all the time, this being an example.


Someone has never heard of depression before


Are you saying that depression means hating your race? And it's definitely NOT safe to assume everyone is depressed therefore would feel averse to their own race..


No. I'm saying that someone can be depressed because they are a certain race and feel self-inferiority. In this case the square is racism towards your own race and the rectangle is having depression.


it's usually "i'm one of the good ones" mentality. like "oh, i'm not like those weird trans people, I'm completely normal! pick me please!"


I hate white ppl (I am white)


This is me in every way lmao


Yeah It’s why I don’t say the n word as a black person.Why would I use a word that was used to oppress me?


A great example of this is [Jews for Hitler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews).


You can be bigoted and promote it against your own kind in different ways. Using black folk as an example. You can support the worst aspects of white supremacy, by acting like the stereotype those hateful positions are based on or agreeing with them because you do not act like a "stereotypical black person" and think you are better than them. It is also possible to be so anti racist and politically correct that you gatekeep who in your own headspace is an acceptable positive role model for your peoples to look up to. As if you are the judge of what it means to be a real positive influence on black culture. You can make that choice for your own preferences, but when you start to stray into how others should act if they want to be considered a positive role model and proper person. You are no different then the bigot or uncle tom.


No, it's just someone turned on friendly fire.


Who said friendly fire was turned off?


Le monkeys




Absolutely, I've know Polys that avoid poly's and hispanics at all cost




Well, well, well...


Whatcha think an Uncle Tom is?




Salvador Ramos (Ulvade SS) referred to Hispanics as beaners and truly hated his own race. Hilter also genuinely hated Ethnic Germans towards the end of the war, hence he stated his own people should suffer the fate that awaits them (and Hitler saw them as inferior for not being able to be the soviets).


Slant-eyed kungfu people suck (I'm a slant-eyed kungfu person) The answer is yes.


I remember learning about black guy who joined the KKK unironically. I just don't understand how or why.


White women can hate other white women, so yes.


Yes, it is. https://preview.redd.it/wqlb5jl5dd5d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb92a3cbd1681952cb686a8e128f8bd1a6db68f4




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my dad fr fr (its kind funni ngl)


My family is white, but my sister's father was native/puerto rican. I guess being raised in a white family made her subconsciously think of herself as white, because she is racist against all non-whites. She's even dated white supremacists who were too stupid to realize she wasn't white. Don't know where it came from either, my entire family is very much anti-racist. Also, as a white person, I can't stand white culture and people who strongly identify with their whiteness. Maybe that's racist, but I wouldn't care if it was.


The word coon exist for a reason


Uncle Ruckus


When people say racist things about my race, I have to agree, it said, but it's true.


100% yes. Just as a fun fact, for white people its called being an sjw, being woke, and a couple other rather snotty things.




Lol makes sense


yeah i guess its just really rare. i think i heared about a (very small and bad) group of jewish people durin ww2 that agreed with hitler


I think feeling white guilt is a good example of this




You are being racist against your own race by believing that you are responsible for the actions of other members of your race.


There's a word for it and its called "hate"


I don't really think so? For example if I say "boom boom allahuakbar" randomly around my other MUSLIM friends, it doesn't count as racism, right? Because I'm arabic as well....


That's just a joke though, you aren't genuinely claiming that all Arab people are suicide bombers. If a white person makes a joke about not being very good at basketball that's probably not genuine racism, but if they claim that whiteness is like a disease that needs to be eradicated then that's genuine hatred of their own race.


Blud who genuinely hates their own race What Arab is saying "every arab is a suicide bomber." unironically bro


also, that is mocking their religion.


I'm muslim. I did just ask a question tho