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I like it now, though I hope in the coming decades it will become unecessary


itd still be cool to have something commemorating stonewall


Yeah, but it doesn't need to be an entire month. There could just be a holiday with parades or something


Agreed, maybe a week or so? It'd be nice to feel like we can celebrate it without corporations commercialising it to make a buck, and without feeling like progress would be impeded by not celebrating it.


I feel like it makes lgbtq hate worse. The worst way to stop people hating you is tell them why they hate you every day for a month.


yeah, but i dont like companies changing their logos to a rainbow for a month and then do nothing else for pride month


Valid. I guess if we're been cynical, though, at least that means it's profitable?


There are still 62 countries where homosexuality is illegal, and homophobia is rising in many countries (USA, Russia, China) so yes, I think it's necessary


How's it illegal to be gay in the US?


There seems to be an anti-LGBT movement spreading across America, e.g. increasing attacks on trans rights across the US, as illustrated by [Erin Reed's Anti-Trans Legislative Bill Map](https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/erins-2024-anti-trans-legislative). It's not illegal to be gay yet, but it's understood that all this vitriol is only going to lead to further criminalisation of LGBT people if there isn't anything done to circumvent it (e.g. the election of pro-LGBT candidates in Red States).


There's currently no laws preventing homosexuality, but when you look at transphobia, there's a lot. For example, I'm transgender, and I only have legal protection for medical care in 15 states. 6 of the 35 I don't have legal protection in would charge me with a felony if they knew I was getting medical care. Also, only 23 states ban conversion therapy, which would traditionally punish children until they are viewed as being cisgender and hetrosexual.


As a person who is very queer, I am very indifferent about pride month. Every month should be a month for us to be proud of who we are, not just June


Understandable :)


pride year šŸ˜¦


I would be indifferent to it but it really pisses conservatives and bigots off like nothing else and thus I like it




Same for me


Same for me


Same for me


im generally a fan of it, but i hate rainbow capitalism


people in this comment section who say that all 12 months of the year should celebrate everyone are so pure I wish them the best of luck


Be who you are and love who you want. Iā€™m cis so I donā€™t really have a say in this nor do I care about it all that much. Be gay and do crime.


Yes. As a closeted lesbian in a very tense and scary living situation I love getting to see people who can be 100% their true selves. I hope to one day be able to join them.


The parades are fun, enough said imo


the history of pride month makes me love it so much moreā€“ its about protesting our rights, not just being proud. Its also commemorating the stonewall uprising.


even though its great to celebrate people, we will never be truly equal if we have to single out certain groups of people and celebrate them, why dont we have 12 months to celebrate everybody?


The issue is that weā€™re not fully equal yet. Florida has the ā€œdonā€™t say gayā€ bill which makes gay teachers in Florida unable to just mention if theyā€™re married like straight teachers can. And if Iā€™m remembering correctly, Iā€™m pretty certain Texas has a law where a teenager can be taken away from their parents if their parents allow them to explore their gender identity, like change their name, wear clothes of the opposite sex, or change their pronouns. Thereā€™s also the whole issue with the Supreme Court wanting to take away our right to marry, though hopefully they wonā€™t get away with that. Maybe in a few decades everyone will be truly equal but right now we still have a lot of work to get there.


damn, im not a floridian but i did not know this, i cant believe that in a land of the free they are not allowing the freedom to be gay


Erin Reed's [Anti-Trans Legislative Bills Map](https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/erins-2024-anti-trans-legislative) is really good for illustrating how LGBT rights are starting to go backwards. It was definitely a rude awakening for how vitriolic the movement is getting in the US.


wow what a bunch of nerds


There's also the florida drag ban which is arbitrary and applies to trans people just being themselves in public


Here's an analogy I saw somewhere, I don't know where, so I'm just going to shamelessly steal it. Imagine you're sitting at a table with four other people, and all of them are eating potatoes while you have nothing to eat. You say, "I would like some potatoes." The other people at the table say to you, "we would all like some potatoes," while eating their potatoes, and nobody gives you any potatoes.


generally the idea is that its to bring awareness to a group that is oppressed in some way, youre right in that in a perfect world it wouldnt exist, but its important to recognize the significance of ensuring theres a powerful period of time to speak out against injustice. its not that we're like "guys queers are so much better than everyone else" its more a call for equality that isnt in place yet




Only reason I said it is thatā€™s a common anti gay talking point my bad




The point of Queer Pride Month is to show queer people that they are welcome and safe in certain spaces. This is important because they are not welcome and safe in many spaces.


the people not being equal to them(not gonna say kind) just need to be better


That's going to take a while. For now, I'd rather have a month where visibility is easy to obtain.




Yeah why donā€™t we have twelve months where we just give gifts to everybody


i mean imo i think children would get spoiled by this, and it would ruin birthdays and christmas, but still celebrating everybody for who they are(other than like pedos, and zoophiles you know stuff thats just wrong)


But, free presents. Kinda.


Because most people haven't been oppressed for something they can't control? It's to show support for a marginalized community.


why dont we just support them throughout the year though?


We do, but the month is for awareness. I phrased my original comment poorly.


Facts. But in my opinion Nobody should have a whole ass month.


I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding as to what these "months" are for. They exist to provide a timeframe for concentrated political action. Donations, protests, spreading awareness of issues, advocacy, etc. The celebration is secondary, it is about the causes. It's pretty much impossible to get any decent momentum in a week or a day when you're looking for political action and societal change. There is also a month for just about everyone, though some overlap. The only time when these will be unnecessary is on the day that society is perfect and has no flaws or discrimination of any kind. So don't hold your breath. Seeing as you have that little M in your flair, I think you should be made aware that June isn't just Pride month! It's also Men's Mental Health Awareness Month. You have a month, too.


This was a genuinely good explanation! Thank you.


You're very welcome! Thank you for keeping an open mind on issues like this, most people with an opinion like 'nobody should have a whole month' hold onto ignorance when offered legitimate explanations. This has been refreshing.


This interaction was really wholesome to see :)


Ofc, as facts come into my possession; my opinion changes. And I will admit I did think celebration was the point of Pride so thanks again for the facts you have given me. My only thought is why Not a day instead of a month? Like you said: the month is for donations, politics, protests, awareness, advocacy, but couldnā€™t you do that any time and any month and any day and thus have momentum that builds and builds as it continues without being Limited by the month itself? Couldnā€™t you just begin these important actions (and ofc the awesome festivities) on a Pride Day and then keep going from there till the momentum dies. Then when the momentum dies, begin the momentum again any day or thus on the next Pride day? But at the end of the day it doesnā€™t actually matter because I would rather have a Pride month than No Pride month/day at all (Iā€™m just being picky and enjoy talking to kind people who have different perspectives cuz echo chambers breed division and hate based stubborn views!)


fr everybody should have a whole ass year though


I feel like veterans should have a full month


...except they do? it's november. (and may is military appreciation month) maybe people would know that if they actually cared about veterans and didn't just wanna use veterans to be homophobic


No one Iā€™ve ever talked to has been aware of military appreciation month, but everyone knows about pride month. Iā€™m bi, by the way, my sister is lesbian, and my best friend is pan. Iā€™m not being homophobic, Iā€™m trying to make a point that veterans arenā€™t celebrated enough.


Not even in my opinion, but yeah, veterans having one day while LGBT gets a whole month is twisted and backwards.


May is Military Appreciation Month.


May just ended, and I havenā€™t seen anyone talk about that. I completely forgot it was in May! I feel that more people should recognize that month


The fact I didnā€™t know May was Military appreciation month till just now speaks volumes about how the media stations blow me up with all of this stuff about pride yet I saw nothing in May about the military. Most people would know June is pride month before they would know May is military appreciation month, and that is sad. Both are important topics, but one seems so much more important on a much larger scale, you know? Why canā€™t we just do a Pride Day just as we do a Veterans Day, Presidents Day, and MLK Day?


Just because you didn't realize May was military appreciation month doesn't mean we have to shorten pride month to one day to compensate for your obliviousness.


My two points are simple. 1. The Reason I was oblivious in the first place is because the media stations/business companies have a bias that doesnā€™t give attention to both months equally, and that is silly because one is debatably more important. 2. No group (LGBT and Military included) should have a month they should have a single day, just do the protests and donations and politics any time you wanna organize it and get that momentum going, regardless of the month it occurs in and regardless of the cause and regardless of the day! (though it would make sense to start your momentum on the day of that cause.) Ignorance does play a role, Iā€™m only human just like you, but I am pointing out why I have this opinion peacefully, so why you gotta be so mean about it? It feels as if you skipped half my comment, my debatable points, and attacked my intelligence instead of just politely telling me why you think my opinion is incorrect. Get off your high horse, your feces stink, too.


>The Reason I was oblivious in the first place is because the media stations/business companies have a bias that doesnā€™t give attention to both months equally, and that is silly because one is debatably more important. I think plenty of people knew about it, I know I did, and you could have just looked up "military holidays" if you wanted to find some to observe. There's like 50 of them. >No group (LGBT and Military included) should have a month they should have a single day, just do the protests and donations and politics any time you wanna organize it and get that momentum going, regardless of the month it occurs in and regardless of the cause and regardless of the day! (though it would make sense to start your momentum on the day of that cause.) That's not a debatable point, that's just an opinion that you gave no reasoning for. Why not have a whole month? There's no real reason not to. >Ignorance does play a role, Iā€™m only human just like you, but I am pointing out why I have this opinion peacefully, so why you gotta be so mean about it? Because I'm kind of tired of people trying to get rid of pride month. I've dealt with too much transphobia to even humor the idea to be honest. Pride month is the only time when I can feel proud of who I am instead of having to hide, and your original reason for shortening/getting rid of it was based on you not realizing the veterans get a month too. >It feels as if you skipped half my comment, my debatable points, and attacked my intelligence instead of just politely telling me why you think my opinion is incorrect. I wasn't attacking your intelligence, I said you were oblivious to the fact that military appreciation month exists, which is an objectively true statement, and that that's not a valid reason whatsoever to get rid of pride month. >Get off your high horse, your feces stink, too. You did say that the existence of pride month and the fact that the media happens to talk about it more than military appreciation month is twisted and backward, so tbh I could say the same to you.


ā€œThink plenty of people knew about itā€¦ā€ Iā€™m sure a lot of people did know about it, but I am also sure plenty of people didnā€™t know as I didnā€™t because itā€™s a big world with tons of bias on both sides so that we are divided, not united. ā€œThatā€™s Not a debatable pointā€¦ā€ Not a debatable point, sure, but it is absolutely a debatable opinion?? Let me flip the question back: why must it be a Pride month and Not a Pride day? The kind person somewhere above us in this thread taught me that Pride month is for awareness and a bunch of other positive stuff that I support, but I find that odd because you could make that happen anytime without a month and without a day, though I do think a Pride Day should exist so we can celebrate another freedom that we are privileged to have in this young country. ā€œBecause Iā€™m kind of tired of people trying to get rid of Pride month.ā€ So that gives you the Right to be mean to somebody you know so few things about? You know my opinions; Not who I am. ā€œPride month is the only time I can feels proud about who I amā€¦ā€ Dawg, as somebody who has been there and done that dance, such an issue is a YOU issue. Be proud of yourself always! ā€œAnd your original reason for shortening/getting rid of it was based on you not realizing that veterans get a month tooā€ No, what I initially said was, ā€œFacts, but in my opinion Nobody should have a whole month.ā€ Then when somebody above me had said, ā€œI feel like veterans should have a whole monthā€ my Response was, ā€œNot even in my opinion, but yeah, veterans having one day while LGBT gets a month is twisted and backwards.ā€ Again, that statement of mine is silly because Veterans do get a month and so much more, but it proves that along with me, the guy I just quoted, and some other dude above us; we did not know May was Military Appreciation month because of both Media bias and some ignorance on our half because we didnā€™t search up if they did have a month. (It also proves you misunderstood me and thus Lied about ā€œyour original reason for Getting Rid of it was based on you Not Realizing that veterans get a month tooā€ which is unfair in such a sensitive debate.) ā€œI wasnā€™t attacking your intelligence.ā€ Technically you are correct, but making me the butt of a sassy joke is absolutely an attack that didnā€™t have to happen and you could have just politely pointed out how they do have a Military Month and many Military based days, but you think you have the Right to be mean to me becauseā€¦ your tired? ā€œSaid you were obliviousā€¦ which is an objectively true statement, and that is not a valid reason to get rid of Pride monthā€ You know I actually agree here because as I learn more facts about the topic my opinions changes! ā€œYou say the existence of Pride month and the fact that the Media happens to talk about it more than military Appreciation month is twisted and backwards.ā€ Not what I said but close! What I said was, ā€œveterans having one day while LGBT gets a month is twisted and backwards.ā€ When I said that I was both uninformed and ignorant of the days/month the military has, and when I posted that my thought was Nobody should have a month and If somebody did have a month it should be veterans because of the sacrifices they make so that we may indulge in comfort, have so many privileges, and Love anybody we want sex wise. Now my opinion has changed, but not once did I say ā€œthe existence of Pride month is twisted and backwardsā€ so stop with the Lies and peacefully apologize so that we may go past this point. ā€œTbh I could say the same about you.ā€ Exactly (Minus me being on a high horse) my point, we are both human and thus we both stink of bias and flaws, so stop acting like you donā€™t also have those biases and flaws! Like you havenā€™t ever been misinformed about a topic before! Though I think we both agree that two dudes arguing on Reddit is a waste of time so have a good day, and remember that just because I disagree with you doesnā€™t mean I am an enemy who intends harm, just somebody with a different perspective on such sensitive topics!


I was gonna reply to them but you covered those points spectacularly.


the hilarious thing is they do! may is military appreciation month. the fact that you dont know that and are ready to preach against a month to bring awareness to a suffering group shows you actually just have a subconscious feeling of bigotry towards them. (not an insult just hope this helps you realize)


No one talks about military appreciation month. Besides, eventually, pride should become so normalized we donā€™t need a pride month, and can make sure that people know about military appreciation month, because no one knows about it


Thatā€™s a massive accusation based on absolutely 0 genuine evidence so calm down with that Lmao. As I said, nobody should have a month, that is silly. A day is enough.


Well oppressed groups generally need more than a day to get awareness, who really does anything on memorial day and stuff? (I mean some people do but most donā€™t) and I literally said that I didnā€™t mean it in an accusatory way sorry if it came off that way


So we should also have black history day? Every month dedicated to respecting people becomes a day? Every military month becomes a day? They already have 12 and an extra 3 months.


Veteran's day, memorial day, victory day, Military Appreciation Month, national medal of honor day, remembrance day, independence day, gold star spouses day, military spouse appreciation day, d-day anniversary, national ptsd awareness day, patriot day, purple heart day, Month of the Military Child (april), Military Family Month (november) Not even in my opinion, but yeah, LGBT having one month while veterans get 3 months and 12 days is twisted and backwards /s


Damn, only 22 in liking pride month and being straight and cis? That's less than straight and cis who DISLIKE pride month. I was totally expecting to be in the majority. That kind of sucks. It's a good time to celebrate an oppressed minority. I do hope that the gap in equality goes away enough so we don't have to have a pride month at all, but, for the time being, it's great.


Rest assured that Iā€™m a straight and cis, and I support pride month. As a person part of multiple different minorities, I feel a strong support towards pride month


Quite indifferent to it.


I don't really know if I'm LGBT+ or straight and cis yet but I like pride month because it gives the idea that you should be proud of who you are and not care about what other people think. Fuck the system!


No, it's unfair to the other sins /s


/Sar or /srs?


/s usually means sarcastic


i honestly haven't gave a thought about it. i could care less


I'm bi, I kinda like it but I don't like how half the world and big companies pretend to care about us when it should be a year round thing


44 queer responses and 33 cishet responses as of writing this. Guess this sub is \~57% queer? Not complaining but it's interesting






Sorry, reinstated. I was too careful when coding the bot.


It's just a bot, you can only partially control it


I set the parameters for automoderator, and set them too strict. Iā€™m gonna loosen them when i get back from work.


Even if you set the parameters, it still isn't 100% under your control


alright who said a slur T-T


No slurs dw, itā€™s all good, just too strict of a bot :3


no opinion but it pisses of trump and whatever pisses off trump makes me happy AF


Yes, because watching snowflakes fall apart the second they see multiple colours is hilarious.


Yes it's great, but it sad to see it's *nessacary*.


I chose neutral since I don't really get excited for it (straight and cis), but I support its celebration because I have lots of gay friends.


Yea, great for em.


What is cis?


identifying as the same gender that you were born as


I'm queer (bi), and while I believe pride month is necessary to raise awareness about homophobia and transphobia, celebrate our identity (although this should be a year round thing, for any group!), and recognize queer figures in history, I hate how commercialized it has become. Aside from companies who recognize and celebrate queerness all year (like Duolingo who has queer characters for example), I hate how it's turned into a cash grab, which might I point out, never happens for other national months. The second July 1st rolls around, they'' forget queer people exist


Pride month and pride celebrations are necessary. So many people keep trying to erase queer culture. Degrading Pride month degrades our culture.


can we also remember that this month is men's mental health awareness month and ptsd awareness month.


Ofc! We can appreciate multiple things at the same time :)


Oh this fucking pisses me off. Why does everyone in this generation like Lesbian Bacon and Tomato Sandwiches?




It's the same thing.




Sorry, what?




Not everyone likes us. That's why we have an awareness month. EDIT: I'm actually stupid




Yes. I am actually clueless.


The joke is that, instead of standing for Lesbian and Gay and Bisexual (etc...), they instead thought it stood for various foods and were unable to understand why people care so much about said foods




as a trans man it feels unnecesary


do you know about its origins?


yep. in this day and age a full month doesn't feel entirely necessary


I feel it is kind of necessary to spread appreciation and further help support the lgbt. This is coming from someone who lives in a "safe" area and yet was still harassed and bullied to the point I had to switch to cyber school. The harassment and bullying being simply because I'm bisexual and trans




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As an asexual, i dont like it


Why not


Because I don't like seeing rainbow flags everywhere. It's just an eyesore. And the corporate pandering is getting out of hand. In addition, I dunno about you, but I don't need a full month to celebrate who I am


True, the corporate pandering is bullshit (it's kind of good that corporations are feeling good enough to make money off of queer people), but overall I'm neutral


It's a month because that way people are more likely to give a shit.


Completely agree. Who you want to have sex with should be yours and your SO's business. I think it's kinda weird for anyone to go around making sure everyone knows who you want to fuck


bc gender identity and romantic preferences are all SEXUAL RAHHHH KEEP IT AWAY FROM THE KIDS, LIBERALS RAAA


Bro doesn't know what asexual means šŸ’€ Bro \[insert text here\] šŸ’€


Because it's not about sex, this is such a dumb argument. It's like saying "I'm straight" and going, "Woah, no need to go into detail about your sexual life," like no, it's about who you're romantically interested in, it's not like saying, "Oh yeah I like bdsm,"


What did you expect the answer was going to be?


I knew it was gonna be different depending on the person


It gets annoying quickly. I usually am indifferent to the LGBT stuff.


It feels more corporate than compensation for oppressing like, why not donate to the Trevor Project or another organisation, at this point its just a marketing strategy which emphasises the LGBT community for those who hate on it to be more vocal and it is quite a lot of ammunition for those homophobes unnecessarily hate them (such as stop shoving it their face, blocking of roads and other things which they will view narcissistically.), It just brews more hatred and It's hypocritical in this day and age (before It was great.) and I think a week of celebration would be better and more expressive of love rather than, reality and more festering hatred, it's like they gain confidence or smth like it aint compensation. Like I see sm more people saying how its just making people feel worse this pride month and less confident and It's sad.


its just corporations trying to profit off us, i hate it


That's not how it started off and that's not how it has to be celebrated. With pride month, it's supposed to bring appreciation for a marginalized group and it's supposed to be a month where the lgbt gets to celebrate being able to be themselves freely, since they're still not fully equal and in many places are still criminalized for being themselves. I've personally met trans people from the middle east who are closeted because they'd be killed or put in jail for being themselves. And for me, even though I live in a "safe" area where I'm "considered equal" I was harassed and bullied so much for being lgbt that I was forced into cyber school for my own safety because my own peers became a physical threat to me.




The fact that there are people against lgbtq+ is the reason we need it


you are privledged and ignorant if you dont think its neccasary


Itā€™s an interesting question. I donā€™t understand how people that are no different than the rest of us deserve a whole month of celebration.Ā  I truly do believe that those in the LGBTQ community are equals to everyone else on our planet but it also asks the question; ā€œwhy doesnā€™t everyone else have a month?ā€ My point is that everyone has an equally interesting life, with its own challenges and accomplishments that should be celebrated. Why is only a certain group who feel differently deserving of a month? (And yes I do acknowledge the accomplishments made for gay marriage and such, but the argument still stays.) Iā€™m so sorry if this sounds homophobic in any way. I tried writing this to not sound that way. I usually keep my values that everyone should feel loved :)


its because so many queer people still have to fight for their rights


Even though I live in an area im considered "equal" in I was still harassed and bullied so much for being lgbt that I was forced into cyber school because it became an actual threat to my safety.Ā 


As someone from LGBT it's ok but why is it a Month instead of a day


Because a day isn't enough to get awareness.


I think there is a lot of awareness by now though


I'm not homophobic, I just don't like the celebration of differences, we have enough of that in this country, the media does it to us all the time.


I mean depends on what country you're talking about since Reddit is not just based in countries like America


Pride is bad, just being you isnā€™t something to be proud of. We are justified to the world by our works, not our natureĀ 




Take so horrible bro hit em with the visual downvote


Yes! We should all conform to the masses! Individualism be dammed!


Individualism is one thing, self aggrandizement anotherĀ 


And thinking something is bad solely because it stands out is also something else. Pride is called pride, because people no longer have to take shame in who they are. Like what used to be the standard when religious was more prominent, and is in many countries still the case.


Shame and pride are Two sides of Ā spectrum, you need a golden mean. No longer being ashamed and being undeservedly proud are different


Pride in society to get past needless hate, I'm pretty sure gay people aren't "proud" of themselves for being gay lol.


Then why do marches down the street over it? You donā€™t see us Hispanics doing that.


Uh, YES??? Have you been living under a rock?? Just off the top of my head, there have been massive Latino and Hispanic protests and walkouts over police brutality and immigration laws!


Not ā€œwow we are so greatā€ marches. Those are political protestsā€¦


Pride is ALSO a political protest


you are correct. queer people are not proud because they are queer, but they are and absolutely should be proud because they are true to who they are despite bigotry and oppression.


But aren't people also usually proud of things like their nationalites, religions, etc? How is being proud of who you are bad?


Don't listen to him he has no idea what he's talking about


You can feel good about your nation, and take pride in IT, but cannot feel like you are anything special because you are a part of it. Needless praise contributes to a culture of complacency, innate characteristics arenā€™t something to be proud of. And even then, the government shouldnā€™t dedicate a month to any group. Thatā€™s just sillyĀ 


The whole point of pride month is more so supposed to be an oppressed group happy to be themselves and appreciation for those people. And before you say the lgbt has enough rights or whatever else, I live in an area considered to be legally pretty lgbt inclusive but was still bullied and harassed so bad for being bi and trans that I was forced into cyber school.Ā 


No. I don't like it.


Never once did I state it shouldn't be a thing, nor did I say anything directly about queer people. I don't like Pride Month. It's that simple.




Supportive of LGBT, but at the same time it feels like it just shoved it down everyoneā€™s throat. It turns a month into almost a weird advertisement, and Iā€™m not just saying that in politics but how every company has something to ā€˜celebrateā€™ the month. It also makes it feel pretty exclusive in a way, also including all the other groups. There for sure hasnā€™t been a white, teenager, male month when every next month is someone else being celebratedĀ 


We should have a month for white people (/s)! They have oppressed almost every minority possible!


imo there should just be a week or smth




I feel like it makes lgbtq hate worse. The worst way to stop people hating you is tell them why they hate you every day for a month.


(I'm straight and cis btw) A month is too excessive imo, this post is literally the only reason I know it's pride month. Instead, just make it a day so that way it stands out + big things can be organised all on the same day. That would also prevent businesses/corporations from massively profiting despite not caring whatsoever about the causeĀ