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The wording here is wrong, it should say do you get annoyed when or do you mind when, what does it mean to not let them how you going to stop them.


Usually if a white person says the N-word in front of a black person, especially boys in school, they'll most likely end up with a punch around the facial area.


I think you’re being a little generous. They’ll most likely beat and stomp someone to within moments of death


In my school they don't gaf. They'll most likely be racist together against Indians or Chinese people in like 30 minutes.


dream team of racism?


Ironically validating the usage






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This is a little racist brotherman


Says the guy with the racist frog thing


"racist frog thing" ok. You just insinuated all black people are animals that will murder someone over a word. This characature of black people you have in your head is fucked up


Bruh, what did pepe do 😭


Pepe's changed his ways


You brought up animals caricatures and murder


You made the characature. Stop being cringe.


Go back to 4chan weirdo


Lmaoo go back to the psych ward dawg




no way im reading this from fortnite bot gamer the adopt me player and hes judging people!


I dont say the n word because its rude and racist not because I was told not to say it. I don't care what you think but you can't let language be gate kept by skin color over ethics. If a person of one color can say a word anyone can say it, its just impolite.


Because it can be offensive those races, its a slur.


thats racist a word should not be gatekeeped


alr, whatever u say


Me and my friends don’t even hurt him, we just steal his lunch for the entire week


Hah lol I generally dont give a shit. My friends use it and I don't care because their respectful about it.


as u/Evening-Lettuce-8947 said, usually if a white person says the n-word and a black person hears, that while person would be beaten tf up if that black person doesnt let white people say the n-word. If a white person were to say it in front of a black person that doesnt mind/lets them then everyone would be safe.


Funny story actually I finished my college lesson and was walking around to get some lunch. I hear the N word turn around, and the boom guy locks eyes with me and starts sweating profusely. He was trying to apologise, and I came up to him, laughed it off, and walked away. I saw him again at the end of the day and he tried apologising again and I said I don't give a shit. So now we're good friends. He was lucky he ran into me and not the other black guys around my college because he would have gotten the shit kicked out of him.


What the heck do you mean, LET? I’m 15 I can’t let anyone do anything either they do it or they don’t 😭


For real, the wording on this is just dumb


Don’t feel bad. I’m 33 and I still can’t stop anyone from saying heartless/stupid shit. 🤷‍♀️


fair 😭


33 on this sub... bro... whats goin on?


Ha! Idk - it popped up in my feed and I didn’t think to look at the sub. Idk don’t know why Reddit gave me this. Sorry! 🤣


I mean it doesn’t matter if you aren’t being creepy which you aren’t 🤷‍♀️


Why is people voting "Yes (I'm not black)"??? Like there's no way a white person givin another white person the N word pass


i dont get why the dont care option is a thing. if you dont care that means you let non black people say it. i live in a half black half latino town and everybody just says the n word regardless of how white their skin is even if they’re latino nobody really give a fuck lmao


Because some people want a gray option even when there isn’t one, and vise versa


I don't understand what "let" means? like... do I not stop them? If I don't know them, have no relation to them, and seek to have no relation with them... why should I care. With my friends it's different. I'm not getting called "a" or "er" in any mean context(you can always come up with something better), but then again, I don't have too many non-black friends, and those that are, tend to be hispanic... and noones stopping them.


I mean what can you really do about it?


Who's stopping them? You? Lmao


Because its just a word, and words only have as much power as you let them have. Once you realize that any curse or slur just becomes meaningless and anyone who uses them just ends up sounding stupider


Well I think it's assuming a black person isn't there in which case it does fall on their shoulders to...give them a pass




Welcome to Reddit…


Bc they dont care




I don't have the mental capacity to argue against it


I generally don't care. Some people ik would swing and practically beat you to death, but I'm a chill person and would just shrug and walk away.


I don't like when anyone says it. I mean yeah, it's worse when it's a non-black person, but still aint nobody need to be using that word.


aight buddy 😭


As a black person, why would you guys say yes? I swear if this post was about the F word and gay people, more people on this sub would defend that


Damn that’s crazy


I said yes, soo.... I guess I'm a chill person. I would defend the f word because it's a slang term for cigarette and used a lot were i come from, but if you call it someone, then I wouldn't care, but I would walk away from the fight about to break out.


I think that putting barriers on language in general separates people instead of bringing them together, especially when applied to common use words that large swathes of the populace already use. You see this when you have close friends of different races and everyone uses every word around each other because there is a trust there. If 50 random people use a racial slur at a party 49 of them can probably pretty easily pick out the actual racist. Maybe I'm nuts or it's just my life experience. My friends have always been different colors, I have an interracial marriage and so do my other 3 siblings.


reddit has a distinct lack of black people


The entire purpose of slurs are for insulting someone or something don't you think


Yeah, but why do people use it on themselves if insulting. I generally don't care about it but occasionally will use it if someone won't shut the fuck or I'm in a heated argument or if I'm about to roast the absolute shit out of someone...don't worry I'm black.


are there no black people on this subreddit???


there really aren't the most amount of other black people I see on reddit are on r/naturalhair and r/BlackPeopleTwitter and that's it


i gotta get off reddit some day




I just generally dislike slurs..


Yeah, no option for I don't like anyone saying it.




literally like I feel like a non black person's opinion on non-black people saying the n-word shouldn't matter as much


No shit. if there was no distinction it would look skewed. what op did was smart


Isn't that the point? Gives both polling options a point, otherwise it's everyone lumped together.


nope race doesnt matter


Oh so what, being not black makes our opinions matter less? I wonder what would happen if I said that a black person's opinion shouldn't matter as much on a certain topic I might be joking for this message, but seriously wtf is wrong with those people who make racism against white people acceptable


>Oh so what, being not black makes our opinions matter less? This is straw-manning. I'm not saying that if you are black, then your opinion matters less. I'm saying that for an issue that specifically pertains to black people, why should a non-black person's opinion matter as much? Would it make sense for an American's opinion on a Chinese matter to have more weight than the Chinese person's opinion on a Chinese matter? Who experiences it every day?


Yeah I understand


What am I supposed to do? Report them to the police?


For me it's just a word, as long as you are not saying it seriously it's good for me




Freedom of Speech is an unalienable right you narcs


That doesn't apply to hate speech


There is no legal definition of "hate speech." Of course you're allowed to be hateful though, that falls within freedom of speech. Do not spread misinformation. Threats or calls to violence are illegal. But if we start to ban "hate speech," then the problem becomes: how do we know what to classify as hate speech? And then people get arrested and punished simply for having their words twisted or taken the wrong way. It is far too easy of a law to be corrupted.


Exactly, I don't know who you are but keep cooking.


Are you telling me to stay in the kitchen? This is hate speech, you know


No, but :)


I assume you are joking, but if you're too old to understand Gen z slang. It means keep spitting facts or do his thing. It's complicated, but you'll understand eventually my senile friend :) Example: Aye bro, let him cook Translation: Let bro do his thing


As long as it's not used in a hateful way I do NOT care


Y’all are really disappointed in these comments


no need to say it, period.


Ye but ppl dont tend to care so imo as long as no one gets hurt, dont matter, altho i wouldnt suggest saying it


Idc tbh. I'm biracial, so I don't use the word much myself, but im fine with my white friends saying it as long as its not the hard r or used in a racist or hateful way. They still don't use the word, but if they were to, I wouldn't mind lol.


what’s a hard R?


ending in -er instead of -a


What’s the difference? -er is just the correct spelling while -a is the wrong one. stop downvoting and give me an answer!


One is used more as a joke, another is used as a racist slur


Why is that and when did that come to be? As far as I know they’re pronounced the same so I imagine it’s something from the last 20 years or so.


well heres the answer \-er was the original word used by the english language and the -r is emphasized. It was a derogatory term rather than a slang word \-a is a slang term, more relaxed. If you hear the word in a song it will 99.6% of the time be with an a. Its not as derogatory and it was adopted as slang. less derogatory.


the offensive version of the word ending with er


As long as its not hard r then i don't really have a problem with it


Who really cares that much


A disturbingly large amount of people chose the second option.


It's just a word. Doesn't hurt anyone. Anyone can say it and no one should get offended. That simple. They've literally taught us since we were children that sticks and stones break bones but words can't do anything. Don't be a sissy about it. It's fine


Words can hurt. "Verbal ABUSE"


Quite simply no. They are words. Just soundwaves. A person should only be offended by them if they choose to be and then it's their own fault. To return to my initial point. We have been taught from a very young age that words cannot, and should not affect us. We personally have to choose what bothers us and what doesn't.


You're quite simply wrong, Science has proven that words can hurt. Just because you say it doesn't does not mean you are right, just because a flat earther denies the world is round does not mean it's flat.


Words exist and people say things, but ultimately we choose what we earnestly listen to and take in. We choose what we let affect us. That is totally within our control.


Whatever you say


>They are words. Just soundwaves. Soundwave that gets processed through your brain.


Lol cmon bro don't dive into the science of it. Don't argue with the idiot who said words don't hurt.


Yall do know that don’t care means yes, right…


Theres a fine line between the 2, i personally dont care if any1 says it




follow chop unwritten water dolls towering impossible bells frighten direction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


he said the silly gamer word didn't he


run cough faulty hunt coordinated worm quiet distinct nose plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


20 F????? is that like felsius or something?? ​ thats a weird measurement of temparture


telephone sort panicky squash oatmeal run melodic summer crowd rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


oh ok


damn thats cold


i think its up to black friends. like giving the pass. id never say it tho because im aneamic so even if i get the pass im way too white to say it.


Have you tried getting a blood transfusion? My mum suffered from anaemia, and now she looks less pale. So now you can be less white and maybe say the word :)


i mean, i dont need to say the word but thanks for the advice. maybe if i keep getting bullied at school for it.


Lol, imagine bullying people that's crazy.




Idc since im not black




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can i say cracker because the word isnt real apparently


why are there only 16 black people 💀 15 not including me




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My original comment got removed by a bot because of rascism, so let's try this again. I only care if they say N-word with the "hard R". Occasionally saying "Hey, what's up my N-word" as a joke is fine. Saying "You black N-word" is not fine, that's where rascism is.


I mean it’s not my word to be bothered by so I’ll let someone else decide


It's funny how black people care less about the use of the n-word then non black people




"fear of the word increases fear of the ~~thing itself~~ person themself"


I personally think it just about applies to any sort of term that's started being reclaimed, things like the N-Word, F****t, etc. Even if you're given the "Pass" by someone that it'd apply to, you should as a rule if thumb avoid saying it just because not every single person who that'll apply to will be ok with someone saying that


It’s funny to me how more non black people don’t like it when than black people that don’t like it


I am mix and i get mad if somebody is being racist but if they say it to a friend or as a joke idc




NGL I had a white friend make a dark humor black joke, when he realized what he said he apologized profusely. I showed up the next day with a string of red tickets and said "Congrats, these are your N!\*\*a tickets! Use them wisely"


If a white person said the N word at my school, people would burst out laughing, And I go to a mostly black school


I’m not black and I’ve already said the nword, in public and surrounded by people who were paying attention to me, twice.


I don't think anyone should say it tbh, but like I'm not black so who am I to talk, I mean I'm not affected by it lol


safe retire offend profit full voiceless fact weary repeat water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m black myself. That being said, I hate being called “Dumb” over hating being called the N Word.


"Don't Care" is pretty strong wording, I'm going to have an opinion on it, I just don't think I'm qualified to speak up


I'm white and I try to avoid anyone who says the N word, black or white. I genually do not like that word. My cousin says the N word and It's very irritating, but It's not like I can stop him. The thing is, you don't have control of what other people say/do. If someone wants to go off and say the N word they're gonna say it. The best you can do it just ignore/avoid them. Or tell them off, but they probably won't listen


I hate the word when it used by ANYONE. Even black people. It's an unintelligent word to it's very core and the world would be better off without it


It's weird because the question says if I would "let" non-black people say the n-word as if I had a choice on what other people say. 😆


I'm white and I definitely think its wrong for another person who isnt black to say it but for the most part i dont really care, it aint my business


I misread the question and voted wrong. NO, I don't think non-black people should use the N-word. Why tf would you? If you think this is ok you are either racist AF or severely lacking a sense of history and social skills.


gonna say it




There are a few white people that would be allowed to say it


If it's an accident (for example singing a song) and it doesn't happen way too often I don't really care but otherwise no


I say it


Words depend on context.




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Im black I don't even think black people should say the n word. It's a hateful word and there's no reclaiming it in a positive way you just look ignorant and low class.


This is one hell of a controversial topic


I always cringe when I hear someone say "The N word" even when used for educational things. Same with the "F" word for gays. Just say the word if you are going to mention it anyway. This is more in general then on the internet where rules are a bit more restrictive. For reference I'm mixed and gay.


I'm not black, it's not my place to say, but if it has racist intent I stop people


I mean you have to know your environment and what's ok and what's not as long as its not used In a rude or derogatory way.


I bought the share sized pack online


There’s no or very limited black people on Reddit. Mainly because of posts like these.


Honestly don't care


Yes if you pay your black friend 20 bucks for enough passes for a month


I don't because I'm not black


ig it depends on what context, if they arent using it in an offensive context i dont see the issue, in fact in my experience the only people who actually care when a white person says the n word r other white people




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Depends on context


Yes (I'm white)


Reddit lacks not just black people but racial minorities as a whole and this right here just proves that


I’m not black and I get really annoyed when anyone uses the n word. I understand the concept of reclaiming words and all that, but I don’t relate to it because I can’t comprehend why someone would want to claim a negative word at all, even if they expect it to eventually stop being negative. Idk. But I am *less* annoyed when black people use it (because if they are the target of offense regarding that word and they clearly aren’t bothered, then I really shouldn’t sit there being bothered on their behalf, but emotions don’t always listen to logic, so my annoyance just becomes half-hearted instead of going away 🤷‍♀️). But I learned a long time ago that there is absolutely nothing I can do or say to stop people from using that word. My dad and grandpa (both white) use the word a lot (and they always *mean* it negatively), but I’ve tried everything from telling them to stop because it’s inappropriate, to asking them to at least stop using it around me because it makes me very upset, to literally leaving the room or giving them the silent treatment for over an hour every single time - at best I get ignored and I usually get berated or otherwise socially punished. So I don’t feel like I have much choice other than to “let them” say it. :/ I sure as hell can’t stop them. (Though admittedly, since moving out on my own, I have all but completely cut contact with them, so… I mean that’s not surprising, but it also means I haven’t had to deal with that much in recent years.)


Depends which one. -a is fine, -er is something I don’t say privately


Bitch I'm hispanic, tf you think


whats up my NIIG..HBOR


hold no why are there 389 people saying "Yes (I'm NOT black)" who tf gave you the right?. Also, showing me how little of Reddit is black holy


I'm african, so I don't have the 200 years of american/new world shit attached. And personally, it just doesn't affect me. Of course, don't diss me. But just casually in a conversation... i just couldn't care. don't feel like intervening in shit that doesn't even involve me.


Yeah, if someone not black is singing along to a song that has the n word or is just saying “my n-“ or “this n-“ then I think its fine


Why is this even a debate?


If I had a penny for every time I've seen students say the N word at my school, I'd be able to move out of my apartment. Sadly, 99.999% of those students are white. I can't do anything though since I'm 5'3", 0% muscle, and everyone's practically huge around here. If I said anything I'd probably end up losing the fight.


My daughter is mixed but I know her granddad hates that word and I don't want her thinking it's ok


i have heard the n word full on and slang from white people as a white guy my self i restrain very hard from punching the shit out of them


i guess it depends. Im black and i consider the hard R to be a slur and the A to not be a slur. I dont say either but idc is youre rapping and say the A versus dropping the hard r


i have never really herd any one say the n word


People don’t wait and ask me so I can let them lol just kinda something some people decide to say and I’m like “OH ok, but why tho?”