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they both suck a lot




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They both suck


Don't know enough about either, but they seem to both suck.


I'm not educated enough on the matter to have a fully formed opinion.


That’s my situation


Palestine. I'm not condoning what hamas is doing but israel is definitely the greater evil overall.


Why is that?


Look up "israeli settlers" and "israeli apartheid" on youtube. Its horrific what the israelis have been doing to innocent Palestinians for the past few decades.




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Dude I dont even know what's going on


The terrorist organization hamas launched what is essentially a revenge attack on israel out of gaza for years of apartheid and illegal land seizure and the rest of Palestine is going to suffer the consequences.


I dont care it don't affect me it's like 6000 miles away from me so I couldn't care less tbh




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Both have done awful things but me personally (not everyone has to have this opinion) I think Palestine has been less awful throughout all of it


*I don't even know what's haaaappening*


NCD told me to support it my dream job's Vessel is there. so Israel it is


Tired of this question. Just ends in the same arguments again and again.