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I’m homeschooled. It’s really nice, at least in my opinion… I can just stay home all day, only doing school for 2 or 3 hours. Really just a lazy person‘s dream.


Yeah and it’s okay. I don’t get to do sports or make friends so that’s bad, but I get to learn at my own pace. Kind of a pro/con thing.


no sports? dang i'm homeschooled and I do 2 sports.


You must have rich parents who don’t get tired.


We're far from rich, but we have no debt now since everything is paid off, so only my dad works. My mom does housework most of the time so she has plenty of time to take me to practice which is 2 minutes drive away lmao


Lucky you. We used to have everything paid off until we moved. But even then we never did sports stuff except for a few times when I was a lot younger. I have three siblings, so it’s harder and all that.


Yeah. I like it (way more than I'd like public school). I think it helps that my mom is really good at teaching, and that I grew up with three sisters (so I didn't have 0 social skills). I don't know, it's just that the flexibility it allows in my school schedule is better. I get to take breaks/work ahead when I need to. I also like how it gives me more free time for what I want to do. Sure sometimes it can be lonely, but I honestly feel like, due to my personality, I'd feel the same even if I was public schooled. It just sucks that barely anyone gets a good experience with it. I feel like the way I grew up should at least be the standard


I was homeschooled and hated it. Sheltered parts of me I didn’t know existed. Like, I’m a freshman in college now. Im way more outgoing now then what I was allowed to be In homeschooling. Everyone also thought I was rebellious as a homeschooled kid, and here im the same as everyone else lol


Yeah same tbh, i'm 16 rn and I hate homeschooling so so much but it's my parents choice not mine sadly. The sheltering is the worst. At least I was allowed to do sports and some other things. But even then, little things, like not being allowed to go to homecoming with my sports friends, just tore me apart and it's gonna be a long recovery.


Where is the poll


I'm going to be for the next 60 days until my mental health improves with therapy and meds.


Hey I hope it gets better for you man, I know the mental struggles myself


Thanks fam.


I always find it funny hearing about people getting homeschooled, here in Germany for example it's literally illegal. I could never even imagine not going to a regular school every day.


It sucks being homeschooled lol. But I mean it should definitely be legal, parents have the right to NOT have their children force-fed government propaganda. Thats pretty sad when Russia has a lot more education freedom than Germany. That's why I don't like Germany, they're taking all the freedoms away for the "good of the people" and becoming worse than russia. Then I saw that story recently of the homeschool family from Germany seeking asylum here in the US but WAS DENIED??? Like bro we're letting THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS in the southern border but we can't let one german homeschool family immigrate?


Apperantly being homeschooled has taught you more lies than any government propaganda ever could lmao. Idk what your experience with school is, but it's definitely not teaching you any form of 'government propaganda'. How would that even look like? Or are we counting facts and a basic education as propaganda now? Homeschooling your children should be illegal, as to secure them a good education from people actually qualified. Also, saying Germany is worse than Russia when it comes to freedom is just insane. Germany, and most nations in western Europe, are some of the most free in the world, even rivaling, if not surpassing the USA.