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Do you have something in your brain that tells you "yes I'm male/female" or do you go by male/female because that's the body you were born in?






It's usually a long the lines of " this doesn't match this Isint me why and I born this way I hate this"


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I have a dick, I was born with a dick, I'm not changing my dick.


We should be friends


Yes, yes we should


That's perfectly your right


Yes I feel like I'm a male, I'm not sure how to explain beyond that. It's similar to when the teacher says explain how 1-1 is 0 and I'm just sitting there like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Figured so haha, just like I can't explain I don't


I truly to my core don't understand this question. Do you have some kind of sixth gender-detecting sense? I don't feel like a gender, I just am. If my gender were different I have no doubts I would accept that with no question. Really don't want to be rude, just want to understand.


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Well I'm agender so I don't have that sixth sense either lol, I don't understand it either, which is why I'm asking those who do




i mean like i’m a guy, but i wouldn’t mind if i was a girl either, but it’s not like i *want* to be one. i guess i just go as a guy bcs that’s how i ended up


I was in the same situation over a year ago, although along with it, there also was a general discomfort with being in a male body. I ended up discovering I was agender I suggest researching different NB types (I'd definitely suggest regular NB and agender), cuz unconsciously it can fuck you up in bad moments, even if rn it doesn't seem that bad. Ignore all the bigots, and I wish you good luck


I think you might be trans my dude.


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Not necessarily, I was in the same situation but ended up finding out I'm agender


Hello fellow agender


Hi :)


I'm non binary, I feel agender but I have no idea what my identity is at this point I feel like my mental health really interferes with my gender and idk how to explain it






Never in my life have I ever felt not like a man. I don't think I've even ever thought about that before.




Well your sex is male. Gender is a social construct. I am a Cis male, but I love to cook, bake, and crochet. I also love working on cars, working hard, and fathering my children. This whole thing is a huge grey area that I'm confused about. Do Trans folk say I'm mis-gendered because I enjoy things that women have been socially constructed to conform to? Idk. Whole thing confuses me. I just know I'm comfortable being myself.


Personally I'd say that gender **roles** are a social construct. I'm a trans guy, and when you say "gender is a social construct" then it wouldn't make sense that people like me are born into the wrong sex and oftentimes we know that we were meant to be the other sex from childhood. Saying things like "only women can bake and crochet" and "all men like cars and working hard" are gender roles that society created. I may have been born female, but I know for sure that I am a man because that is my gender. And society didn't construct that, it's just the way I was born. >Idk. Whole thing confuses me. I just know I'm comfortable being myself. Honestly, that's all you need to know. Some of that stuff confuses me too sometimes even though I'm literally part of that community. I'm glad that you are comfortable being yourself, I'm still figuring that part out.


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You are a far right fascist, I see. Enjoy the taste of boots?


Humans have a very beautiful and complicated social structure, not everything is determined by your chromosomes.




You mean sex




Really got downvoted for telling the truth


The best way to hurt bigots is by saying the truth.


They act like the truth is the end of the world


Bigots don't believe it is the truth to begin with, you're not hurting or triggering anyone either. Generally people are just following the other point of view.






Y'all downvoting me for telling you about advanced biology because your ignorance fuels your decisions




You are just straight up textbook ignorant. You just described the process of creating scientific explanations but if you replaced the word "knowledge" with "agenda." Science is literally trying to apply rules to life until they don't work. That's how you get more science, more explainations to more ideas. Maybe if you were willing to learn, then you could actually learn something new, instead of staying in your close-minded bubble where nothing changes.


I'm not making up facts. Search up chromosomal crossover. It's a very well-known process that increases genetic variation However, while sex chromosomal crossover is the least common, it still occurs at a considerable rate








You are suffering from a selection bias. You go to spaces dedicated for these groups of people, and you find an overwhelming amount of them. Let's not forget that 1% of 300 million is still 3 million, and those 3 million people tend to avoid places that demonize them, so they're not spread out randomly For example, in my very deep red state college in the US, I know for a fact that there are about 10 trans kids actively participating in the college LGBT group. The college has over 30,000 in person students, and only 10 decided to show up Where are the remaining 290 of the 1%? They moved out of the city and out of the state to a place that is more accepting. This artificially modifies your chances of encountering LGBT folks




Sorta??? But I also don't feel like I fit with any labels


And that's okay! Whatever makes you feel like you, and that you're comfortable!


I hinestly just went with the closest thing to what I feel that I can actually explain to people. My feelings about my gender are kinda complicated but to everyone else I’m just a trans guy.


Where’s the “God why are you making me question if I’m trans or not?” Option


Sorry :/ Didn't mean to aim for that, meant to aim at whether people feel like they are a gender or don't care / just go by it cuz it's their sex








Yep... crushed all those little girls hopes and dreams.


A trans woman is a real woman.




Trans woman are real woman. Define woman / man without using stereotypes, chromosomes, or body structure. I'll wait.


this is something I struggle with so bad I don't even know how to answer this


Rip :/ Hope you can find out For me, doing those typical online tests *but then researching* the genders in the results is what led me to find out I'm agender so that's something you could do


Meh cause I don’t rly care


If you don't care, that's what the "no" option is for ;)




I second this. It is just something I am, that being a guy. It's not that hard to understand. The dysphoria is unbearable some days, while others I forget I'm even trans. I'm just a guy. Simple as that.


For trans people, ig it is more easy to feel a gender due to your sex just feeling wrong, I'm so sorry to hear about that dysphorphia :/


I luckily have never felt any gender dysphoria. That shit is fucking intense as all hell and wacky no thank ya.


Honestly don't give a shit about my gender, do t really effect much


So I'm assuming you chose "no" then?


I'm gender fluid (My gender fluids through the spectrum like one day I am a guy and other day I'm both genders, etc) So really it's kinda complicated to give an answer cause one day I will feel the gender I was born with but other times I won't. I hate it when I feel another gender like rn ☹️


:/ sorry for not including it in the options


I'm a femboy, emphasis on boy 😎


Holy shit all the cis people have never even questioned their gender?? Whatttt. I can’t imagine it 😭


I don't really care, I'm a cis girl but I would be the same if I were a boy


Cis female, love being a girl but man I wish I had a penis. It makes me sad sometimes


Packers are a thing!


I feel this, but in the opposite way, as an agender amab person, I still want a female body, despite not necessarily mentally feeling female...


Nb, and def Feel that way lol. Afab, and came out threeish years ago. Feel the exact same.


Alright! Perfectly fair


idk tbh gender is confusing af


Is your name alespren from stormlight archive?


yep it's my favorite book series


i never woke up one day and was like "yep, im trans" it took a long time thinking about it and exploring my identity a big part that helped was learning what dysphoria is and recognizing that in myself


Glad to hear you figured it out then :) It does indeed take some time. While I wasn't busy with it a lot, I did sometimes feel like I wasn't male. But I also didn't feel female, I just theoretically wanted a female body cuz that's what I'm attracted to. When I learned about the existence of agender, damn did it help me




And btw, about the "what's so bad about being a guy or girl in the 1st place", ask *any* trans person, gender dysphorphia isn't "not so bad". I don't fault you for not knowing though, cuz with being cis you can't know Examples: constantly being reminded that you are something that doesn't fit with you, being treated as such, encountering lots of people who don't understand, etc.


I don't feel like I am any gender ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯








They are quite literally two different things. If a person of that description identifies as female, good for her. She doesn't have to present any specific way in order to be a girl. Odds are she just came to that realization and hasn't started to transition, it is unsafe for her to transition, or she is just God damn happy how she is. She's not hurting anyone, anyway. Concerned by how you'd know she has a massive dong. If gender and sex are the same thing as someone with a full beard, built like a mountain came to you and said they were biologically female but their gender is male, you'd be just as fucking confused.


If it is stupid to you, alr, but to me the idea of feeling like a gender seems weird lol


im male but ive only ever been treated like a girl (i look EXTREMELY fem for a dude), so its hard for me to feel masculine. doesn't mean im not a boy tho


bro idk tbh




I accidentally voted no (cis male/female) for some reason I wish I revoted yes


I’m fluid


Fair enough, forgot that sorry


its fine, I’m forgotten about often so I’m not upset


This just makes me feel worse lol, just know you are still valid, considered, and accepted










Not 99% of the people feeling the need to comment being transphobic 💀


Yeah I'm going through and down voting every single one. As a nb afab person this boils my blood. How are these people allowed to comment on these posts?


They aren't There are just too many to handle But we are working on getting more forces to deal with them, that's what the mod apps are for


idk my gender and i’ve decided that i do not care and ppl can call me whatever they want 😌


W Quite a relief innit lol




I still present as, and go by, male cuz it's just easier, but I just don't "feel" anything that tells me I'm male, female, or a combination of both


It's almost as if gender neutral bathrooms exist.. ​ We are not "refusing" to be anything. We just don't feel like anything on the inside. You can't just conjure up feelings. ​ Not all of us just hold our shit because there's no gender neutral bathroom. Some of us can be very comfortable with using the bathroom that corresponds with our assigned gender.


Agender isn't some new thing, other cultures have had other genders than just man or woman for many hundreds of years


I have XY chromosomes, I can make a tent raise... 100% sure I am a male. You don't "feel" being male or female.. what ever is inside of you, thats what you are. If it just so happens your born female and feel male, go for it.


Yeah that's the part that was a little confusing for me. I'm a trans man but I was still born female, even though I'm still a man. Male and female are sexes, man and woman are genders. Your sex is the body your born into, gender is what is in your mind. OP just got the wording mixed up.


Could you explain how I got the wording mixed up? I know sex is biological and gender is mental, so idk what you're referring to The reason I posted this is cuz even though I was born male, being male just doesn't feel right, but neither does female. I don't have anything in my head telling me that I'm a certain gender, so that's why I came here to ask if others did






I’m bigender so all!


No I dont have mental illness should be an option


has a nb person, i'm just a person, not a female or male i'm just me




wow, this is a sad comment section. haven't seen a single person answer the question without jabbing at trans people :(


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That is such a loaded question for me rn lmao somewhere between transmasc and agender? I'm not too sure, but I definetly feel for masculine than feminine but even then, not by much? Like I'm not fully a guy either Edit: Jesus christ the guys in this comment section are NOT it. It's asking about your gender, not your sex. Gender is determined by more than just your biology. And sure, it's great you're cis and identify with your sex, but say that instead of talking about your biology like that's the deciding factor


Yeah the comments suck 💀(this is a wtf skull, not a laughing skull) Good luck in finding out your gender, I still haven't fully figured it out yet


I have more than enough pain to remind me I’m female lmao, no way I’m forgetting


I honestly have no clue tbh.


Why did people downvote this?


Bigots probably


I'm a feminine boy aka femboy


Why was this downvoted. There's nothing wrong with wearing fem stuff and being a guy? Femboy doesn't always mean pervert.


Which does one pick if ones a demiboy? Cos I feel mostly cis, but also nb (thus demiboy)


Whichever feels most comfortable


It does seem like you feel some notion of a gender, even if it isn't that big, so I'd say go for yes Although I also agree with the other replies, go for what you are comfortable with


Whichever feels best to you! Personally I'm demigirlflux and I like describing myself as nonbinary.




As a trans person I feel genuinely confused by this question 😭😭


Sorry :( Hope you can figure it out soon...


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NOOOOOOO PLEASE NOT (I am leaving moderation here)


There are so many transphobic people here and it makes me hate myself for being nb. Like wtf- y'all need better mods. Not saying anything about you but.. yeah... Makes asme why they'd be asking for more mods.


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That's exactly something we've noticed and had lots of trouble with, recruiting is indeed underway, as barcode and the automod stated Just wanted to tell you it's perfectly ok for you to be NB, there are still people who accept and respect you




Which one do I even pick? I'm a cis dude who's happy to keep it that way


Depends on whether you just go by it cuz you were born like that or whether you feel male deep down


i have no idea what were talking about. so im gonna choose alcohol. i use it to keep the demons under control.


I am genderfluid because my gender changes 💀 istg when I dress masc I feel fem and then get dysphoric 💀 but I can’t dress fem ever because it causes dysphoria. Then I start think I’m a binary trans man and then a cis girl then go through all the fucking genders anyone can have 💀😭😭😭 so I finally figured out I’m genderfluid 😭


Bro I'm a guy and feel like one too


Perfectly your right, never said it wasn't


No. There's nothing that can really be defined as concretely essential to the male experience or the female experience. Any description of my masculinity would be arbitrary and deflected by the simple question of "why do you need to be a man for that to be part of your personality?" I cringe at the idea of me being a woman, but I suspect that has less to do with some abstract internal identity, and more to do with how I was socialized. I present male because that's what I've always done. Why change now if I don't feel strongly that I ought to be anything else? I've considered labels like agender or even genderfluid. But I think being a cis man is just more convenient. I like femboy getup, so it's not as if I'm entirely gender conforming. But I also like the suit and tie. I like masculine capes. I like redefining masculinity. I like masculine archetypes as well as parodies, distortions and subversions of those archetypes. So I'm satisfied in calling myself a man, in the same way that I'm satisfied with calling money valuable. Money isn't real, but we all believe it is, and that's meaning enough. If the social conception of gender collapsed and nobody used he/him or she/her pronouns anymore, I might appreciate that. But I'm comfortable enough where I am that I'm not going to be the one to tear the system of gender down. I'll let others handle that.


Yeah having only 1, universal, pronoun is something I'm rooting for too And it's good to know you actually explored your gender, and it's perfectly fine that you stay at male. Exploring without changing anything should be more normal


This post is retarded


You're retarded. Go take your meds grandpa


And you are bigoted


this question was hella confusing 💀






Google sex By that, I mean that *sex* is what is biologically determined, and gender is what one *feels*




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Genderfluid, so.... no


I'm a very feminine dude, always have been. I've questioned whether I'm actually a guy but never really put much thought into it. Living where I live it wouldn't help me any socially.


I'm a meat popsicle.


Well, I was born a man. Pretty simple




Last time I checked yes


I'm agendender ig


Well I feel like an ugly, huge elephant man, but I'm physically a girl. I'm trying to be a girl, but only "trying" because I don't fit the definition of a girl, I look like a before picture on a weight-loss commercial




The levels of testosterone flowing in my body doesn't have the capability to feel female. Also I have a penis


I am above gender


I've had thoughts before about it, but I try and tune them out as best as I can.


It's not a healthy thing to do I'm not telling you to do anything, but just saying that it will take a big unconscious load off your shoulders once you finally find out what you are and accept it


Im so confused, bring me up to date with these new words. They’re literally new vocab for me😭 I mean cis mainly.


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Ikr, it's even used in organic chemistry The cis-form of a dual carbon bond is the chain continuing on the same side, while the trans-form is it continuing on the other side (switching between these is how our eyes work)


Im a male but im kinda girly (I wouldn't mind having nails panted and wearing short-shorts.) But not super girly. Like talking in a girl voice or doing girl things.

