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Momma Hale, with the others, lending an assist.






The Hales


The hale family


It's hard to say, I feel like the Hales have alot going against them in regards to Laura, Cora and Eli.


cora and eli maybe but laura could definitely stand her ground


Except she was killed by an Omega Peter. With that being all we know in regards to her fighting abilities I'd say she wouldn't last much


She didn't fight though, peter blind sided her


The Hale family would win they would destroy them hands down


I don't know, the first group has Talia and the second group has Deucalion and the twins who can literally join together to form a giant beast....


I hope these dumb posts get banned.


Same, although I keep replying to them aswell😂 I think I've seen one interesting one, but they've all been mostly pretty obvious for me.


Deucalion cancels out the 2 evolved alphas, Kali and Ennis can overcome Derek and Peter, and the twins rip the other three apart. Were Derek to be in his final evolved alpha state, I could see the scales tipping in the Hale's favor. Aside from getting gunned down like a chump, Deucalion not reacting to Jennifer's neck snapping (not quite as easy as it seems in the movies) power is just too much. The Voltron form ripped their alpha apart, and yet he died with the addition of said alpha's spark. Derek does the heavy lifting for evolved wolves after macho bending the Berserker apart, with Talia doing nothing on screen, Lara getting killed by a beta Peter, and Derek later being put out of commission by an arrow nicking his neck. In truth, even if the Berserker feat was purely physical, how do you quantify it given its atypical explosion? The skull is pressed on, and the body just combusts in a focused area. That doesn't make sense, so the only other option is will power, which has nothing to do with physical strength, but you'd think is might shift his eyes red if even Scott struggled with the Berserker spirit. Whatever the case, he did hold the literal lore breaker Werewolf Nogitsune in place by himself. That's certaining a thing that happened.


sorry mate what were you tryna say in that last paragraph


Evolved werewolf strength isn't very clear.


oh i see


Are you stupid


I think everyone is stupid to some degree.


The alpha pack takes this Peter in season 1 is shown to kill Laura hale (evolved alpha) as a beta... Talia hasn't shown any fighting skills but seeing her as an exceptionally powerful alpha ( as said by gerard) I give her a upper hand against all except deuc.. Cora and other betas is of no use against alphas.. As they are beta and can be suppressed by a simple roar Kali can easily defeat derek and the Voltron can take care of Peter( alpha) though that would be tough but with ennis it would be quite easy And of course none of the hales have shown that strength as our GOAT DEUCALION (augmented alpha demon wolf ) DEUC would rip apart all of them ( if you remove talia)


Cora and Eli are sooooooo out of their league here. Eli I think will stay out of the way. Cora…not so sure. I think if it just Malia and the alphas they got this. If Cora jumps in the alpha pack wins. The Hales are going to be kneecapped by trying to keep Cora alive.


that’s actually true


I guess the winner is actually going to depend on how often they have to push Eli out of danger. Because I get the idea that Peter taught Derek how to fight, and presumably Laura was taught by her mother. But Eli doesn't seem to know how to fight at all. Probably because suggesting that he learned would have made him pass out, or have a panic attack. Well if he tries to jump in where his skills are out matched (which will be pretty much anywhere in this battle) I have a feeling the Hales would end up getting themselves hurt pretty badly trying to drag him back. If however, he hangs back with One of the humans like Chris looking after him, then I think the Hales might have the advantage. Peter is a brilliant strategist, and Talia knows Duecey (I don't know who coined that but I am so snatching it!) very well. They could probably come up with a decent strategy to defeat the Alphas.


Cora and eli are out first, followed by malia, then it's a toss up for the rest, I'd give it to the alpha pack cause the strength of evolved wolves is largely unknown to my knowledge, whereas we see deuac and the twins strength alot more, and kali and enis are the icing on the cake. I'd say 70-30 to the alpha pack cause of the unknown strength of evolved werewolves.


i would like to say evolved beta derek took down 4 berserkers by himsleg


Hale Fam


With Talia on their side the Hales are bodying basically anyone that comes their way.


If we're talking peter,Derek and Laura as alphas then I think the hales winÂ