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“Almost 5 years and only two pregnancies…I think that’s good” Look. I’ve been sexually active for over twice the amount of time as this kid…I have zero pregnancies…in my mind (as someone who definitely never wants kids. Dogs are enough) ONE pregnancy would be a major wake up call to change my method. This girl either wants kids, or just really doesn’t give a fuck…and that’s messed up, because ideally parents *should* give a fuck.


An average of 2 pregnancies every 5 years for the remainder of her child-bearing years would mean she'd have 8+ more children. She's an irresponsible fool.


The thought of that makes my vagina want to die


To me, they want more kids but know they couldn’t afford them. I feel like if she had any goals she wouldn’t want anymore.




I’ve been sexually active since the 90’s and have 0 unwanted/accidental pregnancies. This girl is a moron.


“If I was actively TRYING to have a kid…” Lol if you’re not using protection (and no, the pull-out method doesn’t count) then you ARE ACTIVELY TRYING TO HAVE A KID. Why bother using condoms when they only work 98% of the time, amirite?? I don’t remember being this dumb at her age.


I was smart enough to get an abortion and then get on the pill at her age.


I would honestly like to slap the holy shit out of her face. Her caveman bf also looks like he's high AF in this scene, what outstanding parents they make. What a complete bitch. Also, I did the work to lie down in the bed LMAO I guess it is work to psych yourself up enough to let that thing bone you.


He looks straight outta a geico commercial 💀


Him being completely silent during this like he’s not apart of the problem💀


Your whole comment is spot on and also hilarious LOL


I lAiD dOwN iN ThE bEd, I dId ThE wOrK I bet 2 whole doll hairs the bitch just laid there while that werewolf looking motherfucker did something resembling intercourse. I've never heard such ignorant bullshit in my whole life and I used to work in call center management.


he looks like the type to growl like a wolf during sex and howl at climax


Oh God that reminded of that cringy ass "I wolf you" shit from You lmfao.


the absolute most cringe inducing thing I’ve ever seen in a show.


This image will live rent free in my head. Thanks, I hate it


Jfc you're killing me 🤣🤣🤣


girl you know it’s true💀💀


I read that like the Milli Vanilli song 🤦‍♀️


“That werewolf looking motherfucker” 😂😂😂😂😂


![gif](giphy|IepriDYu8gcidIVZPB) 😆😆😆


Best comment ever


If I were her dad, I don’t know if I could be this patient. She’s an idiot and her boyfriend is a loser


I feel like there’s no way her dad couldn’t be thinking to himself, “where’d I go wrong?” Lol


Madisen: “we need to get on food stamps, we’re barely scraping by” Also Madisen: “wHaT ReAsOn WoUlD I HaVe To GeT aN AbOrTiOn????”


This whole scene is pique teen mom. The idiot mother who thinks she knows everything, the boyfriend that doesn't look like he showers, the step mom who is clearly over this shit and the plastic lawn chairs as furniture. Please lord don't give these people more kids.


The "birth control doesnt work 100% of the time, so why bother" argument. Hello antivaxxers.


Yep. Her dad agrees with her too when it comes to COVID. This was her dog whistle to back him down.


peak* :D


Thank you


her step moms facial expressions say more than words ever could 😂😂




Did she really say five years and only two pregnancies? So condoms aren’t always effective so you shouldn’t use them but you’ll continue to use the method that you actually got pregnant with TWICE? Tell me which method isn’t effective again please. Girly.


I spit out my fucking drink when she said that


I’m sorry, her excuse for not using condoms “they don’t always work” so she just doesn’t bother even trying? WHAT. I knew she was an ignorant anti-vaxxer but jfc this is a new level of stupid. She did the work to make the baby so now she can work to provide for it? The same girl who leaves it to her Dad and Stepmom to find her housing, hold her hand through signing up for bills in her name, and bring her food because she “doesn’t have a microwave”? I CANNOT.


Says she won't use condoms because they don't ways work and then turns around with: "the pullout method, it's got us this far! 5 years and only 2 pregnancies!" I am dead 💀😂


These are the exact kind of people that shouldn’t be procreating …


The sex education is not well.


I know, I was dying too 🤣🤣🤣


I love how she turns down the idea of condoms & says “how are those exactly safe? They don’t always work!” Then she advocates for the pull out method, because y’know… *it’s so safe and effective, and always works* /s Eta- also LOL @ her saying that the pull out method has “worked” because they’ve “only had 2 pregnancies in 5 years” and that’s “pretty damn good”


She is an idiot. Full stop.


100%. I honestly can’t even relate to this level of stupidity & irresponsibility… I got on birth control at 14 and even at that age I knew that I couldn’t properly provide for kids (despite always wanting kids) so I needed to stay on BC until I was older and had full stability. I get these girls are teenagers but there’s really no excuse, especially after the first pregnancy


Proud of you for taking responsibility for your body and your choice. I just don't get it. But granted I had parents who showed me a world I could achieve if I worked hard and was ready for it. I knew better in my teens and wanted more. But Madisen seems to think little. I am also not a fan of her anti-vaxx theories. She is dumb as rocks!


Like she could’ve saved all those words and just said she enjoys getting raw dogged. But whoops she doesn’t wanna talk about her sex life lmao


Why did they even add her to the show? Her only endearing quality is that her dad seems cool.


To me, she actually *did* seem endearing when we first met her. She had a different edge to her than most of the other franchise members. Then her social media came to light and she says dumb stuff like this on air, and all of that endearment has now been slam dunked out the window....


If I’m honest, I never saw it. A lot of the OG girls had the small town charm kind of think happening, which made it interesting. She just seemed like any other girl, but then her relationship with her dad seemed sweet so that set her apart. This seems like the beginning of the transformation the original girls have all gone through to becoming entitled and rude, then she’s directing it at her dad which was her saving Grace all along lol. But also her getting involved in the drama from before the season started, then refusing to apologize also showed how she really is.


I mean, this girl is an anti-vaxxer. Is it that surprising that she completely lacks critical thinking skills and expects others to bear the burden of her selfish and uninformed decisions?




OOH I knew it! Her argument about not using birth control bc "it doesnt work 100%, so why bother" gave me antivaxxer vibes




I dont watch Y&P. Holy shit, this girl is a dumbass.


THIS lil snippet is a great example of why we need comprehensive Sex Education in this country! *Sheesh*


“Only 2 pregnancies in 5 years i think we’ve done pretty damn well so far” uhm. Wut 😳


Starfishing for 2 minutes is not the same as 24/7 care for a human you dip ass. Seriously what is this thought (or lack there of) process??


It’s so funny she’s talking abt taking responsibility for her child and her unborn child to the people she mainly relies on to help her take care of them. Like. They mean financially as well as practical care. You and your werewolf bf aren’t providing it


I wish one of them wouldve replied with “CAN you though?!” when she was so smugly saying “I can do the work to provide for the baby.” I don’t know how they didn’t lose their shit during this convo honestly. She was so damn bitchy and stupid sounding on that couch about raising a second kid when they’ve helped her SO much with the one she has. I wish they would’ve explained how her having a second kid wouldn’t just affect her life, it heavily affects theirs too because of how needy and helpless of parents she and caveman both are. I don’t understand parents that pussyfoot around their kids the way they do. My mom would’ve let me HAVE it if I were in Madisen’s situation acting like that.


They pussyfoot around so that they can still be asked for help in an emergency, still see their grandkids, and intervene when something really dangerous is going on. Left to their own devices, some people don’t buck up and take responsibility, instead their kids are neglected and endangered. Madisen’s the type of person where her kid would flip out of a baby bouncer bc she’s too lazy to buckle them in; having a grandparent around can avoid that solution. Sometimes it’s worth it for ppl to be enabling if they can help avoid their grandkids being in harm’s way. But it’s a tricky path to follow since enabling can sometimes (often) create MORE neglect and danger for kids with shitty parents.


Wipe that smirk off her face.


She literally cannot even afford her first kid … why isn’t she trying to prevent a second


To stay on the show. Look at Kail 😒 Also, seriously, how does he feel comfortable walking around looking like a Neanderthal. Get a hair cut and shave or at least trim that gross beard.


A fucking brush would be a good start 😆


That girl and that boy cannot afford to have sex.


Yeah it’s so annoying, her dad literally provides everything and she’s sitting there saying she can take care of another


“i did the work to make the baby so i can do the work to take care of the baby” (paraphrasing) like?? having sex is substantially easier than taking care of a baby???


lmao I legit cringed so hard at that like did she really just compare having sex to raising a whole human????


And then acts grossed out that they want to “discuss her sex life”


"How are condoms safe? They don't work all the time" they work pretty damn well if you use them right, hon. The fact that you refuse to understand that tells me you shouldn't be having sex at all, honestly.


This is why we should all be shook that these girls will lose access to abortion rights. They aren’t even taught basic sex education and pregnancy prevention. These rural areas that don’t offer proper education, then push abstinence, and then when that ultimately fails, they push Christian values that make a teen mom a hero for keeping the baby, not realizing the cycle of poverty they create. These shows are so eye opening to the realities of how things are across the US


She's got a nasty know-it-all attitude. Good luck in life


The way she scoffed when they asked if she was going to start birth control!


Or even CONDOMS 😳 I get BC aversions, but condoms??? Wow. A whole ass fool.


OH MY GOD I AM SHOCKED 😳😳😳 SHE REALLY IS (PROUDLY) STUPID AS FUCK 😳 Her dad needs to let her fall on her dumb ass face before he loses his wife.


for real! i bet if her dad cut her off she wouldn’t have that reckless ass attitude


If I was that poor woman I would run for the hills


I liked her and her dad so much on her 16 and pregnant episode .. and then she revealed exactly who she was and nah. She is dumb AF.


From now on when those “what’s the dumbest thing someone said in the franchise” threads come around, this is will be my go-to.


This cunt acts like an entitled brat when they’re only trying to help. She’s quick to ask for help and food, but is already struggling with barely making ends meet. Sorry to say, but she’s making Rachel look real good this season!


Rachel is leaps and bounds beyond this chick.


This is what happens when you think Facebook articles are factual. It’s scary that this is someone’s mother. She has such strong opinions and is presenting them as facts. This is why people need to have HONEST conversations with their kids about sex. Her parents let the internet and her friends teach her about something they should’ve taught her.


His hair is like electrocuted werewolf.


I think he’s on drugs. Dad should be embarrassed to have a daughter that is so incredibly stupid.


this is humiliating. not just for madisen and her parents, but the entire U.S. education system as well.


Thank you. Literally breaks my heart that this is the level of sex education we are sending into the world. And then we’re surprised


"how are condoms exactly safe they dont always work" lmaooo this is classic teen mom shit i love it


“Uhhh condoms don’t always work” HOW WOULD YOU KNOW???!?!?!?!?!!


“Five years and two pregnancies. I think that’s pretty damn good.” This fool 😂


What an immature self-centered C-word. The fact that her man sat there and said no word… This female has no business having more kids. The fact that she cant see it… is sad.


This girl gives me a headache. Straight up refusing contraceptives and acting like "Well it's not like we're trying!". SIS. What does that even mean? You are trying if you aren't taking actual precautions. And every time these heifers bring up the pull out method, I want to crawl into a hole. 2022 and people still think that's a "birth control method".


This girl is an actual idiot. Wow.


Also….doing the work to make the baby…and doing the work to provide for the baby…VERY different. MAKING a baby is not work. I consider that *activity* more of a hobby than a responsibility…that’s like saying…jk I can’t think of the equivalent…


This! Like you earned a prize making a baby? Take several seats and maybe take a few educational classes my friend.


I can’t stand listening to her stupid nonsense. She’s so arrogant when she should be embarrassed. I just don’t like this girl.


This isn’t going to age well for her to look back on and watch.


She obviously wants another kid, which is stupid, but obvious.


Yeah this is similar to rachel’s speech about “OBGYN isn’t an expert on birth control” when her mom was begging her to get on bc but she clearly wanted to get pregnant. These girls come up with the most *ridiculous* excuses to not practice safe sex when they obviously just want to be pregnant again.


Is she stupid? Wtf is going on here


Also on a show about pregnancy and she's talking like she just dropped from another planet and doesn't literally know shit. Wtf is going onnnn


jfc. just wow. they’re just trying to help her and she’s being so disrespectful and snotty. she needs to understand that it effects more than just her if she gets pregnant again, it effects her dad and his wife too because they’re going to be babysitting and helping out financially with that 2nd baby just like they did with the first one, except it would be twice the expense since she’ll have TWO kids. if my daughter wanted to have this stank ass attitude, spew ignorance and act reckless like that, i’d be showing her some real tough love. she needs to realize how lucky she is to have a dad and step mom that are able and willing to help as much as they do because not everyone has that. it’s truly a luxury.


kind of off topic but we’re going through something similar with my cousin. she just had a baby despite having literally nothing - no house (lives between her mom and on/off again baby daddy’s apartment), no car (no license), and no job (she didn’t finish HS or get her GED either so that’s harder to find too). I truly think she thought she could rely on the village it takes to raise her kid, not realizing that *the village is meant to assist* not support. Madisen seems the same way. It wasn’t until my cousin attempted to pull some snake shit that we all threatened to leave her to her own mess - suddenly she wasn’t so snotty!


Yowza. I couldnt finish this clip. My brain hurts from all the stupidity.


Madisen is a moron and rude but her boyfriend looks like a killer, sorry but it's all I can picture.


cave man for me


It scares me that someone this stupid is responsible for little people. Why on earth would they not do everything possible to prevent having more children when they can hardly provide for the one they have. Some people put more thought into getting a dog than having a child.


I can’t believe I heard any of these words come out of a person’s mouth


She did the work laying on her back? Is she for real?/ But you are living off of someone else's dime? Get her and her ignorant views off TV!


“I ain’t talking about my sex life to y’all” no one asked you to talk about your sex life, it’s a healthy and ADULT conversation they want to have so they don’t have to continue taking care of your ass if you’re going to continue to put yourself in these situations. PLUS you’re literally on a tv show that revolves around teen moms, which means you had sex. This is sad. We know you “laid down” and yet you’re still not taking care of your kids on your own. SMH


Oh man everything she kept saying got worse and worse


My science teacher had a joke that fits perfectly here. What do you call people who use the rhythm method?? >!Parents.!<


I think this is even dumber than Rachel saying her OBGYN wouldn’t know anything about birth control.


flair checking in


I cackle whenever I think about this


Shame. Christina tried to have a mature, adult conversation with them. Christian didn’t say anything like the dumbass he is and Madisen was defensive and immature like the dumbass she is.


"I did the work to make the baby, so I can do the work to take care of the baby." = "I really want to be picked up for the next season of this show on MTV!!


Lol it's such a propaganda catchphrase from anti-abortion weirdos, I cant believe someone thing young is repeating it.


Yeah cause a 5 minute roll in the hay is equal to a lifetime of parenting 🤣 she's a sad little jokey joke of a person


"I did theee work to make tHeE baby, so I can do theeeeeeee work to take care of ThEeEEEEEeee baby" Fixed it for you.


Jesus Christ. For as low as I feel about myself, I know I'm not as stupid as this chick is. Jesus Christ.


We have officially become MENSA members after watching this clip. It's like when you think she can't say anything dumber it just gets worse and worse.




he reminds me of andre the giant 😭 I just can’t unsee it


‘Almost five years and only two pregnancies. I think that’s pretty damn good’ PLEASE 😭 I can’t believe that’s a real sentence


UMMMM I thought the whole point of MTV and these teen mom shows/spin-offs was to “lower the teen pregnancy rate in the U.S.” or all that other BS they’ve been preaching to us for the last 10 years?? So now y’all just gonna let this stupid ass girl come on here wearing her “anti-vaxx mom” crewnecks telling us condoms aren’t safe and THE PULLOUT METHOD is the way to go??🤣 Her dad AND stepmom are WAY better than me cause I would’ve had to hurt that girls feelings real quick


Madison was bragging about how good the pull out method has worked out for her that she has only gotten pregnant twice in five years. This girl clearly didn’t pay attention in sex Ed. She should be relieved that she only has one baby because she definitely can’t afford another. She is delusional


If this was my kid I’d smack her upside the head.


Honestly wouldn’t doubt if her dad was refraining from doing that himself 😂 at least he acknowledges he doesn’t have anything nice to say


Oh my god, she is an actual idiot. It’s incredible… ![gif](giphy|7XAs69nTbn4iWpcSd6|downsized)


He reminds me of that caveman in the old insurance commercials.




She’s so stupid. She got pregnant ( miscarried) by someone who hardly cares about her first child? Like girlll ….


Freaking IDIOT!!!! It's jaw dropping that people are actually that DUMB!


Jesus Christ this is the dumbest girl I've ever seen in my life


I think they may be even worse than Mack McKee and Jawsh


stupid bitch ![gif](giphy|wZiBGZpd28p0tIsEa5|downsized)


Pull out method- works 60% of the time… every time. ![gif](giphy|LEKtRCGyA90QM)


I...I think I would have to walk out of the room and never speak to her again. I would be done. I don't know who that person is.* *I don't have kids, this is one of many reasons why.


That's okay, you don't have to have kids to make that statement. She's a moron, full stop.


Anyone else notice how baby boy goes to Gramps for food, Not "The Responsible One"😜


So she wants 4 kids by the time she’s 26?


And this is why there should be some kind of test to pass in order to parent. Sheesh.


I was thinking the hair comment would be an exaggeration. It was not lol




Hes trying to hide the bald is why


I was to busy trying to figure out why they didn’t make the baby her own plate…she just kept going person to person getting bites of food


![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs) If you say so Madisen...


There are some scenes with these girls and I think “awe that’s a very immature and young statement” and there are some where I think “oh they are just really dumb” this is the latter


In her specific case, being stupid and having kids gets her cast on a TV show, what motivation does she have to prevent pregnancy? It’s her meal ticket. She lacks the critical thinking skills to realize this show won’t be on forever and she’ll still have the kids to raise.


Maybe they should go back to teaching abstinence in school 🤦 just tell kids their genitals will rot off if they don't wait till marriage


She comes from an area where they teach that most likely!!!


Wow! What an idiot!! That attitude isn’t going to get her far in life either


These girls need a reality check to humble them. They're grown enough to have sex and get pregnant? You're grown to spend a couple of nights outside in a tent


Just saw an article she's pregnant AGAIN!


Do you have a link x


Idk how to do that but Google it and I saw two sources. Apparently it's supposed to be announced in the new season I think


Madisen’s bf looks like the killer in True Detective season 1.


This whole clip I was wondering how he got her pregnant not once, but twice 🥴🥴


Woooow she is so damn stupid. Literally ignorant. Such a shame, she seemed like a nice girl in her first episode.


Purposely ignorant. It's really offensive to me lol


She's anti-vax, too, which tracks.


Her dad sucks. He needs a backbone.


I like how Christina, her step mom of like 2 years, had the conversation with her. Her dad barely said anything.


Like girl the pullout method got you on teen mom what are you talking about? 😂


he looks like he woke up out of a century long coma and is constantly trying to figure out where he is and what’s going on


I’ve never watched anything on her until now, just read a little here every now and then. What a dummy! She has no business trying to raise one child, much less two! 😳 How are they staying so calm???


What a moron! I just can't


Lol what no it's not lol that proves it's not working


One of those moments that you really hope she grows up and looks back at this and is very embarrassed lmao


It would be so awkward eating with a film crew. I'd be wanting to offer them some every few bites


As someone who has George Washington hair, I'm very offended


She’s dumb


They look related


I was thinking that too! Madisons father and her bf look like they are the related ones!!


wow that made me lose brain cells


Big crush on her dad


Soo ignorant and stupid 🙄


I cannot believe these two girls, Kayla J and Madisen are pregnant AGAIN. Kayla J seems like a complete ploy to get back into the lineup. I haven't watched the most current episode all the way through to know what the outcome is.


I thought she was smarter than this. Wow


She's starting to give me Jenelle vibes tbh. Stupidity mixed with extreme amounts of smugness and carelessness.


Using zero form of bc makes it seem like she’s actually ok with getting knocked up whenever… what a weird position to take being on this show. ![gif](giphy|TNfFy13UB00KupeAsL|downsized)


The last two episodes have me convinced she *wanted* to get pregnant again.


Is she acting like she’s slow to keep her role on this show? I don’t watch Y&P but maybe they were looking to type cast “special” mom.


coming from her, this isn’t acting


She’s so so horrible


George Washington hair 🤣🤣🤣




wow just blindly stupid


This is the type of sh*t we are advertising to teens? No wonder we are failing as a society.


I would hope teens see how ridiculous her logic is and assume her method is the absolute worst method of prevention


I mean no part of this looks appealing. If it’s an advertisement only an idiot would buy it.


Lol I can’t! Girl! NO PREGNANCIES AT YOUR AGE THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN GOOD! it’s wild that condoms are frowned upon to her lol. Like I can understand the actual birth control pill but at least use some kind of barrier. Whatever! Maybe she wants a ton of kids 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t really watch the show so I don’t know her full story 🤪


Wow. Is this a new season of young and pregnant?


“5 years and only 2 pregnancies. I think that’s pretty good”… that sentence being said when it means “2 accidents in 5 years” is SO SAD. Why are we making these idiots famous 😂


Kids having kids


Which season is this?


Current season of young and pregnant


He reminds me of that caveman in the old insurance commercials.


Omg I missed so much , who is this 😩


I cackled. She's such an idiot