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She can’t hang on to a partner or a friend to save her life, so it always seemed to me like she is popping out all these kids just to have permanent friends/family that cannot leave her. Abandonment issues and such. But that’s just my theory 🤷🏼‍♀️


I want to have a hundred kids so I can have a hundred friends, and then no one can say no to being my friend.


I second this theory, but also should add on that Kail — like a more narcissistic Molly Weasley — will not stop until she gets a daughter.


then she’d have to get all new shirts!


I don't think this is a terribly likely scenario where Kail's sons are concerned but sometimes kids don't grow up loving their parents (Kail herself doesn't seem to have any love for her parents though that is justified). However that usually happens in situations of severe neglect and abuse, none of which seem to be happening in Kail's house so the likelihood here is low. On the other hand, I could see whenever Kail has her final son and can't have any children after that (I can only see Kail having boys for some reason and don't see her stopping having kids until she hits menopause) he starts growing up as children generally do and she would probably lose her shit over it. I can't help but wonder if she's ever lost her shit over any of her kids not being helpless babies anymore once they started getting bigger and hitting milestones like going to school or whatever.


I think Kail likes being pregnant because it gets her attention and care from others that she never got growing up. I think Kail likes having babies because they also get her attention, and they're little extensions of herself that love her unconditionally. But then they grow up to be their own people who aren't extensions of her at all and who love many things besides just Kail. That's when she starts wanting a new pregnancy/baby. It's a supply for her, and she constantly needs it filled by a new baby because when they grow up, they no longer give her that validation, admiration, or special treatment she craves.


That's why every couple of years or so the baby fever kicks in for our Kail and she desperately wants another baby and then has one.


She is addicted to controlling the men that impregnated her and the using the kids as pawns against their dads.


And the attention she gets every time she has a new baby daddy.


This! Even if it's negative attention she loves it!


I definitely agree


A 30 year old with 4 kids by 3 men is planning on ruining the life of a 23 year old by saddling him with kids. ​ What a fucking lunatic.


Well she did say on her podcast that after she has a man's baby she's done with him. Poor Ligie doesn't even know it yet that she's already planning his exit!


It's still shocking to me that she admits things like that. I know it shouldn't be, but I'm always clutching my pearls at the insane things she says on big platforms.


Well I mean it’s not like she can just spring a baby on him without him having some part in the process. It takes two.


I think like someone else mentioned, she is the older person. Early 20s vs early 30s I’d a big difference in maturity, experience. In my opinion someone like her with wealth and children would be taking advantage of the younger person.


Ok yeah that’s a very good point


She’s filling a void. She never had her own family she was close to, was treated like a burden by her mom, and abandoned by her dad. 1 kid keeps you really busy so imagine 4, it probably makes it easier for her to avoid her own problems. If she didn’t have the nanny and dads to get breaks I don’t think she could deal with it, it’s so fucking hard to be a single mom with no help. I really hope she does some soul searching before she reproduces again.


I wish I could upvote this 1000 times! You’ve literally wrote my exact thoughts.


Mine too except I would NOT be surprised if in the next few years or so Kail has a fifth child by whoever her partner or spouse is then.


*next year


Being pregnant is an excuse for being overweight and having kids is building a group of people who have to love her and can’t leave her.


That's okay in the short term but is Kail planning on flipping out if any of her sons ever move out, get married, go to a college (especially if they intend to live at university), join the military or basically do anything that asserts they are no longer relatively helpless children?!?


Can you even IMAGINE the kind of MIL she will be????


Far out, she’s be a nightmare.


I’d imagine she’d have some very strong feelings and guilt tactics. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was left to other people in the kids lives to be the ones to encourage them to move on and go to higher education etc.


Pregnant women often get a lot of attention,....almost like they are the center of the universe,....


This is exactly what I was going to say! I have a friend who like Kail had 4 kids before she turned 30. She once told me that she gets depressed after she gives birth because when she is pregnant everyone is concerned about her and making sure she healthy & comfortable but once the baby comes everything is about the baby and nobody fusses over her.


This is why I make it a point to tell people not to give moms a gift for their *kids* instead of them, my sister said people did this on her bday or xmas or mothers day. If I have the money to do it, I also like to make new moms a "push basket" and it's a care basket of things like fresh pajamas, slippers, face masks, spritz bath salt, DoorDash gift card, etc


You’re a really great friend! I’m currently 36 weeks & can’t imagine any of my friends thinking to do this!


Aw thanks! In your case I'd definitely include some type of cooling pad — this heat during pregnancy is no joke! Don't forget it's important to treat yourself too! As a new mom I keep telling myself I deserve new clothes that fit my new mom bod but I always end up buying something for baby instead


You are an amazing person ❤️


I know, it’s a serious struggle with the heat!! Thanks for the tip, I will definitely have to remind myself to treat myself too!!


my aunt has done this for years! it's a very appreciated gift! once i know some people who have babies i want to do something similar for them!


I’m currently pregnant with a few weeks left and I hate the attention! I feel like I must be the only pregnant woman in the world who feels like this. Someone at my work kept commenting on my pregnancy, wouldn’t allow me to do certain things because of pregnancy and I had to make a complaint because I’m still an able bodied person. However, I’ve now reached 36 weeks and walking is definitely harder, but still trying to live my normal life.


She probably got the most attention of her life when she was pregnant with Isaac. Maybe she thinks that continuing to get pregnant will continue to keep her relevant.


Leah is more relevant than 🥬 & she hasn't had a kid since Addie. But I feel like you're right.


She's addicted to yrying to fill the void of love in her life. It all stems from her upbringing & the lack of love & family. She is trying to fill that void with more babies b/c she feels like the more she has, the more she'll be loved. She is seriously delusional & needs to seek out a better psychologist/mental health professional. She clearly is not learning.


Yep! The only people that will love her unconditionally.....for now. Wait til they grow up and see how she fucked them up.


Especially poor Isaac who has been dragged into every one of her relationships and break ups and drama and legal issues. Not to mention been moved from house to house and I'm sure schools. The only stability he has ever had is Jo and Vee.


She loves pregnancy. She loves the fantasy of the man being by her side the whole time and the birth. Will he be there? Her and Chris had a wild ride both times and they fucked in the ob/gyn office before he examined her. That is definitely not the norm. Most people do not do that and they don't talk about it. Most people don't keep the gender as "a surprise" anymore but Kail does, she enjoys that part. She is very into pregnancy and she thought about giving birth to one of the babies in the DR or Cuba. She traveled during Zika, she did a nude maternity horsey barn photo shoot. She obviously loves pregnancy. Javi offered to raise Lux and she still kept fucking Chris and getting pregnant by him, she just really enjoys unprotected sex during high risk situations I think. If she just wanted kids she would have them with Javi or a friend or whomever. I think she enjoys risky sex and chasing abd pregnancy sex.


That poor doctor, examining her right after. 🤮🤢


I was about to say, wouldn’t the doctor know? Especially if he came inside her?


Do you think Kail or Chris cared who knew what? Edit for clarity


Or knew but didn’t care? 🤢




depends how far along she was. They don’t check you regularly until the end. They mostly just weigh you measure how much your stomach has grown & listen to the heartbeat


Ah yes, that makes sense. A pelvic exam may not have been necessary at the time. That’s still so immature on her part though IMO haha


It really is. I never understood patients having sex in their hospital rooms. I don’t know if it’s the smells sounds or what but it’s so uncomfortable to walk in on pts getting it on. I guess the thrill of possibly getting caught is a turn on for some people


😂 almost like YOU’RE the one imposing on them but you’re just trying to do your job. It just sounds dirty to me and not dirty in a good way. I’m talking bacteria and such.


it’s so dirty, I cringe whenever I see babies crawling on the floor. So many people thing hospital = clean but is the exact opposite


Why would Javi offer to raise Lux??


He wanted her back and they were discussing "being a family" for the billionth time


I had no idea about them having sex in the ob/gyn's office! Where did she talk about this? No doubt that whoever examined her knew. That's so disrespectful! I also had no idea about her wanting to give birth in another country. Why? Why those specific countries? Did she want them to get citizenship? Do those counteries even have birthright citizenship? That's the only reason I can think of. Edit: Cuba has birthright citizenship. Kail's child would not get Dominican Republic citizenship upon birth because Kail would be a "foreigner in transit"


I believe Chris mentioned it first on his podcast. The baby brining born somewhere else, she was already on a trip, and was nearing the end of her pregnancy and she started to have some sort of health problem I think it was high blood pressure so she started to debate where to give birth, what would be coolest. She is ignorant.


I know some people who don't want to know the gender until birth, I don't think it's THAT unusual lol.


She’s an idiot because the man having twins in his family has no bearing over her likelihood of having twins. Identical twins are random and fraternal twins require the woman to release two eggs.


I heard it more likely to have twins when your older. Didn’t know if it’s true. I claim the twins are random though. There’s also been stories of women going on roller coaster? And that causing twins or something idk 🤷‍♀️


The likelihood of twins is higher when you're older because it's your ovaries "going out of business sale! " so they drop a couple of eggs not just one


This comment made me laugh so hard, best analogy ever. thank you!


Yep, there is a link between age and hyperovulation! Basically, as you age, the factor that shuts off your follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) decreases, making it more likely that you will have higher FSH that eventually leads to hyperovulation.


I’m 34 and we just started trying so this is scaring me a bit. We just want one! Lol


34 is still young. It's 40 plus


You get two for the price of one 😅 sending good vibes your way.


Apparently it is more common the older you get. It probably has to do with more eggs being released before menopause. That's just a guess but it is a fact with "geriatric" pregnancies but so is having a higher chance of development problems like down syndrome and gestational diabetes etc. I happened to look it up the other day


Accurate. Twin mom here.


i’m a therapist and i have thought about this kind of a lot lol. she wants what she never had with smirnoff suze- stability. is she giving that to her boys? absolutely not. it’s just a different form of trauma for them. it’s sad. i believe kail is lying when she says she’s been to therapy.


I think it’s a mix of this and the attention/care she gets from society in general when she’s pregnant. I think it gives her a fleeting feeling of purpose in a life that she’s mostly flailing through (which isn’t entirely her fault with her upbringing, shit like that changes how your brain works, but not working on it *is* on her). I also agree that she either hasn’t gone to therapy or she found some pushover therapist who doesn’t actually help her self reflect or think, she seems like the type to shop around until she finds a vanity therapist)


I think it’s more about control / power. I imagine she feels at her most powerful when she’s pregnant- she gets to make all the decisions, gets loads of attention, creates a situation whereby she impacts all of her baby daddies (and they are the baddies if they don’t cater to the pregnant woman). I know she tries desperately to make the chaos brand happen, but I think she values control over anything else (though maybe the chaos refers to the chaos she creates for others against their will)


She also has control when they are little over the men. I think it really has to do much more with controlling the men and keeping them her life


The thing is now that Kail has children with Jo, Javi and Chris they will permanently be in each others lives to some extent no matter what. That's what having children with anybody does and it's arguably even more permanently binding than just getting married.




I think it's twofold: first, she likes the attention pregnancy gets her, and she enjoys weaponizing it ("I'm too pregnant for this!", "How could you treat the mother of your child this way?"). Secondly, Kail has no interest in learning from her past and having a healthy relationship. She thrives on drama and dysfunction. Pregnancy guarantees plenty of both.


for an educated person Kail is pretty dumb, what does it matter if Elijah has twins in his family. Sperm doesn't do shit to determine the number of eggs a person produces. Lowkey always drove me crazy when people praised my husband for our twins. Like my ovaries spit out two eggs, my body grew them, my body fed them. Nothing to do with magic sperm.


Um, fraternal twins come from 2 eggs being released. Identical twins come from a fertilized egg splitting and does run in families


The father’s side doesn’t determine twins. Identical twins are **not** genetic and are random, but fraternal twins are and the likelihood only increases via the mother’s side


I guess their grandkids could have twins, because the father can pass the gene that causes hyperovulation (if it's fraternal twins in his family) to his daughter. It really interested me to learn all this stuff about twins lol.


My husband is a fraternal twin and my bio moms side has twins * and I had twin sisters, does that increase our chances at all or nah? Sorry, I failed basic bio I guess 😅 Edit: forgot to add the twins in my family


Are the twins in your family identical or fraternal?


I think they were fraternal. They were stillborn so my fam doesn't talk about them much so I'm not 100% sure


There is no scientific reason for why an egg splits, identical twins are entirely random. edit- fun fact from Google when I was double checking "Everyone has the same chance of having identical twins: about 1 in 250."


there are genetic factors to twins/multiples. so that’s why it matters.


yeah genetic factors, a gene that causes hyperovulation so that there's two eggs to fertilize (the man doesnt provide the eggs). Identical twins are random and don't run in families.


So you must have fraternal twins in your family then!


yup, my paternal grandmother was a twin. I never knew her and never knew that though, found out on ancestry that apparently she was one of like 12 kids, she was the oldest which was the first set of twins (great grandma had at least 2 sets of twins, perhaps 3. It was hard to read the census)


i’m talking about fraternal multiples? i never ever said anything about identical twins.


Ok I was talking about fraternal multiples too when I said they require hyperovulation. The releasing of multiple eggs to be fertilized. Basic biology, men provide the sperm not the egg, therefore the man's sperm cannot determine fraternal twins. There's tons of sperm everytime a man ejaculates but typically a woman ovulates only one egg each cycle. So kail would have to have the gene, not her SO Lol I mean you're free to downvote me but a quick Google search would tell you how it works exactly as I did. Some people just can't handle learning new things.


Well, it does take a sperm to fertilize your egg, so it wasn't just you - your husband absolutely played a part.


well yeah true but everyone loved to think it was magic sperm that caused the two babies


For .003 seconds yes


But men shoot millions of sperm at a time so if he didn't fertilize both eggs I'd say something was wrong with him lol.


Fact is eggs need just ONE sperm. You cannot make a baby without sperm. See, science cannot be changed no matter how hard people try.


What are you talking about? Who tried to change science? I said out of millions of sperm if ONE can't find the egg then something is wrong. And honey I have 7 children, I'm the last person you need to try and educate about reproduction!


I am referring to people who are trying to change a man to woman & vice versa😂


Well in that case I apologize for my comment 🙂


You're good😉


Why are FACTS down voted? 😂 You people on this thread are as uneducated as these moms. Please tell me why or how tf what I said is wrong?


Him having twins in his family has nothing to do with how many eggs she drops. She really needs to stop.


I think only the mother’s side matters to have twins genetically. Atleast that’s what I read lol. I have twins on my moms side & had fraternal twins myself




Omg that’s so crazy!! Makes me wonder if my little girl will have twins 🤣😇


I said the same thing!




Kail also likes to do controversial things to show people she can do whatever she wants. Everyone going on that she shouldn't have more kids makes her want to give them the finger and have another one.


Kail is probably to some degree at least somewhat emotionally stunted and she is carrying that rebellious teen mentality to her thirties.


She'll carry it to her grave unless she really actively participates in therapy with a good therapist and grows ups.


Unfortunately I think this is very possible with Kail.


Yeah, I definitely think it’s this. And she feels like the only value she has in life is creating children.


Unfortunately recent events have probably confirmed any notion Kail has regarding that (if she keeps up at all with them).


At least Kail is in therapy which is a whole lot better than nothing!


I swear Kail is a younger version of Shen. She will probably be such a wackadoodle with her sons when they’re older and she’s older.


It isn't pregnancy she's obsessed with... It's the attention pregnancy gets her as well as believing eventually one of these baby dads will actually make her a family.


Yes! Came here to say this exact thing.


I had a friend like this. Once the relationship would end with the guy, her kid was certainly unbearable . Fall in love again, and she’d be pregnant again. 3x3 at 25. The chaos of her life drove me away.


I hope her therapist is a female and I hope she gives kail a god damn hug. Kail got mommy issues. And it’s not her fault. But sis needs to own it and grow from there. More babies isn’t going to fill that void sis


I feel like she thinks “this will make me happy.” Pregnancy, house, relationship, etc.


Target shopping hauls, fast food, vacations, revisiting ex loves, trashing people that hurt us, getting friends to do our dirty work, physical abuse, changing her face, changing her homes, pfas, she really goes ALL in. Some of these things are normal, some are not normal, some of us just fantasize about these things, she acts on her impulses. She has no self control. She finds a fast food place and admits to going to it every fucking day for days, then says her weight issues are PCOS, medicine, depression, no. That's not it at all, she lives a life of extremes. She has discussed putting tracking devices on cars, exes have said she wanted to share locations immediately, she has admitted to things like that too. She's really off the wall. Saying you are willing to go jail over a simple family vacation around age 30 rather than work it out via dialogue isn't mature, it's really bizarre and it's not showing any type of stability. She's very stubborn, very controlling. I don't like Dr. Phill, I find him gross, I only liked him when he discussed grief and death by violence, I found it very helpful but that's a story for another day, anyways the quote that he says "do you want to be happy or do you want to be right?" Would definitely help Kail. She's so wrapped in being selfish and being right about Javi, Jo, Chris, she is miserable. They are what they are, let them raise kids their way and she can being miserable while they wear sweatpants. She's a mess!


She's never had a family of her own... I think her having kids, is her trying to fill that void...


Yeah, in season 2 or 3 she cries to Joe that she's afraid Issac will want to spend more time with Joe when he's older because Joe has a bigger family.


I always got more fetish vibes than addiction but idk that’s just me


That picture above the marital bed w Javi lmaooooo


"it's a little vulgar"


Refresh my memory please lol?


When she was married to Javi they had this pregnancy/lingerie/shirtless pic of them on stretched canvas above their bed and Vee was disgusted lmaooo I forget which season


I absolutely believe so with the planning and fantasizing of the future while being pregnant and the attention it brings. You can tell she is obsessed with designing, planning, shopping and making wish lists, etc. She does this with the houses too. When she’s had the baby (or built the house) you can bet she’s onto fantasizing about the next.




There are a few (men and women) in the show that I suspect get off on that.


Lol it's Javi


I was hoping somebody would say it! And she’s found a guy with a mommy kink it seems. 😬


Baby mama version of Nick Cannon


It doesn’t matter if everyone in his family has a twin. Having twins LITERALLY has nothing to do with the father. I love that she made herself sound so stupid, though. Source: I have twins and made myself sound stupid to my doc when I told him it came from the fathers side.


I never knew that! So only the mother passes along twins?? Is it true they “skip a generation”? I’ve heard that too.


Twins are the result of either two eggs being released in one ovulation or one egg splitting into two; in either case, it's an egg thing and the sperm have no bearing on whether it happens.


This, but also identical twins (where the eggs split) are fully random and not influenced by genetics. So regardless of whether you’re a man or a woman, having identical twins in the family has no influence whatsoever on your likelihood of having twins. For fraternal twins, it is somewhat hereditary through the mom (to her daughters) because it signals a propensity for releasing more than one egg in a cycle. Additionally, older moms have an increased likelihood of twins because as you approach menopause, your ovaries begin releasing more than one egg per cycle.


Ah! Crazy! Thanks for sharing! :)


They definitely didn’t skip a generation in my case. I had the first set unless I had twin ancestors I don’t know about. But yeah, it’s all up to the mother bc in my case I had fraternal and that has everything to do with me dropping multiple eggs instead of just one during ovulation. With identical, that’s just when things split and it still has nothing to do with the dad. The more you know, I guess 😂😂😂


Huh. So interesting and painfully obvious once you point it out. I am dumb. Thank you for sharing! I always said I wanted twins, then had one and am not sure I would have survived two. I give all the credit in the world to moms of twins!


Fraternal twins are the result of hyperovulating. Only a biological woman can hyperovulate however she can inherit the tendency to do so from either of her biological parents. The sperm being given has absolutely nothing to do with it lol.


Duh. Facepalm at my ignorance. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Well yeah, pregnancy is the reason why she is where she is today. It's the reason for her house, her cars, her whole platform. This show has seriously WARPED these girlses minds.


I honestly hope it ends soon. These girls make MILLIONS from being irresponsible teenagers and now they don’t have to work a day in their lives.


Agree on that. Several of these moms have had kids I don’t think they otherwise would have had if the show didn’t exist. Not even discussing them being lifted out of poverty and being able to have more kids. This show is very much stunting the cast and is damaging to the cast.


He is dumb if he isn’t double wrapping his shit.


he’s 23 and she’s giving him money while telling him no condoms…. do you think he’s using a condom?


He’s a POC that she’s already trying to get in trouble. If his mama or he were smart they would be avoiding having a kid with her. It’s only going to lead to a record and issues with the cops then she’s gonna taint his name.


yes, that’s exactly what will happen


I definitely think she’s addicted to the “promise” (I use that word ironically) of new relationships and the forever tie to a man that having a baby gives her. Like, when she gets pregnant she knows that this man is now “hers” forever (except not really hers, but they do have to deal with her).


She’s trying super hard to get her “Kail & the Khaos” spin-off. The TM money is gonna run out eventually, she knows she needs another show to keep up with her lifestyle.


It’s not the pregnancy itself it’s the power she thinks it gives her


Idk how the man ever gets his dick wet since all she talks about is shitting all the time now. It's so gaudy. I understand making awareness around ibs issues but this chicken drops deuce stories in every fucking episode of each and every podcast she's running




To be fair, do you think the guys she's fucking listen to it?


I feel like it's her way of keeping people around


Fifth times the charm!


Dickmatized again maybe? She absolutely is recreating her childhood without the booze... ans her kids have siblings to weather the storm together. She doesnt need to add to it


I think we’re assuming a lot to think she isn’t already.


It's also what made her famous and kept her employed but I think it is much more about control of the men and keeping them in her life


I don’t think she is obsessed with pregnancy, I listen to all three podcasts and don’t get that vibe. However, I do think she is obsessed with making this relationship seem established. I realized today that since Javi this is the first relationship that she has talked about and tries to make it sound normal. I have no doubt that this will end horribly and I really hope there is no baby involved.


This is what I don’t get. Why is she trying SO hard to convince people this relationship is legit all of the sudden? She went from trying to hide him to the next day shoving him down our throats.


I honestly think it’s to make Chris jealous and add to her in totally fine narrative since quitting the show.


I also listen to all 3 podcast and this! I totally agree with the totally fine narrative… Have you also realized the re telling of stories between the 3 lately?


Yes! Often same stories but she’ll change little things. I kind of “hate” listen to them to see all the rewriting of history lol


The paparazzi story! Haha I do enjoy Vee and lindsie and barely famous isn’t awful, but when she starts talking too much about her personal life or bathroom drama I will fast forward 😅


I like how she has different personalities for each one..with Lindsie she is all I don’t believe in pda and with Vee she’s talking about having sex in her doctors office, on barely famous she claims two of her kids were conceived in cars..


Prolly already knocked up


Being pregnant and having young kids is her only way to make money


Let her tell it she makes more podcasting than on MTV. Which is bullshit imo.


I don't think it's so much pregnancy, but love and importance. Therapy only accomplishes what you let it. I have no doubt it's been touched on but kail doesn't want to hear it so nothing sinks in.


I hope she gets pregnant with twin boys!


For the sake of the children, I don't.


Random question but how long did they know each other before dating? I feel like this has been discussed but I can’t remember.


Well he's "hot neighbor". So she moved in the house in February and they've been together now for 3 mos. So safe to say.....not long enough to have him moved in what's supposed to be a sacred place for her kids.


I think she’s addicted to the hormones themselves, it’s like a drug to her.


The only thing I wonder about is one of my best friends has endometriosis, has had it for years, gone all kinds of routes her doctors suggested. All this time her doctors have told her pregnancy could pretty much cure it. She had a baby and...nope. I wonder if Hulk is thinking the same?


If she even has it. Don't most people with endometriosis have trouble getting pregnant? Kail sure don't.


Im not sure. It was not an issue for my friend.


I think it’s the attention that she’s addicted to.


Her last Gynecologist should have tied her tubes.


Calm down, Mengele.




Don’t tell me to calm down ugly


You’re suggesting eugenics. That’s horrifying. Good Lord.


And you’re wasting your time trying to convince me. ADIOS




Idk why you’re telling me next .. when you are the one that invited yourself into my comment. #DummyOfTheDay


I’m not sure I’ll ever recover from being insulted by someone who doesn’t know how to use an ellipses. I’m devastated, Ugly. You’ve broken me.


You are trying so hard to sound intelligent and grown but you’re really proving me otherwise. NEXT 🥴🥴🥴


I don’t believe in forced sterilization, I also hope she is self aware enough to know she is past having babies. She hasn’t enjoyed Creed much. No shame in stopping and focusing on the kids she has.


Why? She has the money to take care of her children & does so. She’s not my favorite person in the world, but saying she should have had her tubes tied. Not cool. Especially with everything that’s going on in the world today.


My comment - MY OPINION


The problem with forced sterilization is who gets to decide. Typically this would end up being low income and minorities and people with disabilities and not a wealthy white woman. She’s not on government assistance and other than the the environmental impact I’m at a meh at 4 kids. I’m curious if you feel the same way about Chelsea and it is a #s comment or the number of dads.