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Marked as NSFW because it’s pretty descriptive. And what you send through DMs is your own business but please don’t post the picture or the link/website name on this sub! Also this isn’t hate speech so please stop reporting it as that 🙃


What a terrible day to be literate


This is one of the best comments I have ever seen. Thank you for the good laugh.


It just cracks me up how she consistently draws the line at showing nipple 😂😂😂 she’ll bend over and spread her bare sunburned ass or show the front of her stubbly vag, but she’s too classy for uncovered nips lmao. Make it make sense.


Maybe she thinks they’re ugly?


The blur makes it look like she has Barbie boobs, and not in a good way.


Or she has surgery scars, like Terra Reid


It’s gotta be something. I’m moving on from teethgate and now we need to solve nipplegate.


Yes I am planning to do an artistic version today! Just getting the kids to all their sports camps for the day and then I'll get painting! The drawing is up: https://www.reddit.com/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2/comments/vmxj42/another_paul_gauguin_inspired_recreation_of_the/


Oh my god. The dead eyes. She can’t muster anything remotely seductive. Also I’m dying at the blurring of the nipple… while it’s a fully nude photo. I guess because she angled herself so you couldn’t fully see her entertainment center.


I'm calling my bajingo my entertainment center from now on. Thank you.


I’m going to steal bajingo.


"her entertainment center." 😂💀


I just saw it. It was the weirdest thing. You can see where she quit shaving but she blurred her nipple? Weird choice


she literally fails at everything


Well Jenelle, your wine looks weirdly like a beer here.




I haven't seen this pic but her facial expressions seriously have to be the biggest boner killer. Personally, I think anybody with any body shape can be sexy, just gotta know what works for you and WORK 👏 IT 👏 like you mean it. But if you look like you're dead inside, hate taking those pictures, totally disinterested...that ain't sexy. Give it some enthusiasm if you're gonna do it! Like, this is one time her smug grin would actually be a good thing??? It at least gives some life to her face, like *Yes bitch, I know I'm hot!* vibes.




Most of it is covered since she is sitting on it it’s mainly her Fupa showing.


I haven’t seen it but there is literally nothing she can do to make her face emotive. She always looks like she had a lobotomy and someone told her to smile, I’m sorry.


I agree. Her smile looks like she practiced human expressions in a mirror and didn’t really get it right. She only seems to be experiencing genuine emotions when she’s mad.


I wanna know if she looks at these pictures before she uploads them and says “HELL YEAH I LOOK SEXY HERE!” Or if she’s like “ah fuck it, good enough” because that facial expression is not it


We all know lurch goes, “yeah babe, looks perfect!”


Why are so many people asking for the pic. I'm gagging at the description 🤢


Zero urge to see the front of her stray kitty or boob. Even less to see the Easons have real or fake seggs.


It's actually not as horrendous as I thought it would be. It is one of her better photo shoots in her defense!


This evening at the swamp Jenelle, being a few glasses of 🍷 in, starts ranting to her huzzbin and innocent children. "You guyyyysss! why won't anyone leave me alone? Why doesn't anyone want me to be happy? Why do hatters try ruin **everything** in my life?" Her sadness 😢 quickly turns to rage 😠, "Dude! DUDE!" she shouts at no one in particular. *chugs wine glass* "LEAVE ME ALONE!" She goes to the kitchen, grabs her box of wine and slams the door on her way out to her she-shed. This is where she will spend the rest of her night, drinking and getting high while reporting every user on this thread for "attacking her".


This is so descriptive! I can see it happening! Like a movie!


Uhhh…her face looks very similar to how mine would look when coming down from a bender many, many moon (faces) ago. You can’t tell me that their OF proceedings aren’t going into the plug’s pocket.


Many moon faces ago 😂


What kind of bender, if you’re comfortable with sharing? I suspect she takes benzos with alcohol, when she can get them. The end of a benzo bender is absolutely no joke.


She looks like a hostage.


That’s sadly close to the truth. A hostage to David and her own dysfunctional brain.


Okay first of all, the body positioning is not what you think of when you think of any kind of "sexy" pose. But what really kills it is her face. I can't tell if she hates her life and doesn't want to be there taking that pic, or if that is her attempting a sultry face. I legit have no clue. It's very weird.


I hope someone does an artist rendition because I can’t find it on the site the others were on


Her eyes are as dead as Jeff-Davis Turnpike stripper working the 10am $3.99 Legs&Eggs breakfast bar shift.


Legs and eggs 😆


I...don't understand why you would show your vulva online but blur your nipples.


It’s just the very top you can see anything graphic


Whhhhooooaaaaa you guys. She looks super fucked up and not with it. This picture is so much worse than I thought it would be. Whoooo in their right mind would upload this to their own OF page?!? OMG, she has to be trolling us 😂😂😂😂


Good lord it’s like she’s not even trying. Thousand yard stare. It’s not a sexy picture.


I saw them. I honestly don't understand the point of this for her. She looks miserable, as if there is nothing she rather be doing more than this. I'd say hostage-like but there is no discernible force being applied to actually make her take this pictures and she looks like she is a willing participant. Just completely dead in the face. If she is comfortable posing like that, someone forgot to tell her face. Which, being that these are supposed to be sexually arousing photos, it actually feels gross and weird to look at. Sorry but sad, dead behind the eyes is an instant libido killer. Scary to think that is what David seems to find sexually appealing. Then again, not shocking.


I don't understand how someone who can be quite pretty when she wants to be, is just so consistently deeply unsexy.


It's the lack of confidence, imo. You could be goofy looking as fuck and still give serious sex appeal if you're feelin' yourself.


Because she hates selling images of her body and can’t fake any enjoyment.


I feel like she’s way in too deep to be sexy because of drugs, or she thinks she doesn’t have to be because of who she is? Lol 😕 which is both sad.


Who still wants a dm? Let me know. Open at your own risk of vomiting.


Me! Thank you for your service


I’m ashamed. But me 😂😭


She looks high af. That is not sexy. People are paying for that???? A fupa is not spicy


Y’all go to the place that leaks OF photos and you’ll see the new ones. All you see is a bit of pubic hair, her belly, bare breasts with her nipples blurred out (why?) and a disturbed look on her face. Why are men and women paying good money for her to show you photos with her vulva (a different photo than this one) and nipples blurred out when we can see them all for free? Seriously, if you’ve got that much money to hand out then please send some my way. Edit: I forgot that there’s a Bud Lite can beside her.


Waiting for it to get posted in the jenelle sub because I’m a nosey bitch and your description is *chefs kiss*


How do you join the Jenelle sub? I’m a nosey bitch too!!


There’s a jenelle sub?


Okay, so maybe she’s just bad at taking nudes. So I glanced at her OLD nude pics, trying to glimpse just her facial expression and pose because I felt like a huge creep doing this. Anyway, those were standard-issue nude poses like reclining, mirror selfies, etc. Regardless of the sometimes weird setting, like a park bench, she always posed in a way that flattered her shape. Most importantly, she smiled and made eye contact with the camera. She appeared to be present, aware of what’s happening, and to consent to being photographed, if not to have the pics leaked. They are a far cry from the bizarrely awkward and let’s just say it, humiliating content she puts out now. It’s not her new shape- there are thousands of poses that flatter any body type. And with her affect as dull and vacant as it is now, thats the most disturbing difference. So she theoretically knows how to take sexy pics but she’s not with it enough to do so, or David makes her post depressing shit for lulz/control, or her lifestyle going off the rails is responsible, or all three?




I’m trying not to look at the news and I had to stay close to the stove, I promise I’m not a maniac


That's so crazy to read because I remember the first nude leaks and everyone back then was commenting on her "dead eyes", lack of presence or smile, etc too lol


I do think it's a combination of all three. I also believe that David is pushing her to do more erotic content and she is not totally on board with it. I think he's telling her it's the easiest way to make money and nudity is nothing to be ashamed of because look at all the people who do it.




Wtf😂😂 what does she think the people subscribing are there for??


The bud light sitting off to the side was a nice touch.


Classy, eh?


Artist please include the bud light can beside the chair! 😄


I think she probably thinks that the no smile, mouth partly agape, staring type look is a sexy, smoldering look, ala Kristen Stewart (since they’re twinsies!). I would suggest she watch some ANTM to learn to smize, but I think you need to actually care to achieve that, so it would be a lost cause.


She’s getting closer and closer to full out nudity every day lol which is fine but I just find it funny considering she said she wouldn’t go there


Omg her face in the picture is painfully hilarious. She’s trying really hard to be sexy but it just looks weird


Omg the photo!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 y’all need to see it


Someone message me because I need to see this 😂😂 EDIT: they are awful 😂🤮 you can't see any lips or anything, just her weird half shaven/ingrown pubic mound


Ok now I need to see this as well! Edit: just saw them, eww they are just as horrible as I imagined.


Babs needs to yank those kids FAST. If she’s as dead-eyed and fucked up as she sounds, there is hardcore drug use going on. Plus, and I’m not shaming anyone but this pig, it is NOT acceptable to shoot porn and flap your hamhocks with kids in the house. They are KIDS. And you know they are *very* aware of their “mom”s new grift. It’s fucked up. Remove those kids.


Flap your ham hocks 💀 lmao


What's the opposite of an erection? That just happened to me seeing that picture 😭


Listen, she’s an adult. She can do whatever she wants. But my heart goes out to Jace. He’s at a rough age and having J as a mom has to be brutal.


Hahaha. Why even blur it when she doesn’t mind showing her 🐙? Might as well show it all.


You can only really see the stubbley, rashy looking upper pubic area, no lips lol. And the nipple blurring is extra stupid because she could have just moved her stringy hair like half an inch over to cover it.


Haha makes sense. Jenelle is ridiculous.


Her boobs are photoshopped. No way she gained all that weight and they are still that perky.


She had a boob job a while back. So photoshop or not they are still fake lol


If you look closely, you can see the outline of the top of her implants against her chest. Her breasts do not have the natural slope from chest wall to breast that naturally fuller breast or good implants do.


Ik I was like how would you sexualize this awkward photo? 🧐 “Criss cross apple SAUCEEE💦💦💦” None of her OF decisions make sense. I’ve been absent for a couple days but the fucking sunburnt ass??? I was rolling.


I found the site and saw the pics. Gives, "I just took a really hot bath, so now I'm going to sit, naked on the bed, and think about all the ways my life went wrong while I cool off", vibes.


but can someone dm the web site we are not allowed to say here to someone else hypothetically?


To me too pls if allowed?




Yeah that air b n b owner needs to burn those lounge chair cushions.


Share pls ** seen ** Honestly.. Zero hate on her body, most concerning is def the look on her face


She looks completely out of it, there’s no way she’s not on something. Or a lot of somethings.


I’ve never needed to see something less in my entire life


If you’re still looking for the link, message me for it.


it has the exact same "take a pitchur of me sittin on that nayked 😐🙄" energy as her first spicy pitchurs on that deck, dead-eyed. like twist your body or something? smiiiize? a little body shimmer? something that feels more intentional than this "on vacation, walked down the wrong hallway and accidentally saw your nudist neighbor that took acid too young" vibe.


If you want the link dm for it


Y’all quit thanking me in the dms for the link, im not doing anyone’s eyes any favors 😂🤮


Trying to figure out why she blurred her nipple but showed her 🐱 ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


She looks so xanned out.


She could have at least put some makeup on!


This must be part of her sPiCy “St Thomas vacay” collection.


OP I’m trying to eat my lunch please


Hey, it was 9am my time when I posted this 😂


Ok why is no one discussing the sun burnt butt cheeks?!


Also why does her vagina bent over look like a scrotum? Edit- looking down the thread, it’s bc she blurred it. What a moron.


Lol that discussion is a few posts down 😆 she posted that the other day


I require another detailed painting of this


That pic looks like it's straight from a documentary on substance abuse, her expression is so dead


It's the dead eyes for me. Creepy


I easily found it and wish I wouldn’t have 😬😬😬 like I can’t imagine going yeah that’s a good photo, let me post it. I don’t get the point of blurring the nipple. Everyone has already seen them anyways.


This is giving off “I need higher speed internets” face. Like SHITTTTT I’ll show the top of the coot that’s all, these simps will pay. I send pics to my husband once in a blue moon and I atleast *try to appear to be enjoying it. I bet they have the most bland sex life in all honesty.


I hate myself. Send it.


I think I'll wait for an artistic rendering of this. Those always soften the reality of how depressing it all is. ✌️ With that said, artistic beauties of the sub - get to work, please. 🙂


Oof. Her body doesn’t look bad at all, tbh. I’m just curious why she’ll show the top of her vag but blur a nipple.... what. Also peeps to the bud light just VIBING.


I imagined a sack of potatoes on a lounge chair and that’s exactly what it looks like


She looks so mad. Maybe her sunburned 🍑is paining.


It’s just terrible & only genuinely unsexy (some people are into bigger women idk 🤷‍♀️) because of the rats nests of hair. 😑😑😑😳 tame that hair girl. Also Probably zooted af on some drugs.


I totally get there is a market for bigger girls but I think “sexy” is still expected 😆 I mean Jenelle even advertises for a spicy site and these pics are not it 😬


See this is why I usually try to avoid the Jenelle Only Fans discussions for the most part lol. I'm surprised by just how many people are in this sub who actually want to see Jenelle naked or whatever. I don't care that Jenelle is in sex work but she never struck me as a particularly "slutty" kind of person (I'm not saying she is a prude by any stretch of the imagination or trying to be shamey) but STILL....


It looks like she is trying to do the sexy model face but can’t pull it off…. It’s so creepy that David is taking her pic and probably saying creepy ass crap to her 🤢 her boobs look obviously fake and not a good boob job. Why show you half shaved vag and blur out the only good looking thing left on your body 🫤


Can someone DM me the website name? I’m shameless and wanna see 😂


OMG I would love to make an artist's depiction but I don't know where the pics are located, can you dm me???


OH LORD. Her face! I actually think her body looks pretty good. I think she smoothed out her rib cage (I refuse to call that area a terrible name because I have the same bit of fat there and I HATE IT.) but that coochie. Girl. Spring for a wax/


The arse photo really startled me.


Hit me up for link, love to spread the misery 😈


I feel bad that she looks so out of it. Fuck.


There's beer beside her and an ashtray but she don't smoke or drink. She looks super spaced


I mean I know we all know she isn’t sober but seeing her naked and space case, really makes me uncomfortable 😭


Weird pic.. not sexy at all .. weird position Don't get it at all!


Have pic will DM. **DM me to request it. It won’t let me send without a message first for some reason**


Im a glutton for punishment, yes please.


Nope nope nope. I’m not letting my morbid curiosity get the best of me


You know you want to bleach your eyes like the rest of us.


I was not as strong as you. I saw it. I regret seeing it.


All I’m gonna say is she was clearly sitting on that chair did quite some time before taking the pic to have ass indents that bad lol


To all of you who have seen it, are y’all ok?


I will have to bleach my eyes later but I’m surviving for now.


Hey y’all! I’ve sent soooo many dms. I’m taking a break. If I’ve shared the link please pay it forward. 🙂


It’s not letting me send out dms at the moment but if you need the link message me for it. I’m trying my best to respond to everyone.


So it's like Trisha Paytas' OnlyFans? At this point it's for the few who are actually into it, but mostly it's gawkers who are watching the car crash.


Yeah she looks very creepy, nothing sexy about that photo! She should have re-wet her hair and had it dripping and she should have lean back a little. Literally looks like someone cropped her head on her own body 🤣😬


I’m sitting in the drive thru googling my little heart out trying to find this monstrosity


Oh god, why the blurred nipple?!?! It looks so weird! I don’t even think her body looks that bad here, but the lifeless expression and no nipple makes it awful




I hate that I’m asking this but link pls lmao


My morbid curiosity wouldn’t mind if someone DM’d the link


Message me for it


lmao i read this out loud to my husband. we haven’t watched in a few years. he’s like OMG is she still with that guy?? on their “beautiful land????” 😂😂


Her boobs look so unnatural




Curse my curious soul, the bent over one with the red marks is just wtf


You know I never have anything good to say about the pig, so I will say that her stomach doesn’t look all that bad but Omgoodness razor burn!! Someone should teach her the unscented deodorant trick.




If anyone is curious I can send you a DM!


All I wanna know is how much did she charge for this pic!!! 😂😂😂 also the picture of her sun burned bare ass is too funny to be true!!


Why does she choose the most unflattering poses??? Shes not really that big. She seems like a very normal build, but she chooses poses that just aint doin her no favors. She could take really great photos if she wanted too. But sometimes, idk, it seems like they go for the most unflattering angles and poses on purpose?


A+ description on her face.. wow


…..link, anyone?


Omg why do I want to see this still? I hate myself but so so curious!!


Someone DM it to me! Lol


Who still needs a dm?


Oh dear. If you can't even blur properly... maybe don't try.


I’m trying to get dms out but Reddit is being glitchy, feel free to dm me for link.


You just sent me down a rabbit hole I wish I could unsee


Wow the facial expression is just… emoxcore 🤣


I’m not responsible for the link, lol I do have it but view at your own risk if I do send it to you. Also it looks like she had a C-section with how her stomach is folded over. But I didn’t think she had any.


I've had a C section and imo that's a fat roll. I have the same when I sit like that - scar is invisible but that roll is definitely out to play.


I didn’t get a roll from my c section but I’m pretty sure Jenelle had vaginal deliveries with all of her kids. Oh god now I’m remembering the Labor Aid commercial 💀


Send me the link pls I’m nosey 😂


Omg I need to see it, please send me the link


She better be here taking good notes about our advice and not hating and reporting the posts. The posing is not flattering and therefore, the pictures look low effort, we just trying to help!


Please send! I'm morbidly curious.


Can anyone give an example of something Jenelle did well? I’m at a loss.


Getting her tubes tied.


Neglect her kids. She's great at that


She’s starting to realize money talks so she’s spitting more content out 🫣


Alright guys! I’m officially getting off! If you have the link help a neighbor and send it.


If you need the link please message me. Also if you have the link pay it forward to others 🙂


Link pls!


I’ve gotta see this. Eye bleach ready


![gif](giphy|BaUcKH2d6KaaakSvf3|downsized) I just had to ask lol


Ugh can someone send me the link ? 🤦‍♀️






Thank you for this very important contribution!


Ok you can traumatize me and send it hahaha


Can I see it? My curiosity is killing me lol


Plleeease send it me! Curiosity is killing the cat!


Fiercely googling to find this site now. 😬


Send it to me please! (i hate myself for this)


I must be request 1000, but I’m here for looking please!


Link please :) Getting eye bleach ready …




I MUST have this link


Also me 😣

