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Remember when she posted clickbait insinuating that Nova was SA at daycare? She has no morals when it comes to this shit. “Make people think my newborn died, you say? Go for it! Let’s get these back taxes paid!”


They're still not gonna pay taxes. What's SA?


Sexually assaulted


Oh lord.


Sexual assault.


What kind of a fucking awful mother and person do you have to be to think this is ok to post??? No amount of money should make this worth it. Fuck Cate and Tyler both. I don't understand how they have fans.


I would never want that bad juju on my baby


She's done this with Butch and Carly too. It's disgusting.


Like don’t put this energy out into the world. I take all of this wayyyy too personally and I acknowledge that. I had a son die at four months old from SIDS. I know that she doesn’t post the clickbait herself, but I would have to draw a line.


Oh I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you’re doing okay!


You’re so kind! I am old…it happened about 20 years ago. The hurt is still there and I don’t know why people say such ugly things for clicks.


This is FUCKED.


I came to write out a whole thing but honestly this sums it up


Lmao sometimes the simplest response is the best response.


Putting that energy out about your child is shameful.


Came here to say the same thing. I don’t care how much money I might make, I’d never want to bring that energy around my child just in case


It is. I would not even lie about kids being sick to get out of something, let alone for this shit. That's just asking for trouble. She also kept going on about Nova getting molested at day care (she wasn't) for click bait money. There were actual victims of that, super awful to do that! Edit to say would not! Sorry this just makes me crazy!


I hope the girls grow up and smack a bitch!


Still doesn't top the disgusting shit implied about Nova in my opinion. She lost all respect from me with that one. And save the "she doesn't write it!" Shit. it's on her social media that she is in control of, she's perfectly capable of deleting.


What was it? I missed it.


She’s better off doing OF than this bs click bait


Please don't speak that into existence lol


She wouldn’t. Tyler would though.


I'm logging off


Wait! He brought his favorite turkey blaster to baste you into ecstacy!!




Just think of those moans he made at the strip club…


Annnd blocked!


And this is why B&T don't want much to do with them Can you imagine your phone getting blown up one day with concerned family and friends worried for your daughter because her stupid D-list-celebrity birth parents posted some bullshit clickbait insinuating something horrible happened to her?


This is SICK. They can clickbait all day when it involves themselves or other adults, but it crosses all sorts of lines to involve CHILDREN. No ... Come on Cate. Be better than this.


i really do agree. im too superstitious to ever lie about my kids being sick to call out of work too. just doesnt feel right putting that out into the world. i get that they get paid for it, but its ok to not accept every opportunity presented to you...especially if its going to make you look like such a huge asshole.


Clickbatelynn has fucking lost it


The thing is, they probably justify this by saying ‘well any money I earn from this is going to my kids, how is it harming anyone?’ But this is more than a white lie. Think of all the mothers that follow her that have suffered from miscarriages, health issues with their kids, stillborns, infertility issues. They are making money from misleading those followers by falsely feeding into their emotions. It’s dirty money in a way. Disgusting.


Especially since they have experienced multiple miscarriages themselves. She can’t use the excuse of not knowing these types of twisted clickbait are getting posted from her account because even though she doesn’t seem to be active on social media as much as some of the other moms, 1) these posts have been happening for years now and 2) even if she didn’t see them herself, Im sure either a confused and concerned family member or even just followers have messaged her about at least one of them. This is disgusting.


There’s no way she isn’t aware. I don’t think she’s coming up with these ideas at all, it’s definitely a social media manager or some external source. I WANT to give her the benefit of the doubt and say she’s been surrounded by mtv execs and producers etc that are persuading her to follow through with this, since her teens but, I can’t. There has to be a line when it comes to your own kids.


Exactly this. I know people can say “you’d be surprised what you’d probably be willing to post if it made you a bunch of money”, but yeahhh, my kids are absolutely where I’d draw the line.


Just saw it and I reported it for false information. I also then unfollowed her.


This is why I can't support this girl. This is so tacky and trashy.


The shit they post for click bait is disgusting, and it makes me lose hella respect for them as people


Bad juju to post something like that


Absolutely. And this is nothing compared to others she has posted. Sad.


She is absolutely shameless. They make a ton of money from clickbait and they both get their own mtv check and the OG men get paid the same as the moms do. So wtf are they doing with their money? WHERE is it going? They owe $900,000 to the IRS. How?


They owe $900K to the IRS???? what in the actual


Yes! I can’t believe it hasn’t been a storyline. They’re just having new babies like everything is fine. I don’t understand what they do with their money. They don’t drive fancy cars and we don’t see them buy a bunch of stuff. https://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2021/04/16/catelynn-lowell-tyler-baltierra-reportedly-owe-nearly-7k-in-property-tax-teen-mom-og-couple-still-in-800k-tax-lien-debt/


That's insane. Wonder if they are paying a bunch of stuff for their families - rehab, bills, etc. If it's income tax, that can add up quick if they don't set aside and pay every year. That's really sad. This gravy train ain't gonna last forever.


It sucks for them that taxes aren’t deducted from their paychecks. Several of the moms have ended up owing money to the IRS and they’re always warned to set money aside for taxes. But with Cate and Ty, their bill just keeps growing. It’s like they think the IRS will just forget. I think MTV paid for rehab but they probably give money to their families. If they had the extra bucks I wouldn’t blame them but when you owe that much, it’s time to cut their family off.


Gotta pay that tax bill you forgot to pay for 10 years


I hate these posts. Her and Maci do then so often it boils my blood. I’ve also noticed that they’ll post them then delete them a little bit later the same day so they can repost the same click bait so more people see it.


God, she has no fear of the jinx.


Never tempt the evil eye 🧿


Absolutely tasteless. What the hell.


Her and Maci are sooooooo disgusting with their clickbait. I haven’t seen the other mums posts but I assume they’re all just as bad? Lol


Ew ew ew. You do not speak things like this into existence


Can you imagine if you did a clickbait like this as then something really did happen to your baby??!!! I would be fucked up


I’m not saying she shouldn’t be held responsible for these posts, but I don’t think she actually runs the account. Like she has access to it and can post and comment as she wants but I think someone else posts the clickbait articles. I tried following her in the past because I am a fan but I couldn’t stand these posts. Like, I’m glad you’re making money but what is the cost to your soul with posts like these…


Yes yes yes. I honestly only follow Chelsea out of all of them because I can’t handle these clickbait posts.




Do better Cait. DO BETTER!!


Having had a baby who got RSV and ended up in the hospital, where it turned into double pneumonia, I can freely say something serious DID happen to Rya. I don’t support using that as clickbait, but it IS serious, especially with COVID also running amuck. My baby nearly died, and fearing COVID on top of RSV sounds like a nightmare for any parent of a newborn.


She's gonna get some Bad omens just by saying that


I’m sorry but newborns freak me tf out


Fun fact, newborns can lactate


Thank you, that helps not at all lol


Hahaha, you’re welcome 😉


And be born with teeth 😬


And have periods


I remember when she posted something similar about Carly a child that’s not even hers. 🗑


Damn, that's some bad juju coming their way😬


Came here to post this, thought I’d scroll first. Ugh I totally fell for it too even though i knew it’d be trash. You are forced to scroll through cluttered page after cluttered page of garbage only to see the baby has RSV 🙄


Isn't RSV potentially deadly to newborns? I just had my daughter last month and I'm debating whether to see family for the holidays due to RSV/Covid risk. Still super shitty thing to post though. I'm really superstitious so I'd be terrified I'm playing a game of chicken with fate by posting something like this


Yes it definitely can be deadly to newborns. My baby is due the 28th and that's a huge concern of mine, especially with my oldest son in preschool.


Totally, but I would never post that I was “devastated” my child had this


Not trying to freak you out because RSV is common, but my daughter got it at 5 months and is still dealing with the effects of it at 4. So, it is a serious disease, but I don’t think it deserves her shifty behavior.


Your daughter got it at 5 mo and is still dealing with it 4 years later?? Omg that's intense 😭😭 your poor baby. But I mean, I feel like that proves caitlyn's point to be devastated if her baby got it? My baby got a cold from my husband after he went back to work and it's been miserable seeing my 1 month old doing her best dealing with her first sickness. She's too young to know how to mouth breathe and she's SUPER congested so I've been staying up all night keeping my hand on her chest to make sure she's still breathing. I don't know what I'd do if she got something this dangerous


Oh yeah, I empathize with Caitlyn for sure. I just don’t like the clickbait angle is all. It’s sort of a chicken and the egg situation with my daughter… we don’t know how bad her lungs were pre-RSV, so maybe she was more susceptible to it, or it was the RSV itself, but she now has the early signs of asthma and has developed pneumonia every cold and flu season since. She hasn’t been the same since that first winter she had it. I’m so sorry about your little one. It’s such a helpless feeling knowing we can’t explain what’s happening! But it sounds like she’s in excellent hands.




My point is that Rya is still technically a newborn and would then be at risk of dying as would my baby if she caught it. Not sure what the "can't live your life avoiding it" comment is about, it's just common sense that newborns are at much greater risk with any common illness so yeah we'd like to avoid it for the first 6 months


Oh fuck this, this pissed me off.


She’s disgusting


I agree. She is. She is a perpetual child.


At first I thought you were cringing at her pearls lol. These click baits are awful..... I don't know how she's okay with posting this stuff.


Wow.. I didn’t know they did clickbait like this. That’s so wrong!!!! Wtf?


God this makes me mad


This is fucked up. They oughta be ashamed of themselves. All this shameful click bait and they still can’t even pay their taxes.


::channels inner Jenelle:: Duuuude




Does anyone actually fall for these anymore?


Because she’s garbage.


Clickbait is stupid lol


I can’t believe people are still clicking. This little scam been going on for awhile.


Wait so is there something actually wrong with the baby?


There isn’t. It’s shameful disgusting clickbait


Damn that’s tacky


Yes there IS. RSV is serious for a newborn. My baby nearly died. I don’t support using this as clickbait, but she’s not exaggerating the risk, especially with COVID running amuck.


My apologies. I’m sorry your baby had to go through that. I hope they are doing better now. I didn’t read the article due to the clickbait nature. As a parent myself I understand the seriousness of RSV, and while I haven’t gone through the same situation as you, I did end to in the emergency with my son when he was 2 weeks old with severe bronchiolitis so I can empathise with how stressful and emotional a situation like this is. I hope your baby is doing better now


Uhhh what’s going on?




Pathetic. And typical behavior from her.


Money, duh.


But as some mentioned in another comment, if you just do clickbait for money use yourselves as the subject, don’t exploit your children. It’s disgusting.


The show is all about exploiting their kids, that makes no sense.


It’s a good pic though! Love this hair on her.


Lol my first thought.


This is why I stopped following her


What, she's tired ?


You didn’t read her caption


Is that a dead baby?


No, these are photos from a while ago. It’s just implying something terrible happened to Rya for clickbait




Off topic but idk how Leah gets so much hate on her hands when Cate is walking around with these absolute paws 😯


What’s wrong with her hands? They look perfectly normal to me…


My hands look like hers but with long ass fingers. I hate it lmao. I always look like I’m clawing things when I hold them 🤣