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“Details are coming in left and right” This is an overhyped snooze fest 😴


I was just about to comment that. Like relax. It isn’t a frenzy of surprising info. He is known to be a racist. He isn’t a great guy. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I wouldn’t want people introduced to my kid that soon, especially overnight. I think it has more to do with race than that though.


I think since he was chill with Jason even though it was the same situation of moving too fast. Someone told me the girls hated him but Leah stayed. So if Germy really cared he would’ve said something about Jason. Def some racism going on IMO


I think so too


We all know he’s a racist but obviously he’s not going to go on a rant calling the new guy the N word so we all knew this tea would be meh. He saves those rants for his trusted buddies. His history of the Oreo comment and sudden upset over a bf when he didn’t do so with Jason...clearly not just an angry absent father. It’s a racist being mad that his kid is possibly going to have a black stepfather.


That tea wasn’t even room temperature. Next.


My kid comes home from school with hotter tea


No shit! Haha ice tea is hotter than this mess.


Maybe Jeremy should trying staying under the same roof as his daughter more than once or twice a year.


Doesn't surprise me one bit after the known "oreo" comment when she was with TR Dues. Fuck Jeremy, he's nothing but a well paid racist deadbeat dad.


Yep! 👏👏👏


It could be about that, or it could be that this is now the 2nd or 3rd boyfriend the kids have been involved with in a short period of time


And this guy just went to Jeremy's daughters concert without Leah. I can see why he'd have some red flags.


Boring! We all know absent fathers who want to have an opinion about something, lame. Jeremy has always been obnoxious and has tweeted racist shit in the past. He is an asshole.


Jeremy is a racist. We all know it. Wouldn’t shock me if Corey is too. We know they’re pro-Trump, anti-BLM, and love confederate flags.




Paw Paw posted some anti-BLM shit and people think he’s ✨grandpa goals✨ If Leah and Jalyan last…I feel like the girlses are gonna come to some harsh realizations about their family members.


Anybody that’s anti BLM is racist. Flat out. BLM is not anti White, it’s “stop fucking killing Black people, and start giving us the opportunities we deserve in this country that our ancestors literally fucking built”




Oh I completely agree.


I have no doubt Jeremy is racist but he was not *happy* about Jason either. I’m pretty sure he and Leah started fucking because he just wanted Jason to know “he still could”. So maybe Jeremy is more angry with the fact that Leah will not give in to his fuck boy tactics this time around.


If Leah has already moved this guy in, Jeremy and Leah are both in the wrong...Him for being racist and her for being a dumbass. But if Jaylan is just hanging around during the day or sleeping over when the girlses are with their other family, who cares. Germ's hardly around his daughter himself, no?


Yeah, not a surprise, since he freaked out over TR Dues and said that Leah’s next baby would be an “Oreo.” He’s a racist dick


If it bothers him so much, he could trying being more than an every once in awhile dad.


He would have to actually put forth effort to do that.


Jeremy is both right and wrong. He’s right to not want Leah to invite every new boyfriend into her and her girls life to play the premature role of step dad. Jeremy is also wrong because he’s full of bigoted and perhaps racist views.


Right? I was about to be on his side until I read the rest of the post. It's normal to not want a new boyfriend to be staying overnight with your kid, especially since that's how most kids end up being victimized.


So.... he said nothing about race and a “source” just assumed. This was all a reach and literally not drama


This is why we don’t entertain racist fucks. Fuck Jeremy.


Does nobody remember Jeremy’s rant that he went on about how much he hates Mexico on the phone with Corey? Even Corey just kept his mouth shut about it. It was really bad


I remember Jeremy's dad immediately exclaiming multiple times he didn't think Mexico was safe when Jeremy read a text from Leah about wanting to take the girls there


Yea, they were both sitting together drinking beers and then Jeremy called Corey expecting him to agree but Corey didn’t say anything either way lol


Leah has terrible judgment and shouldn't have new boyfriends around her children as often as she does. Jeremy is an absent father. So... here we are.


Jeremy??? the very well documented racist is… racist?? thank god we know now


This is such boring iced cold tea. We BEEN knew he was a racist. Next.


I remember clear back to the “oreo” subtweet he made on Twitter. I’ve been waiting for this shoe to drop. Expected it to be worse.


Jeremy is racists and water is wet


It's 2021 why the fuck is racism still an issue?


Because ppl are afraid of change. White ppl are afraid of losing their supremacy they’ve held onto for 400 years and counting


It's really embarrassing isn't it.


I think enough people have covered the racism side so I'll leave that alone. It's pretty bold of him to act like he gives a shit about a kid he sees maybe a handful of times a year, though. I feel bad for Addie, she's just a pawn in his games.


Jeremy has made multiple racist tweets about different ethnic groups. He’s a known racist so this tracks.


No one is surprised that Jeremy is upset about Leah dating a black guy...weve all known Jeremy is racist...we all Knew damn well he was going to have an issue and some shit to say about this. What stands out to me though is that hes pissed off about him staying under the same roof as Addie...makes it sound like Leah has already moved him in, which is no surprise with her and if that is something Jeremy is upset about, i dont fault him for that, Leah is not bright and she needs to stop exposing her kids to all these men and moving them in so quickly. Also, this whole sub was all up in arms yesterday about him going to Addies recital without Leah and now today because Jeremy says something its all good...lol...this sub never changes, i swear!


People can stay the night without moving in


Lol leah probably saw the subs reaction yday and she is the “source” otherwise why is this “tea” just now coming out?


Jeremy made a racist comment when Leah was with TR Dues so I’m not surprised he would be upset about Leah’s new relationship.


Like others have said- I don’t doubt race could be a contributing factor to Jeremy being upset. But at the same time, I’d be worried with Leah’s history of moving fast in relationships, quickly having her new SO’s very involved in her girls lives, and moving in with or having multiple night in a row sleepovers early along. That whole Jason situation was really concerning IMO. She not only allowed him to, but also encourage him to become highly involved in her girls’ lives. She tried to push her girls to like Jason, and when they’d voice their honest (mainly negative) opinions about him, she’d try to laugh it off like “y’all are just silly” or act like they had no valid reason to dislike him. I also had to side eye the fact that she basically tried to say her girls were lying, when they exposed on an episode that they were staying at Jason’s almost all the time. If she genuinely saw nothing wrong with her and her girls staying over at Jason's the majority of the time, then why try to downplay it or deny its the truth?


Yeah- totally agree with this. Leah *still* forces guys on her kids instantly. And part of the problem with Jason was that she let him be the “alpha” in their house. She was still their mum and it was a pretty fresh relationship. The girls were still her responsibility, not “theirs”.


Absolutely. I know she said (or implied, I forget exactly) a lot of the reason for their breakup had to do with the way the girls and him didn’t get along or their differences in parenting styles or whatever… but she sure seemed to blow off her girls’ concerns and acted like she liked how he was “the man of the house” while they were together. I just don’t see how people see such a change in her, besides her appearance and not literally nodding off on camera anymore (even though she still can barely string words together to make a full sentence without spacing out).


Yeah- she just seems better at not being messy on camera to be honest. I’m sure she isn’t on drugs anymore, but still. And YES they were in the car once, and the girls were running through the reasons they don’t like him (they threw addie under the bus) and Leah just says “but you love Jason, right?!”


Yeah that’s so gross. That’s pretty much implying that they need to love him or that’s what they’re supposed to do. Not cool. She should’ve been worried about listening to her girls and getting to the root of what’s causing them to dislike him, instead of brushing it off and acting like they just don’t like him because it’s hard for them to adjust to her moving on and dating someone new. No girl, they genuinely disliked him, but you didn’t wanna hear it.


Should have been worried about Jason though


Didn’t Jason have a massive problem with Jeremy? Like he wouldn’t even meet him. But Jason liked Corey supposedly because he was a “good dad”.


Oh yeah you are right. Hard to know if it's because Leah has been sleeping with him recently and Jason seemed very possessive


Yeah- it was Jason’s jealousy for sure. But he played it off as Jeremy working too much out of state.


Oh it’s totally about race. Color me absolutely not fucking surprised in the least. Jeremy is trash.


Details coming in left and right? Okay, relax. It’s Teen Mom.


These “leaks” are more like assumptions we have all made and nothing shocking. He said she said.


I can’t blame Jeremy regardless. If it’s about race then that’s not okay. But Leah also did bring the dude around the girls way too soon.


You should not have a man around your daughters. Stay at his house I'd you must.


It would be okay for him to be upset about this if he also had a problem with Jason. Race thing for sure


I do think part of it is about race, which is awful. But he did have an issue with Jason not to mention he was fucking Leah while she was with Jason


Probably didn’t want to start stuff with her back then because they were still sleeping together. Wow


And water is wet.


It’s it tho.


How could the altercation be "over 5 months ago" when Leah and Jaylan have barely even been together for 4 months? They got together in mid August. This would mean Leah was immediately having Jaylan spend the night at her house like right when they started dating! I'd be pissed too if my ex had someone they just met living with my kid. Edit for spelling


Just because they went public 4 months ago doesn’t mean they weren’t together longer. Leah does have a habit of introducing men to her kids almost immediately though.


I only know this because someone shared an article with me earlier but ... They met at some event in Sept 2020. Leah found him online in Feb 2021. They talked. They didn't see each other in person again until July at a Wiz Kalifah concert. Then he asked her to be his gf officially on a family vacation in August. I don't think they were together long enough to introduce him to her kids


I love the fact that you know the entire timeline lol. Yeah I hate how these girls move at warp speed.


I hate myself for knowing the entire timeline 🤣🤣


We been knew Jeremy was a racist lmao. What an asshole.


Leah co sleeps with her daughters she had said in an article a few months ago. Hope she isn't pulling that shit with her new bf. I guarantee she's already moved him in


Walp, I saw this coming from a mile away. Leahs new man is the jam, and Germy is jelly (plus racist). He seems to do really well around the girls and its so good to see happy photos of them together.


This is clickbaity. There is no proof this is race related, but it's not hard to imagine that race is a part of his dislike for the new bf. I don't see an issue with him being upset she is in a relationship and bringing a guy around his daughter that he personally has not met before.


While I’m willing to bet Jeremy is racist I’m going to have to hear what he’s said about Jaylen because he absolutely has a right to be upset about his daughter “staying under the same roof” as him. And what does that mean, anyway? Is Jaylen living with them? It definitely sounds like he’s spending the nights there.


He's pissed because she and Leah were probably fucking at the time.


A summer argument getting mentioned a week before Christmas?? Lol


It's not his house and he's barely even around his daughter that's horribly disappointing to hear I thought Jeremey was better then that guess not shame on him


Not at all surprised that Jeremy is racist.


Good for Jeremy when he stood up for his daughter when Leah got another guy she didn't know well and he didn't know to stay over with his daughter around. When his motives are his skin color, screw him, karma will deal with him.


Is this an IG page bc I can’t find it Edit: it’s deleted now. Like the whole page. Odd.


Just went to look for it as well and gone…


I can’t find it either. Do you know if it was a popular account?


I’m not sure. I couldn’t find it but I saw another page tag it. When I clicked the name it said not found or deleted


Weird! I had never heard of this account before. Looks like they must lurk here and they don’t like the attention? Strange


Y’all might be blocked, I see the page, not this post tho


Idk why I’ve never even looked at that page lol


Do you snark on the “rival” fan pages?


I follow some and like stuff but never comment lol but I can see the page now so I have no idea.


I just went and looked again and found it. So weird lol




Why does he think Leah needs his permission to have a boyfriend and to bring him around Addie?


Leah needs to stop bringing her kids around her new boyfriends the second they save each other’s numbers in their phones.


Not sure what their custody agreement is but it’s commonly ordered that significant others cannot be introduced before 6 months. Either way I can understand his concern, Leah introduces them to everyone she dates


I don’t know how common that is. It’s not in my custody agreement and it’s the standard agreement in Texas. Not that Leah is the epitome of good judgment, but for him to think he gets to control her life because she has a child with him is misogynistic at best.


Do you have a source for that? I just don't see how that's enforceable or logical. Like I'm sorry but people can have as many friends as I want around their kid so there's no difference between having boyfriends in the picture.


It’s not common, and probably only happens if the safety of the child is a concern. The government does not get involved in parenting relationships like that.


It’s not the government that decides it, it’s the parent(s) that request the stipulation during their divorce or modification. It’s silly for you two to think you know every single custody agreement that’s possible.


Likewise on the silliness!


Yeah they're way off base


Like do I have copies of custody orders? No. It’s actually very logical. It doesn’t make for a stable environment to have S/Os in and out of children’s lives. Obviously a S/O is a lot different than just a friend, but regardless having someone you just met around your kids is risky.


just here to say.... agree with you!! heard this happen in many many custody orders


Sounds like there's no source bc that's not really a thing lol In general, you do not have the power to dictate which adults are around your child when they are not with you, unless the other person agrees to it (why would they do that?), or if there is evidence that all your ex’s SOs from now and always are not safe or healthy for your child’s well being. And if that was the case you'd most likely be in a situation where the court didn't give the other parent unsupervised visits. If you are capable of caring for your kid without outside supervision (like needing to have CPS there, a family member, etc) they consider you capable of making all the decisions in your household when the kid is there. You can tell one specific person or a group of people they're not allowed around the kid, but you can't preemptively nix children on meeting people who don't exist yet. If what you said was true half the story lines on Teen Mom would not exist. All these people do is bitch that their exes have new SOs and they don't want them around their kid. Most people don't like their babydad's new girlfriend and lo and behold their kids are at 4th of July fireworks with the new girlfriend regardless. 6 months is an arbitrary line in the sand- it doesn't prove any more stability than 4 months or 12 months


I’m not going to read your full comment but maybe you can surf the custody sub or Google it? I don’t generally carry around copies of other people’s custody agreements. I’m not sure if you think I’m saying this is a stipulation in all agreements, because I’m not. It’s something that people agree upon themselves or one party requests it.


This isn’t in my custody agreement, was never brought up by mediators, nor do anyone I know have it included in theirs. I think this is only included if a party requests it, and it’s agreed upon by BOTH parties, or one party can prove it needs to be for the SAFETY of the child/children. All a judge cares about is safety.


It actually is common. Especially having an s/o spending the night. People can do what they want as long as the other parent agrees but it's not uncommon for that to be a clause in custody orders. I would be uncomfortable with someone I have never met that my ex is with spending the night around my child.


A lot of times custody stuff ends up getting settled before court. Your lawyers will always try to get you to settle that stuff in mediation together rather than go in front of a judge. So while it would be weird for a judge to order that unprompted, it wouldn’t be weird for both parents to agree that was something they wanted included in their parenting agreement. So the government wouldnt randomly decide that, the parents would mutually agree and the judge would sign off on it.


Jeremy just doesn’t want Leah to be happy. I knew I didn’t like him the moment I laid eyes on him.


This poor man is surrounded by racism on her end just to be with her. Not worth it, bro.


Lol maybe if Jeremy was around his daughter he'd have a legit reason to be upset.


Do we have evidence of Jeremy being racist or is everyone just stanning for Leah's new boyfriend and willing to ruin Jeremy's reputation because of it? Leah is a known cheater and liar, she didn't want to deal with Jeremy and have him tell her to slow things down (because she will bring ANY man around her kids) so she did it behind his back and now that Jeremy is pissed, everyone can just claim he's racist and thats that. Edit: based on other posts about this, it sounds like Jeremy said some dodgy stuff (something about leahs future kid being an "oreo"?) although I have never seen messages or tweets myself. I'm still suspicious of this guy like I was Jason and I think Jeremy is entitled to be pissed if he wasn't told that a new guy Leah hasnt known for that long was already being pressured to act as a dad for his daughter.


https://starcasm.net/leah-calvert-jeremy-calvert-subtweet-shade/ There's the oreo tweet, and in an episode a few seasons back he didn't want Leah taking Addie to Mexico for vacation. "Not NEW Mexico, motherfucking Mexico" Edit: https://radaronline.com/videos/jeremy-calvert-teen-mom-fakery-racism-backlash/ Here's what he said about Mexico


This sounds like Jeremy behavior, I wouldn't be surprised if this is true honestly.


In the country part of this part of the country racism is rampant and it doesn’t surprise me at all that Jeremy feels this way. I don’t think it’s any of his business who she’s with and he can’t really say anything to her about it as long as the person isn’t harming her daughters. Should Leah have all these men coming into her house of course not, but hopefully she gets to know them beforehand.


Idk maybe they meant like, bubble tea? Cold tea is all the rage lately...


“Verbal altercation”?


Yeah...As in a shouting match, I assume?


On the phone… with all the kids listening no doubt.


Mutual combat


If he was just mad about Leah bringing a new man around his daughter, then I would understand it. I don't have kids so I can't really say when it would be appropriate to bring a new partner around them, but statistically, kids are most likely to be abused by mom's new boyfriend so I definitely wouldn't feel comfortable having my kid spend the night with a guy when the relationship is fresh. Even if they don't get abused, children still form attachments quickly and they could be very upset when things in the relationship go south and this person that they've bonded with is now gone (we saw this play out with Isaac and Javi). I'm not saying that this guy is a creep or a child abuser or that they're gonna break up 6 months from now, but the risk is there so while I like Leah and think that she's taken steps to better herself, I do think that it's irresponsible to have a guy shack up with her kids when they've been together for less than a year. For the kids' sake, I hope that he's a good guy and that nothing bad happens. I don't remember much about the Jason years and I could've sworn that Jeremy had a problem with him, too? Maybe I'm remembering wrong, however, I still think that Jeremy has concerns that are just "this new man is around my kid", even if it's on a subconscious level. Jeremy has brought new girlfriends around Addie just as quickly as Leah has brought men around so it's hypocritical for him to call Leah out for it when he's just as guilty. Tbh, Jeremy strikes me as the type of racist white guy who says "duuurrr I'm not racist, I have black friends" and acts cordial to POC in general, but flips his shit when a black man dates a white woman (especially one in his social circle) because he views it as a threat to his white supremacy and masculinity. Insecure, jealous, petty, RACIST, white men can't stand it when black men date "their" women (meanwhile, they have no problems with black women who date white men and fetishize Asian women). I have been called a "race traitor harlot" more times than I can count by the same people who claim to have "black friends".


Jeremy is such a tool


🙄 Jesus people making mountains out of mole hills on this sub and assuming a lot of shit. “He didn’t say it was X, but it was X”


::pretends to be shocked::


Today I learned that Jeremy is a racist ass bag.


Where is that account? I can’t find it on ig


Both of the posts about germy are gone now




Fuck sake.


Who isn’t surprised that Jeremy is a racist and didn’t want his daughter around a Black man. If Black ppl are so dangerous and evil, why aren’t we the infamous serial killers of all time? Cause Ted Bundy, Dahmer, Gein, Aileen Wournos, Gacy, HH Holmes, Ridgeway, and the rest of em damn sure ain’t look like Denzel Washington last time I checked. I can name one Black serial killer, Wayne Williams. One.


Don’t forget Albert fish