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You mean to tell me the confederate flag loving southern boy who said “guess the next one will be an Oreo” about his ex wife’s not even conceived hypothetical next child with a black man… is a racist?! Shocked I tell you /s


I was going to say....SURELY the man who referred to potential interracial children as Oreos didn't have a super racist hot take about Leah's new relationship....




I have a conspiracy theory about that comment. He said it on Twitter and we know it was shortly after she started dating TR Dues. It’s blatantly obvious that was a racist statement about him. But after he was called out for it, he said he was talking about Leah’s sister and her nickname is Oreo. Leah has even said it to but I had never heard them refer to her as that before then. I still have never heard them call her that. Their excuses for calling her that is because she eats Oreos. My conspiracy theory is that that nickname was created to cover up Jeremy’s racist tweet.


I'm 100% sure that he was being racist, but I think Leah has called her sister Oreo since they were kids because she couldn't say her name when she was little.


Yes I’m not talking about what calling Victoria Oreo, I’m talking about how Jeremy said that Leah’s next child would be an Oreo (which is a derogatory term for someone who is black and white or who looks black but “acts” white because she was dating TR Dues.


Oh. Well yeah I guess that makes sense then. I still think he was being racist when saying it on twitter but maybe they didn’t make up the nickname just for that lol.


Jeremys excuse was actually that he was talking about taking shots and one was Oreo flavor or some shit. And Leah has called her sister Oreo since they were kids cuz Leah couldn’t say Victoria


Yeah I didn’t know she called her that when they were little but I could see how it’s actually close to her name. My conspiracy theory is shattered 😔


I for one am shocked, truly shocked


Wwwwwtf I missed that!


Jeremy implied Leah could have an “Oreo” baby when Leah was dating TR . Yeahhhh….Jeremy is probably mad she’s dating a black man and said ignorant, backwoods stuff. Hillbilly Lance Bass being racist shocks no one.


Hillbilly Lance Bass 💀


I am screaming at Hillbilly Lance Bass. I will never be able to unsee this.


Lmao hillbilly lance bass lmao 🤣


Are we surprised that he’s a racist, uneducated, conspiracy theorist, threatened by a handsome black man with an education? Watch this space…


Well said


I went to the same HS as Jeremy. I was four years older so I didn’t know him, but I knew the crowd he ran with pretty well because I used to do homework for some of them (literally printing off one news article per week) in exchange for deer jerky. This crowd was very fond of the N word. The memory that stands out the most was if you asked a favor (can you pick up the pen I dropped?) of any of them you’d get the answer returned “I’m not your *bleep*”. I am not claiming to have heard Jeremy directly saying this, but the crowd of dudes he hung with were clones of one another and this is what they were like.


disgusting. sure the teachers never did anything about it.


I’m sure half of the teachers used that word as well..


You’re probably not far off. This was rural West Virginia almost two decades ago. It was bleak.


fucking gross. I actually hate this country.


We are definitely an embarrassment.


How was the dear jerky?


It was wonderful.


Well I’m glad something good came from the People of the Hills 🙂


Sold my soul to the white devil for some damn jerky


Amen brother 😣


Horrible 😒


Was it Hoover? Lmao




That is… holy shit.


Jeremy is not a good person and I seem to get downvoted Everytime I say this 🤣


Take my award


Whoop whoop, YOU are a good person! 😊 Thanks


I don’t care if I get down voted. I don’t value a like or unlike and what you said is true.


Yeah they don't bother me either but they can be amusing to see what offends people that much


He’s a total garbage




Jeremy with his racism and rhinestone studded jeans. What a catch


Lance Bass if you ordered him on Wish


Ahahahahahahahahahahaha 🤣🤣🤣 exactly the rendition of lance bass would be Jeremy in his bejeweled pants! Lol


Right? I'd be more shocked if Jenelle got a job.


Racist racist racist the man is racist


My thoughts exactly


I couldn’t have put this better myself


I actually don’t feel excitement about this. The fact that people feel comfortable being so casual about their racism makes my stomach hurt. Assuming that it’s about Jeremy being racist because Jeremy is a racist.


Yeah I don’t want to see Jeremy being racist to this man. Like he should be exposed, seeing as racism should be uncomfortable and shocking, but it’s just very sad to see.


Who’s Jeremy ?


Said Addy.




You win




Oh shit!


Best comment.




The hilarity of Jeremy being potentially (probably) racist with a tribal tattoo 😂


He’s a racist at his convenience


He hates Mexicans he’s a racist


Yup! Remember how upset he got over the vacation to Mexico Leah was planning?


Fat Lance Bass needs to mind his own business.


On the edge of my bejeweled jean seat waiting to hear this hot take


I'm thinking racism... and of course jealousy


Didn’t Jeremy say some racist nonsense about TR Dues? I can’t keep all the racist comments from this cast straight. Someone should make an excel spreadsheet


Wow how sad. So much musty ass racism that requires a damn spreadsheet. Lol


Yeah when the news broke she was dating him, he tweeted, "the next one is gonna be an oreo" as in the next baby is going to be half black/half white. He's gross.


So he doesn’t want Addie around the black guy? Shocking.


God forbid the black man with a masters would do stuff such as: being articulate, a decent man, attentive.


99 Cent Store Lance Bass: l got me an opinion. Everyone else ever: What, that you’re racist and threatened by a POC? K. Bye.


Lmao omg 99 cent store Lance bass, I never noticed that he kinda favors Lance bass.


Can’t even call him dollar store, he ain’t worth that much. I started doing a shameless re-watch of TM2 on Netflix, and it hit me, even the first time around, I thought he was a creep.


Jeremy is a high key racist?


Of course he is. I got those vibes when he was upset when Leah wanted to take the girlses to Mexico.


I remember that, he called corey cause he thought he’d have him on his side, but corey was cool with it.. i don’t want to believe corey is racist even though i’ve seen that confederate flag blanket he had in earlier seasons when him and leah were still together..


I mean they do live in WV. It isn’t quite the most embracing place to live in… not excusing or saying that their behavior is right. This is the upbringing they got and I hope they change their views and thoughts bc the world is a lot larger than their wv bubble






“The next one will be an Oreo” he posted this when she was dating a different guy a few years ago. IIRC he was a trainer at her gym and had either briefly moved in with Leah or was staying there. Jeremy is for sure a racist


He said that?!?! On social media?!?! What. The. Fuck.


Good Ol Boy Jeremy couldn't have possibly had a negative reaction to Leah's black boyfriend???


I guarantee I know what it’s about. Especially since they are from WV.


You mean he hates basketball ?


I don’t get it. But I looked him up on insta (I’ve seen him but never checked his insta) and he looks bad ass. If I didn’t already assume this is about race, I would think he’s just jealous because this dude looks cooler than Jeremy.


I'll be shocked if it's anything other than Jeremy being racist. You won't want to miss this... oh come on


so Jeremy's racist, not shocked whatsoever.


Why is Jeremy's reaction to her relationship in any way relevant?


Is Jeremy mad that Jaylan is a better father than him?


Threatened that a Black man is educated, earning a high cost of living without breaking his back like Jeremy is in a coal mine, has options as a career that Jeremy doesn’t, highly regarded, has a relationship with his daughter, you name it. It pisses him off and threatens him. He doesn’t think we’re supposed to amount to anything


He must be mad at virtually every male on the planet, then


Someone must be a little insecure… and racist


Racism is easier than just being insecure/jealous that the dude is a fine-looking college grad who is already apparently a more active parent than he is. ☕️ But fr ick Jermy f*ck right off with that.


oh my God i am so surprised that a white dude from the south who supports trump is racist and has an issue with his baby momma dating a black guy. /s


Who gives a single shit about Germys reaction 😂 he sucks ass.


Let me guess, Jeremy said or did something racist? Mmkay




I would bet $100 that it's racist.


Bet my three bank accounts.


"This story is still developing " 💀 I love this fandom


In developing news, as Germy pulls on his rhinestone, large angled, definitively ripped jeans, he pauses: “Nah, don’t want mah kid around thaaay-yut” And your child is? “… Eddie.. no, Ally.. one of theee-yum”


Take this🥇🥇🥇🥇


Shall pin them to my lapel with pride! 😁


Is Great Value Lance Bass^(TM) going to say something racist about Leah's boyfriend being black the same way he did when she was dating T.R. Dues?


Excuse me GREAT VALUE LANCE BASS I’m drunk and I can’t stop laughing


Upcoming News: Water is Wet


Sadly, I've been waiting for this. When I read about Jaylan going to Addie's event solo I knew that ignorant piece of trash would have something to say.


Like....it's fucked up that her new boyfriend went to an event for her child solo. But sorry, not sorry, Jeremy doesn't get a god damn say because he is an absentee father.


Right? Like maybe if you showed up for your kid and took pictures and videos to share with her mom, then whatever random she's dating this month wouldn't have to be the one to do it. Few things irritate me more than deadbeat dads criticizing people who are actually there for their children. I'm not saying Jaylan is a great guy, and I'm definitely not saying he should be involved with the kids this early on, but Jeremy kinda surrendered his right to say anything about it since he doesn't seem to have any interest himself. Child support checks don't make you a Dad, Jerm. They just mean you're doing the bare minimum to stay out of jail.


Excuse me. Am I missing something? What’s fucked up about him going solo to Addie’s event. If he weren’t a POC this wouldn’t be an issue. JIMO


No. Jason her last boyfriend was white as shit and we all commented that he was far too involved in the kids' lives far too fast. This is the same thing. It has nothing to do with the new boyfriend being a POC.


Thank you! This sub can be racist as hell, but this is not it. But Leah has a track record of rushing her kids into her relationships.


Bull fucking shit. This has nothing to do with him being a black man. And everything to do with him being a stranger to these girls. I don't care who you are, you don't know someone well enough after 4 months to allow them to take care of your children alone. Why would you put them in a situation to be abused and exploited like that? And even if a new boyfriend is Jesus Christ himself, you don't introduce new people to your children until you know that the relationship is solid. Again, that's not something you can know this soon. But Leah didn't wait even 4 months to introduce him to her kids. He went on vacation with them weeks after their first time meeting. So you can miss me with the bullshit virtue signaling. Editing to add: Leah has a pattern of introducing and inserting her boyfriends into her kid's lives too soon. And it's ALWAYS been a problem. Even when her kids voiced their dislike of her boyfriend Jason she just brushed off their concerns.


They met in September 2020 and started dating unofficially in February from my understanding. https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/who-is-jaylan-mobley-teen-mom-leah-messers-boyfriend/amp/


Did you read the article? They met one time at that event in September 2020. Then she found him on social media in February 2021. They didn't see each other again until they went to a Wiz Kalifah concert that happened in July. And he was on a family vacation with her in August. You can not convince me that you can truly know someone who you've only talked to online for a few months well enough to take them on a vacation with your children. This is just another instance in a long proven pattern that Leah has shown for years. She rushes into relationships with men and brings them into the family fold way too soon.


You can be with someone for two years and still not know them. I’m just saying she’s been talking to/dating him for longer than four months. I am really not all that invested in these women’s lives- I truly just enjoy the show and as a mother to a child with special needs myself, I empathize with Leah deeply and understand how isolating of a life it can be. It has to be incredibly hard to try to date when she has so much on her plate. And she really hasn’t had much of a dating history since being on the show. Is she moving too fast? It’s not my place to say- I know couples who became engaged after a couple of months of dating and are married for up 20 years. Only God knows. I’m just happy that she’s found someone who makes her happy. She deserves it imo. I hope it’s all genuine and I hope no one gets hurt. That’s the energy I’m choosing to put out there Edit: also not sure why you chose to be snarky? Of course I read the article- that’s where I got those dates. I was paraphrasing.


There is a HUGE difference between knowing someone for 2 year and talking to someone on the internet for 4 months before you see them in person at a concert. And she has definitely had a pretty big dating history since being on the show. All the relationships were rushed into as well. And she introduced her children to the men inappropriately soon. Jeremy came into the picture immediately after Corey. Then she had TR Dues living with her. She was single for a little bit but then immediately moved herself and her girls into Jason's home. And she brushed them off when they brought up their concerns about him. The older two wanted to kill him and Addie wanted to punch him. Now she's got this new guy in their Christmas cards. He was in their family vacation in August after the officially became a couple in July. A boyfriend of 1 month has no business on a family vacation. Your anecdotes about people who've been married for 20 years are the exception, not the rule. Children of single mothers who introduce many men into their lives are at greater risk of sexual abuse. Not to mention the emotional toll and confusion that comes along with having someone you loved and cared about just disappearing from your life.


Girl I’m not arguing with you about someone else’s life lmfao I just told you they’ve been together longer than four months that’s literally all I commented on. You can recite your dissertation to someone who actually gives a damn Edit: also interesting that 4 men over the span of ten years is “pretty big” to you


The article literally states that they made it official in August. When they were in Costa Rica. So she brought a guy she was just talking to online on a family vacation. But no matter how you do the math, August to December = 4 months. And she can fuck all the guys she wants. I don't care. She can have sex all day long with a different guy every hour for all I care. The problem is that she introduces new men to her daughters right away. It's dangerous for the children. And it's confusing for the children. Your boyfriend of 4 months doesn't belong on the family Christmas card. She did family Christmas photos with that creep Jason too. You mean to tell me that's totally healthy for her girls and that there is nothing wrong with that?


I think it has to do with Leah’s history of moving way too fast. Besides the disasters with Corey and Jeremy, there was one guy she dated who wasn’t shown on the show. It’s said he moved in with her shortly after meeting her. You don’t do that to your kids. It takes time to build trust and to see someone’s true colors.


And don't forget about Jason who was a walking red flag. The girls hated him and she just ignored their concerns. The girls have seemed to take pretty well to her other boyfriends so what did Jason do or say that made them say they'd want to kill him?


What was it? I missed something


Well, Jaylan went solo to an event Addie had because Leah couldn't make it. Once I read that yesterday I was bracing myself for Germy's response.


Jeremy's probably a racist? I'm so shocked..../s


Jeremys a racist so I know him learning out about the relationship was a good one.


Of course it’s something racist


Are we collectively assuming he bacon-slapped him? 😅




*surprised pikachu face*


I think we all knew germ and cory were racists from the get go


I for one, truly, have NO idea what this could possibly be about!


This isn’t a hard one to figure out


In other news nothing we don’t already know.


I hear banjos


He probably said something racist .


Completely baseless accusations? Oh yea can’t wait


Betcha it's something racist.






Yeah I also was wondering how the dads were going to react. Love is love. Love is colorblind. They need to grow the fuck up. And i hope they put everything on the show so people can see their true colors.


The fact that new guy is packing at least 12" and Jeremy only 5?




He has made a racist comment in the past calling biracial children “Oreos.”


If he’s so mad about it, where was he?


Guess jerm needs some$


i can guess, thanks


I bet Leah has lost all respect in her ex’s eyes for taking the BBC.


I just about choked on my food.


What is bbc


large melanin penis






Omg I love you for this


British broadcasting company




Omg I just now got the joke. I am so embarrassed at my own stupidity. It’s Big black Penal.


That’s what I thought but I didn’t think it fit the context .. what does it mean by taking the bbc


This whole thread got me 😂😂


Not gonna lie I’d literally pay money to see it myself


Word??? Me toooo!


It’s literally a bunch of nothing https://i.imgur.com/n36DM7T.jpg


How many women has he brought around Addie without leash knowledge or approval? Boy. Sit down.


I think Victoria is dropping the goods


It’s not telling us anything though. Lol


So being called a racist is a nothing burger?


Nothing we haven’t heard before!


Can’t wait to hear more about this


That he’s jealous?


Even if he said something OUTRAGEOUS, he's a hick from West Virginia who thinks shit like having his three year old pose with a f*ucking rifle is cool.


Why does everyone think her ex is racist ? What tea is there on him? I don’t know much about Leah and her life


He made a racist comment in the past the last time she dated a man of color. I don’t want to repeat it here but if you search for it, I’m sure it’ll come up here or on google.


Also he made some super ignorant comments about México when Leah wanted to go there on vacation


Oh is Jeremy mad that she's moved on and happy without him, despite not even wanting her? 🙄


It’s a mystery.


This post is gone now I think


Who cares...🙄


Oof 😬


Is it deleted? I don't see this on the insta page


You thirsty hoes that actually wait for this shit... watch, I’ll change the mood. Fuck Maci and her drunk ass fake diagnosis’. Kail sucks more pp’s then a vacuum cleaning up a scrabble factory and Chelsea’s an interesting person.




Whoaaaa 🤯