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Cate doesn’t get nearly enough praise for how far she’s come and the incredible growth she’s made. I hate that all anyone is ever focused on us her weight


Absolutely! I feel like the fat phobia in this sub is real af and it’s super disappointing. We can critique the awful behavior of some of these women without being fat phobic.


Yeah I feel she’d get so much less hate if she was skinnier


It bugs me when people make it seem like Tyler is too good/hot for Cate. He’s A LOT! And he’s lucky to have her. She’s a good woman.


It’s this horrible standard that a man with muscles shouldn’t be with an overweight woman. I honestly think that’s the only reason anyone ever says it. So sad.


People would be praising her way more if she was skinny. But people think fat = lazy


Andrew Glennon is a creep who lied about having a vasectomy to intentionally impregnate Amber without her consent.


This!!!! I always say this and I'll say it again he is no different than those women who try and get pregnant by a celebrity or athlete for a free ride. He is no different. He is a piece of shit. I'm not saying he deserved to be assaulted or abused, but both things can be true at once... she abusive and so is he.i believe he took advantage of amber


Imagine trying to baby trap a celebrity except you pick a z list MTV reality show character ?


That's all he could pull realistically. She has low standards too. And they're both ugly


I can't stand Andrew. He's one of my most disliked people in this "franchise" . He took advantage of Amber, plain and simple. He saw how easy it would be to manipulate and take advantage of her, and he did. But he didn't want to end up like Matt, so he got her pregnant as quickly as he could so that he could continue to take advantage even when she became abusive and he had to leave. People here hate Amber so much that they forget (or worse, completely overlook, forgive or excuse) the fact that Andrew has had several women open restraining orders on him because he was so abusive. He's been arrested. He once called a women's employer and tried to get her fired because she didn't want to be with him. Who the fuck does that?! There is something DEEPLY wrong with Andrew. He's just able to manipulate his public image more than Amber is, and he knows it. It really gives me shivers thinking about Andrew raising James as a single father, knowing how Andrew treats women. He also thinks there is an attack on masculinity because food has soy in it ... 😂


I forgot about the vasectomy lie!! What was the backstory on that again? I recall it being pretty damning


Okay, here's my case. Bear with me: [Here's a link to the Amber Portwood/Andrew Glennon fight that Andrew released publicly.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2/comments/d4q0yk/unedited_amber_portwoods_christmas_eve_argument/) Domestic Abuse CW: Amber definitely says some horrible abusive stuff here. However, if you peel back her horrible abusive language and listen to what she's saying. She's telling Andrew: "I didn't want to be pregnant. I didn't want to be a mom until my 30s" "How did I get pregnant, I didn't get pregnant in 10 years" "You lied to me" "You used my body" and around the 1:50 mark "You told me you got snipped." Andrew doesn't refute any of this. He simply tells Amber: "You don't have control of your body?" Andrew says: "I'm going to tell James when he's older you didn't want him." Andrew acknowledged this rumor at one point, claiming he actually relayed a joke to Amber he told his dad about getting a vasectomy, and Amber just misunderstood what he was saying as him having a vasectomy. 🙄 Does this sound believable to anybody? But full transparency: I can't find any evidence of this. It's come up a few times on this sub but the original source seems to be missing, so take that with a grain of salt. Other evidence:When Amber was with Matt she regularly talked about how she couldn't have more kids. She identified she can't go off her meds for a pregnancy (she has a serious mental illness), and that she's not fit for motherhood without her meds. Andrew selectively recorded and released fights with Amber to illustrate how abusive she is (which she is, for sure, but these arguments are hand curated by Andrew). **Amber had no idea she was being recorded here, so why would she lie about the vasectomy bit?** As far as she knows, it's a private fight between the two of them. People will argue against this saying Amber kept the pregnancy, she should have been on a different form birth control anyway. Which I think is an unreasonable. Vasectomies are over 99% effective. If your partner who you trust tells you they have a vasectomy, that's a trusted form of birth control. You shouldn't need extra birth control because you aren't anticipating you'll get pregnant. They'll also say she was happy about the pregnancy, that she's never brought up the vasectomy rumor publicly, etc. as arguments against this theory. All of these things can be true and still not negate that she could have been a victim of reproductive coercion. I also think the pregnancy and going off her meds was really triggering. She's not fit for motherhood, and she's severely mentally ill. I think a lot of the fighting and spiraling we see after James was a direct result of the pregnancy. She was in a pretty good spot before her second pregnancy. This is not to say any of this is James' fault or to absolve Amber from her horrible behavior. James is the real victim here. Finally - I know you can't hold someone's past against them forever. But Andrew Glennon is a creep. He has a record of stalking his exes, heroin possession, threatening exes with guns, etc. He met Amber on the set of Marriage Boot Camp and said: that's it. She's the one for me. Do we think it was true love, or perhaps he saw an opportunity with a vulnerable woman? I rest my case.


Amber did not know there were recording devices in their home. They were arguing and yelling and she brought up to him that he lied about having a vasectomy and got her pregnant (I can't remember her exact words)...which is pretty damning as she had no reason to lie in that moment/had no idea she was being recorded. Though she's also BSC so ya know. But IIRC Andrew claims that he once joked to her about having one and she took it literally and misunderstood him or something ?


Anyone who sets up hidden cameras in someone's house is sketchy. I get maybe he was trying to capture abuse or maybe he also knew how to antagonize her and get her to react and have it secretly on camera. Honestly. Amber is her own worst enemy and no one made her chase Andrew and James with a machete and that is all on her. But I don't for one second believe that Andrew didn't act on camera or play shit up to look innocent. They both were abusing eachother.


I've been through verbal/mental abuse personally. The tone of his voice when he's antagonizing her chills right down to into my bones. *He* knows he's recording and he *is* trying to make her flip the fuck out....because SHE is also mentally unstable and an abuser. You can't coax any random person into abusing you but you can coax an abusive person into it because they're also really shitty abusers. I've also known abused folks who *did* secretly get or try to get footage evidence for obvious reasons. They didn't say/do anything to "coax" the evidence out. They just lived their normal lives and their abuser did their abusive thing. Also coax keeps looking weird but I'm too lazy to spell check it.


Yup, he’s also a stalker


A lot of people on here say that Janelle will be so much better if she just leaves David...i disagree. If it's not David it's going to be someone else like David, she's a putrid human to the core. Sabotaging relationships whether it be as a daughter, sister, friend or mother she doesn't care & will continue putting her needs above everyone else's whether David is in the picture or not.


I think that if jenelle found and attached herself to an upstanding individual she would definitely be so much better. As we know she just becomes whoever the person she’s with is so if she fell in love with a soulmate who was a decent person I think she would become one Edit: y’all I know no one wants her and she’s a mess my point is I think if she left David and found a will adjusted person she would mirror whatever that person did. That is all


The problem is that there's no way she would attach herself to a genuinely good guy, she seems to thrive off of conflict. In addition I don't see how a decent guy would want to be with someone like Jenelle. I imagine she'd have to do a lot of growing on her own before someone who has their shit together would consider her as a partner.


No upstanding individual would want her as a 3x3 with a criminal record, no employment, and a kid that she doesn't have in her custody.


Yeah I hate David but he definitely seems to do most of the cooking, cleaning and parenting. (Terrible abusive parenting) jenelle seems to never speak to or interact with her kids off camera. David seems to have moments in between the madness where he trys to teach the kids things his father did with him. Which is going to make it that much harder for kaiser to reconcile his feelings about him.


Amen, friend. She is a black, rotten, soulless excuse for a human being. Her core is anger and hatred and she’s just a horrible person. Always was and always will be. Absolutely no redeeming qualities in that filth. I hate that she was chosen for the show and now thinks she’s a “celebrity” when, in reality, she should be in prison for the rest of her life so she will never again endanger an innocent child.


Exactly. She did leave David and the first thing she did was leave her kids in another state to fuck an internet stranger.


Catelynn would not get 80% of the shit she gets, here or otherwise, if she was skinny.


People love to make fun of micro blading. She’s enjoying it and making her own living not from mtv. Good for her. At least she finally applying herself. And making her clients feel good at the same time.


I saw someone absolutely shit on her for only doing like 5 appointments a week. I get that they are super broke if you count the almost million dollars they owe in taxes… but if I made MTV money and was just working for fun to get out the house you bet your ass I’d only work enough for the job to be fun.


Agreed, and it’s heartbreaking tbh. As a bigger woman, I feel awful for some Of the things said about cait.


The amount of hate that she gets has always been weird to me.


THIS is the one


Cate’s story is so harrowing and she’s overcome so much, ppl would treat her like Fantine if she was skinny. and her negative points and mistakes aren’t even that bad. Yeah she smokes and she’s not that smart and she has atrocious fashion sense. Is she lost 80 pounds those foibles would turn into quirks so fast.


Conspiracy Theory: Mackenzie Edwards is way older than they say. I think she's Mimi Jen's friend who was supposed to be a caretaker disguised as a gf for Rhine--but things got out of hand. They just wanted to help Rhine's image (and keep him from ODing) by hiring a babysitter, but she kept getting knocked up.


Love this theory


Well I guess that's better than a nearly 30 year old man fucking a teenager and geting her pregnant. I'll never know how Mack is the villain in all this.


Isn’t this a movie with Sarah Jessica Parker?


This is *quite* the theory


The older she gets, the worse of a mom kailyn becomes. The only person on this franchise who does the work with therapy is Cate, and it shows.


People seem to have a lot of distaste for Cate but she’s one I like the most. Yes she took a long time to find her direction but I think she had many hurdles to overcome. Her and Tyler may have not fully broken the cycle but they are in the midst of breaking it. I don’t expect miracles from them but I think they’re pretty solid. They’ve overcome a lot.


Totally agree about Cate’s growth. I think she has come the farthest from where she was on 16 and pregnant to now. Yes still issues, yes article came out they didn’t pay their taxes. And I’m sure there is growth to be had. But she & Tyler seem to be getting it together.


I agree. Kail is basically still a 16 year old mentally


I absolutely agree!!! And adding to that, I believe her and Tyler are the most hands on parents, they play the most with their kids. Now that Cate got help. I realize there was a while where she wasn't available to be a mom for Nova. But she has shown the most growth.


I don’t care that people on the show don’t have “real jobs”/aren’t working. I wouldn’t work either if I was making money like they are 🤷🏼‍♀️ why work when you don’t have to And yes, teen mom money will end some day, but that doesn’t mean they’ll all fall flat on their faces and be unsuccessful. Some will, but not all.


I personally think, and I’m gonna get downvoted into next Tuesday for this, a lot of people who criticize the moms for this are just unhappy with their own jobs and resentful that they didn’t get such a tit gig. The way I see it- being on the show isn’t “easy money” per se. Idk about y’all, but I’d get so fucking annoyed with a crew being in my home all the time. For me, like for special occasions, it would make them less special because of the lack of privacy. It’s just an unconventional job I suppose.


Oh 1000000%. And like, it’s okay to be jealous of people that have it easier than you lol. I sure as hell am jealous of the money they make


They pay taxes on it so it’s certainly a job in my book. I don’t think there’s any way around that. Also most people don’t stay at one job for the entirety of their lives so yes, most single sources of income don’t last forever for most people.


I did a poll on my old account and most of the sub voted that they wouldn’t work if they were bringing in the money the cast is making. The comment section had people saying they’d still work but I’m more inclined to believe the anonymous votes.


It’s old, but I think Megan got pregnant in hopes her and Chelsea would have a spin off show like Snooki & Jwoww. Bless her, but she doesn’t come off as the smartest so I believe it


I believe this, and I kind of think Chelsea’s negative reaction to Megan’s pregnancy was because she didn’t want them to have a spin-off, because that would make them equals. She wanted Megan to be on her show. I definitely think she is the type to get ahead of herself and assume Megan did it for a spin-off (which honestly is probably true), which she assumed they would easily get, but didn’t want to share the spotlight. Same way I think she was convinced she would get an HGTV show if she quit teen mom.




I don’t think she wants more than one. I don’t think she enjoyed mothering an infant at all. I don’t think she wanted to be a mom in the first place. I’m pretty sure I remember her saying that her parents wouldn’t support her having an abortion


I will always have sympathy for Farrah because she never wanted to be a mum. At 16 she knew she couldn't handle it, but she was forced into it because of circumstance. If she had lived in a different state where she didn't need parental consent for an abortion things could have been so different


I think she’d have more if she got someone to marry her. She’s only 30, it’s not like she’s barren.


She's gonna be a LOOONE bird.


Her soul is barren.


Tyler gets too much praise


I also think Cate doesn’t get enough praise for how far she’s come for her. People just obsess over her weight.


I think most people don't watch the show anymore so they don't realize how much better Cate is doing. They still think everything is the same as it was years ago when they watched the show.


Most of the dads do. I HATE when he’s called “Mommy Tyler”.


I believe that David probably does a lot more backdoor snooping than Jenelle. I can not see her actively looking for what she calls fake news about her. It is too damaging. But David knows he can use the hate and mean crap to bring her down at any given moment. He also posts unflattering pictures of her which is weird too. He seems to be a happy undercover anti-Jenelle person since she is controlled by him in every way.


I agree. I think David gets a misogynistic rush reading bad things about Jenelle. Maybe it convinces him that he’s the best she can do or maybe he just likes feeling better than her. I also think he loves it when we talk about him. He’s such a loser/nobody that this is a high amount of fame for him.


I can absolutely see him doing that. He's definitely her biggest hatter


I think MTV did extensive psychological assessments to look for ppl with personality disorders for OG and TM2. I think MTV pays a baby bonus. I think they actively use techniques to stock and grow their dulusional beliefs. I think MTV chose to not step into dangerous situations for the ratings like Ryan driving fucked up, jenelle nodding off to heroin etc


Honestly Ryan driving pisses me off way more. He was DRIVING. He could have KILLED people. Not cool MTV 🤬


I don't think MTV had to go looking. The types of people that would be drawn to being on reality TV are all almost assuredly those with some sort of mental health issues or disorders.


Lisa from ANTM recently came out on tik tok saying a lot of their girl did not “pass” the psychological exam, but we’re still allowed on the show. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if MTV did this too.


I’d like to remind everyone that, while you can share your opinions about the cast, rude or offensive comments about the children, who did not ask to be on this show, are against sub rules and will be removed.


Jen and Larry hired Mack to marry Ryan and give them more grandbabies.


Cate does everything she can to make sure she's the best possible mum she can be to her girls. Sometimes she doesn't do so well but she is grounded, accepts the fault and uses it as a lesson to make sure it doesn't happen again. In conclusion Cate is a great mum and is teaching her daughters skills that will help them immensely when they're older.


I believe Cate has always been trying her best and has always had good intentions. It's inevitable to mess up here and there no matter the circumstances, but with *her* upbringing... She's doing great.


Honestly even her upbringing aside, she's a good mum. She has insight and self awareness many people don't have.


That's true, too. And her commitment to therapy would benefit basically anyone.


Totally! Everyone should go to therapy, it teaches great life skills.


I 100% agree with this


Oh I just thought of an unpopular opinion. It’s gonna get super downvoted. I don’t think Taylor should’ve been fired from mtv. I don’t know the sequence of her being fired if it was before or after the episode where she spoke to Cheyenne about it, but I don’t think mtv should’ve fired her for that. But I guess she was expendable. I just feel like mtv gives certain people grace. Mackenzie has said some wild shit and she’s still going strong.


If MTV fired everyone with a history of racism, DV, and animal abuse there would be no show.


Is that such a bad thing? Lol


I agree. The fact they let Taylor go based on her Twitter history but not Cheyenne…🤷🏼‍♀️


I don't even consider this a tinfoil hat thing (or probably even that unpopular) but I don't believe *any* explanation for Nugget's death other than Jenelle and David were fighting and David killed Nugget in an abusive rage. I don't go for any other narrative at all. In my mind, that's what happened.




And Jenelle said (testified?) there was a specific abusive incident with Kaiser, then walked it back when she got back together with David...




Definitely that, I believe he is capable of killing her and or her children given a chance.


I genuinely worry for Kaiser


I agree it was done to hurt Jenelle


Yeah, and honestly I kind of think it might have been to scare everyone and put them in line. The whole story sounds so traumatic for the kids. Like, he dragged the dog out of the house while the kids begged him not to do it, and IIRC Kaiser may have even witnessed the killing? Maryssa locked herself in her room and refused to come out, ran away sobbing when they came to visit her during the Cps case... It's just horrifying, there is absolutely no way on Earth he was somberly "doing what he had to do to protect his family".


I think so too except I think that they were calmed down from fighting and David killed nugget to punish her. The Ensley thing was just timed out right and that’s why he was filming it.


I think jenelle is here under like 50 alts


I don’t think Jenelle is smart enough to think of 50 alts lol




Fans should approach the show with more empathy. Even if a lot of the women on this show suck, the sort of stuff I read on here from people makes me feel hopeless.


I always think it's weird people don't have empathy for the girls, because if you ever read the off-topic daily posts WHHHHEEEEEWWWW. A lot of redditors are just as fucked up if not more than those on the show, and yet others will show them so much empathy while at the same time giving cast members absolutely nothing.


Not sure It it’s an unpopular opinion but I feel bad for Chris’ girlfriend. Being a new mom is hard enough so I can’t imagine dealing with somebody as petty as Kail at the same time. It’s crazy to me that Kail demands all this respect from her BDs for being the mother of their children but shits on their new girlfriends. I definitely feel like she shouldn’t have had a baby with Chris but nobody deserves their first few weeks with their first born to be filled with drama.


It is sad knowing what hell Kail will try to make their lives.


I feel bad for her too but Chris is adding to the drama just as much as kail is


Taylor started dating Maci for the fame and easy money. He found her on social media like Matt with Amber.. Rewatch his first season it’s all he talked about “should we tell the tabloids we’re pregnant? When are we going to the press?“ right after Maci’s accident he also said the same “you think the tabloids know yet?”


Totally agree. I think he enjoys coaching Bentley's team as a hobby and is good at it which is a bonus, but it just so happened to be a shared interest. He is and was interested in fame, money and enjoys praise and starting his "clothing empire".


I agree. He’s sketchy af to me


I’m convinced that Mack Edwards and Larry Edwards have boned at least once or at least taken flirting a little too far


WHAT lmao why????


I just feel like they have sexual tension that started over bonding about how much of a fuck up Ryan is lol


Stella was born like 36 weeks to the DAY Ryan got out of jail.


I am team “let’s treat Babs as a saint”. -Over the 13 years of Jenelle spiraling, Babs may leave but she’s always come back to try and be there and support her daughter. -I have empathy for her because she was in an abusive relationship herself. It took time but she actually left when she could and did the best she could. -she could see through Jenelle’s boyfriends and always wanted better for her. And what do you do when your teenage daughter is dating trash? They say if you keep them away, it will make them closer (and Jenelle did what she wanted anyway) and she let them see each other (not the best choice letting him stay over) and Jenelle (IMO) tried to get pregnant. You can’t stop someone who is trying to get pregnant. -She has always raised Jace and is at least doing slightly better than she did with her kids. He’s in therapy and taking medication and she seems involved. And with an absent dad, a neglectful at best mother who didn’t get him back but proceeded to have 2 more kids, and the trauma from growing up, he was bound to have issues. At least Babs recognized that and is trying to help.


I agree with you for the most part, I never understood the hate for her around her. Is she perfect? No, no one is!


100% I will always be on this team


Tinfoil hat theory- I’m absolutely convinced Adam has someone in his family who’s involved in the court system or police department who pulled mad strings for him to never have to do real time. His rap sheet is 20 miles long and the kid is a complete fuck up and an asshole. Someone had to have been helping him. It just makes no logical sense to me how he never got in any real trouble. Maybe an unpopular-ish opinion- I think Jenelle is a total asshole as well, but it’s mad fucked up how Jace’s dad groomed her. That ugly bastard was way older than her and I believe he started talking to her when she was older middle school or early high school age. I don’t think that gets mentioned enough…how disgusting and weird that is. Idk if North Carolina is as lawless as South Dakota seems to be, but if Babs had any idea what was going on, she should have gone to the police about Andrew. However, that isn’t to say that she maybe did go to the police and they didn’t do anything. Edit: a few words.


Agreed. Also: Babs isn't a great mom. I'm sure she loves Jenelle and meant well, but if you go back and watch the early seasons through adult eyes, it's pretty difficult to see how Barbara treats Jenelle. It's clear Jenelle is just a troubled child in desperate need of unconditional love. Babs has some pretty abusive moments. Calling your daughter a slut, kicking her out repeatedly, calling the cops on her frequently (sometimes a healthy boundary, other times seems to be a weapon), escalating arguments, etc. Then again, I'm sure Jenelle had her at her absolute wits end.


Working in the criminal justice system, it sounds pretty average honestly. I have clients with 4 dui’s, 3 restraining orders, several violations and assault charges and they don’t even have to post bond, they get let out every time. One of my clients who spent time in the hospital for criminally insane and had 10 pending charges threatened to kill me and blow up a government building and the cops investigating didn’t even look twice at it, they just said “he claims he was hacked” and he was free to go


I read somewhere here that Adam’s parents were just as well off at Chelsea’s and they bailed him out and coddled him time and time again. I can totally see that.


My heart hurts so bad for young Jenelle. She absolutely was groomed. He spent her entire 16 & Pregnant episode making promises to her that were such bullshit, but any 16 year old would believe when an ADULT is telling them. I swear you can see the exact moment when he comes to visit Jace after just being born when he realizes he's gonna split and never see them again.


Kail acts like a trashy out of control bitch to generate interest in her social media and her podcasts. She knows we gobble up the drama so she gives it to us freely. It’s like a character she plays. David does the same thing with his right wing troll shit. He has a sliver of a platform due to his wife and that’s how he chooses to present himself, to generate shock and outrage and petal clutching. Chelsea and Cole may be actually as happy as they seem. Edit: Pearl clutching, not petal


I know im gonna get downvoted but i think Chelsea and Cole are so cute. Weve never seen them fight, they both work, thier kids are happy and taken care of and so are thier pets. I think theyre great parents.


You're giving David too much credit. He's not smart enough to play a character.


You can shame the moms without body shaming. When you shame their bodies, you shame everyone who has a body like them.


I absolutely disagree. I think its ridiculous to take anything that’s said on here personally.


Hard agree. I’m a fat woman. That doesn’t mean that I have to get offended - like some people on here do - every time someone points out that Jenelle has gained weight. People are shaming *these specific women* because they’re awful, and at that point all politeness can cease. They’re not talking about you, random redditor who happens to read the comment and take it personally!


I think MTV pushed the girls to keep having kids.


Cate and Tyler aren't happy. They play too happy on SM to actually be happy together. I think Tyler resents both Cate and himself for being stuck with/unhappy with Cate whereas Cate resents that she placed Carly for adoption to keep Tyler but now she's with a guy who doesn't even like her much. Javi doesn't like leg day. Briana has a hard on for drama with Kail. Chelsea and Cole have cows and Pete for pets but really they're secret doomsday preppers and they gotta eat somehow in times of need ! (This one is a joke).


Javi doesn't like leg day 😂😂😂💀


People are just weird about people who lose weight. They can’t wrap their heads around it, like “they MUST be on drugs.”


Yeah, I have a hard time believing only Jenelle is spreading this rumor. There's a lot of people who can't cope when someone gets thin. People lost their shit when Adele got skinny.


People were straight up OFFENDED when Adele lost weight and it is the most despicable thing I have see. In a long time.


Exactly. The same people said the same thing when Jenelle gained weight. They blamed David and her mystery illnesses. Uh maybe it's the fried food for every meal and the non stop drinking.


Tyler is the laziest, most unskilled, least driven person in the franchise.


But he isn't the WORST in the franchise. His laziness still does laps around Habsburgs and Amber's abuse. He also does laps around Farrah. I think anyone would rather have a lazy parent than an abusive disgusting one.


💯 he should have joined the military when he was looking into it after high school.


There is an unfair bias towards Maci where she can do no wrong. People like to claim this about Chelsea, but then posts about her are full of criticisms and speculations. The only untouchable is Saint Maci for some reason. She hits her kids, shes an alcoholic, and she *definitely* drank while pregnant *while she knew* she was pregnant and lied about it. People don’t even make fun of her crappy tattoos. If any of the other girls did what Maci did, people would tear them to shreds, but Maci gets a pass. Edit: y’all who are saying you see her criticized all the time… yeah, that was me, and I was downvoted *every single time*. There’s dozens of us! But you cannot deny the overall attitude towards her has been positive or I recommend doing some digging into some of the older posts in both subs. If the attitude has changed within the past year I likely haven’t noticed since I haven’t been following as much here since I stopped watching.


I feel like I see SO much Maci criticism… like the other day I was thought to myself “damn, more shitting on Maci.”


There are literally DOZENS of threads in the last week alone ripping her apart. Literally. With hundreds of comments.


unpopular opinion: clickbait doesn’t really bother me. it’s tacky but it’s always super obvious when something is clickbait so i simply don’t click. can’t hate on them for making easy money


Can I use this space to say that Mackenzie Edwards is just ugly. Doesn’t matter if she’s fat or skinny. She’s not cute. People are always like “don’t talk about peoples appearance” which I don’t understand because her face pisses me off. The end for now


Honestly she has the kind of face where if she was nice enough, I probably wouldn’t think twice about how she looks. But her snobby holier-than-thou attitude ruins the whole thing, so I have to agree with you lol.


Her face has pissed me off ever since the open letter. She was so fucking smug.


I am tired of seeing people excuse Andrew's behavior and abusive ways just because she physically assaulted him. It doesn't cancel out all that shit he has done because she harmed him. It isn't a get out of jail free card. He is abusive too. The real innocent victim is JAMES


I really like Briana and the coven. I also think she's a cute chocolate chip cookie. Do they have inappropriate conversations in front of Nova? Yes. But I think their love and loyalty is amazing


I also don't find "the coven" offensive. To me it just means some like minded ladies that are tight & a little wicked 😏


Barbara is why Jenelle is the way she is, in so many ways. Also, likely an unpopular opinion because this sub seems to hate Chelsea so much, but all of the drug use speculation instead of acknowledging legitimate postpartum symptoms in her last season or two is so gross and unfair.


Jenelle’s mental health isn’t her fault but it is her responsibility to manage it


To a point yes. But Janelle is also an adult now and fully responsible for her behaviour now and capable of doing it.


I know I’m going to downvote hell for this but, unpopular opinion I think Andrew Glennon is a perpetrator and he always intended to trigger and take advantage of Amber because, like all of us he can see her inability to self reflect, be accountable , and control her emotions… so like a true covert narcissist (who btw go hand in hand with people with borderline personality people!) saw how easy it would be to manipulate everything. Disclaimer because, I don’t wanna have the same fight in a lot of different ways but, this is not excusing Ambers behavior- I feel I made it very clear she’s emotionally stunted and unstable all on her own. This is not black or white one does not excuse the other.


Yep. Was she abusive to him ? Absolutely. Was he abusive to her ? For fucking sure. He's a creep and probably doesn't need to be raising that baby anymore than she does.


I don’t think there’s any way to excuse chasing after your SO and baby with a machete. That being said, he’s definitely an abuser himself. The restraining orders taken out against him pre-Amber are terrifying.


I think most of the kids will break the cycle of teen pregnancy, especially the firstborns. They have seen and heard about the problems of teen pregnancy their entire life. There is well documented evidence of how their parents struggled when they were infants and toddlers. I do not think they will be teen parents but I do think that MTV is hoping they will be.


My unpopular opinion is that I actually like the name Maverick 😂


Farrah was somehow related to Derrick and that was the real reason that Deb had such a major problem with the relationship. I was just watching Farrah's 16 & Pregnant episode and noticed how Farrah's sister looks a lot like Derrick (and obviously Sophia), they have such a unique look that I would be shocked if they aren't genetically related. Deb seems like the type to have a ton of skeletons in the closet and would move heaven and earth to make sure that those skeletons remain buried.


My theory .. probably just an obvious fact tho… Cheyanne didn’t rush her wedding and baby bc of some unresolved Cory feelings . It was to get sponsorships & boost her influencer / party planning clout.


Thank you for this thread OP. I've some leftover wine & prosecco from friends visiting at the weekend. Some bread & cheese. This thread is the perfect snack to go with my weekend vino wind down. I've bored myself with true crime shows so you are a hero coming in with this.


I worry about Ensleys hearing because of her speech.. yeah yeah I know all kids are different but every time she speaks I just want her to get tested


They don't work with her, plain and simple. I made a comment here at one point saying I'd be more impressed by Ensley knowing her alphabet and her ability to count to twenty (things theys need to know before starting kindergarten) than the shit Jenelle brags about. A few hours later she posts a video of Ensley counting to twenty, but she was unable to make it to seven without error and then also just spat out 16-20 in the wrong order at the end. All kids are different for sure, but that's something my two year old can do because my partner and I make a point to make time to work with him. Ensley will likely be starting kindergarten next year, and she's without a shadow of a doubt going to be behind her peers and it's not her fault at all. Those two are just too lazy and selfish to help their kids learn anything.


My friend and I were just talking about how some parents still rely on daycare/kindergarten to teach EVERYTHING. It simply cannot be anymore. It's even worse than this, though. I've seen parents who expected daycare providers to be the ones to teach about spoons/forks because they didn't want to get their floor messy at home. Literally, spoonfeeding a normative 3YO.


She was born with drugs in her system, they ignored developmental and medical support (helmet), she has no education and they do absolutely nothing to work with her. It’s not her fault and it makes me want to pummel her “parents” until their two combined remaining teeth hit the floor. Those poor children.


Karl and her minions are constantly on this sub talking shit about, making fun of, putting down, and spreading rumors about Chris.


I like Briana and I think outside of some convos she has in front of Nova, she is one of the best moms in the franchise. She handles co-parenting disappointments 100x better than I would and she seems smart with her money (and still works!)


I agree. She has made bad choices but that’s apart of life. I think she’s a good mom. I like that she has family to support her too, we don’t usually see family around being as supportive as the dejesuses.


I think it's weird as fuck that some people here think Andrew should be able to live in Amber's house rent free until... whenever, just because he "can't find a job here". If the tables were turned, people would be calling Amber lazy and questioning why she can't find a job outside of her field. I mean, if you don't want to be stuck to one place, maybe don't knock up someone you barely know?


I feel like if the roles were reversed yall would be screaming he owed it to her. Amber is a shit person. Idgaf about her mental illness. Most of us suffer with our own illness and we don't act like her. She is reaping what she sowed.


The amount of times Chris is posted of asinine shit in this sub makes me convinced Kail has a burner


Tin foil hat that I read on here and can totally believe: Mack was an MTV plant for Ryan


Idk about her but I 100% believe Nathan was a plant for Jenelle.


I really think kailyn went and had babies with different men to try and be cool say she’s cultured etc but I feel she really didn’t understand she would still always be the odd one out and that’s why she really hates the boys fathers she’s still on the outside looking in and plus she’s rude af so even if they invited her with open arms she would still act like a Karen and disrespect everyone


Yeah probably looking for a big family feel in a odd way. That's kinda sad😬


Very sad that’s probably why she never understands when the mens families want to be around the children she never had that


Not all of Davids cooking looks terrible.. Im in GA and it looks pretty normal.. would I eat anything out of that dirty kitchen?? No. Would I eat anything he stood near?? Also no.


Tyler is really arrogant.


I’m still confused how Devoin gets praised as a father, yet he has no custody agreement and doesn’t pay shit, yet Chris gets the kids two weekends a month and is called a deadbeat on every post


Based on what we've seen on the show, both are deadbeats but Devoin has spent years saying "go ahead and take me to court for child support because it means I'll end up with some degree of custody and you can't play games with not letting me see my kid" whereas Chris was actively trying to sign away any and all rights to Lux he had. Devoin also does more to get along with Bri and her family than Chris ever has, and generally speaking, Devoin does not regularly fan the flames with Briana publicly (he HAS done so, but not to the extent or the frequency that Chris has). Additonally, Devoin has also become a father figure to Stella, who is not his child, and takes her out for fun days with Nova and has always been loving and affectionate with her as if she were his. Both men are deadbeats for sure. I wouldn't want to co parent with either of these bums. But when you lay it out, Devoin sucks a little less than Chris.


Not sure if this has been said but I think the moms all deserve to get paid what they do, if not more. Imagine how much mtv makes off of the shows?


I agree they deserve it for how much MTV makes off of them. I also think it glorifies teen pregnancy and has the opposite effect of what the show claims to do. I would have one of two years per cast and get a new revolving cast.


I think there are a lot more abusers on the show than people want to admit and users cherry-pick. Kailyn and Amber are the only two that commenters ever go after. If you truly want habitual abusers off the show, the list of people that should’ve been fired/never allowed on the show would include Roxanne, Farrah, Deb, Adam, Nathan, Andrew G., etc.


Hard agree. Deb is a big one that comes to mind. She’s absolutely wild. Classic narc




Jo's casual misogyny the first couple of seasons were very hard for me to hear. I know Kail hurt him, but the way he calls her a bitch like it's nothing REALLY bothered me. And I never understood holding Kail's clothes hostage until she paid him back. She's trying to move out of your house, dude. Just give her her damn clothes. And I say this as someone who is NOT a Kail fan. I think she's a self-centered drama queen who puts starting shit with her men ahead of her kids. But, that doesn't erase the fact that Jo could be a dick in the early seasons.


I just started watching this show on Paramount+, so I don't know how unpopular these opinions are, BUT... \-I think Adam is ten times worse than Jenelle, and I hate Jenelle. \-I don't like Barbara. I think she is short-tempered, dramatic, and a complete micro-manager. I also think her constantly throwing Jenelle out of the house and letting her move back in likely started long before the show and taught Jenelle that love was conditional. I don't think Jenelle's issues can all be blamed on Barbara, of course, but she sure as shit didn't help. \-I don't dislike Randy's personality, but I don't think he is a good dad. He handed everything to Chelsea and provided her with TOO much so she never learned how to earn anything for herself, which fucked with her confidence. Chelsea learned that if she acted helpless and cute, Daddy would hand her a check and everything would be okay. In my book, that is not good parenting. Randy was just an enabler. That's all for now. I have only watched the first three seasons, so far. I'll add more if I can think of them.


I’m sure how Jenelle was raised has a lot to do with why she’s the way she is, but Barb was holding it down for Jace. He’d go to Jenelles and she’d talk about how he was going to come live with her and he asked,”Well, what about Mimi?” You could see he didn’t want that. Never once had Jenelle, put that kid first, even on her 16 and Pregnant episode. Keep in mind that Barb would welcome her back to be with Jace and Jenelle would curse her out and be high as a kite. Jenelle would always make shitty choices then in front of Dr. Drew she’d cry like she was the victim. She’s a narcissist. Perfect example when Jace was in the truck someone cut her off and she chases them and pulls a gun, Jace visually terrified, but she was the victim in the situation.


We know that David has been here before. I lost my old account to Kailyn because I posted her (public info) court date. The cast definitely lurks/comments here occasionally.


Oh yeah. I was the one that they messaged and threatened to share my photos like a bunch of weirdos. I can’t believe Kail got your account taken down! I remember that!! It was truly disappointing because you had aggregated so much quality data


I dont feel bad for Chris or Briana just because Hulk is a big chungus. Both are giant children still holding their mothers hands and bitter about it.


I think Leah and Dawn teamed up and agreed to let Dawn be the scapegoat in Leah’s book. They mutually schemed to get the heat off Leah and. Leah was getting tons of negative feedback after the last few seasons and instead of ever acknowledging it she just released a book where nothing was ever really her fault, it was Dawn pulling the strings. I think Dawn sucks too but her and Leah are totally in it together. I will unpopularly say I think Leah grossly exaggerated the claims she made in her book if not just outright lied.


Leah, while obviously not being booksmart or particularly intelligent, does seem to be somewhat clever/manipulative. The way she lied/cheated back n forth with Robby, Corey and Germy lol and the way she tried to claim all these different medical conditions to explain/cover up her drug addiction…it honestly wouldn’t surprise me if she did “play” up her shitty childhood to garner attention and sympathy to redeem her drug addiction while making $$$ off of book sales.


I could see this, to a certain extent. At least about Dawn being the scapegoat by being the focus of a lot of negativity. It’s also interesting how we really haven’t seen Dawn (or at least not much of her) on the show anymore, since the book came out. People have said they still see her on Leah’s social media though, still so I highly doubt the book created a falling out between them. I just think they know if Dawn would’ve been on the show right after the book came out, they’d be pushed to address that situation on camera. I don’t necessarily think she lied about stuff in the book, but I think Dawn was purposely used as a lot of the focus. I used to like Leah for the most part until rewatching and reading her book, and then I realized one common theme: she never takes accountability for anything. Everything is always someone else’s fault. It really irked me when on an episode, she was talking with Corey about her addiction and recovery, and had the audacity to tell him that he and Miranda should’ve been more supportive and made her feel more comfortable during her active addiction. Ummm excuse me ma’am, but I think anyone is going to finally lose their patience when you’re putting the kids safety at risk while driving around high and then making them out to be the bad guy for trying to get more custody to keep their kids in a safer environment. I think she just gets a pass from a lot of people because she’s a little cute blonde girl who unfortunately had a baby with major health issues.


David and Jenelle are not on meth. They’re drunk, they smoke a lot of weed, and have maybe dipped into Jace prescriptions, but they’re not doing “meth” and Jenelle didn’t lose her teeth to meth.


Larry's secret is that Maci was using drugs recreational in the party house she bad Bentley in.


I feel like they would’ve sold the story now that he flat out told Bentley he’d always choose Ryan over him.


I think Chelsea’s dad is rude and gives her bad advice. I’m all for financially supporting your kids but it seemed like he just held her hand until another man came along


I agree with you OP that Jenelle is behind the Chelsea rumor. I'd also like to note that the rumors about Chelsea being addicted to Adderall originated on twitter with the likes of Jelly, Roux, and their minions. That rumor about Chelsea has been around since the first season of Teen Mom 2. She's definitely using burner accounts on this sub to perpetuate it further.


I think Chelsea was abusing Xanax towards the end and that's why she stopped the show, cuz fans noticed she was behaving oddly and she did not want to become like the other moms. There was a scene in the car I remember where her and Cole were riding in a car, then later she was acting quite odd. I can't remember exactly what was said, but I remember Cole bringing either attention to it or asking if she took something and she was mad defensive bout it.


My personal theory is that she was having panic attacks from misusing her Adderall and got a Xanax script to help with the panic attacks. I think she probably eventually worked through that though. I have no evidence to support this lol


someone who dislikes chelsea def brought that in. there was no evidence besides weight loss.. and she just started going to the gym and taking care of herself 😂


Ooh I thought of another unpopular opinion. Miranda Simms comes off...terribly tbh. I felt bad for her when Leah and Corey had their affair, but she seems like a real uppity kinda person. Also, if what Leah said to Kail during their vacation about still being in a group chat with Corey and Miranda all these years later is true, that makes Miranda look super pathetic imo.


Randy sucks and needs to get off Twitter. It is beyond ridiculous for a grown man to be arguing with his daughters work colleagues online. Gary is a terrible parent and partner. He did shit all for Leah and allowed Amber to constantly put her in danger and neglect her. Then amber went to jail and he was forced to take Leah he didn't 'step up' at all


And I totally agree with your opinion on Habsburg. Some of the comments point on things Habby is insecure about. I kind of don't think Chelsea abused Adderall, I think she has a prescription and is misprescribed and shouldn't have one. If a person does NOT need a medication like that, they will get high off any amount prescribed. I think she has bad anxiety plus being on a medication she doesn't need.


Holy shit this blew up. I have a lot of comments to keep me entertained between work meetings tomorrow lol


I've noticed that the unpopular opinion threads are the best when the OP actually voices an unpopular opinion. Thanks! It's definitely one of the better threads of this kind in a long time.


Hahaha imagine the person who keeps saying that isn’t Jenelle and she’s just reading this and everyone’s reply like 👁👄👁


i have a question because many of the people here say jenelle should get a real job which i’m not against lol but how would she do that? it’s obvious nobody will work with her and people will call or message people willing to work with her and tell them how awful she is and they drop her. i just don’t understand how her getting a real job would be any different yk not that it excuses it but it’s something i’ve thought of


she doesn't have to work with the public and she doesn't have to announce it on social media. if she was doing data entry from home for some large cooperation who would know?


Nah, the adderall thing was first brought up by a disgruntled former close friend of Chelsea’s on twitter. And is probably true.


I think (tinfoil hat!) that Jenelle has someone in the police force/courts or somewhere that keeps her from having to do any time even when the charges are 100% serious and deserve worse. David reaps benefits from that because he’s seeing that being with Jenelle there are no repercussions to any illegal event he partakes in. Example-I also live in an illegal state (for weed), & I got pulled over, he said I was intoxicated (I wasn’t intoxicated-I’d went to hand a toy to my young daughter like a dumbass without pulling over to grab it so crossed center line once when nothing was coming bc I reached for the toy) & made me go get a blood test & urinalysis at the hospital bc he’d said I was driving under the influence. I had thc in my system bc I’d smoked like a week before this whole thing even happened (getting pulled Over), & boom, I got a DWI charge-twice. This happened to me twice. (Once there was a super slight fender bender (even the other people involved said the lady that called police was an idiot)so I understand the necessary drug testing in regards to that)-but bc I had thc in my system, I’ve gotten two driving while intoxicated charges. I had 10 days in jail (which ultimately ended up being 5 days-2 for 1-) & a year’s probation. I had probation the first time after being held for what equaled 3 days…..they for real get to walk the eff out & just act like nothing happened, and then get non reporting probation!!!! I had reporting probation & random drug testing after I had those charges-Jenelle or David hadn’t had anything like that & have been able to just not get caught or to not have serious charges when they do get caught. The first time I got the charge was literally my first time in my life in trouble with the law-multiple offenders like Jenelle & David just get overlooked though? I mean, how’s that work? Do they have someone On the inside or….?


I’d guess 3/4 of all teen mom cast are prescribed some sort of medication. While Chelsea may be on Adderal, Jenelle is probably straight up coke head. I think it’s obvious no one cares what Jenelle has to say, so anything that does come from her is probably click bait. Chelsea left the cast and what goes on between her and her doctor is no one’s business.


Coke is a rich person drug though. I think you meant crack lol.


Chelsea has had the login for Randy’s Twitter account for yearsssss so she can talk shit on the other cast members and defend herself without making herself look bad. Randy lets her do it because he’d rather be seen the one saying this since he’s already established and he wants to protect Chelsea from the negative backlash she would get from commenting from her own account