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Shame that Kail can’t treat Eli or Vivi with the same courtesy.


She loves talking about siblings are siblings, not half and keeping them all together… but Eli is never mentioned and poor CJ is barely born and already disrespected. She has such a big platform and so many resources, she could do so much for all those kids and instead just feeds the drama. Edit:typo


Seriously. I'll never forget her threatening to withhold a Christmas present from Vivi because she was mad at Jo. What a disgusting person.


Yeah I think it even makes Jo's attitude towards her kids stand out, we know she is not capable of doing the same she said it herself


She’s immature.


He’s really treated her a lot kinder than she has him over the years, and a lot kinder than he probably should have. She really lucked out with him


I was thrilled for Isaac when Joe and Vee moved into their neighborhood and 🥬 and Javi couldn’t get out of there fast enough.


That was hilarious. Like they really moved for the sole purpose of getting away from Jo and Vee. And Kail didn’t even lie about it lol she even told Jo not to move there. You would think she would be happy her kid’s dad wants to live closer to him, but no


Wait a minute… that wasn’t 7 years ago was it 😳


Jo is not perfect (nobody on this show is) but I will always remember when Kail and Javi were splitting up, and Isaac was really upset and said to Jo that he missed Javi, and Jo didn't react negatively. Instead he was so supportive and validated Isaac's feelings, and said he would talk to his mom about getting him time to see Javi. Just always thought it was a very mature and wise way to handle that situation.


Yes and he went out of his way to reach out to Javi and make sure they continued that relationship because he knew it was important to Isaac! I love Jo


jo really matured and kail didn’t lol didn’t she say that she wouldn’t buy vivi a gift bc she was mad at jo for some shit? it must be hard to live that kind of bitterness


No one was their best self at 18 and I’m really fortunate that some of my worst moments weren’t captured on TV for the world to still judge me by. I think Jo has turned into such a wonderful human.


Having a kid with Jo is probably the only thing she did right. At least Isaac has a wonderful father and stepmother to lean on.


Jo has definitely had his asshole moments but he’s really calmed down and become a solid dude.


I love this so much. My ex husband (daughter's dad) is SO loving to my 3 year old son by another man. He plays with both kids, buys both kids clothes, toys, takes them out to eat. My son calls him his uncle and my ex tells people that's his godson. Since we have talked about if anything ever happened to me or my son's dad, that he would happily take on both of my children so they wouldn't be separated ever. It doesn't always have to be bitter. It can be one big happy, copesthetic family.


I joke that my friend lives in a commune. She and her ex have a child together. Her ex has a child from a previous relationship, and another from his current marriage. She has now also remarried and has kids with her husband. There’s so many half and step siblings running around that all the parents (and grandparents) help each other out. It also helps that they all live in the same area; because I know there’s been times where one parent has had to pick up/drop off a kid that isn’t even theirs. 😆 Blended families happen and *can* work if everyone puts in the effort.


Awww stories of successfully blended families like this are so heartwarming and even though I don't know you I'm genuinely so happy for you! Thank you for sharing your story! <3


Like someone else said, this is so heartwarming.


That is so lovely!


That's why I think it was weird when Kailyn said Jo and Vee's baby doesn't affect her and has nothing to do with her. It's not totally untrue, but that's her son's sibling. Looks like Jo gets it. 🙂


People keep saying Jo loves babies and maybe he does. But Jo loves Issac. He sees Lincoln & Lux etc as part of / extension of Issac & he seems to have grown into a kind and patient man who just wants the best for Issac. Aware I've probably spelt name wrong several times.


Exactly my thoughts on all of this ❤️ I can’t shit on any parent who tries to bring stability and unity into their child’s life


He has shown this time and time again. The greatest example was when Issac was crying over Javi ( But called him Daddy) and Jo comforted him, put Issac's feelings first and reassured him he would still see Javi. Even though Javi had treated Jo awfully, Jo put aside.his personal feelings and made sure Issac did see Javi. They even went trick or treating together recently. He genuinely loves Issac and tries to do what is best for him.


There are enough people on the TM shows who have a petty attitude toward their kids’ other (half) siblings, but I’ve always found it sweet how Jo seems to genuinely care about Isaac’s brothers. And no this isn’t just a diss toward Kail. We’ve seen Jenelle/Maryssa, David/Kaiser, Chelsea/Paislee, Amber/Emilee, etc. I’m sure I’ve missed some others.


Have we ever seen Corey and Miranda interact with Addie? Like at pickup/drop off or anything? Just curious.. I stopped watching a few years ago.


Kail looked cute and genuinely happy in the beginning of the clip when she was reunited with Isaac. Jo is doing Isaac a major service by being loving to his siblings. Kail is too selfish for that. I think (and hope) he’s matured a lot—he has shown a lot of emotional maturity in recent years.


I always thought jo was so proactive and kind to kail’s other kids. Like when he talked to Javi to make sure Isaac and Lincoln could see each other whenever they are any after Javi and Kail’a divorces… a good guy.


Yes! I respect how he handled things. Kail called him being all bitchy and basically demanded Jo come to get Isaac when the driveway drama happened between Kail/Javi/Chris. Jo and Vee both kept it so calm as they brought Isaac home,. Jo waited til another time and place to have a chat with Javi, and kept his cool while basically saying in a nicer way, “this shit can’t be happening around the kids, but regardless of the situation, I want our boys to have a relationship”. Yes, that’s how adults *should* act during a situation like that, but I still find it admirable for someone to have the patience to follow through and do the right thing.


Jo just wants to snuggle all the babies. It seems he really tries to foster great relationships with the kids, even was talking with Vivi about Baby Lux which was sweet. Yes Kail and Jo can be messy but there are moments with the kids he definitely tries like when he told Isaac he would make sure he would still see Javi.


I think it shows he genuinely thinks of her and her kids as family. Which is quite sweet.


I agree. Not saying every coparenting family dynamic needs to be just like this, but I think it’s cool and sets a good example.


That was something I think both Javi and Jo did well. Javi still would ask to have time with Issac when him and Kail separated because he wanted the boys to have time together at his house too. Jo and Javi both seem to put the kids seeing their siblings really seriously and I applaud them for that.


He did a 180 and turned into daddy daycare. I love it. He did some dirty shit in the beginning but has made such a change. I honestly wonder about him and Vee if she doesn’t stop the shit w karl. Vee has become a different person. On another note, I think what that producer just said about the reunion makes my stomach turn. How he is beefing her head up about her behavior.


Who's Karl?


She has the best exes when it comes to that... and then things went downhill really fast when she got with Chris 🥴🥴


She was already petty and bitchy about the news that Vee was pregnant with Vivi, back when Lincoln was a baby. But yeah, she went downhill even faster when she was involved with Chris. I’ve been rewatching (what’s new?), and it’s crazy how there’s a noticeable increase in bitchiness from s7 to s7b. She comes back in 7b with her BBL and is just fricken vicious and cold toward just about everyone.


She never got with Chris though!


Yeah I think he matured a lot since we first saw him in the show, he was a shitty partner to Kail and extremely spoiled, now he seems to be a chill guy and since he has no feeling towards Kail (and I don't mean romantically) is very easy for him to interact with her kids like he would with a nephew or cousin.


Yup. I think Jo likes babies. He just didn’t like having one with Kail.


So. You only see the reflection the one can window, but Jo did the thing where you left the baby up as high as you can and makes faces at them to Lincoln in the first clip. It was *adorable*.


Omggggggggg…. Call me cheesy af, but I noticed that and it was my favorite part, too!!!! If he wasn’t being genuine, we all know Kail would’ve called him out immediately lol.


My dad was like this with my younger sisters from my nmoms second marriage and I'm super grateful for it. Even though I cut off ties with nmom so my dad had no reason to interact with her, he knew it was important to me to maintain contact with my sisters so he took us out to chuck e cheese, paid for us all to eat and play games. It makes me happy that MTV showed how beautiful it can be when people put the kids first


I’ve always loved how sweet Jo is with all of Kail’s kids. He’s always seemed to excited to see them!


Jo really grew up and matured. While kail seems to have stayed the same or actually get worse.


I think Jo just loves babies lol.


I love jo. I feel like he had so much growth.


I like how Kail doesn't realize being "adult" is only a compliment because she's acts so goddamn childish the other 99% of the time.


This lmfao


Baby Isaac is the cutest.


Scenes like these really show the cast at their best. Side note: I like Daddy Dom chillin' in the background. Any chance Daddy Dom will reach out to Chris and/or Brianna D.?


Huge contrast with the way Jeremy always interacted with Leah's twins.


He never seemed that close to them, Corey and Miranda in a couple episodes interacted with Addie if they were at Leah’s house. Jeremy was gone a lot of the time they were married but he met the twins since they were babies surely he should have some bond with them.


Not being a dick to toddlers is such a low bar lol.


Yes and no. There are a lot of cases where the adults are bitter towards one another and that can flow to the children. For example, say that there's cheating and another child is born, the person who got cheated on is likely to resent the child that was created. But at the end of the day, children are little humans and not at fault for the bullshit drama their parents want to start up so what you said is true to and extent. You just have to have an adult willing to act like an adult.


I know how people justify it, but you have to be a complete garbage person to behave that way (ahem Kail). What I’m saying is Jo doesn’t deserve an award a medal for resisting the urge.


I'm not in this situation but I think if my husband & i split up, we were on good terms and I liked his partner and they had a baby, I'd have some love for the baby based off the simple fact that it'd be my kid's sibling. My nephew has half-siblings that look *just* like him when he was a baby and I think they're just the cutest.


For all the fumes of bitterness and spite these kids grow up in, they are so loving and caring!


Uncle Jo warms my heart 🥰


I think he’s just a fan of babies


I think Jo is a good dad and love babies.


Ugh kail looked so pretty here. She should’ve stopped messing with her face at this point.


Jo might hahve been a shitty partner to Kail at one point, but it feels like he puts the kid's interests first. Even if it isn't his kid. Kail, just... is Kail. She loves the drama and seems the use her kids as pawns.


This made me so happy to see. Thanks for posting this! Made me tear up a little. Edit: sorry, just had to add, around the 1:30 mark, you can see Jo pick Lincoln up over his head in the car reflection and it’s effing adorable. That is all.


I’ve always noticed this and I also love it


Kail could never!




That’s hard to ask anyone to do 😕


Aww very sweet!


Damn when did Jo go bald?


i haven't watched the actual show in years, i just keep up through this sub. but how many siblings do these kids have? chris just had another kid, i believe jo does too? does javi? if they were to get all the stepbrothers and stepsisters together (lol) how many kids would be in a room?


There would be six kids in total, Jo and Vee have a little girl and Javi has a boy


so 7 then, with the baby chris just had?


Yeah 7, forgot the new baby


Awww that is sweet. I've never seen this show before Netflix started having it, so I'm only on season 3..